The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 04, 1928, Image 12

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? SOCIETY NEWS j :Club Meetings:. j Junior-Senior Hanquet Claiming first place in the interest Of Camden's younger society set during the past week, wan the juniorsenior banquet given on last Friday night. Kvery year this banquet marks the climax of the social activities m the high school and this year it was a particularly bright affair. The local post, of the American Ix-gion lent their nef"W. assembly hall for the occasion. This iVas decoltttgii in potted plants, ferns and southern smilax. The school colors of gold end black were also used effectively in the decoration. The class colors of green and white, however, were carried out in the elevor favors that marked euch guest's place. Lucius Otfburn, president of the junior cluss, was toast master for the evening. Catherine Boy kin gave the toust to the seniors, to which Elmer Watts, senior president, responded most graciously. An outstanding feature of the entertainment wur a dunce by the maids, who were, Misses Willie Haile, Emily Pitts, Elizubeth Zemp, Caroline Uouser, Mary Helen Flowers, Virginia Howard, Olive Nettles, Lenora Rhame, Elizabeth MeCaskill, Alma Hall. Expression of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moseley, who suffered the loss of their home by fire Sunday afternoon, sent the following note of thanks to The**Chronicle: ''We wish to express through you ? our thanks to all who helped to save u part of our household effects when our house was destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon, as we cannot see eacn one in person.v Majestic Program Matinee .3:30 p. m. Night 8:00 and ^9.30 p^m. Friday, May i "HAROLD TEEN" With an all star v?*t. One of the best comedies of the year. Collegiate! Collegiate! Yes "it is Collegiate! Roaring Rah-rah boys and classy co-eds at their zippiest. A rube freshie who becomes the college hero. A thrilling foot hall game and n picture everyone will enjoy. Also ? Comedy?"(,<> jnto Your Dance." Saturday, M?y 5 "THE WAGON SHOW" Hey folks. The circus is in town. Tell all the folks. Round up thy kidi. Everybody from six to sixty will enjoy it bocausv Ken Maynard is' the star and the circus is only part of this great out-door adventure drrttna. See Maynnrd at his best in his greatest picture. Also Comedy.?"Behind The Counter." Monday and Tuesday, May 7-8 "ACROSS TO SINGAPORE" With an all star cast headed by Kamond Novarro, supported by byutjtiful .loan Crawford. Ernest Torfrervce also plays in this mighty drama otithc sea. Follow the star of romnn<:4 Oh one of his most enthralling adventures. A glorious picture nerrv, rative of valiant men of the sea/ A slashing, dashing story of love and mutiny, that sweeps yod to far ports and strange scenes. Put this picture against any romance that has appeared on th?? screen in the past season, and ?<?e how it tops them all. Also Pat he News. No increase in prices. Wednesday, May 9 "ADVENTURE MAD" With an all star foreign cast. This picture was made by the same company that made "Variety" "Metropolis" and "The Last Waltz." It's a powerful Dramatic Mystery Sensation. The thrilling dramatic story of a man who lpves adventure more than his beautiful young wife ami then has his eyes opened to the futility of it all by arteries of hair breadth escapes'. that build tu suras a climax. Also Pathe Review. " Thurs3ay/ May 10 "THREE SINNERS" A powerful drama with the following cast of stars: Polo Negri, Warner Baxter, Paul Lucas and main other stars in M iss Negri's latest ami best picture. The blazing, dominating personality, Polo Negri again bursts forth in a new dramatic mas terpiece culled from lite, heading n brilliant cast of skilled artists. A drama superb in its smashing truth fulness. Also Pathe News. Fridayv Mav 11 "LAI GH CLOWN I.Al'GH" Starring lx?n Chaney in his great est picture to date. This picture ca> be matched against them all to. drama ami thrills. The man of s thousand faces adds another mi perishable portrait to his server achievements. Here is an unusua story, masterfully acted bv the great est of characters. Superbly dircctei by Herbert Brennon the man whe made "Beau Ge?te" and "Sorroll am Son." Belasco's famous stage plaj at last in pictures. A picture every one. should A lee fomedy Charlie Chase in?"All For Nothing.' Saturday, May 12 "THE UPLAND RIDER" Starring Ken Xiniift-..? (i?t ready to *ee the world ft great ' est motioa picture. " *'BBN HUB* Monday and Tfeeeday. May 14-15 AdulU 50c, ChlMrta - iftc. '7'- ' nraftiJiM-ii VT \ Met With Mii*h Yutm 1 he Thursday Afternoon Bridge club met l??t week with Miss Kthel Yates at her home on north Broad street. A profusion of cut flowers were used in the living room where the tables were arranged for Ike gnifie. After curds the hostess served a delightful salad course. To Meet With Mrs. Smith 1 he American legion Auxiliary will meet on Friday afternoon, May 11th, ut 4:30 o'clock at the, home of Mrs. M. L, Smith, coroner of Broad and Chesnut streets. In vital ions 'I'o VeteruiiH The following invitation has been issued to all Confederate Veterans to u dinner on May lOtlv "You ar<i .cordially invited to attend the annual dinner given to the Veterans of Kershaw County, by the John D. Kennedy Chapter U. J). C., at ,the 1 reabyterian Sunday School rooms on Thursday, May 10th, at 12:30 o'clock.1 Attend Contest at Coker College Kach year a Music Contest is given at Coker College for High school! pupils of the state to compete.) Prizes offered are scholarships. Th's year it was held on Thursday, May 1 Ird, and from the Camden City ' Schools Misses. Virginia Haile, Caro-1 lyn Richardson afrid Ellen Stewart i went to compete in the piano contest1 and in voice the Misses. Molly Blackwell, Esther DeLoache and Virginia Dolyoache will be entered. Mrs. F. | W. Chapman, Mrs. E. C. Zemp and' Miss J so be 1 Bunkley will accompany them to Hartsville. District Auxiliary Met Here The Fourth District Woman* Auxiliary of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina met with the Womc.i of Grace church, Camden on Friday, May 1st, Mrs. Blair Watson, Directress presiding. The day's program' began with the Corporate Commun- ' ion Service, Bishop K. G. Finlay, officiating assisted by the following clergymen, Rev. Louis Taylor and Dr. Henry Phillips, of Columbia and Rev. I. deL. Brayshaw. At this service the 1 hank Offering was presented and Mrs. Furtick, of Columbia rendered a bc-autiful solo, Reports of vat",6us departments filled the I business session showing increased J activities and interest along all lines. A bountiful lunch was served in tho Exchange Rooms. The women of the Parish being hostesses. Brances A. and B. wish* to thank everyone for their cooperation In making the day a success and especially 1 Mrs. S. C. Zemp for her assistance > "^ ^h the music. Bridge Tournament Success The J ames Leroy Belk Post of the American Legion gave a bridge tournament on last Thursday evening in their new building on DeKalb "dn-et that was a success from all angle?. Twenty-six tables were arranged for bridge in the Legion Hall amid the National colors and flowers I v?f a'.. <hades. The games were entcied into spiritedly And at the conclusion it round that the ladies prize was won by Mrs. Alice Marye aftd the gentlemen's went to Mr. W. L. DePass, Sr., while Mr. David Llew-' el lyn won the consolation. Delicious refreshments were served by members of the Auxiliary. The committee on entertainment is to be congratulated on the success of the affair. They intend to have a series of these parties and tickets were given ail attending the first and at the end of the series a lucky number will entitle the holder to a grand prize. PERSONAL NEWS NOTES Mr*. Margaret Zemp and daughter, I Miss Dorothy Zemp, have returned fr< m a visit to relatives in I Lancaster, j Mr. and Mrs. HUnley Jones, of New York City, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Goodale for ueveral days during the past week, Mrs, (j, H. Martin and son, Joseph, hftvc returned to their home in New Jersey, after spending the winter in C Camden. Mrf. Krwin Kerrison has as her guest this week, Mrs. Buist Kerrison, of Charleston. I Mrs George It. Cook has returned to her home after spending the season here. | Miss Ksca Myers left Sunday for an extended visit tocher sister, Mrs, R. P. Hall, of High Point, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1,. Graham and son j leave next week for Ixmdon, where jttmy-m* spend the summer. While in England they expect to make trips to Scotiaryl nnd Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Chapman will nave as week end guests the followi'lg. Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. V. H. Wheeler and daughter, Dorothy, who have recently returned from the Philippines and will later be stationed in New England and the Misses. Julia and Lillian Kibler, of Newberry. Major and Mrs. E. C. VonTresckow have returned from a visit to Atlanta and are stopping at the home of Mrs. R. W. White until the middle Of May when they will return to Berlin, Germany. Mrs. J. S. Rhame and Mrs. M. M Reasonover and baby were visitors in Charlotte last week end. Mrs. Margaret Zemp and Miss Dorothy Zemp have returned from a visit to relatives in Lancaster. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DePass, Jr., at the Camden hospital on hursday, April 26th, a son. The young fellow has been named John Scottowe Wannamaker DePass. MT5 s Margaret Hogue spent the week-end with her mother in Hdrtsville. Misses Alberta Team and Eiletie ^ittle, of Columbia, were week-end visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. I? g. Klnnniken and children left today on a two weeke ' Visit to Mr. Flenniken's parents in Tcxarkana, Arkansas. Miss Celeste Mumford left yester- ' (lay to spend the summer at her old home in Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Woodward oft yesterday for their summer hornIn Uroy, New York, after spending, the winter at their home "Hollv Hedge." N y Mr. \V. 0. Hay left this week by auto trip to New York. While there he will visit his son, W. O. Hay, Jr. t D. C. To Meet The John D. Kennedy Chapter U. D. C. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. F. Nettles on Monday, May 7th at 4 o clock. All members are urged to attend. Chief of Police Quigg and three subordinate officers have been cleared of charges of murdering H. Kier, a negro prisoner, The jury was out four hours before returning the verdict of acquittal. ??? urn May Pageant Put On At Mill School Under the supervision <>f Miss Ernestine Bateman a pretty pageant was put on at the Mill school Wednesday. It wan in honor of the King and Queen of the May, and many little tots from the town and mill schools took part to represent flowers which formed the background. Signs of Spring were rabbits, bumblebees, frogs and butterflies, wbn took their places among the mushrooms. The solo dancers were: Rain, Emily Shannon; sunshine, Evelyn Edwards; and rainbow, Willis Wright. Then appeared the fairies and brownies who waked them up fco let them know that Spring was here. Ix-noir Myers played the part of King and the Queen was Connie Murphy. .lolly Pitts actdti as the Herald. The court attei<darrts and flower girls came ahead of the King and Queen and they were Mary Pitts and Henry Niles, Jr., Bettie Stevenson and John Langford,-Dorothy Sowell and Charles McCaskil), Virginia Guthrie and IxToy Wooten. Mother Goose. and her children, ballet girls, and Dutch boys then came in to welcome the King and Queen back again. An old fashioned minuet was staged and a flag drill representing heralds from Healthland made up of boys and girls from the school. The final was the grand march off the stage in front of the audience. It represented no little work and patience on the part of Miss Bateman, and owing to the fact that so many of the mothers from the mill were unable to be present, the pageant will be held again tomorrow, Saturday, at 5:30 in the afternoon. , I Shuford R. Qoward, Republican J leader and prominent farmer of Mad-j Ison county, North Carolina, was fa- I tally shot by His wife Friday in their' honu*. The two exchanged shots for some time. I In a national competition, Howard Bell Arbuckle, Jr., of Davidson college was chosen the ideal college < fraternity man, because of his hign 1 scholarship record and high rating in ] Campus activities as prominent in the < panhellenic council, literary society, 1 cadet corps, Y. M. C. A., football and baseball, and well rounded in all his ] work and activities. < ] A stone from the Cowans Ford bat- ( tle-fleld-near which Gen. William Da- , vidson was killed will be sent by the Mecklenburg county commissioner to ( the Old Fort Indian Memorial associa-l tion to be used with a stone from each ' of the other counties in North Carolina to form the base of a marker at tho point which was an outpost of civilization for a long time. Mrs. McLeod Entertains One of the loveliest bridge parties the season was that given on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Alfred |fl. McLeod at her attractive,new home )n Hampton Street. There were nine :ables arranged for the players. The top score was won by Mrs. Edwin Kerrison. The one given for the second highest score went to Mrs. Belton Beard. Mrs. John deLoach :ut the consolation and the boofoy went to Mrs. Leslie McLeod. After cards a delightful salad ;ourpe was served. I ; There is a possibility that a nefw will succeed the late Martin B. Mli-j den as congressman from Illinois as the district in Chicago represent^ by Madden is mostly peopled by negroes. "BEN H tfR " J World's Greatest Picture I MAY 14th-l5th. I * ! Treat Colds AZWay s With One Treatment RUBBED on k throat and chest, Vicks doe* two things at once: 1 (1) It is vaporised by the body t; heat and inhaled direct to the inflamed air passages, and (2) It stimiflates the skin like an old-fashioned poultice and "draws out" the soreness. WICKS p, VAPOR US ' t*MtUJOH sJARSUSU? YtAM* \ ___ 1: SEE THE NEW J1 Cretonnes, voiles, organdies j for Summer Curtains. I Water-proof Chintz for Torch "j -Chair Carers at j CATHERINE H. GOOD ALES STUDIO A Twenty par Cant reduction ; w?H he made en ell lamp* end Shades to May let. W osqnitoes and Y<mr Complexion Th?f? ?? nrore tjo be t bought of thnn iho irri^ t?ting ugly rod welt of mosquito bites. Doctors will tell you that mosmiito biles ore evidence thai n indent poisonlut* lseen shot through the skin into your blood stream. Without * rlean, wfirrrfeeted blood Stream you oawaot have a clear <x>nrrplexioh. The X-Psnjfent ('ant?stt 'of Fly Flu Kills Mfxsquitow Outright Mosqtirtoos hrenfhe through 0 or ft) pairs of openings in the 1kk1\. Theaeopenings, protected against dust., Cannot seep out the powerful, Suffocating fumes Of \-lhmpent. That's wiry X-*Pllngent kills mosquitoes. Fly Flu-he for aale in Drug. D?-paftment and 'Grocery Stores. I rade market! by Fly Flu t'orl>orntion. Manufactured and Distributed by liquid Veneer (.orporntion, 375 Ellioott Street, Huffab, jNekr'York. FLY<?FLU ftnuffcni Will mot stain Its mirt is nominal. 4 ok. hot lie 45c. 1ft ok. 50c. 50% Urgrr bottle tkata otbe* inKcctiode* ft mum pheK Noo-ex;STftrPh,.AAf^i? . I'm.- ?i A ' ** , ' - Order By Phone! Our specials this week are seasonable. The popularity of our "order-by-?phone" delivery of groceries and all good things to eat is in the fact that we make special effort to select only the best, knowing from experience that there is loss of time, goodwill and patronage in return or exchange of goods. When you order by phone feel assured that the potatoes, lettuce, eggs, celery, oranges, lemons, carrots, radishes, cabbage, butter or cakes you want will be selected as carefully as were you personally making choice. Call Phone 44 McLEOD-RUSH GELATIN TA;K:''3i... j ROGERS COCOA at. Jar 30tl VER1BEST r/ 25c! FIG BARS ! Pounds 25c SOAP P&G 3 far lie] PICKLES S m.3M BACON incy Sliced 35c I CHEESE REME 2 ,bs BUTTER S 53c | /SSfei \ Tomatoes 8ip4?FuJl A*C^ I - \ ?diie 7 \ Nectar Tea, MI \ iTVfll, / \ OorMxvAi'alVh M -W^ \ MiiK / X%io? \?A1gg^>w^--a T MIL V yf\ zvipofjt'd j| \ CorttIldW/\?^\MilK y| \7frkM3>saMvfjf/c/ <r*?-J1 *'' ^?yWJiftsltouse. M 'm \ *~r./\^ag Abng^fa \ Compound Lard, 2 lb#. 25c /\ ^ Crcd/w M :M \ Yellow Cling Peaches / \ \o^)Qb /ft \ Large can . .... ,19c / * M/lXil \ Delmonte Sliced Pyieapple, f \ fit \2 No 1 can# 25c\ .- 'K 7 i \Waldorf Tissue 4 for 25c BK M IVfttirMKfl / t \c i g a r e t t e s /?\Myoiindise / I \ Popular Brands III \ PJn^L fP. // L \ Carton, 10 pkgs. ! \ Cj f'r M \ $1.19 J \ AiiunKiAaKS Store# on Broad and beKalb Street* Tax extra on Cigarettes . * CAMDEN FOLKS ??y L. A. Sowell VOu SAV you WANT TO j marry MV \ Daughter 1 RKjrMT 'Yrt; ovh you x support ) familv? <geg.did\ you UDSe 1 fioud jo?, I ^to? ? y DEPEND A4& It- ITV I SOWELL DRUGSTORE ? / . - _*?v- v < ' ? c ^eLlM3tLlTV - I When you put your foot into this store, you'll he pie asilgrly struck at the cuinp^ assortment of standard drugs, health and beauty supplies we came* p i new of our salesman will impress you favorably oa will our moderate- prices, j