The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, October 31, 1924, Image 7

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,I,K tf KMSON TKOIIHLK Sit ms to Have Be#n Cen* U-r of Disturbance, (Krt?ni Ow Vorkvillo Enquirer) ?yVhwt you iloinjyr homo now son?" t nsktnl 0 rising' senior of Clemson 4<olletr?' whom 1 m',oss tin* other "Oh," h*J replied, "l g?t nud jpd left hvHooI on account of the M ami uther things and here I urn jutil 1 lM (,ut wh?ther they are go ing to let us go back." "Well, how about telling me all ,bout it ^om. your point of view? the kick is; give nie the low Lwn ?n(l on because these mothers and fathers in York county are mighty much interested. I won't mention your name; because I would at want to embarrass you when you jo back and you'll go back." The rising: senior grinned and then It gave this account of tfoe whys and wherefores for the latest Clemson iaiurrection: "Well, it goes back to last year and most of it centers around the .gteo officer, liarcombe. For years ()#re was at Clemson a dearly be loved matron, Mrs, Middleton? "Mother Mid" we called her. She vis just like a mother to us. If we were sick she would bring us hot coffee and would do the hundred and one little things that a motherly wo rm can do to get next to a college boy or any boy. If we were broke and wanted money ( 'Mother Mid' would loan it to us. We were all her boys and I tell you she was a treas ure. For some reason or other she didn't have the favor of Harcombe *ho has been in charge of the mess for several years and "Mother Mid" didn't come back to Clemson this jear. She is now a matron at Caro lina. "Whether we accuse him unjustly not, Harcombe is blamed for her leaving Clemson. It seems also that .the food, never anything to brag ifcout, has been worse than ever this year and not a great deal of it either. Thirty-six men are seated at each table this year where there were thirty-two last. The amount of ra itons is the same. We get chicken on Sunday at dinner?cold storage birds and I'll swear to you on more thdn one Sunday this year I*, have, been nauseated by a sickening odor from that chicken when five feet away from it. or "Last Monday wo presented a for- I mal complaint to Acting President' Earle about the food. Thft.wHS njjKt after breakfast. I have heard since that we were slated to have slum-gul lion (hash) for dinner that day; but after we made protest the dinner menu was suddenly changed and we had fresh pork and plenty of it. We thought the change in chow was go ing to last: but lo and behold that night we were fed pork and beans and grits for supper?not another thing! A mighty howl went up. There was aaorc* or loss disorder in the mess hall on the part of lower classmen mostly. Practically every man got up from the table and left without trying to |tat the supper.' Then the rebellion burst sure enough. rr !> * "The Ilolohan matter came up, Commander Cole accused 'Butch,' as the boy is called, of drinking liquor. Butch claimed he was rubbing with alcohol and that was the smell. I am strong for Hutch because I have -t pretty straight that he was eorral rcg some corn the previous day. May w that l ad a lasting odor. But any *?>". that added fuel to the flame. Commander Cole came to Clemson Fort Leavenworth where he has hjcidi United States pi4s?n I(r;- He |;as been trying to enforce | 'he ?same kind of discipline among we Clemson l?oys that he worked on the Prisoncs and we won't stand for it. toe ift.l threw that in bin teeth last ***!< and he swallowed it. But !.;i( k to the mess officer: The ^ar'l I'. ! at" Clemson totals about !lfj.00o a nionth. As you* know you tan ^u> a terrible lot of rations for much money. The mess officer br-t.) ,,n the c|c.nlSon job about yea.' - . [jt., wasn't breaking out tr..- toin of the realm when he *rr!'?f-(j. \they tell around the col thtl; in- has one of the finest ?otomr.hi ,?> on the hill; that he owns tonMeraM,. farm land, a winter J" lorida and so on and so ? ? ? ? doesn't buy any stuff to from Clemson dealers. He j m' : m the east and most of the | 'uPr ? ? - < '?me from New York?em ? '<?.n an(j Weiniea and what x" ''"1* '*S vv^ere *^e trouble lies, i 3 " 'i'?t looking for Ritz hotel ^ lerstand, but we do thinK p d:' entitled to more and better ; ?tu.T t b - y . we are getting. ' There are additional grounds for r,mr"* : There isn't much system f ^lerr.ion. Personally, we are fond .?(ting president, Earle. He i*? | 'keablo felow; but vn feel that so i T as P???essin* the necessary exec ability to run the great institu h* hasn't. W* like Dr. D. W. h*ad h"tUl* Daniels can make a good speech >ou know- I mean hi' cuu make you laugh.. "The most influential man at ("Km Borij ( oUogQ is a tiui|ii who has r.o di reot collection with the collect'. That man is ttov, John McSween, pastor or the lMesbyterian dumb. lit- has the highlit respect and esteem ,of every cadet and wo think -more of him than we do of the whole blooming faculty. K- v. MrSwt'cn knows all (tic imuhlrs and is trying to help us out of them, and if we had paid wore 'attention to him we mi^ht have set t li d tins thing without all the notoriety and public ity we are getting. "How is it going to b? settled I don't know. We played, the fool by taking the action we did. 1 see that now; but personally 1 /eel that since 4-ft&Hiek 1 am going <? see it through with the rest of them. Wo young fellows, you know, go at* things the wrong way nin* times out of ten and have run true t6 form this time. Still there is no use crying about U>at now. The great question is not when we eat; what do, we eat and how much. "The story has gone abroad that -the stir was raised because Holohan is a star member of the football team and the boys feared they couldn't lick Carolina next Thursday at the state fair without Butch. That is not so. We have a man to take Holohan's place in that line who is ten times better than the Butch ever was. And remember the fooWwJl team was not among the strikers./ "No, Clemson College management is in a bad way. There are several things dead up the creek as the say ing goes. There should be a thorough ?investigation and a thorough house cleaning and the sooner the better. If that is done and it must be or there will be more rebellions, then I will be satisfied even if I am expelled for the | part I have taken. But don't give the folks the impression that I am cocky 'and pleased over it. Fact is, I know we have acted like boys in trying to adjust our grievances." . Young Woman Found Not Guilty. Spartanburg, October 22.?Mrs. Agnes Johnson, pretty 17-year-old woman of Travelers Rest, was ac quitted by a sessions court here today in the case charging her with the murder of her husband, Wesley John son, in the Appalache Mill village July 19, 1923. The jury deliberated two hours on the evidence adduced since opening: of the case Tuesday warning The case went, Ao~the jury this morning' following an eloquent plea by Solicitor I. C. Blackwood for a verdict of guilty of murder. Im passioned appeals by defense counsel, in which it was charged that the prosecution "thirsted for blood of an innocent mother of an innocent babe," had been completed before adjourn ment of the court Tuesday night. Otto Klettner, 69, one of the best known and most beloved citizens of Newberry died at his home in that city Wednesday. He was a native of Germany. He was a past great Sachem of the Order of Red $en of South Carolina and was prominent in other fraternal circles. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. (In the Court of Common Pleas) The Enterprise Building and Loan Association of Camden, S. C., Plaintiff, against Agnes Bracy, Defendant. To the Defendant: You aie hereby summoned and in quired to ;iiiswer" the complaint in this action which has been this day filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office at C amden, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint wirtiin the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. LAURENS T. MILLS. Plaintiff's Attorney. Dated Oct. 10. 1924. Camden, S. C. To the Defendant: You will please take notice that the complaint in the above entitled action was tiled in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County ?\t Camden, S. C.. on October 10, 1924. LAURENS T. MILLS, Plaintiff'* Attorney. NOTICE OF ELECTION State of South Carolina. County of Kershaw. Notice is hereby giver jjhat tn* General Election for State and County Officers will be held at the voting precinct*, prescribed by law in said county, on Tuesday. November 4, 1924, said day being Tuesday follow - in* the firKt Monday in November, as prescribed by the Stato Constitution. The qualification for suffrage: Managers of election require of very elector offering to vote at any election, before allowing him to vote, the production of his registration cer tificate and proof of the payment of j&gssasgi r. Hm pi ihIbuHiw certificate of of the receipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes, shall be conclusive proof the payment thereof. Section 23!), Code of 1022. u ..Suction 2SV. There shall l>e three separate and distinct ballots, as fol lows: One ballot for United States Senator, Representatives in Congress, and Presidential Electors; and one ballot for Cover nor, Lieutenant Gov-, ernor, State officers, Circuit Solici tors, members of the House of Repre sentatives, State Senator, county^ officers, and one ballot for all Con stitutional amendments and special questions, each of three said boxes to be appropriately labelled; which ballots, frhall be of plain white paper and of such width and length as to contain the names of the officer or officers and question or questions to be voted for or upon, clear and even cut, without ornament, designation, mutilation, symbol or mark of any kind whatsoevOT^eXcept the name or names of the person or persons voted for and the office to which auch per son or persons are intended to be chosen, and all special questions which name or names, officer or offi cii s, question or questions shall be written or printed or partly written or partly printed thereon in "black ink: and such ballot shall be so folded as to conceal the name or names, question or questions thereon, and so folded, shall be deposited in a box to be constructed, kept and dis posed of as herein provided by law, and no ballot of any other description found in either of said boxes shall be counted. On all special questions the ballot shall state the question, or questions, and shall thereafter have the words "Yes" and "No" inserted so that the voter may indicate his vote by strik ing out one or the other of such words on said ballot, the word not so stricken out to be counted. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls, Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can administer the oath to he other members and to the Clerk; a Notary Public must admin ister the oath to the Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at caob voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a.m., and closed at 4 o'clock p.m., except in the City of Charleston, where they shall be j opened at 7 a.m. and closed at 6 p.m. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy, and if none' of 'the Managers attend, the citizens can ap point ^from among the qualified vot ers, the Managers, who, after being sworn, can conduct the election. Kt the close of the election, the Managers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and con tinue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a state ment of the result for each office and sign the same. Within three days, thereafter, the Chairman of *he Board, or some one designated by Board, must deliver to the Commis sioners of Election the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots and written statements of the results of the election. At the said election qualified elec tors will vote upon the adoption or rejection of amendments to the State Constitution, as provided in the fol lowing Joint Resolutions: A JOINT RESOLUTION Propos ing Amendment to Section 1, Article II, of the State Constitution by pro viding for a four-y^r term of the State Superintendent of Education. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7 of Article 8 and Section 5 of Article 10 of the Constitution, so as to Exempt the Town of Lancaster From the Provisions Thereof. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII of the Consti tution of South Carolina, Relating to ^Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the Town of Conway, Horry County. A JOINT RESOLUTION Propos ing- An Amendment to Section 5, Ar ticle X, of the Constitution, Exempt ing York County from the Provisions Thereof as to Bonded Indebtedness for Highway Purposes. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of the Con stitution, Relating to Municipal Bond Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto to to the Town'of Greeley ville, Williamsburg County. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5, Article XI, of the Constitu tion Relating to School Districts by Adding a Special Proviso a? to Pick ens County. A JOINT RESOLUTION Propos ing .Vfriendment to Section 5, of Ar ticle 10, of the Constitution Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of School Districts by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to McCormick District No. A of McCormick County, South ( aro i JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend j Section .r?. of Article X, of the Con- | stitution Relating to School District {{ended Indebtedness by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Mcf oil School District No. 12. , A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend) Section 7. of Article VIII, and Rec 5, of Article X of the Conrtrtu tjon Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness by Adding a Proviso thereto Exempting the I own of Clio ( from said sections. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section r,t Article X. of the Con it. tut .on Relating to the Limit of Bond tut.on Relating to the Limit of Bond- , Debt of School Districts by Add- , I ine a Proviso Thereto as to Mullins .sAool District No. 1?. County. a k>i\T RESOLUTION to Amend Wti'on 5 of Article X, of the Con Station Relating to School D..trict Bonded Indebtedness, by A4,'*?n? . * Proviso Thereto as to Clio School District No. 9. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5, of Article X, of the Con.t^ tution relating to School DUJrtc* Bonded Indebtedness, by 0A(WlT?* * Thereto .. to the School DU trict Known *? Marlboro Graded "n 'fFfiSBMT ? A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Suction I), Article X, i?f the Constitu tion Relating to Hondet) Indebtedness of Counties, Townships, School Dis tricts, etc., by Adding a Proviso Per mitting the County of Spartanburg t<? Incur Bonded Indebtedness to An Amount not Exceeding Fifteen Ver Centum of the Assessed Value of All Taxable Property Therein, A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of thtv Con stitution of South Carolina Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto us to the Town of Mullins. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section. 5, Article X, of the Consti tution Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of School Districts by Adding ? Proviso Thereto as to Loria School District No. 18, of Horry County. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5, Artielc X> of the Consti* tution Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of School Districts by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Green Sea School District No. 7, of Horry County. A JOINT*RESOLUTION to Amend Section Five (5), Article Ten <10), of the Constitution by Incrtiaaing the Limit of Bonded Indebtedness of Greenwood School District No. 18, of Greenwood County. A JOINT RESOLUTION Pronos ing An Amendment to Article X of tiie Constitution, by Adding Threto Section 14b, to Empower the City of Greenville and City of Spartanburg to Assess Abutting Property for Per manent Improvement?. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5? Article 10, of the Constitu tion Relating to the Bonded Indebt edness of School Districts by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Turbeville School District No. 21, Clarendon County, and by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the Town of Fort Mill, in York County. A JOINT RESOLUTION Propos ing Amendment to Section 5, of Ar ticle 10, of the Constitution Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of School Districts by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Bishopville School Dis trict No. 1, of Lee County, South Carolina. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of the Con stitution of South Carolina Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the J Town of Timmonsville, Florence County. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, of Article VIII, and Sec tion 5, of Article X, of the Constitu tion Relating to Municipal Bonded In debtedness by Adding a Proviso Thereto Exempting the Town of Mc Coll from Said Sections. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5, Article 10, of the Constitu tion Relating to the Bonded Indebtedr ness of Counties, Townships/* ?itc., by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Man ning School District No.. 9, in the County of Clarendon. A JOINT RESOLUTION Propos ing Amendment to Section 5, of Ar ticle 10, of the Constitution Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of School Districts by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Heath Springs District No. 38, of Lancaster County, South Carolina. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, and Section 5, Article X, of the Constitution Re lating to Municipal Bonded In j debtedness, by Adding Proviso There I to as to the Town of Batesburg, in Lexington County. j A JOINT RESOLUTION to Pro pose an Amendment to Section II, Ar ticle IV, of the Contitution by Pro viding the Term of Office for Gov ernor for Four Years. . A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5, Article X, of the Constitu tion Relating to Limit of the Bonded Debt of School Districts by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to School Dis trict No. 9, Cherokee County. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Sections 6 and 6, Article X, of the Constitution Relating to the Limit of the Bonified Debt of Townships, by Adding ft Proviso Thereto us to the Township of St. James Santoe, Charleston, as m>w Constituted. A JOINT UESOLUTIOK to Ameud Section :>, Article 10, of the .Constitu tion Relating to the Limitation of the j Bonded Debt of School? districts by j Adding " Proviso Thereto as to Me- j Bee School District No. o*>, in CHv.$- i terHeld County. A J0.1NT RESOLUTION to Amend) Section 5, Article X, of the < onstitu- ! tion Relating to the Limits of the Bonded Debt of School Districts, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the Hartsville School District No. 82, in Darlington County. A JOINT KKSOLtnTOHj.vt.vWuind Section 10, Article X, of the Consti tution Relating Jto the Fiacgl^Year, by Changing Same from the 1st Day of January to the 1st Day of July. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article 8, of the Constitu tion Relating to the Bonded Indebted ness of School District by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Manning School District No. 9, Clarendon County. , A-JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend j Section Seven (7), Article Eight (8), ! and Sections Five and Six of Article Ten (10) of the Constitution, Re lating to Bended Indebtedness by Adding a Provision Thereto as to the County of Edgefield. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5, Article 10, of the Constitu tion Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of School Districts by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Sar dis School District No. 12, Florence County. ? - _ A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section B, Article X, of the Constitu tion Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of Sehool Districts, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Olanta School District No. 21, in Florence County, South Carolina. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Paragraph 5, Article X, of the Con stitution Relating to the Bonded In Debtedness of Counties, School Dis tricts, etc., by Adding a Proviso as to the County of Florence. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of the Con stitution Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of Cities, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Cities Contain ing a Population in Excess of 1,000 Inhabitants. . _ A JOINT RESOLUTION Propos ing art Amendment to Section 16, of Article IV, Relating to Extra Ses sions of the^Jeneral Assembly. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of the Consti tutlon of South Carolina Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the Town of Lake City, Florence County. 1 A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend ' Section 5, Article X, of the Constitu tion Relating to the Limit, of the Bonded Debt 6f School Distncta^b* Adding a Proviso- Thereto-asv.^^Jgam plico School District ACffJo*" ence County AN ACT TO PROPOSE Tin Amend ment to Section 11, Article 10, of the Constitution by Adding a Proviso Thereto for the Levy of An Annual Tax Biennially. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII of the Consti tution Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the City of Georgetown. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5, Article X, of the Constitu tion Relating to the Limit of the Bonded Debt of School Districts, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Sum merville School District, Being "School District No. T8, of Dorchestfer County, the State of South Carolina. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 5, Article X, of the Constitu tion Relating to the Limit of Bonded Debt of School Districts, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to the Rock Hill School District No. 12, York County. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, of Article VIII, and Sec tion 5, of Article X, of the Constitu tion, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as to Limit of Bonded Debt of the Town of Gaffhcy, in the County of Chero kee. A JOJXT RESOLUTION Propos ing ,.n Amenou'enl to JJeetlop '-'4, of Article IV, of the . Cwjutitution . by (Changing ih(? T? nn i?t of (.ei - tain Stall' Olfjcers from Two to Four Years. A JOINT RESOLUTION Pi'opo^ ?njg an Amiialnu tit to Section 28, ot Article V, Changing the Term o>f Office of A ttorViey General. A JOINT RESOLUTION propos ing an Amendment to Section 6, ot Article XI, of tho Const it ution Re-> latihg to the Area of School District^. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Pro-. po&*{. nftjA*w?n'dim-nt to Section 9, Ar tii-IOHV of the (Constitution, by Pro? viding for Biennfal Sessions of the General Assembly. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 0, Article X*, of the Cunstitu tion Relating io an Annua! Levy of Three-Mill Tan for. School Purposes in this State. At the said election tho qualified electors will also vote upon the ques tion of the State's issuing ten million dollars in bonds as provided in the following Act: AN ACT to Submit to tho Qualiflod Electors of this State at the General Election to bo Held in 1024, the Ques tion of the State's Issuing: Honda to the Amount of Ten Million ($10,000, 000.00) Dollars lor the Purpose of ? Building ami Improvement Program for tho Benefit of Educational, Chari table and Penal Institutions of this State. Election Manager a. The following Managers of Elec tion have been appointed to hold the election at the various precincts in the-said county: Camden?M. L. Smith, Ji'-.yvW. A. Clarke, Jack Watkins. Buffalo?W. P. So well, Ira B. Ca toe, D. S. Catoe. Raley's Mill?O. C. Stogner, J. t1. Baker, Tom Mangum. Shaylor's Hill?R. A. McDowell, L.? L. Young, Sam Hornaby. Beaverdam?W. W. Horton, J. E. Brannon, W. N. West. Bcthune?H. F. Lee, Ralph Mc-^ Caskill, Loring Davis. Wateree Mills?J. L. DeBruhl, W. R. Hames, T. J. Truesdel. Neds Creek?Sam Williams, B, V\ Roberts, V. A. Humphries. Gates Ford?W. C. Gandy, L. K. McCaskill, W. E. Elliott. Stokes School House?C. F. Hum phries, J. H. Ratcliffe, W. H. Watkins. Cantey Hill?A. F. Watts, E. E. Holland, S. C. Rose. Blaney?Hallie Jcffers, B. K. Rose, J. G. Kelly. Three C's?G. C. Sowell, D. H. Coates, J. M. Croxtdn. Charlotte Thompsoi*?D. L. SoweH, E. C. Pearce, E. N. Workman. Liberty Hill?L. P. Thompson, F. B. Floyd, R. C. Jones. \Lugoff~-James Team,~ytehn Rabou, v Hormitage Mill?W. T. Hasty, G. ^ DeBruhl, W. B. Player. Mt. Zion School House?Riitus Moseley, C. U. Myers, Eugene Lee. Stoneboro?James Addison, J. G. Caston, Vernon Hammond. Ratcliffe Mill?J. H. McCaskill, S. B. Hall, Thomas Barnes. Stockton?E. C. Pearce, Henry Arrants, E. M. Workman. Cassatt?H. T. Hough, W. J. Davis, W. T. Davis. u Kershaw? John A. McCaskill, Lewis Truesdel, Amos Cook. Rabon's Cross Ttoads?English Branham, Eddie Barfield, J. L. Hin son. Westville?Lewis R. Clyburn, David E. Truesdale, Herbert R. Young. The Managers at each precinct, above named, are requested to dele gate one of their numbet to call at th Court House on Saturday, Nov. 1, and secure the boxes, tickets, blanks, etc. C. A. JOHNSON. J. K. WEST, W. T. PLAYER, Commissioners of State ami County Elections for Kershaw Counfy, S. ('. October 16, 1924. Always comfortable and cheery in coldest winter weather with pOLE'O ORIGINAL V_/ HOT BLAST HEATER '"I HE ttove that comumci the valuable fuel gases by Blast Combustion it guaranteed to m*e one-third your fuel. (See cntX* We unheaitadncfy recommend this remarkable heater to^hoi I ?***~ LamqcHy