tuagbdy of thk hills > pardon To Alien Clafc Bfcalle Court House Shooting 14 Year* Ago Mount Airy, May 29.?One day last vLVek a stranger, representing noma monumental concern in VirgHna, 'mietly entered the little country ,??oved t?Vo tablec which bore the inscription: "8acred to the memory of Claude Mien and his father, who were judicially murdered in the Virginia penitentiary March 26, 1913, by order of the Governor of Virginia over the protest of 100,000 citizen of the state of .Virginia. Erected by a friend and citizen of Virginia." And in place thereof placed upon the marker another bearing the following: "In memory of Floyd and Claude Allen, born 1867, born 1889, died March 28, 1913. Asleep in Jesus." It is not known who gav^rthe order for thev change, but it is the opinion here that some of the relatives of Floyd and Claude jj^Uen had the change made ?and so the marker that voiced a silent protest of numerous citizens of the Old Dominion has passed from public view and is evidence that the bitterness that once rankled in the hearts of many has passed .. .I, ..: u- ? ' . away. Mount Airy, May 29.?When the name of Harry Flood Byrd, governor of the commonwealth of Virginia, was affixed to the pardons of Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards at Richmond on April 29, the final curtain was rung down in a tragic drama that began ;n the little town of Hillsville, Carroll i county, Virginia, more than fourteen years ago, when, like a flash out of a dear sky, the news was heralded to the country that Judge Massie hadj been shot dead while presiding over, the circuit court, that Attorney W. M. j Foter had fallen a victim while walking in front of the judge's desk, and that Sheriff Webb and a woman in the-i audience had been killed in a fusilade that was turned loose in the little court room on that tragic March 12, pj 12, after a member of the "Allen gang" had been convicted of an infraction of the law.; o V. For weeks following the tragedy this' city?located just across the ,ther states made earnest appeal to the then Governor Mann, to spare the lives of these men. But the governor steadfastly refused to interfere with"- the sentence of the court. ?i.Qn the .day of. the electrocution Governbr Mann was out of his jurisdiction, being on a trip to Baltimore. Lieutenant Governor Tyler became the acting governor in his stead. The acting governor ordered postponement of the execution. The goverpor was apprisdi of what had occurred, and ho immediately started on hit return to Virginia territory. Crossing over - tne Potomac _ river from Washington, he-sent a message frpm Alexandria to the superintendent of the state prison, in which he said, "I am still governor of Virginia, and on Virginia soil." After^a day of much excitement and uncertainty the two went bravely to their deaths about 1 o'clock in\the afternoon. The women of Richmond had presented Claude Allen with a gold medal for what they termed shooting in defense of his father. His defense was that he shot only in defense of his father after shots were being exchanged between the Aliens arid the officers of the court. This medal was given to hifn when he~~was in the death cell at the state prison, and was pinned op his breast. Before the interment took place this medal was taken off and presented to Miss Nellie Wisler as she wept over the I lifeless form of the man .to whom she was engaged to be married. 1 Great crowds of people attended ;* * KtTjT* -v-V'v /w the double funeral notwithstanding the fact that it rained throughout the day. Many were friends who came to mourn over those whom Ihey had known and loved. Hundreds of others were lured by maudttn curiosity to brave the weather of this gloomy March day when the final curtain fel) in the drama which had been enacted by these two bold mountain men and their kinsmen of the hills. In a ceremony as simple as their lives had been their bodies wore covered with the soil of their beloved mountains. And over them a granite shaft tells the tale of their great adVenture. About two years ago Governor Trinkle pardoned two of the younger members of the clan. Jack Allen, brother of Floyd, was Jcilled between Mount Airy and his home a few years: after the Hillsville tragedy. Harnett' Allen, son of, Jack, and a very excellent citizen, died at his home ne#r Galax, Va., last year. Victor Allen, on of Floyd, and the only brother of Claude, moved to some northern state some years ago. Nothing is known now of the later movements artd whereabouts of the two women? sweethearts of Claude Swanon and of Bdwards?wKo figured in the terrible event at Hillsville. The Aliens had many friends in this section of the country. They were thrifty and industrious and were always considered good citizens. Bidna Alien lived just beyond the Blue Kidge, and his home was among the best to be found in Carroll county. Those who know them say they were ulways good neighbors, ready to help out in any enterprise that was for the advancernent of the community. Just why men of the intelligence and standing of these men should come to engage in a tragedy that brought ruin and sorrow to their own families and to the families of many other people is a question for psychologists to ponder and criminologists to try to fathom. Perhaps it was the donnishness inherent in the mountain poople. These families, of the purest Anglo-Saxon lineage in the world, lived in their small communities a law unto themselves. The Aliens, men of property and standing, it is thought, could not bear the stigma that would attach to their names when one of their number had been convict**} of u crime and sentenced to jail. Perhaps they .were convinced of the innocence ol this kinsman. At any rate, it was certainly in effort to affect his rescue that the clan gathered at the trourt house to await the event of the 'trial. The Aliens have made model prisoners, and no doubt will spend their remaining days in peaceful pursuits. Their intelligence and industry will stand them in good stead to get on their feet again in the world, They have many friends and the years that have pased have served to soften the feeling that once existed. In the light of the fine record they have made for themselves as prisoners, the general feeling is that they have been punished sufficiently. Few can be found in this section who knew them who would not wish them well as they set out in life anew. Sidna Allen has -been invited to come to Raleigh and enter business there. It is expected, however, that he will want to spend some time at his . old home and amid his old surroundings; to renew acquaintance; with his old neighbors and to make ii i friends with his new ones. He bee been out of the world for fowteep ' years, and fourteen years is a lasgu slice to take out of a man's life. Will Not Apply in South Caroline Columbia, May 25,?President | Coolidge's order for state, county and municipal officers to bo allowed federal commissions as dry agents will not apply in South Carolina, it was stated at the office of Attorney General Daniel here .today. The s&ate - constitution provides, that no person can hold two offices, and in a number of cases the attorney general has ruled that sheriffs or other county officers could not accept commissions as state constables.* The attorney general has ruled that whero a person holding one office accepts another, the first office is automatically made vacant, . ' * Mosquitoes cause annual damage amounting to one hundred million dollars, or ninety-one cents for each person in the United States. Three million cases of chills and fevers were directly attributa/ble to these peats last year. for Economical Transportation ?/ Ik ! -? ^^BB ^B B V ^ ^ I ^^^B lift Improvement -has mtuis this tteWUlldS FiDest Low Priced Car ** ; *: . ~~ * ... . , ^ - ^ 'r . For year after year, Chevrolet engineers have been refining and improving Chevrolet's time proved design* Examine the Improved Chevrolet and you will discover every engineering development essential to finer performance, smoother operation, more striking beauty and greater economy of operationand ownership. Quality features! Quality materials! Quality workmanship! Come in! Get a< demonstration! So Smooth?So Powerful . -- Touting- - *5io "Roadster - ftlO Coupe - - 645 Sedap - - 73ft Landau - 76ft Vz-Ton Truck 396 (Chassis Only) v 1-Ton Track 6SO (Chassis Only) ' ||j SmallJPown I^ymetrf Welsh Motor Company CLYBURN BLOCK CAMDEN, S. C. V QUALITY AT LOW COST