1. W. MUNN DEAD ? . lifelong Resident of Lucknow I Advanced Age # _____ J. W. Munn of JLucknow and a life long resident of Lee county quietly passed away at his home Monday, August Id. Mr. Munn hud been in declining health for severil months although confined to hi.s bed only a few weeks before bin death, ile bp re his afflictions patiently and received good attention and medical aid, but to no avail. The interment was at Concord cem%-tery, the day following with religious services being conducted by Rev. I), i*. Hill of the Bishopville Baptist church, where a throng of friends and relatives had gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. The floral tributes -wore beautiful and many. ' The Bishopville Masonic Lodge took part in the funeral paying the last rights to their esteemed brother, which will be a distinct loss to their ; lodge. Mr Munn was about 72 years of age and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Louise Munn who was his second wife and the following children by his first wife, Mrs. Rebecca Munn; Archie Munn, Lamar; Neul Munn, Oats; D. J. Munn, Camden; II. C. Munn, Savannah, Ga.; VM. D. Munn, Rocky Mount, N. C.; Charles E. Munn of Bishopville and J. D. Munn of Lucknow, and one daughter, Mrs. O. W. Dean, of Bishopville. Mr. Munn w'us a man held in high esteem in this section, and his many friends extend their deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.?Bishopville Messenger. e Street car regulations in Rio de .Janeiro require male passengers *to wear coats and socks. Struck By Iratn, Kclley Adams, 12, was probably fatally injured, and hia father, Andrew Adams, 60, was painfully, although it is not believed seriously, hurt when the wagon in which they were riding vyas struck and demolished by Southern pasengcr train No. 118 near Pleasant Hill about 3.20 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The injured man wus taken to Fennell's infirmary at Hock Hill, where his condition is re-j ported us favorable. The accident ocj curred at a private crossing at Pleasant Hill water tank nine miles from Lancaster, at 3.20 o'clock. The father was driving the team, Jioth mules were killed and the wagon demolished. The boy was reported to have sustained a broken leg, cuts, bruises and a fracture at the base of the skull, futher was only cut and badly bruised, it was believed. They were carried to Hock Iiili on the same train which struck the wugon. Mr. Adams is a successful farmer near Heath Springs ?Lancaster News. From Mr. Arranta To the voters of Kershaw County: I hereby tender my sincere thanks for the very complimentary vote given me in my race for the office of Judge of Probate, While I did not reedftte enough votes to place me in ^tne second primary I made a clean race and will always remember the loyalty of my friends. Very gratefully yours, F. H. ARRANTS. Three Dead in Cave-In. York, Aug. 24.?Thcefc negro laborers were smothered Co death here this afternoon when an 18-foot sewer ditch caved tin, entrapping them. A few hours after the accident only one body, that of Reese Bascom, had been recovered. The other negroes killed were "Snake" Sanders and, Noah" Smith. < A fed IJUhopvlllc Lady Dead Mr*. Mary E. lie id paused away early Saturday evening at hex heme here, death coming as quietly and peaceably as the life this noble Christian woman had lived, bringing to a close the " earthly career of one of Bifthopville's most lovable women at the ripe age of 82. -Mrs. Re id had been in declining health for some time, and for about a month ha.l been confined to her home. The funerl services were heljl Monday morning in Bethlehem Methodist church, conducted by Rev. James E. Cousar, assisted by Rev. M. L. Banks pastor d"f the Methodist church. Inioterment followed in family burial plot in the Presbyterian cemetery. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Reid was the eldest daughter of the late Col. Jotri S. and Mrs. Eugenia English Bradley. She was born May 31, 1844, near the home place where she died, and the most of her life was spent. On April 11, 1833, she was married to Capt. George H. Reid, who predeceased her just a few years ago. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs, Golding Muldrow and Mrs. R. L. Hearon both of Bishopville, and two step sons, W. M. Reid of Bishopville and R. D. Reid of Savannah, Ga. She is also survived by a large number of other relatives aqd a wide circle of friends. The death of Mrs. Reid marks the passing of the last surviv|ing member of her family.?Bishopville Messenger. Mrs. Laura Ann Strange Dead Mrs. Laura Ann &trange of the Spring Hill section of Lee county died at the home of her only brother, F. G. Peebles, Friday morning, at one o'clock. The death of Mrs. Strange came as a great shock to her relatives and friends. Although she had been unwell for several months. Mrs. Strange was before her marriage, Miss Laura Ann Peebles, and died in the same community where she spent practically all her life. She was the eldest daughter of Col. Henry Peebles and Mrs.- Elizabeth Scarborough Peebles. She was born, September 30, 18B5. Her husband, H. R. Strange and her brother, Dr. Lawrence H. Peebles, both died about three months ago. She was a true Christian,* and her many lovable traits had won her many friends. The funeral services were held Saturday morning at Hepzibah Presbyterian church, being conducted by Rev. M. L. Banks. The pallbearers were John Caughman, Eldridge Hancock, W. Hancock, W. A. Stuckey, J. K. Richbourg and C. H. Hoi 1 man.?Bishopville. Remodel Postoffice. Everybody in Lee county, and the people of Bishopville especially will be glad to learn that Bishopville is going to have a new jam-up postoffice. Bids were asked for several weeks ago, and this week G. O. Rogers was notified'that he was the successful bidder, therefore ?ps Mr. Rogers owns the present building, there will be no change as to location. The r\ew contract however provides for a complete overhauling of the present building and new fixtures throughout. Mr. Rogers immediately upon being notified that his bid had been accepted began work on remodelling the building. The order for the new fixtures i.^-being made up, and just as quickly as is possible they will be installed. I It is said thai the entire ttnor plans will undergo a change. That the new cabinets, lock boxes, etc., will probably be located on the right hand side of the entrance, allowing left "hand side for the lobby.?Bishopville Messenger. Old Man Had Leg Amputated. Friends throughout the county of J. B. Stokes will regret to learn that his leg was taken off Monday, the operation having been performed in a Florence hospital. Reports reaching Bishopville Wednesday stated that Mr. Stokes was doing as well as could he expected. It will be remembered that Mr. Stokes was run over hy an automobile in Sumter county last December. He was confined to a Sumter hospital for about four months. He is about 69 years of age, and his advanced-age has been against recovery. He came home some weeks ago with the hope that ho would soon be well, however his condition did not improve and it was found necessary to take him to a hospital again this week. Mr. Stokes is a resident of the St. Matthews section of the county, and I has mnrty friends who hope that he will soon be on the road to health again.?Bishopville Messenger. From Mr. McLeod To the voters of Kershaw County: 1 want to heartily thar.k all of the yotcrs of the gpunty for the handsome majority given me in Tuesday's primary. I will endeavor to serve you faithfully as sluuiff as I have served you ns deputy, and will always appreciate the very handsome support given me. Very respectfully "yours, J. Henry McLeod. / -r * Saving Systematically creates funds and opens a sure easy way to COMFORT. HONOR AND HAPPINESS . F CAPITAL $100,000.00 > Loan & Savings Bank 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits * Unseen Sources ?f Long Life The basic sources of automobile value are not always apparent to the eye. A motor car, like a house, may LOOK a great deal more substantial than it really is. Because of this difficulty, more and ' more thousands are turning to Dodge Brothers product for insurance against disappointment. The years have proved, and each year proves anew, that Dodge Brothers are as deeply concerned with the UNSEEN goodness of their motor car, as with the seen. The mileage it will deliver, the safety it will provide, the expense and trouble it will save the owner over a period of years, are quite as important to Dodge Brothers as the more obvious details of equipment and style. / Sport Roadster - - $1020 Touring Car - - - 004 Coupe 95B Sedan - - ... n'i05 DeLOACHE MOTOR CO. Delivered Camden, S. C. Dodge Brothers motor cars . - .-? 1 ^ t ___ . -'..'J- - ClA? -? ? A Wonderful Breeze, Remarkably Mild Climate Beautiful Semi-Tropical Foliage All theao make living conditions Ideal; magnify opportunities; Insure the Joys and pleasures; Improve the health; eucnuruge outdoor recreation snd tuske living n Joy si (farn chbay rifefeb each (bHtrtc aYTJnsjt Strand ? f The climate Is exceptionally mild, and-even the sun's rays are forgotten while the days are tempered with cooling sea breezes. The nights are delightful and the year-'round mild climate at Myrtle Beach Is known far and wide. Myrtle Beach received Its nsme front Its abundance of wax myrtle, and the development Is bedecked with beautiful gems of sub-tropical foliage, audi as only the Carolina Coast can produce. Stately pines, enbrmous cypress trees, palms, live oaks, myrtle and thouaanda of other varieties of seral-troplcal, coastal foliage, decorated by nature here and there with thq ever-pleasing, flowing Hpanlah moss, make of Myrtle Beach a 'veritable garden spot. Much environment cannot fall to Inspire you and you fall under its charm. At Myrtle BmcH you can root In peace and quiet; enjoy the company of the Mouth's leading, refiued and substantial people. You can Improve your health through the ruany forme of out door recreatigp. Hiding, driving, strolling. bathing, finhlm, hunting tin aeaaon),'dancing, all are offered Immediately, tiolf and tennla will l>e added. Delight your family with a coastal home at Charming Myrtle ilea eh, In a thriving reaort city with hotel, pavilion, club bath house, a mile board wulk, new atreeta and highway a, water ami electricity already available, cement sidewalk* and white way lighting under couat ruction. Beautiful home altoe In the hotel section are being sold now every day except 8unday. Prices 1400 end up; liberal terms. -Tree transportation Is belst arranged by the aslea agencies for prospective purchasers He? our representative in. your midst, or write Myrtle Beach Sales Company H. B. 8PH1NUH, Executive Manager V. J. PAHHAM. Sales Director mYRTLE bEACH, s. c. JOHN W CONDKB. District. Baits Msnagar * 1229 liarsptoo Ave.. Columbia. 8. C. Xs W. MOORE. Camden, & C , Local BtprcsanUUvw -44 From Sheriff Welsh To the voters of the county:?I desire to extend my sincere thanks to each and every one for the support given me in the recent primary. By their action they have honored me wjth the highest office within their gift, and I promise to look faithfully after their interests with equak fairness to all in the upper branch of the general assembly. Very gratefully yours, j G. . Welsh. ' J Etfery sixth person in France owns a bicycle, and, there are ten times as many bicycles in that country as automobiles. From Mr. Nicholson To the voters of Kershaw County: I wish to express to you my sincere appreciation for the handsome vote you gave me on August 31st, Which caused me to lead the race for Judge of Probate. Your continued support in the coming primary will be greatly appreciated by Very respectfully yours, Samuel N., Nicholson. Poisoned bran bait, consisting of one pound of Paris green to twentyfive pounds of bran, when applied to tobacco plant beds will effectively control the grubs of green Juno beetles. | A Card of Thanks ??^ I desire to express to the voters of ! Kershaw County my sincere appreciation and my thanks for the magnificent vote you gajre me on August il,which vote re-elected me your county auditor. I will endeavor at all times to serve you m the future as Ihave in the p&st. ; B. E. Sparrow. a i . . Although the wife of-W. D.^fanteyrindicted banker bf Atlanta, Ga., testified at a lunacy hearing Tuesday that Manley had not been rational in twelve years ,he made $1,800^)00 in Florida real estate desls the past two years. Go Hand-m-Han<^^M LEAVE AN AMPLE MARGIN RETWF.EN. INCOME AND YOUR EXPENSES. WHAY YOU * LOSE IN IMMEDIATE PLEASURE WILL S:BE AMPLY REPAID IN THE SENSE OF ASSURANCE U AND SELF-RESPECT WHICH GO HAND IN HAND WITH A GOOD-SIZED BANK ACCOUNT The First National Baff|fej| Of Camden* South Carolina ||