The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, June 04, 1926, Image 5

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Farewell For Mrs. Guthrie. Mrs. E. P. Calhoun entertained at her home on Font? street Friday eve ning in honor of Mrs. J, JK. Guthrie, who leaves Cheater at an early date to make her home in Camden. There were ten tables of bridge players, the top score prize being won by Mrs. If. S. Adams, Guests prizes were presented to Mrs. Lucy Piatt of Marion and Mrs. Hamlin Briggs of Columbia. Mrs. Z. Vance Davidson presented the honor guest with a set of luncheon napkins, the gift from the hostess. After the games .block cream, cake and bonbons weto served. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin Briggs of Columbiu and Mrs. Lucy Piatt of Mariop. Miss Thomasia Guthrie, who will leave Chester with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Guthrie, to make her home in Camden, was given a surprise farewell party by the Service league of St. Mark's Episcopal church on the Ripplomeyer lawn Monday evening. The decorations were in blue and white, the league colors, and sweet peas. Progressive conversation and dancing were indulged in after which block cream, cake and punch were served. Mrs. Floyd .White presented Miss Guthrie with a lbvely orchid feather fan as a parting gift from the league. While refreshments were being served toasts were in order from the guests.?Chester correspon-t dence Columbia State. Mrs. Richards Now in Laurens Laurens, May 30,^-Mrs. John G Richards, of Liberty HH1, who has beeft a patient at a Rock Hill hospital for the past several weeks, was brought to Laurens yesterday, accompanied by Major Richards, and she will convalesce at the -home of her SnnwJuamd ??Ughi?r' and Mrs John Wells Todd. Two daughters 1 Misses Bettie and Rheba, the former engaged in welfare work at the Watts I mills village here, and the latter, a member of the teaching staff of the Laurens school, make their home with the Todds, and the people of Laurens are happy that they, too, havfe. tttelr mother with them, and can minister to her as she recovers her health. Major Richards was greeted by I numbers of friends on every hand in ! the community. Botts-Clarke. A marriage coming as a surprise m- VI friends, was that of Miss Maude Botts to Mr. W. Arthur Methodisf" Monday evening at the rI* ^ rp upa??nage ln this city,' m ' r* Pecler Performing the ^reMil?'p" A ?presence of a few fiends. Miss liom is a native of Abbeville, ma?e any friends dunng her stay of several years in th!f Dak' ?larke 'S a member of the DeKalb Grocery and is a popular am progressive young business man f ( amden. They have a large circle of fi lends who will be interested in heir marriage. The young couple left immediately after the ceremony v, ,A "lobor trip to the mountains of v?oith Carolina._ U. D. C. .Chapter To Meet The John D. Kennedy Chapter L. U. C. will meet om Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock with Mrs. R. W Mrs P TiriiM; M' R.?f??aover and ; f V T' vd|epigue will be assistant Attend members are urged to attend this meeting \ BUurn8' farmer ^ Warrior reek church section of Laurens' revnty, has killed 75 crows ami four chicken hawks this year. Last yl*r hawks tota,Ied 107 crows and ten j Notice to Debtors and .Creditors. ! of All persons indebted to the estate ! requested decebsed, are hereby u pay same and all per ons to whom the said W. B Allred present th1?1 V*! hereby notified to at the offien1" #!?"}"' duIy a?e8ted, AUo;ncya.wirhidn\^\te%tsiTehd| BJune 2, 1926. 3t ^"rsonal mention t?uJ!F . i!y lj*n* ia the guest of friends in Charleston this week. i> ? *Jl?? . vC2!5 of New Orleans ? ,>ffm<ion thi? *?k. Mrs. Cora Richey, of Spartaryburir Mi * m relative? ^ Camden. Miss May Hershroan of Pittsburgh is t e guest of Mrs, G. ?}. Alexander tnis week. I if, r!.8LG,tt<,yu WeB.t of Charleston is >Ji Camden where she will spend sevrral days as the guest of relative^ Misses Margaret Ueloaehe and 'Mary Goodale are visiting this week in Columbia, the guests of Mrs. Stan-' loy VVatkins. The following students of Winthiop College have returned to their homes Tor the summer vacation: Misses Harriett. Lipscomb, Emily Jenkins, onneau Hall, Alma Holland, Roberta Hmson, Mazie Roberts, Martha Workman, Polly DePass, Elisabeth Clarke. Mr. John Porter left Thursdav after "a^ vis ft & homVn ? auei a visit of several days at the home of his mother, Mrs. 1^ I. Proctor. Mr. I orter is returning by motor Frnp?HCC?nn>^nying him are M?88 S?i M? Bateman and Miss Willie Belle Macljey who will spend the summer in New York City. Among those attending the gradual on exercises at Winthrop College John WSii!^re th? Allowing: Mrs. John Williams and Miss Cora Willi/010' r* an<* Mrs. W. R. Hough Hou^h13IMrU:h?/- HvU?h' Mr- Charlie Hough, Mrs. G. E. Taylor, Mrs. H. S. Steedman, Mrs Virginia Clarke, ali I of Camden, and Mrs. J. A: Bell anc young daughter; Messrs. Karl Rosborough and J. C. Team, of Lugoff. .. CLEMSON HAS BAD FIRE. Engineering Building Destroyed and ? Four Firemen Hurt. Clemson College, May 27.?The engineering building of Clemson college was completely destroyed by fire here this afternoon, with a loss to ,and iclonte"ts estimated at $300,000, less than half of which is covered by insurance. Four firemen were injured by falling bricks, two of a? "eedin? hospital treatment. I he fire, the origin of which is undetermined, started about 4 o'clock at a point immediatelytfabove the machine shop, . Prof. S. R. Earle, direc,the engineering department, with almost all of his staff were in the building at the time. The flames spread so rapidly that students work1 ing in the architectural rooms on the top story were forced to descend a | ladder set up by college cadets. The cadet corps worked heroically in fighting the fire and attempting to ,save equipment. LjFire apparatus from Anderson, j Greenville and Easley gave material aid in fighting the blaze. . The Anderson truck in charge of Chief. F. F. | McConnell, arrived first and gave help in halting the blaze, which for a time ! threatened the .fertilizer building adjoining. The Greenville truck in charge of Chief F. E. McDonald and nine firemen, made the 32 mile run from Greenville in 46 minutes. A truck from 1 Seneca, which answered the call for aid, broke down about' two miles from the college. Four members of the ~ Greenville fire department were injured in fighting the blaze. Owen Turner was dVercome by smoke, 'John Cooper was bruised by falling brick, while Jimmy Burns ^nd Harold Burns were taken to the Clemsop hospital when they suffered severe injuries under a falling wall. From Across the Big Pond. A postcard from Mrs. S. K. Winkler, formerly of Camden, and who spends her winters hej?$ doing publicity work, tells us that she is having a most delightful stay at Lake Geneive, in Switzerland. She will visit other places in the old country before returning to her home in New York. FOR TREASURER I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer subject to the rules of tfie Democratic primary. . J. W. CANTEY. For House of Representatives. I hereby announce myself a candidate for" the House of. Representatives, subject To the rules governing [ the Democratic primary. I- LOWING DAVIS 7 o . :?M annual commencement (Continued from Page One) garet Coodale. Grade 7-A?Elizabeth Zemp. RochdU Sh^~RObeM *enne<,y' ii Grn1?u B?tty Cureton, Caroline Richardson. Watts^6 9 A Mary B?ykin? Elmer Grade U-B-^-Evelyn Bruce, Virginia Haile, Ellen Stewart. Grade 10-A?Moultrie Burns, Rob-! ert Davis, Carolyn Heyman, Louise Jennings, Willie Porter, Louis Lang, Margaret Rast. ' Grade 10-B John Richardson. \ ?r 4i,1-A ^:aro,yn Wooten, Susie Watkins, Jemel Rabon, Maud Dabney. Grade 11-B?Margaret Billing#, Sarah DePass. Scholarship Honor Roll Grade 1-A?Minnie Sue Bruce, Catherine Dempster, Ruth Evans, Jean, Wilson, Florence Savage, Sidney Kirkland, Woodrow Benson, Bobby Marye, Lyles Munn, Jack Mogulescu, Isaac Pitts. Grade 1-B?Billy Nettles, Guy Love, Rebecca Rush, Leo Snyder. Grade 2-A?Sarah Bissell, Sadie Frietag, ^Elizabeth Goodale, Alma Hunter, Emily Sheorn, Emily.Shan2?n-Vu ?!LB, SteXenson? Lillie Mae Smith, Thelma Stokes, Edna Strak, Helen Tindal, Belton Beard, Ned Heard, Jack Brown, Everett Goodale, Murray Graham, Jack Halsall, L. S. Ra^m,ond Moore, McKain Richards, Robert Shaw, Marion Smith, William H. West. o 8"A~JKathe?rirte Brayshaw, I [Ruth DeLoache, Charlotte DuBose, I Eleanor Hopkins, Annie Kelly, Ruth Moseley, Estelle Myers, Frances Mc-1 fLeod, Dorothy Van Landingham, Jerome Hoffer, Roland Moore, .+ A I Rast. ; Grade 3-B?Etta Scaffe. Clyburn, Cecil i McCaskill, Fletcher Moore, Jr., ( Luther Shaw, William Thompson, J Mary Lee Blakeney, Mary Ellen I Kirkland, Lorine Strak. Grade 6-A?James Moore, Samuel! McCaskill, Joseph Lang, Jack Boyd, | Grace Love, Nancy Browne. Gr?4e 0-A?Grace Robinson. Gray- J son Shaw, Margaret Goodale, Alice DePass, Marie Haile. wnint-L 7-A^?Charles DeLoache, | Willie Haile, Carolina Houser, Eliza- j beth McCaskill, Carolyn McKain, Emily Pitts, Lenora Rhame, Etheil Snyder, > Grade 7-B?Mabel Flowers, Marguerite McCaskill. Grade 7-C?Sarah Shivar. Grade 8-A?Robert Kennedy, Dun- f can Lang, Rochelle Sheorn, Benton I Burns. Grade 8-B?Catherine Boykin, j Carolyn Burnet, Betty Cureton, Caroline Richardson. Grade 9-A?Mary Boykin,-Louise J Trapp, Elmer Watts, Joe Mogulescu. I Grade 9-B?Evelyn Bruce, Virginia I Haile, Ellen Stewart, Mary Brown. ! Grade 10-A?Moultrie Burn, Robert! Davis, Carolyn Heynian, Louise | Jennings, Willie Porter, Louis Lang, | Margaret Rast. Grade 10-B?John Richardson. J Grade 11-A? Carolyn Wooten, | Susie Watkins,! Jemel Rabon, Pearl Jones, Maud Dabney. Grade 11-B?Charles Lorick, Sarah. Gettys, Jumelle Haile, Martha Single-I ton, Patsy Stewart; Harriet WhitakerTj Attendance Honor Roll j The following pupils were not ab- j sent a day during the school year just closing: .. Grade 1-A?Jean Wilson, Lyles Munn. , v. t .&ra5? ?Leila B. Christmas, Gillie Mae Smith, Emily Sheorn, Lena Stevenson. Grade 2-B?-Louise McLeod. I Grade 3-A-?*-Ka,therine Brayshaw, Mary Richey. I Grade 3-B?Alma Smyrl, Roscoe | Johnson. j Grade 4-A?-Cecil McCaskill, Hamilton Osborne, Alvin Sanders, Luther Shaw, William Thompson, Margaret Baldwin, Mary Ziegler, Nataline Ziegler. .,? [ Grade 4-B?Alvin Christmas, Herman I Jackson, Frank Clyburn. I r?*5jLra<^ ?Leslie Smith, Reuben Pitts, James McCoy, Melicue McCoy, Homer Baldwin, Mary Jane Mackey, Nancy Browne. ?~? y Grade 5-B?-Clarence Christmas.4 Grade 6-C?Lucille Kirkland, Harry Brown. Grade 6-A-?Margaret McCoy, Wilburn Denton. i Grade 6-B?Lawrence Munn. - Grade Claude Jackson, Eleanor Brown, Blanche MoCkskill. Grade 7-A?Geneva Jones, Henry ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CONGRESS W. F. STEVENSON ZEB VANCE DAVIDSON FOR STATE SENATE G. C. WELSH FOR HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES ALLEN B. MURCHISON v" MENDEL L. SMITH LORING DAVIS For Magistrate DeKalb Township J. D. SINCLAIR W. L. DePASS, JR. For Magistrate Lower Buffalo J. E. COPELAND CLARENCE C. PATE V FOR TREASURER S. W. ROGUE J. W. GANTEY FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE samuel n. nicholson w. l. Mcdowell FOR SHERIFF J. HENRY McLEOD D. T. YARBOROUGH FOR COUNTY AUDITOR B. E. SPARROW FOR COUNTY DIRECTOR H. G GARRISON. JR. BEN P. DeLOA<5HE Clyburn. Grade 7-B?Mabel Flowers, Mary Flowers, Marguerite McCaskill, Houston Shaw. Grade 7-C?Elmo Brown, Alvin Creed, Laura Moseley. Grade 8-A -Paul Gardner, Willis Shedd, McLean King, Nancy Pearce. Grade 8-B?H. A. Rabon, Catherine Boykin, Betty Cureton, Nannie Gardner, Sara Moseley. Grade IMi?Frances Owens, Isabella Loriek, Ellen Stewart. Grade 10-A Thad Flowers, Riley Gettys, Mitchell Rubon, Margaret Rast. Grade 11-B?Patsy Stewart. Yearly Honor Roll Mill School Grade 1-A?Viola Brewer,, Allan Calder. Grade 1-B?Philip Bell. Grade 2?Rollins Hatfield, S. B. Hatfield, Elsie Helms, Walter Robinson, Ted Johnson, Willis Wright. Grade 4-A?Edophcl Dial, Ruby Gardner, Willie Kcnnington, Ruth McManus, Joe Phillips, Ansel Shirley, James Calder, Virgil Gardner, Cleo Johnson, Edwin Johnson, Beaufort Nelson. Camden Honor Roll Ninth Month Grade 1-A?Minnie Sue Bruce, Catherine Dempster, Charla Dunn, Ruth Evans, Jean Wilson, Woodrow Benson, Sidney Kirkland, Bobby Marye, Lyles Munn, Jack Mogulescu, Isaac Pitta. Grade 1-B?Roy Gardner, Ellen Little, Guy Love, Rebecca Rush, Lois Hames, Haze# Shirley, Sudie Shirley, Leo Snyder, Jean Van Landingham, Billy Nettles. Grade 1-C?Virginia Davis, Walter I Harris, Clyburn Huggins. Grade 2-A?Sarah Bissell, Leila B. Christmas, Sadie, Frietag, Elizabeth Goodale, Emily Shannon, Lillie Mae Smith, Lena Stevenson, Thelma Stokes, Edna Strak, Helen Tindal, Belton Beard, Jack Brown, Everett Goodale, Murray Graham, Jack Halsail, L. S. Mayer, Ray Moore, McKain Richards, Marion Smith, \yilliam H. West, Robert Shaw, Emily Sheorn. Grade 2-B?Carl Scarborough, Claude Marshall, Ethel Evans. Grade 3-A?Kathenine Brayshaw, Mary Burnet, Ruth DeLoache, Charlotte DuBose, Eleanor Hopkins, Annie Kelly, Ruth' Moseley, Estelle Myers, France's,McLeod, Dorothy Van Landingham, Beatrice Villepigue, Mary Waters, Eleanor Watts, Joseph Gaskin, Jack Haile, Jerome Hoffer, Doris Houser, Everette Montgomery, Roland Moore, Billy Moseley, J. A. Rast. Grade 3-B?Etta Scaffe, Willie Mae Dodger, Liza Jackson, Ralph Goodale, Ernest Graham, Franc! i Sheheen, Roscoe Johnson, Frank Hinson, Albertus Truesdale, Robert Rhame. Grade ^-A?Mary Lee Blakeney, Mary Ellen Kirkland, Mary Ellen McCaskill, Golda Shirley, Lorine Strak, Mary Elizabeth Wooten, Daniel Carrison, James Clyburn, Harvey Davis, Cecil McCaskill, Fletcher Moore, Jr., Hamilton Osborne, Luther Shaw, William Thompson. Grade Vivian Stokes, Edward McCaskill, Annell Moseley, Purvis Shirley, Catherine Hall. Grade 5-A?Samuel McCaskill, Nancy Browne, Jack Boyd, Joseph Lang, James Moore, Reuben Pitts, Katherine Kennedy, Meta Mogulescu, Virginia Drawdy, Emily Zemp, Betty Carrison, Elizabeth Gardner, Grace Love, Thomas Bruce. " Grade 6-A?Grayson Shaw, Eloise Rhoden, Margaret Goodale, Margaret McCoy, Emily Goodale, Solomon Mims, Marie Haile, Willine Hall, Lois Turner. Grade 6-B?-Mary Peebles, , Ruby Burns, Janie Brewer, Vivian Hall, Leonard Hasty. Gfade 7-A?Thornton Eyans, Allen Hardy, Caroline Houser, Elizabeth McCaskill, Emily Pitts, Lenora Rhame, Adele Savage,. Ethel Snyder, Elizabeth Zemp, Geneva Jones. Grade 7-B?Marguerite McCaskill, Mabel Flowers, Mlriatn Hill. Grade 8-A?Benton Burns, Robert Kennedy, Duncan Lang, Rochelle Sheorn, Maud McTeer, Althea SanI ders, Annie Turner, Lenora Moseley. Grade 8-B?Margaret Ancrum, Catherine Boykin, Carolyn Burnet, ! Betty Cureton, Sara Mills, Caroline Richardson. Grade 9-A?Mary Boykin, Elmer Watts, Stanley Babin, Evelyn Moseley, Austin Shehecn, Louise Trapp, Joe Mogulescu. Grade 9-B?Evelyn Bruce, Virginia Haile, Ellen Stewart, Virginia DeLoache, Mary Brown. Grade 10-A?Louise Jennings, Willie Porter, Carolyn Heyman, Thad Flowers, Louis Lang,-Mary Moseley, Margaret Rast, Mary Thompson, Aileen Funderburk, Team Gettys, Robert Davis, Moultrie Burns. Grade 10-B?John Richardson, Clare Bruce, Cora Williams. Grade" 11-A?Carolyn Wooten, Susie Watkins, Jemel Rabon, Maud * Dabney, Pearl Jones, Margaret DeLoache, Clyde Flowers. Grade 11-B?Charles Lorick, Clarkson Rhame, Margaret Billings, Sarah DePass, Mary Jane Getty.s, Sarah Gettys, Patsy Stewart, Harriet Whitaker. Deputy Badly Wounded. Newberry, May 30.?Deputy Sheriff Player of Newberry lies in the Leesvillo hospital said to be suffering from a serious abdominal wound inflicted by a pistol fired by Junius tfunter near Leesville about 4 o'clock this afternoon. Hunter is dead. Returning fire, the officers shot and killed him with a 46-calibre pistol, the bullets taking effect in the face. Deputy Player was accompanied by Constable Quattlebaum of Prosperity. A temporary receiver has been named for the Merchants Bank A Trust company of Winston^Salea!, ? N. C. . The town of Fachi, on an oasis in the Sahara, is built of salts- It is said ? to have only 100 inhabitants. EXCURSION Savannah, Ga., and Florida V FRIDAY, JUNE 11th Round Trip Q - (Proportional Fare From v*SllllCl6n^ iJ? x/? Other Pointa) ; TO , r* , * Savannah . ,7...7 .....$ 7.50 'Jacksonville 10.50 'Jacksonville Beach .... 11.00 'St. Augustine 12.00 'Daytona Beach ? 1125 j 'Ocala 13.25 x Arcadia 17.50*^ xAuburndale 17.50 -xAvon Parle * 17.50 xBartow i.. .Trr;.. 17.50 xBonita Springs 17.50 xBradenton 17.50 xPt. Lauderdale 20.00 xFt. Myers 17.50 xHollywood^ 20.00 xLakeland , 17.50 xLakie Wales 17.50 xManatee?Sell to Bradenton xMiami 20.50 xMoore Haven t. 17.60 xOkeechobee 17.50 xOrlando 17.50 xPalmetto 17.50 xPnnta Gorda .... i 17.50 x Sarasota 17.50 xSebrinjr 17.50 * xSt. Petersburg 17.50 xTampa 17.50 xW. Palm Beach 19.50 xWinter Haven .... v., 17.50 I*?Return limit June 18. x?Return limit June 22. Tickets and information from any A. C. L. Agent or T. V. WALSH, JR., CAMDEN, & C., PHONE 128 Atlantic Coast Line ~ 1 .. .? . - "> . *- ^ '{ MB tyi > It's Fixed so You Can't Lose This week we're not going to tell you a single part of the program ?you know the MAJESTIC, and after we have your vote of confidence, you'll vote this unnamed show one of the best ever. "TAKE A CHANCE" WEEK AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE I Monday, June 7 to Saturday, 12th ' " QUNBURN _ 1 Apply Vicka vary lightly?H: Boothea tfca tortured skick vicks VapoRub CW 21 Million Jan U?d Kgjg *r Telephone Service Improves As Calls Increase ' * < * X telephones added to the Bell System in South Carolina last year has greatly increased the value of the service i and extended its scope by including thousands of new subscribers. * ?^-This growth has been re........ fleeted in the number of calls handled daity by the operators, who are responding cheerfully to your needs and maintaining quick and dependable service; It is estimated that the operating forces handled more than 101,145,423 originating local calls and 1,944,726 long distance messages in South Carolina alone last year. This was an increase of about 7 per cent over the previous year; a daily average of 306,192 local c?ills and 5,887 long distance calls. 4" i I ,' That such. a large volume vr . of calls is handled so efficiently as to_wiag^neral^ublic~--:-commendation is due to the j splendid efforts of 494 highly trained operating room em- " ' * ployes, who serve you contin-....? uously, day and night. The considerate co - operation of subscribers encourages the telephone workers in their j effort to continue the high-, grade service to which you arc accustomed. MORGAN B. SPE1R. Carolina** Manager "Bell System SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY P+itcy, OM Syt*m, Ummffmi Smfwin* : ^