The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 04, 1928, Image 2

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tfj/oud jurprised *ii Utt Utile Bit of S" -100 2 ftire fhint N it will take to make your home look NEWv That's bee a use Kurfees Paint contains 20% to 40% more lead per gallon and will cover (hide) and protect more surface lor law cost. ^ Every year more 80% CK5 property owner. 9fta/ zinc ^!C?T lhat &U/o oxide there is some* 1AAo7 D thing different lUU/o i Urt and better about Th.nmjhi* Kurfees paint. 4knuink 118 show you on J how little it will ' " ? ^ take to pain t your house right. Mackey Mercantile Co. Camden, S. C. t ^ ALL EXPENSE TOURS To The ACADIAN COUNTRY "The Land of Evangeline" The Maritime Provinces of CANADA July 1 to July 13 July 15 to July 27 July 29 to Aug. 10 Aug. 12 to Aug. 24 Aug. 26 to Sept. 7 Under Direction of I. V. WOOD, (Inc.) k or attractively illustrated itinerary and full information write or consult W. E. McGoe, I). P. A., Southern Railway System, Columbl*, ?. C. ' 1 ? KERSHAW LODGE No. 2' A- F- M. ^(>^u'ar communication o />X^\this lodge is hold on th< ? first Tuesday in each montl at 8 p.m. \ lsiting Brethren are wel T. V. WALSH, . L. ROSS, Worshipful Master Secretary. 1-14-27-tl H AST Y's! BATTERY SERVICE ?????^^,- ; CROSLEY RADIOS AND SPEAKERS Preat-o-Lite Batteries Complete line of A. B. and C Batteries R- C. A. Radiotrons PHONE 550 f ? 7KUS? SfyZ\ fcve & splendid.* / hMSiSand///e sty?} f J "And he says DaKalb's food is splendid and bhat I'm a splendid cook." GROCERIES, MEATS and VEGETABLES DeKALB GROCERY PHONE^137 Heath Springs Officer Receives Severe Cuts W. M. Morris, policeman at Heath Springs, was attacked and severely cut about the fart- and arms by Fred Robertson of the Oak hurst section aboard the Southern train .Saturday morning The affair took place on the tram ?t Pleasant Hill at eleven o'clock Mr. Motrin hud boarded the train to come to Lancaster and was attacked by Mr. Robertson when the train arrived at Pleasant Hill. It is said that he knocked Mr. Morris down between the seats of the coach and set upon him with a knife, inflicting severe cuts about the face and arms and on the legs, and then jumped off the train. The injured man was brought on to Uncaster and taken to a local drug Htore by a physician, where it required over an hour to dress the several wounds, necessitating over fifty stitches, it is said. .He was removed to his home at Heath Springs at 1:30 o'clock in the Mackey ambulance. Physicians in charge of the case say that his injuries, while severe and painful, are not necessarily seriouH. The cuts are said not to be deep but the patient was weak from loss of blood when taken home but his condition was said to be favorable on Monday. It is understood that the attack on Mr. Morris was the outcome of difficulty several days previous, when he undertook to arrest a son of Mr. Robertson for speeding through Heath Springs, or in violation of soma town ordinance, and in the effort to arrest the young man is said by Mr. Robertson to have used his club or billy severely on young Robertson. Mr. Robertson came to Lancaster on Saturday afternoon and gave bond for his appearance at court.?Lancaster News. * The Beautiful Wistaria "If eye were made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being," -..WXPte and he must surely have been looking at Wistaria in full bloom, clamfbering over a garden fence or, perhaps festooning with its clusters of loveliness on a shrub or tree On a back street in our town there is a china-berry tree that has not yet j put on its verdant summer dros-? Yet how exquisitely arrayed this tret is?how graceful and supremely lovely are the trailing clouds of lavendei glory which untwine it! Ihen, tot"), there is a nearby fence not an intricate,lattice'fence, but jusl J a fence t hat rises above the common w place on account of its burden o! _ wistaria. What refinement of fra ^ graru'i-! grace of form and position. And what sheer loveliness ol f I tmt and color! Not the outrigh' ? ! beauty of a rose or a gorgeous chryi j santhemum, but a more delicate a more modestly exquisite beauty?one that suggests a lady, a lady subdued r by life yet still gracious and charming. W istaria?a symphony in lavender.?Eklisto News. 1 he Tinted States imd Mexico are on capital terms, with Mexico need ing the capital.?Weston Leader. CITATION ~~ The State of South Oarolina, County of Kershaw. By W. L. McDowell, Esquire, ProbateJudge. Whereas, \\. M. Catoe made suit to me to grant hini letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of John Catoe. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said John Catoe deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden South Carolina on Friday, May 18th, next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 27th day of April, Anno Domini 1928. _ w. l. .Mcdowell, 1 robate .Judge for ktrshaw County. Published on the 4th and 11th days of May, 1928, in the Camden Chronicle and posted at the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. notice to the democratic clubs of kershaw county Pursuant to the rules of the DemoParty? notice is hereby given that all lh?mocratic Clubs in Kershaw County. South Carolina, are called to meet on Saturday, April 28, 10*28, for the purpose of reorganization, electing officers and members of County Executive Committee and delegates to the county convention. Each club is entitled to one delegate for every 25 members and one delegate for a majority fraction thereof, . ba^cd upon the number of votes polled first primary held August 31, The clubs will meet at their usual meeting places at two o'clock P. M. on said date, unless otherwise notified by their present officers. The County Convention will meet in ( amden, S. C., on Monday, May 7 1928, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the Kershaw County Court House. AH clubs failing to return their roll hooks in 1926 will please return them on the day of the convention R H. Hilton, , _ , . Cotmty Chairman. M L. Smith, Jr? ^ Secretary. , - ? r 7 v:~rr- t~~?- ?. Farmers are Facing Shortage of Feeds Clemson College, April 21. The very unsatisfactory condition of small grains throughout the state indie a tee that many farmer# who were depending upon such crope for feed may And themselves faced with a shortage in the near future, say* Prof. T. B. Buie, chief agronomist. Therefore, the early planting of feed and forage crops should, not be overlooked, he believes. In addition to com, a number of other summer crops, such as Sudan grass, the millets, sorghum cane and summer legume hays like cowpeas aikd soyiH?ans, may be grown as feed for work stock. Prof. IJuie says, "sudan grass, millet, or sorghum, planted on soil of reasonable fertility and given even a little attention, will produce very satisfactory yields early jn the season. Either crop makes hay of fair quality which is eaten by practically all classes of stock." Details about growing these crops may be obtained by writing to the ^Division of Publications here for Ex tension Circular No. 80 or to the Agronomy Division here -for specific instructions. Many German Bodies Found In a Dugout Paris, April 20.?The bodies of 50 German soldiers have been found in a large Auene Department, says a dispatch from the corespondent of 1a? Journal. A farmer, engaged in enlarging his cellar, located a subterranean passage. He followed the tunnel for twenty yards and emerged ii> to a large concrete dugout where ne came upon the bodies of the Germans. Some of thorn were seated around tables, others lying in bunk* or outright on the ground, their rilled still ranging on hooks in the walls. It is presumed that all were killed during a rest period by an asphyxiating gas shell. Dave Hawk, 60, of Newport, Tenn., on Wednesday morning killed one of hie-djiugh^1'" with an axe, probably fatally wounded his wife and another daughter and then shot his own brains out with a shot gun. When Dr. Robt. J Bridges, head of the Chicago Ethical Culture society, undertook to belittle the prohibition laws of the country by saying the laws were effected "under the whip of a determined and militant minority" while addressing the Contemporary ? -/ I club in the ?eilevue Stratford g in Philadelphia on Monday nigfoi was roundly hissed. < To supply horse moat abroad] abattoir at Rockford, 111., alaoglJ 10,000 wild horses last year. J I WEEK END-EXC to v,' SAVANNAH AND TYBEE Prow ^Savannah, Tybee Cheraw $10.t>5 , 1 McBee , ?,* 9.45 Camden $7.56 8.H0 Columbia 6.10 G.H6 Denmark $.96 4.70 Fairfax * jfSJH 3.55 Proportionate Low Fares From Other Station* Tickets sold for all trains Fridays and Saturday^ limited returning to reach starting point by midnigtj j following Tuesday. * jj For further information, see nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent. j SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Jor Economical Transportation I J Hr?ii11 \ iHIlMffllBDF I fr ^Announcing the INI IE W| r?J CONVERTIBLE SPORTCABillOLET| o C/^GAIN, Chevrolet introduces into the low-price field an entirely new conception of style, distinction and elegance? ' ?a new Convertible Sport Cabriolet, with body by Fisher? a vivid, dashing, two-four passenger model that offers the practical comfort and convenience of the Sport Coupe, plus the smartness and distinction of the Sport Roadster! Finished in Romany Red Duco, with black body beading striped in gold . . . and embellished with artistic touches of gleaming polished nickel?this distinguished new model is one of the most attractive cars to be seen on the streets and highways. But equally impressive is the wide, practical utility of this latest Chevrolet achievement?asnug closed car for inclement weather ... an open car for the warm days of summer ... and ample room for two or four passengers, as the necessity may be! Visit our showroom today and see this sensational new car! The Touring .. Q(2 ^ or Roadster . T/J - Hn J,he $5Q5 Coupe ? ^ Tht 4-Door ?/-7C Scdtn WI The Convertible Cabriolet . ....*695 I ' 1^1 K'1 The Imperial in?e H Landau ..*. I 13 I Utility Truck >495 I (ChaMllOnljr) ^*1 ^ I.ight Delivery *375 M I (Chanii Oniy) Ail Prices l?. b? Hint. Mich. ? Cheek Chevrolet >. Delivered PriOM J.; .'-^H They include ths lowssi handling a..J fimnclsf 0 charges available. * ne illustration above shows the Convertible Sport Cabriolet as a beautiful snug Sport Coup*. ^KKirr" The Convertible Sport Cabriolet may easily be turned into r. distinctive < pen Sport car, as illustrated simjvc. m Welsh Motor Company Jb North Broad Street Camden^^ r ~T?r7T~ QUALITY AT L O '