larker Pastel Sets Only mW) lor theM* '-i ts in iil.ii \. : . pyei!, Apple Green Mo:: e, Mauve, , ( I -1.11, lii i^i- i y .nv.l Naple.s 15! ie,( I if t Box ir. Null-J. I Vll;- li.l . N< 11' Bie.ik.ible }\imunite re) s', Ink-tii'bt Gaps a n i) I r > County Coroner W. .J. Scale, from I gunshot wound* at the hands of Dunlap. * ! According to Coroner Sealo, who.' , invesitgaTed thu snooting which aid to have struck at Robinson with tin laurel enUu..::.g a \v resiling lion. Hi* favorite elephant was "It/./..*, born in tho African lungles. Wail,' showing one day in Tenburg, Lu/'e was taken with a severe atta. k of tohc and war obviously in such pain that tho local "vet" not being wihiri call, I'.ostock called in the tn i known Tcnbury chemist. Though unused to priscribing for efephai.' the chemist made up a bpeket )u!l of a mixture which Lizzie swat lowed without demur when told to do - by her trainer. The colic was n qucred, ami within a day or >v<, Lizzie vvxut hcraelf again. Here is the sequel: ' Four years later the menu . no was back in the. same town. The local chemist keen-to have a lo-.k at his former patient, was standing op the curbstone watching the ei.' am of the show. "The moment Lizzie came ?. -r< i4 of the chemist she recognized h ; :' mer benefactor, swung,round, o fried the formation and with a h- - ?d* joy almost rushed the gcrftTegii. ??ff his feet. Playfully and joyful!. ,he I/ion foiulloa htm with hup tpunl . .ml the procession was held up scapes. He had .been attack.- bv lions, leopards .snakes, I monkeys, kangaroos and her animals, but never by an eleph. '. 1 he trial of Mrs. Margaret Li liendahl and \\ illiam II. Beach, charged with the murder of the woman's husband on ft apt. 16, was scheduled to begin at Mays Landing, N. J., yesterday. 1 he trial will be long drawn ?A(it there are approximately." a hundred witnesses to be heard. Muskrats Keep Fish Alive. Although muskrats are generally lair game for the trapper, amateur or professional, and great quantities of thdir skins are sold annually, they are sometimes protected because their habifs are^useful to their protectory. \ ernon Bailey, of the Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture, found that at Gravel Lake near the fish hatchery in North Dakota trapping muskrats was <>rohibited. In this region near ;he ( anadian border winter cold'is se re. I he lake had been stocked with t';sh, and muskrats were encouraged to build tiioir houses along the shor< > in order to keep breathing holes op< :i to prevent the ice from closing uj> so completely as to smother the^ fish. As a result both fish and mvfekrats were multiplying rapidly, and the muskrats had become comparatively tame. At the fish hatchery itself the muskrats were less popular, because a dam had been constructed there to form a hatching pond, and the muskrats were in the habit of digging~into the dam and letting the water- out through the burrows they made. W here muskrats prove annoying it usually is e.asy to dispose of them, when State law permits, through trapping. In suitable localities it has been tound profitable to grow theni Commercially on muskrats farms. AMENDED SUMMONS State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw, (Court of Common. Pleas) J. D. Watson, Plaintiff, against 1 John Henry Joyner, Calvin Joyner, Lizzie Joe Fl ick, a minor, and Frank Joyner or if he be dead, John Doe, denoting the names of all heirs at law of the said Frank Joyner, whose names are unknown to plaintiff, defendants. To The Defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the ^mended complaint herein, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint upon the subscribers at their office in the City of Camden, S. C., within twenty days after service hereof upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff herein will apply to the Court for the relief demanded irt the complaint. de LOACH & de LOACH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. November 23, 1027. To The Defendant, Frank Joyner or if he be dead, John Doe, denoting the names of all heirs at law of the said Frank Joyner, whose names are unknown to plaintiff, I . Notice is hereby given that the amended complaint "herein has this day been filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw Countv at Canidfelf, S-. C. de fcOAOIf'& de LOACH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. November 23, 1927. To The Minor Defendants, John Doe, heirs at law of Frank Joyner; or to those with whom they reside: * You are hereby required to have appointed to represent you in iaid cause, a guardian ad litem, within twenty days after service hereof upon you; if you fail to have such guardian ad litem appointed within the time aforesaid the plaintiff will apply for such appointment. de LOACH A de LOACH, Plaintiff^ Attorneys. November 23, 1927. .... r '* IS THE CAROLINA# in in - of inii ??->t (ilnnH from Nrwul??p?rk of Two Hlate*. t* A 1127-pound1 bear wft? killed near Lake Lure, N. C# WednomUy. It win* ;ho biff goat bear over killed in that part of the mountains. Mrs. Laura Priinre, 7'-h probably fatally injured in an automobile collisioh near Shelby, N. c\, while ahe wax on her way to visit a faith healer. The opponent* of Mayor W N. IJor-? 'i.-y, of Shelby, N, L\, have 'aiM to * -1 i imugh signers to the petition l"'.r retail and -hat at la i* stop! i <1 'ill! (>>. I I' ? Hi ill, .1 r-j a new ) dent of Win i ' . N. ( , shot and led hi* baby, i vy o; >nthh old, and la r him i ll w hi' "'iking a walk I wife ay* he?b bad fi'> of ins?'. froIji : 1 y in pa*'.. A in.a and (iiii.ude 1! ixley ti e two .oin.g ladies of A shevii who nave bei n lib nlified with a men nan 'innu-d < iv, ai heal a* the person v ho r.tered the hi?m> "f Hen Andei an bd farmi r living neat there, tied irn > be wealthy arid rrrtpb' have been thought to have plent> of m- iM-s in tin house. U illiam Mi Andrew, object of the ri'.tacks of Mn\ n Hill Thompson as uperinlendent of Chicago Schools, vi i;I be general miperintendent of the south Carolina Teachers association, which meets at Greenville next March, The asaocia'ion has 6,000 iiiiaibcrs divided into four section* at ihe conventions. Supt. MrAndrew will be principal speaker and director of pragrams at the general session*. A special trade label for the goods manufactured in the Piodime.l of t he j i aroli.uas was suggested at a meeting attended by men from Hock Hill, S; atesville, Gastonia, Shelby and >lher towns. The idea is to place a copyrighted^design on packages, letterheads arm advertising to designate their origin in this region.' Some unregenerate stole the purse of Miss Winnie Kickctt which she left in a seat in a Baptist church at Thomasville, N. C., while she went into another room, and in it were some money, a watch set with diamonds, and pearls, and a diamond worth $000. Miss Kickctt is a B. V. P. U. worker and lecturer. The church authorities and the police, are baffled by the theft after strenuous work to detect the theft. John Atkins, 4-1, of Klkin, N. C.. died in a Statesville hospital Tuesday from internal injuries, a broken back and. a fractured leg, received when a car he was cranking with the brakeoff ran. over him last Sunday. T. Frank McCord, Greenwood lawyer was elected Tuesday to the South Carolina house of representatives, to succeed Sam B. King, resigned te> become a candidate for s ate- insurance commissioner. A little girl four yeas >U. I'.t'a. May N'antz, of Mooresvilh. played with matches w i. her parents were both at work. < he-* clothing on tire and was :'a'u:i> burned. Slu- was playing wita a three year old bov who gave tie- alarm too late. Teachers in the New Hanover coun iy, Noith Candida schools are suing for $100,000 hack salary unpaid for four months because the tK'hool it jeusyry has no funds. The lower ! ou/l gu\c a judgment for the teach crs, and an appeal to the supreme court was lieai d argued this week. Work is progressing rapidly this j week on the installation, for the $10,- j 000 chimes in the First Baptist church | of Gastonia, the gift of the Ladies j Aid Society. , The chimes consist of j sixteen tubular pieces operated by I electricity and weighing five tons', with he operating machinery. ?One keyboard will |)e inside the auditorium of the ( hui'ch besides the organ, and the iihimeft high in the tower of the building. The chimes will be dedi-, cated \\i:hin a fortnight, before .the dedication of the church on Sunday, December 1H. The first landing of LaFayette in America was commemorated by a tablet unveiled at Georgetown at noon Wednesday. The navy sent two destroyers to the ceremonies and the Marine band from Paris island played. The flag was drawn from in front of the tablet by two little gilds of French descent. "The orators of the , day were Brigadier Gentfral Frank Parker, U. S. A., the French consul general at New Orleans, Real Admiral Newton A. McCully, Thomas R. Waring. Charleston editor, and Rev. II. D. Bull, rector of the Church of Prince George, Winy ah, who was chairman of the committee on arrangements. * The Wade Hampton Memorial association has accepted the model of the statue to be placed in the hall of fame in the capitol at Washington, the ! work of the sculptor F. W. Puckstuhl of New York. It will be completed and leady for unveiling about the middle of the year 11)29. The statue J will be of marble, seven and a half 1 feci high including the base, and the i figure seven feet two inches high. It shows Hampton standing as a senator in a Prince Albert coat making a speech defending his state, in contrast to Hampton the soldier in the state house grounds at Columbia. I . fhe county agent of county l?as Kent out a m< xsagi. a the farmers of that counts wants high bred bucks and -j larger attention to sheep in ajjgce states has caused u dearth gf ^ stock, lie finds, and the faria^ Richland county have become tjj^ j the profits' in sheep rais ig.iSji are going to spend about H0Q(>m winter for pedigreed sheep, are now ten flocks of sheep in m land county containing 3,000 ghg and the number is increasing rapid) as the profit in them become* a parent. AN~ORDINANCE "1 Declaring the result of an elftti) on the question of a Bond Issue the'City of Camden, South Ctl Una* for the purpoee of paving ? tain streets of the City of Camdel South Carolina. State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw, City Council of tynwbn B Be it ordained by the City CounB of Camden, South Carolina, and IB the authority'of same, that the eleB tidn "held in the City of (WfeH South Carolina, on Tuesday, the 18? day of October 1927, on the questiB of issuing coupon bonds of the C? of Cftmden,' South Caro'ina, to tl amount of Thirty-Five .Thousai ($35,000.00), bearing interest at tl rate not exceeding- five per cent p annum, payable semi-annually, any legal tender of the United Stat forty (40) years after date, with t privilege of l-edemption twenty (2( | years after date, for the purpose i paving certain streets of the City ' Camden, South Carolina, was du j held with the result that said boi ! issue was carried. The majority i electors at said election voting f | the said issue of bonds, there beii i Twenty-four votes for said bond i I sue and three votes against said boi ' issue. , . ? I Ratified in Council assembled th \ 19th day of October, 1927. C. P. DuBOSR, Miyor.1 'Attest: * ''' | VV. H. HAILE, Clerk. *y Christmas Goodff A store Full.We can't tell you ahojM them but want you to come in, see wh? , we have and buy if you are pleased. Don't Forget Tim:? Your smallest!? . want in the medicine line will receive the same careful attention during thv rush season that the handling of medicines do- I wands at all times. I w:ROBIN ZEMP'S DRUG STORK I TlhBPHONB !W. 1 ITT ??? ??????-1??M??P?? \our motor will P i never balk at I cold weather if you use gasoline that is right the year round, f I "STANDARDGASOLINE |