Broadway Comedy Hit,"Tommy," Coming at the Redpath Tent ' "Tommy," outstanding Uroudway comedy which will be one of the big feutures of ltcdpath Week here, in the kind of a play that anyone cun take anyone to. It la a breath of clean, buoyant uir; a glimpse Into the life of ulinoat any American family with a daughter of marriageable ugo. You will recognize and love every character in this great comedy. KRK9IIAW NEWS NOTES I Interesting News Notes (lathered From The Era of That Place Iiorn to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones at Sarasota, Fla,, Sunday, April 8, 1(J2H, a son. The Oukhurst ~ school, taught by Mrs. D. It. Fletcher, had its closing exercises and a community picnic j an I Yrifia >. Tae */*& and all else seemed to contribute to the success of the occasion. The program carried out by the children received , most favorable commendation as did the splendid dinner also, that was provided by the ladies of the community. John A. McManus, superintendent of education of Lancaster county, was present and delivered an address, which was greatly appreciated by those who were forturvato enough to hear him. At the Field Day exercises at Lancaster with twenty-five schools fn the parade, Oakhurst won third place, with only the following schools outranking it;: Lancaster, first Buford, second. Miss Frances I. Clements of Liberty Hill, and Paul E. Jones of Kershaw, were married Saturday morning, April 21, at the residence of Rev. A. Douglas McArn, in Camden., This popular young couple, both of whom have many warm friends in Kershaw and throughout Kershaw county, have their heartiest congratulations, and very best wishes. They will make their home in Kershaw, Jones .is connected with Q. A. Williford cotton buying firm. O. Stogner, his daughter, Miss Elizabeth, and his little baby daughter, Helen, of the Timrod section, were" visitors in Kershaw Saturday, and were indebted to the two children for a very pleasant calj. Accompanying Mr. Stogner to Kershaw was Mrs. W. A. Blakeney, who has been visiting her brother, C. L. MeManus, and was on her way to visit friends here and relatives at Lancaster. Lewis Lpwry, more intimately known by his friends as Lou Lowrv, aged 18 years, died quite suddenly at his home on the C. T. Horto'i pUc? in <*nt?r Grove community on Tburedey morning, April 19 ?& we# buried at Laurel Bill graveyard on Friday following funeral services by Rev. J. M. Neal. He la survived by the widow of his second marriage, four children, one sister and two brothers. Mr. Lowry became seriously sick after eating breakfast Thursday morning and his condi! tion grew steadily worse until the end. -* * Midway High School Honor Roll Grade 1?Kathleen Anderson, Thel nia Brannon, Gilliam (latoe, Mary Evelyn Hunnicutt, Elizabeth McCoy, Willie J. Parker, Roderick Rozier, Dolly Stokes, Olive McGuirt, Dorothy | Hyatt. Grade 2? njtvF' * Standard Gasoline and Kerosene Storage and Filling fUtion Teaaco, Quaker State, and Mobile OiU , Open all Nlgfet FUk Tire?, Tube? and Acce??orie? B ? , - , , _ . I ? . V . . . . . o . EVERY THING FOR YOUR CAR AT ONE LOCATION - - Battens,Mm an) Service