Pale Children Made over to your liking, with rosy cheeks, hearty appetite*, vigorous digestion and robust health.. Give them a giuss of this delicious di^estant with meals. Shivar Ale Pur* Aromatic* With Shivar Mineral Water a Oln?cr Nothing like it for building rich blood and solid flesh. At all grocers and druggists? satisfaction or your money back on flrst dozen. If your regular dealer cannot supply you telephone Camden Wholesale Grocery Co. Wholesale Distributors ? The feet contain twenty-five pet' cent of the bones of the human body. Radio rash, Europe's latest ufflictiony is caused by the constant pressure of hard rubber headpieces against the ears, causing an eruption which spreads over the upper part of the head and the back of the neck. Ireland is minting her own coins for the first time in one hundred ye at s. i he first Irish coins were struck by Danish kings in the 10th ' Century. A decrease of 1,2 per cent in the number of farms in the United States between 1920 and 1025 is reported by the census bureau. ENROLLMENT NOTICE Enrollment books have been received and are being sent out to each precinct. It is necessary that those desiring to participate in the approaching Democratic.Primary properly enroll their names on the enrollment book of the precinct nearest them. The regulations as to enrollment and the general rules of the Party are printed on the inside cover pages of the books. The secretaries and members of the enrollment committees will kindly familiarize themselves with these rules and be watch ful that the enrollment of each voter is made irf accordance therewith The books will open not later than Tuenay, June 2nd, and close on the 'a?t Tuesday in July, which is July 1 he books must be placed in the hands of the county chairman within three days from the date of their closing. . ,R. H. HILTON, U ( hmn. Kershaw Co. Dem. Ex. Com. M. L. SMITH, JR., Secretary. Camden, S. C., May 31, 192G. 1: ' SON COLLEGE SCHOLAR I .SHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMP I nations. Competitive examinations for the award of vacant scholarships in Clemson College will be held on Friday, 'uiy 9, 1926,'beginning at. 9 a.m., by each county superintendent of education. These scholarships will be open to young men sixteen years of -ige or over, who desire to pursue courses in Agriculture and Textiles'.' 1 ersons interested should write the Registrar for information and application blanks before the time of the examinations. Successful applicants must meet fully the requirements for admission. ; ' * Each scholarship is worth $100.00 and free tuition) which is $40.00 addiMembership in tho Reserve 'Rimers Training Corps?R. O. T. C. -is equivalent in money value to a scholarship during the i junior and senior years. . . These examinations may also be used as credit toward admission into college. I4 or further information write THE REGISTRAR Clcmson College, S. C. Renew Your Health by Purification -Any physician will tell ynff ""TfiaT I or feet Purification of tho System m Nature's Foundation' of Perfect Lea 1th." Why /tot rid yourself of chronic ail men ts that are undermin'Upr your vitality? Purify your enare system by taking a thorough \vn 01 ^aR)tabs)?once or'twico'a week for several .weeks?and seo how -Nature rcwardo you with health. Lniotabs are the greatest of ^ all Vm-o 1 P.uUvers. Get a family pack -^-i.'^utaniinv fnll dir#v?Hr>nn, oniy s- At any drug store. (AdvA | COLUMBIA LUMBER & I | MANUFACTURING CO.! MILL WOSK | SASH, DOORS, BLINDS | AND LUMBER H PLAIN & HU UK STS. P!ione 71 ft COLUMBIA, S. C. j. I - _ .. * . ? NO-MO-KORN FOR CORNS AND CALLOUSfcS ' Made in Camden and For Sale By DeKalb Pharmaiy-PIiomf 91 J - - ?' " t > In the Kitchen J > u^6 Famous Codes) FIVE WAYS TO PREPARE CHiCKEN These Are Favorite Recipes of Four Famous Cooks '(Rditor't Note: Thia U one of a aerltti of unudUHl cooking article contributed to this paper by fix famoua cooka.) Chicken is a universal favorite. Ver>c few folks can find it in their hearts to refuse a second helping of this nppetiz- j ing fowl. Four famous cooks i grivo tempting: recipes for cooking it-** fricassee, fried, broiled, stewed, and soup. There's variety enough for everyone! Mrs. Sarah m.. ? r? 4.y?uu ivjrer, the Philadelphia cooking expert, has a recipe for a delicious chicken corn soup. "This is an excellent dish," she says. "With u salad, coffee, and a bit of ripe cheese it makes a wholesome meal." Mrs. Sarah tyson rorer Chicken Corn Soup Her directions follow: Singe, draw, and cut up as for atewlQg a two year old hen. Put it In a kettle, und cover with threo quarts of cold water. Bring to a boil, and cook until tjnder?about two hours. Remove chicken. Bklm the broth, and put it back on the burner. Add two medium sized onions chopped, a teaspoon of salt, dash of pepper, and a box of noodles. Add one pint of canned or fresh cut-off corn. Cover and cook 10 minutes. Add the chicken cut into small pieces. When hot, Berve. If too thick, add milk to thin. . Delicious Fricassee For chicken fricassoe, made according to the recipe of Mrs. Kate )i. Vautrhn, Ix>s Angeles cooking expert. select a young chicken, bout 3% pounds. Season pieces of, chicken with salt and popper, dredge with Hour, and fry in hot fat until brown. . I1a.ce in casserole, add wilier and cook in hot oven, 350 degrees F. for onfe hour. Keep tho cover on the casserole. . ^ Ac They Cook It "Out West" Pacific Coast fried chicken ts-dehemus. Vou- have tho worOf U'rs. Ucile DeOraf for that. . Mrs. DeGrkf is a domestic sclcnco counsellor in &an Francisco. For this dish cut one medium ?slscd young chicken as for fricassee. .Sprinkle each pieco with salt and pepper and dredge with '.lour. Meat lour tablespoons butter or chicken rat in frying pan. Fry chicken until well- - browned;??Coyer with not water. Add one tablespoon minced Cttioa and coolt -until the chicken is Under, using ,a low Jlurne. When ChiC.ken?la done, remove to serving plate. If any liquid remains in pan,, drain, oft in cup. Put il tablespoons of butter in the pan. Add 11 tablespoons of flour. Mix until smooth, then add 2 cups of thin cream, cr cream and liquid loft to make" 3 cups, Stir until cic.-auy. 'i'nci e.d?i onb tabl<-Bpoou" liaely tthrrdded green pepper, and Vx teaspoon suii't. Simmer :i few minutes. thori pour around, not over t be OhiOlv'"rt 'Co prepare the green pepper pour water ovrpr it and let standJu tnfsiutes. Shred with sc|B?0>s. . ".'J Vi j iinj ouu i u ?? .r j e? ncciM Kosa Mtchi- Vow Orleans domestic science j.,.-c; ilist, comes from the wJihfo cn'oken In ons of i ',r> mont '??vht4kt vJisbeu. Sho . Tf!\'r ' T' L". rt?*TTTr giir ' r~ "Fop"j*i?i.?horn hrolVcd lihicUon. ?ho t&yp. uvjeot Lt very youu? ?.J-.m ROMANCE OF THE NEWS Film To Be Presented Showing How AMNOciated l'r?M Operates New York, May 21)?"The Romance of the News," a film showing how The Associated Press gathers and disseminates the news of the world, soon will be unfolded in more than 2,000 theatres in more than 1,200 towns and cities of the United States, Alaska and Hawaii. This film, by Pathe, -which will vYsuulize for the millions who daily rend The Associated Press dispatches the manner in which news is handled, will be released for "first run" houses on June 0, and will be Shown at other theatres June 20, The film will be shown for six months. The development of news transmission facilities, as shown in- the tfilm, begins with the carrier pigeon, the curler and snail-like vessels, and then reveals the use of the present day telegraph, radio and telephone as methods of communicutkng news. To reveal the manner in which a news event is turned into a graphic account, sent hurtling through space in various manners, set up in type, and placed in the readers' hands, a catastrophe was selected. The actual example is a simulation of the destruction of Pompeii. The earliest automobile^ were legally classified ks steam engines. -u^1 ....I-j v.i,.n...i j^. A University of Utah sophomore was paid $30 for damages, to Ms clothes received when freshmen compelled him to clean green paint from the campus flag pole. Married women desiring to lathi in Cuba must present their husbands' Written permission. $12.00 Trip FRIDAY, JUNK 4Til, TO Washington, D. C. FROM Camden . VIA SUMTER ; ifo ' (Hound Trip Fares from other points proportional) Tickets good until midnight June 8th and in Pullmans on ' payment of necessary charges. T. V. WALSH, JR., Gen. Agt. CAMDEN, S. C. PHONE 128 ATLANTIC | COASTLINE t . On display this week Latest Perfection Cookstoves Lookn do ws All this week you can see practical demonstrations of the Perfection Stove six famous cooks have tested and endorsed. Look for above sign in store windows. See the stove today and judge for yourself ?what the experts approve. Prices and sizes to suit every need. "Utensilsfreevk from sotot," VI I says Philadel- II I phia cooking Jm expert "No mlntUnt \l of flavor* or V odor*," report* I 1 New Orleans /J J authority JA Steak browns ' beautifully 3 , without turn\ing,"says Bos-/[ j H^Jon Expert ^ Add variety by broiling meats in a Perfection;Broiler. Cooks on both sides at same time due to special construction. Turning unnecessary. No juice can drip into flame. Easily cleaned. rT*HIS PERFBCTION is tho model the six famous cooks used in their tests, ft is being demonstrated today,, at ell dealer's, >? ??*|oog-with other Perfection models. See its actual performance with your own eyes. You'll be oonvinoed the experts are right in endorsing Perfection Stoves t , Cooking begins when you touoh a match to the wick. No time lost in heat generation. Clean, intense heat flows up the Ion? chimneys direct to your oooking. Every drop of oil is completely burned before the heat reaehes utensils so they are kept clean and unstained. Bach burner is independently operated and capable of every rsntte of heat. You can bakef boil, broil, fry and simmer on c Perfection? II at one time. Adjust the flame for any cooking process and it remains as you set it. Be see the Perfection demonstrated today. In size from twt> to five burners. < Glass door oven. Baking always visible. Browns both top and bottom due to rapid Mliyo heat" etronlation from 108 holes. oial oatoh seals door perfeotly, saving heat for bakings Get a Per- ' feotion ovon heat indioa^or, also. Don't guess at oven temperatures. Ideal stove (or oamping. Pcrleotion burner, protecting wind-shield, eyer cool handle. Stands firm on oircular base. Won't tip easily. Four pleoei of tempting brown toast quickly made at one time on this Toaster. Handle is always oool. - ? ? * - * t f 'Cooks as quickly as gas," \ says Battle Creek J ^ expert | Superfex ran^e with ?ast>aa*||aa burners and builMn oven. The etovo for those who want the best. Warm* ing oabinet easy to clean and prevents grease spattering walls. One of many Perfections being demonstrated today. Manufactured by PERFECTION STOVE LOMPANY, (,7