The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, September 24, 1926, Image 3

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Rand | A Purse/ PIMIRM4NT ' r?.*vo?r Uh4 by People <j* iuiiiLciiie^pv!J m Because Wrigley's, bdfjci being a delightful confection, afford# beneficial exercise to the teedi end cleara them of food particles. Also & aids digestion. cm After Every Meal I ' *'^.trrTAV'-* rt?V*/>.3? - ' Ji-. Death of Little Connie Lee Catoe. Little Connie Lee Catoe, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Catoe, died* at the Camden hospital Tuesday night, September 14th, where she was taken for treatment. She had been very ill for nearly three weeks, and her death was not unexpected. She was only four years old and besides her grieved parents she leaves two little brothers who mise her kind words and sweet smile in their play ground. She was laid to rept the following afternoon rn the'Bethel ceme-' tery near Kershaw. ^-Contributed.' Card From Mr. Hogue. To the Citizens of Kershaw County: If it were possible I would be glad to meet each of you pepponalty and express to you my deep appreciation for the generous support given me in my race for County Treasurer, but as this is not possible, I adopt this means of expressing to you my grateful appreciation of your support and confidence and having received the nomination at your hands, I/wish to assure each and every one that 1 willr when the time comes to assume the duties..of the office, render the very best . service of which I am capable, and in every transaction be absolutely 'fair and impartial. 1 feel very keenly the honor you have, conferred upon me, and it will be my highest aim to serve you in such a manner that you will not have the si ightest regret for having endorsed me. Very sincerely yours, S. Wylie Hogue. Th boys of today are taught sanitary and healthful living conditions in hundreds of Boy Scout camps. In most " of these camps Fly-Tox, the modern B&fe-guard to health and comfort is part of the regular equipment. Get FlyrTox from your retailery always in bottles with blue label, Fly-Tox the milk house against the filthy flies. For an enjoyable evening out of doors spray Fly-Tox bn your clothing. Fly-Tox your horse before hitching up. - ? BANDITS MURDER AMERICAN. Jacob Rosenthal of Now York Killed My His Captors. Mexico City, 8ept. 10.?Jacob Rosenthal, an aged American, was stabbed to death by his bandit captors Wednesday night wh?? troops, closed ?n on them. Having failed to receive the $10,000 ransom demanded and being hampered in their flight by their aged captive the criminals killed him rather than let hii^ b* rescued alive by the federal troops with whom they were engaged in a running fight after a ruse to trap the outlaws failed. The tragedy occurred in ^ wild country less than 40 miles from Mexico City. The federal troops , had tracked down the bandit gang and killed two of them when the pursuit was halted by the receovery of Rosenthal's body. Later the pursuit was resumed after the bandits, who are believed to be only a small group. Mekico City officials admitted After the news of the murder reached here that ransom had been demanded and that it was planned to trap the bandits by pretending to send the-money. Soldiers were posted to capture the bandits when they appeared but the ruse fajled. Rosenthal's body bo$e many stab wounds. It was taken to Cuernavaca by his son-in-law, Joseph RufT, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Zahler. It will be brought to Mexico City to await the arrival of his wife, who now is on her way here from New York. The troops have been ordered to redouble' their efforts to exterminate the bandits. The American officials are convincedthat the Mexican government made every effort possible to reseue Rosenthal and capture the outlaws. \ Arthur Lane, American embassy secretary, narrowly escaped the outlaws. Leaving Cuernavaca five minutes behind, the party that. was attacked, Lane was Warned to turn back by Edward Quirm, an American, who had just run the gauntlejb of the bandits. Lane was latef escorted to Mexico City by a detachment of trope. Jacob Rosenthal, of Woodmere, L. I., N. Y? a retired business man who was in Mexico on a pleasure trip, was captured by a bandit gftiig Sunday. His party was returning from Cuernavaca, where it had spent, ft week-end holiday, when stopped by the outlaws. All were robbed of their money and jewels and the .outlaws disappeared jnto the-brush with Rosenthal 's ^ captive. He was an old man and weak from, a recent illness, but the bandits would not explainyThy they chose' to take him rather than one of the others. . A compress and 4,000 bales of cotton wefe destroyed by fire at Homer,. La., Wednesday night. Loss estimated at $600)000. SESQUl-CKNTBNNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION PHILADELPHIA, P/tf June 1, to Dec. 1, 1026 Attractive excursion fares now 6n. sale daily. Good returning 15 days* Apply to Ticket Agents humi jl 111 i i i ii i - i I lo be as good as I ...:_- ...? \\.? , --j J\"j- ' ?-' .; :-^-vL ':,T '.A :ti/JL.~ -^rg^rr'yH1 ? ? - a, I ?j|^ L: a car would | neeH fn Kavp : sia^CyUnder Valve-In-Head Engine 1 A Vibrationless Engine?with all mountings of resilient silencing rubber ... A Cleaned Crankcase . . . Automatic Heat I Control... Thermostatic Control of water I? circulation . . . Sealed Chassis.. . TorqueTube Drive . . , Automatic Lubrication of Rear Springs . , . Flshw Body Windshield . . . Due? Finish ... . TenPlate Multiple-Disc Clutch . . . Controllable-Beam ^Headlights . . . Mechanical ' 4-Wheel-Brakes . . . Balanced Wheels. ' Greatest; >- !? -:> - -A??-n;;r ?i-:?7rT /fi vet" Jl,- -, ' rf;-.# trv; : -' ffjiS ^?AMj)gjy a .J. GENERAL. NEWS NOTES - Dispatches from Peking repoA tho slaughter of 600 Menchurian soldiers at Kalgan on order* of their commander-in-chief, Marshall ( hung Tao- j lin, as punishment for outrageous oppression of merchants and farmers. The late Robert Tod Lincoln, son of President Lincoln, who died in July, left an estate valued at 61,126,000. In the forthcoming New York Democratic state convention to be held at Syracuse on Sept. 27, -Governor Ai Smith will again be nominated for tho governorship. Reports have it that the governor will' supervise the platform making and will soft pedal on the pl?Uik dealing with the prohibition question and will not be as drastic as some of the New York congresmen want it, they being in favor of an out and out declaration favoring repeal of the 18th amendment. Shipbuilders of Glasgow, Scotland, have received inquiries from a shipping company as to the feasibility and practicability of building a passenger ship 1,000 feet long. The estimated damage caused by the high waters in the Neosha and other Kansas rivers the early part of the week, is estimated at 66,000,000. Dr. Francisco Hernandez, head of the Cuban department of immigration, has been placid under bond of 610,000 on a . charge of permitting 70 Chinese to enter the country illegally. The gunboat Pigeon was fired oh by Cantonese bateries on the Yangtze river near Hankow, China, Tuesday. The pigeon replied with machine guns. No casaulties were * reported on the Pigeon. Three ??ut of four dry Republican candidates for congress won over, their wet opponents in New York state primaries on Tuesday. Th^ case of Aimee Semple McPherson, Los Angeles, Cal., woman evangelist, will probably be ,-reopened by the district attorney after securing further evidence regarding the alleged kidnapping of the woman last May. Evidence has developed within the past few days to the effect that the woman was not kidnapped at all.. Former Governor Cameron Morrison of North Carolina has announced that lie will seek the seat in the United States senate now ocupied by Senator Overman in 1922. ' Card ot Thanks. ^ | We wish to express to our friends in i Camdenr and also in tile.county our! sincere appreciation for "the kindness and courtesies shown u# during the illness and death of our father who was confined to his bed for aix weeks. We shall thenT on any occasion when we can give them a helping hand. Mrs. T. E. Watts. CITATION. [jS The State of South Caroline, . Kershaw. County. By W. L. McDowell, Esquire, Probate Judge. Whereas, Holland H. Harris made 'suit to me to granth1m letters of ad-_ ' ministration oi the estate of and-effects of Penelope Harris, i These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said Penelope Harris, deceased, thdt they be and appear before me, in the Court of* Pro* bate, t&tife held at Camden, South Carolina, on Thursday, October 14th, next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should, not be granted. Given under my hand, this 22nd day of September Anno Domini 192G. ?F' 'T* w. 1. McDowell, Judge of Probate for Kershaw County Published on the 24th day of September c and the 1st day of October 1926, in the Camden Chronicle, and posted at the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. y < ' * ' '....nxi SUMMONS^" v/. ' * * State of South Carolina, Oountv of Kershaw, " Court of Common Pleas. ' I ' Phyllis McGirt, Plaintiff, against r ~ Joe McGirt, Alice Jackson, George vt* McGirt, Herbert McGirt, Bessie Scoitand Carl McGirt, Defendants, Summoyrs for Relief. (Complaint Served) T^^be Defendants above named: ?You are hereby summoned' and required to answer the complaint 4* this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, aud to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaini on the subscriber at his office in tb< City of Camden, S. C., within twenty days after the hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and .il y<ju fail to answer the complaint with, in. the tipiie aforesaid, the plaintiff Ir this action wiH apply to tne Court foi the relief demanded in the complaint Dated Camden, S. C., September 20 Anno Domini 1928. r ? BLAKENEY,: Plaintiff's Attorney* To the Absent Defendants, Joe .Mr Gift, Alios Jackson, George McGirt ' Herbert McGirt, Bessie Scott, art Carl McGirt: \ You will please take notice that th< original summons and complaint it the above entitled action, of which th foregoing in a copy, was duly filed i the office of the CleTk of Court fc Kershaw County on the 20th daye pt^Plbf r ^ iPUintlff'i .aoambv. riwnun ? Anurnty. William Friebett, died at Tampa, Fle? Tuesday, after fasting 42 days in an effort to cure himself of indigestion. I! CITATION. ft The State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. By W. L. McDowell, Esquire, Probate Judge. t ? Whereas J. Av Spear made suit to me to grant 'him latter* of administration of the estate of and effects of J. M. Spear,. # These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said J. M. Spear* deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, South Carolina, on Monday, October 4th, next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the aaid administration should not be ferapted. Given under ,my hand, this. 20th day pf September Anno Domini 1920. W. L. MoDOWBLL, Judge of Probate for Kershaw County Published on the 24th day of September and the 1st day of October. 1926, in the Camden Chronicle, ana posted at the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. . .. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. I J 1 State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw, Court of Common Pleas. v,: , W. J. Bullock, Plaintiff, vs. Tillman Amerson, Dock Amerson, Homer H. Pate, Ruby Goldie Pate, Bertha Bullock, Joseph Bullock, J. E. Cousar and T. G. McLeod, Defendants. Summons) To the Defendants above named; You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy will be filed in the offlcq of the .Cleric of Court for Kershaw County ^nd to serve a copy fbf your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in., Bishopville, S."C.y within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service, and if you; fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. R. E. DENNIS, Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated the ilth day of Sept. 1926. ' v'"~y To the absent Defendants, Bertha - Bullock and James Cantey Bullock, Jr.; ; : Please take notice that the Summons and Complaint in .the above stated action were filed in the office of the Clerk of'Court for Kershaw County on the 16th day of September 1926. R. E. DENNIS* r-r- Plaintiff's Attorney, PAINT lobe that coat $75 before, coat only $50 if you use Stag eemiP??t? Paint. You save $25. Juet add a gallon of linaeed oil to a gallon of Stag aomir-paate Paint. You have two gallon* of fmeet quality paint ok tainable. Bright, pcvigto* nent colore. Won t crack or peel. And thie freah mixed paint spreads better, A better job for lea* money. TUw'i a MSU|^ dealer near you. See him? or write lit lor literature and name of dealer. Aak for color oaida or booklet showing houeca in color. SB?**H >N> fcr wiwino hunt coiiwr, iniiiw m? in. BUrtNs" A'BARRETT Camden, 3r C. :?: f ; ? ALMOST NEW Thd whole country is commenting on the fine appearance and exceptional riding ease of Dodge Brothers Motor v ' / ? "Car. Several of these new types, driven only a few thousand miles, are now available. An exceptional opportunity lor anyone whansaUywants a high grade; dependable Used Car, DeLOACHE .MOTOR COMPANY _ Camden, South Carolina S ' * ' ... ' ' A USeO CAR IS ONLY AS DGrPSNDABlS AS TM6 DEALER WHO SfU5 IT _?-l_: ... ' -- ir11?*' .. ' - ;. . > . iii i i i . .it i r, 1 i Mi1.! ? jther great surprise in store for you.' We ; ? te in purchasing a very large stock of lies' Straps and Pumps, Novelties and nice selection in Ladies' and Men's Ox td $7.50. Foif the benefit of our friends 3 decided to divide these into three lots e ' v * ' hit Week and Monday the 27th. I AYS ONLY?Positively 1 money, and by buying.a large quantity II me, we were able to buy these goods at I ,11 sit our store during these two days of our 11 will find nothing but new, stylish mer- II II ta $3.50,^le Prioc - -$1.M II my your supply of .Shoes. We have a nice j| ol Shoes at prices that will suit you. j| ing we carry is new and up-to-date, and 11 or left-overs to get rid of. rerything'during these two days of our | ||