The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, October 14, 1927, Image 5

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EC^'Tp v " 1 r '^LJJ " " j?-?# rial anfi fterannal Nma (ftited ??y MRS. W. BRATTON de LOACH tu this ptoge should bo telephone to No. 2G1-J between the hours of l6 and 12 in the morning. ilff^Pit Majestic Theater. ' il^ill ^c e^ortB ?* ^e Young ^ffelmtnpss league, a radio will :Vu?Wa by Mr, W. O. 'Hay in the iWTh?-atr? on Friday evening, /; 14- Mr. Williamson, the S generously offered to have contest put on by the At:.:Kmt Foundation in which a Kboy, Mr. B. P. DeLoache, "fir from station W.WNC, Asheiyr.. radioed from his theatre. ^Kteatanta will sing by number ds will be given at the door [ heater-goers will write the ^?of their choice on the card will be mailed thd following . The contest begins at 9 I # News of Troop Two Boy Scouts winter program full swing. All of the feljBre looking forward to the 'Khther when* there.Will , be mi week end camps. At last meeting there were four can? for membership. Scouts I Baldwin and Sam MdCaskill ivanced to the rank of second iKhile Joe Lang and Jack Boyd fully passed first class test now headed for the rank of icout by way of the merit rail. All are looking forward coming county fair where the I will have a booth. Various : are already being construct Biis is certainly a lively bunch >ws. The meetings" are . held ay 'evenings at 7:30 in back ler's residence * on North Fair Visitors are always wel ccording to James Laughlin, Patrol Leader. At With Mrs. Huckabee Mary E. Schrock Circle of the missionary society held pn ting meeting at the home of l. G. Huckabee on Tuesday on. Mrs. R. E, Goodale Hon "When the Heathen Came erica." The hostess served a course after the close of the s meeting. To Have Ba/.aar ladies of the Presbyterian y wilt have their annual on the second of December, tides for Christmas will be rod cakes, candy and other A turkey dinner will be Bi that~day also. Place of ar will be announced at a jestic'Theatre OOLEST SPOT in CAMDEN OLLOW THE CROWD H Time Matinee 3.30 p. m. t 7:30 and 9 p. m. Friday October 14 "FRAMED" [ere we have Milton Sills in his >st and best picture to date, the type of picture that is. ible for this star. Sills will you many thrills in this picNatalie Kingston supports I Sills In this picture.?Also riedy. "Don't Tell Everything." Saturday, October 15 1 JiE BORDER WHIRLDW1ND" Featuring Bob Cu9ter in ' aK filling and furious western pic-' e of the hairtrigger type. Six Is of whirlwind action. Here's ! picture that you*VcT oeen iting to see. Also final Chap! of "The House Without a Key"' id comedy. * ; . Monday* and Tuesday October, 17*19 ; THE FAIR CO-ED" Starring Marion- Davies in-her est picture of dollegef life. It*#; f type of pfcture that fits snon Davies a picture on tho fer? of "Brown nrf Harvard." *irl'in America has looked ?? hungry1 eVer dt .old '- Vassar *re the crdaiti Of ! America^, ofifes spend eXcitfbg days. You 1 like MiSs'DhviW ta this eolitoryi ^ Alio Phlfie Ne*s. No !re?se in prices'. ' V 1 , r r t" "* -r i,m ; ,. / Wednesday^ October 19 hat model from paris" featuring Marceline Day. Bert [Eilejen Percy in a comedyt hat will please everyone, ould 'speak English, but He couldn't talk French. Ludied it to make '; love, erading as a French model, became the rage, men bed her, and all she could say m was no, until the real one , along, and then things b4 *, to happen. Also comedy. lK1JJJorsday October 20 SERVICE FOR LADIES" resturinor Adolf* M-n*ou in * latest and best picture- of the Also Pathe News. M^"ddaj. October 21 - SHANOr-BOUND" ^ Hichard Dix at his best. soon Clara Bow in "Hula" ""V""1 1 gii .. i i NEWS NOTES m v T- 8h*nnon' jr" h?? uone to New York on a business trip Th. frl.nd, ?f Mr. M. A. Pittm.n, of Columbia, w.w K|?d to ... him in town last week end. to. Wither,, of Columbia, .pant luewiay m ..luk-ii wjtj, friend,. . Wo. N?rT" Hucl<*1** o' Bat..ZlT , ' W1"' town the paat WCm "I ' th" *""" of h,? Parenta. Mr. John Chiahoim, of Greenville, wa? a Viaitor at the home of hi. cousin, Mrs. D. D. P.rrish last week. Mrs. H. K. Seiding and Mrs. R. R. 1 a,t, of Charleston, visited the Utters mother, Mrs. R. Y. Steedman last week. Mrs. W. M. Shannon, of Columbia, was a guest at the home of her dkughte;, Mrs. j. k. doLoach the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dunlap of Kock Hill were guests last week end at the home of Mrs. R. W. White on Lyttleton street. Mrs. T; P. Green and little daughter, Carrie Louise Green, of Rocky Mount, N. C. are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Niles. Miss Ethel Birchmore left Wednesday morning for Augusta where she will make an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. Norman O. Head. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. K. deLoach at, the Camden Hospital on Sunday, October 9th, a son, who has been named John K. deLoach, Jr. Mr., Alexander Savage, of Newberry, spent last week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Savage, Sr., at their new home in Lake View.' - Mr' ?nd Mrs. Jack S. Melville and son, of Troy, N. Y. motoring to Florida for the winter were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Barnett at DuBose Park. Messrs. Joe Moseley and William Lollis gave a fish fry and fox hunt at Rocky Branch on Tuesday night. Aboyt thirty people enjoyed their hospitality. No foxes were caught but Monday night some of the same party caught two foxes near Stateburg. , ^r- and Mrs- D, A. Boykin have moved into their new home, knoWn as the I rantham house on North Lyttleton street. This place is* one of the old houses of Camden where Col. James P. Dickerson and General ?J- B. Kershaw, who were law partners when young men kept "Stag's Hall." Later in memory of a number of Camden people Dr. A. A Moore and family lived there some fifty years ago. About two" years ago Mr. Henry Savage, Sr., bought and fixed the place most attractively. Bishop To Preach On Sunday the 15th of -October Bishop Finlay will be in Camden at Grace Episcopal church for Confirmation. The Bishop will preach the sermon and the services will be at the usual hour, 11:15 a. m. The public is cordially invited to attend. ^ - "" ~ i _ | * Mail Carriers Have. New Wagons The three city mailVcarriers have "^^^^y^-tre&tefLthemselves to n*,W| neatly painted wagons in which to convey Uncle Sam's mail to Camden patrons. The three vehicles were purchased in Goshen, Indiana, and are equipped for comfort in hot or cold weather?making them .allweather wagons. The department granted the carriers a raise in order to pqt on the new * wagons. They ipresenf a much neater appearance than the old buggies heretofore used .and thp patrons are delighted with the change. " ' f: . JT v ; " ( SmI i!aT$Nfc#;iI> * .of Godwin's Mis*2n*?t ^ietL6i tU Cai/pden 'Baptist Church will meet in the church ?tlnr ' monthly | DirY^u Know? ) 0 j 1 ' . Queaiion8~l4 * What president wa> eleeicrl the bouse of reprc??m?titivt*M? T? 2? Where did rhe United State* fitijt when?* ^ *,,e ^,,Ce "n enf>niv Hud ln " o^5u.?,,he """"" l'",re ,D ^6?Who |? the British open goii champlonl. 0 What comjtoser was not only a master of dramatic music, but was him alf a dramatist of great genius? , 7?Which continent. In proportion t? area. hat the longest coast UneT 8?Who wrote a famous diary in shorthand, which was not deciphered for a hundred years! Who sold: "l?ongf Thet* * wKHk>ni> fisrxllna like a atone wall!" 10 In what country la moat of u? diamond cutting Answeres Found* on Opposite Page Cars Collide at Corner. Mrs. T. VI Walsh of this city was admitted to the Camden Hospital a round noon Thursday following an automobile wreck in which she suf. fered slight lacerations and shock. The accident occurred at the intersection of DeKalb and Mill streets when the car driven by Mrs. Walsh came in collision with a light touring car piloted by W. H. Priester, also a resident of Camden. No eye-witnesses could be located yesterday afternoon and the only information obtainable was that Mrs. Walsh,, accompanied by her young daughter, was ttkyeling east on DeKalb and Mr. Priester was headed south on Mill when the cars crashed. Mrs. Walsh's car, which rammed the curbing at the southeast corner, was severely damaged while the Priester car, also badly damaged, rested nearer the middle of the street with its left set of wheels pointing skyward. Mrs. Walsh for a nunrber of years has been making her home in Camden where Mr. Walsh is connected as agent with the Atlantic Coast Line railway. Mr. Priester in company with his family took up residence in Camden about four months ago and during which time he has been serving with the Sanitary Barber shop. To Give Halloween Party The Indies of Circle Number One of the. Presbyterian Auxiliary will give a Halloween party on Halloween Day, October 31st at the home of Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Hours will be from 4 to 6 in the afternoon and a 'small admission fee will be charged at the door. Contests, and other entertainments will fill the hours full of fun for the young people who attend. / Mrs. Marye To Be Hostess Mrs. Alice Marye will be hostess to the American Legion Auxiliary on Friday, October 14th at 4 o'clock, at her home on Lyttleton street. Officers for the new year are tp be elected so a full attendance is hoped for. Masons To Hold Meetings Kershaw Lodge No. 29, A. F. M., will meet in special communication on Tuesday evening October 18, for the purpose of conferring the Entered Apprentice degree upon a class of candidates. The lodge will be called in another special session on Tuesday evening, October 25, at which time j a class will receive the Master Ma-1 son's degree. Visiting brethern are extended the invitation to atend all meetings . B. Y,* P. U. Notes The Baptist Young Peopled Union of the Camden Baptist church met last Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock. Miss Laurie Campbeell captain of Group Number Four led the program. Those taking part were Mrs. J. A. Watts, Mr. B. A. Hornsby, Mr. George Tidwell, Misses. Helen Baker, Nellie Dixon. Next week Group Number One will have charge of the program^ with | Miss Helen Phelps as leader. Miss- Mary Graham quizz leader gave some helpful hints o^ the Bible Study. It was a pleasure to enlist four new members, Messrs. Norman Truesdale, Odell Blackmon, Pete Peebles and Mrs. Sally Mayers. Civic League. Meeting The meeting of the Civic League on Monday' afternoon was quite a successful one. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Foster made a report of the Federation meeting that was held at Rock Hill the week before. Mrs. S. C. Zemp, Mrs. N. R. Goodale and Mrs, Foster extended an invitation to the Federation to meet in Camden next October. . v Mrs. Leon Schloaburg, who is chairman of the entertainment, committee is in charge of a play to be given here in November* * /(fhe Civic League has piade an ap; propriation to be used for lunches "lor" undernourished children'; in the . schools. ' Lina Gross, 4, of Wautauga county, N. C.t died Saturday from the sting of a yellowjacket. . Annual meeting The annual meeting of the'etociholders o<, the Camden Building and Loan Association was held on Tuesday of this week and officers and dilectors were nearly all re-elected with t*o exceptions: The directors now are John T. Nettles, John g. Lindsay, Henry Eichel, J, H. Clyburn, H. D. Niles, J. H. Osborne, Jit L. .Bchlosburg, B. G. Sanders, It. E. Stevenson J. Whitaker, Jr., L. A. Kirkland, and the officers are John T. Nettles, president; John S. Lindsay, secretary and treasurer, and KirkUnd, and Kirkland solicitors. Represented in its two series there are a,864 shares, representing *117,-! 071, with an average earning of Dl PV iSSt?' ThU lo<m *S!M*ciation was established In 1#10 and has steadily grown. Along with the other *** ,oan associations of Camden has been the means of helping many to own their own homes by monthly payments. And many have earned good interest by investing their savings in building and loan shares., Buildiag and loan is a safe *S !t 18 on very rare oc casiorw that losses are incurred. P*any Attended Meeting The fall meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the fourth district of the upper diocese met at St. John's church in Columbia at, 10:30 a. m. on Wednesday mornipg. Branch A. o Grace church was represented by Mrs. A. J. Boykin and Mrs. Deas Boykin while Branch B. sent as deleft8' Mrs. I. deL. Brayshaw, Miss Uila Shannon, Mr*. Hunter Lang, I Miss Ethel Yates, Mrs. H. G Carrison, Sr. Mrs. William Mayfield, Mrs. J H. Guthrie. The Rev. Brayahaw also attended. The fourth disp-Ci,i8,C?mp08ed of- the lurches of Richland and Kershaw counties. Grace Episcopal Church Notes Miss Leila Shannon and Mrs. Hunter Lang attended the executive meeting ?f the Woman's Auxiliary of the Upper Diocese which met in Columbia last week at Trinity church parish house on Tuesday, October On Wednesday the Woman's Aux-, iliary of Grace church met at the Woman s Exchange building for! eir regular monthly meeting. They have begun the winter work with a missionary box which is to be sent to a home missionary in North Carolina. Last Saturday ten members of the >?uog People's Service League wentl to the district meeting of their orgalzation which met in Columbia. They! were accompanied by Mrs. Clifton1 McKain and their rector, the Rev. I I. deL Brayshaw. Mrs. McKain whs, elected one of the counselors of the P. S. L. of the Upper Diocese. Member of Glee Club Atlanta, October 10.?Following the preliminary tryouts for the Emory university glee club this week was announced that Gatewood Workman, of Camden, S. C., was H successful candidate. He will sin?r second tenor. Under the direction of Dr. Malcolm H. Dpwey, the Emory glee club has won international recognition. The singers have appeared in many eastern cities and in Europe, and each year they tour the southern states. Flying Squadron To Visit Here The Flying Squadron Law Enforcement Conference with nationally known speakers will visit Camden and speak at the Camden Baptist church on Wednesday and Thursday. October 26th and 27th. Oil Wednesday, October 26, at 7:30 On Wednesday, October 26th, at 7:30 p. m. Col. Alfred 1^. Moudy, of Waterloo, Ind. soldier, educator and lecturer will make an address. On Thursday, October 27th, at 3:00 p. m. Miss Norma C. Brown, of Bloomington, 111,, vice president of the Flying Squadron and an ordained minister will speak. At 7:30 p. m. Thursday, October 27th Hon. Oliver W. Stewart, of Chicago, president of the Foundation will be the speaker of the evening. The Flying Squadron Foundation was organized ih 1916 by* Hon. J. Frank Hanly, former Governor of Indiana, Hon. Oliver W. Stewart and others. It is incorporated under the laws of Indiana. The purpose ' of the organization is to inculcate patriotism, to teach respect for law, and to work for , civicbetterment and for the maintenance of constitutional government and law and order. It stands for the election to office of those who favor the Eighteenth Amendment, its maintenance and enforcement. "-^The public is cordially invited to come out to those meetings, i , I, i,?- ; ? ... I -=? IgjfeKS Externally That's why modern mothers prefer Vicka?It cannot upaet delicate stomachs. Rubbed on throat and cheat, it acts two ways at once: (1) Its hedling vapors* released by the body heat, are inhaled, UucCl iu uic *if -/ (2) It "draws out" the aortTiMSi Iflos an old-Eashkmed poultice. * " jy".; "Jvyyj. , ENTERPRISE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Camden, C. Will Open a New Series JANUARY 1st, 1928 . " * I i Payments are $1.00 per Month on Each ! ** _ \ Share Subscribed For ; i '' ' No other forfh of saving and investment offers more attractive features. Safest and easiest way to secure a hofne' or to accumulate some mon?y for business purposes. W. R. ZEMP, President W. E. JOHNSON, Secretary ar>d Treas. r . ELIZABETH ARDEN JCondon "Tarts T^gw TCork The Ardca Venetian Toilet Preparation* art on sale at DeKalb Pharmacy Camden, S. C. 1 m : ^ . * .A-**: ? ? CUT YOUR TIRE C08T | by having your used tires vul- ' canized by us whenever possible. ! The longer wear you get out of \ your tires, the fewer new tires you need and the more money you save, t Tires are high. Therefore L vulcanizing such as we do is a , friend in need and a friend indeed. \ LA.Campbell & Co. Garage j The Best Security II I v.. ' '" What is the best security a Bank has to offer its 1 depositors? We yould sdy it is the CHARACTER of ; 1 I the men who conduct j the Bank. j II | , In other words their record for honestly and fair- II dealing. Regular inspections and examinations I I help. Legal restrictions help. Fire and hiirgtar in- J| . surance help. But after all, the most important fac- II tor is the character, the integrity, the foresight, ex- 11 |. perience and honesty of the men who conduct a bank. J| I These are the things that make ybur funds secure at j| I our bank. r , I Four Per Cent Paid on Saving Accounts II j THE BANK OF CAMDEN > I 1883-1927 ;| II i . II 1 ' in n I I I II III I 1 1 ^