WRIG1EY5 After Every Meal Ifs the longest-lasting confection you can buy ?and it's n help to di gestion and a cleanser for the 1 mouth and teeth. Wrt0l?y*? mci 1 bcaelll ?? well mm ^*~~9immmrnrmm Camden Wins From llartHv'.lte. Camden >;ot revenue over he? ??!?! rival, Hurtsville, for the 0 to 0 wore of lust season by liur 114 to 0 in a hard fought battle Friday af ternoon on the home field. In the (lrat quarter Hicks of Harts yille punted to Hrown, T. Haynes bueked three yards. Clyburn ran 30 yards around end. Haynes bucked 7 yards. On a delayed pass Brown H. went through Harteville lino for 30 yards and the first touchdown. Brow* T tried for punt but failed. Camden 6 6 6 is a prescription Cor Colds, Grippe, Dengue, Head aches, Constipation,Biliousness It is the most spt*edy remedy we know Hartsville 0, In second quarter Hicks kicked to B i"o\v tva'who returned 2 yards. Brown T posed to Brown H for 30 yards. (Tyburn bucked U yards and llaynes carried the ball over for second '.touchdown. Drown T bucked goal. Camden li>, Hartsville 0. ' No score was mad? in third quar ! tur. i Karly in fourth quarter HarUvllle , inters epted a paon our .5 yard line. I Hicks punted to the 10"yard line. A . Camden pass failed. Brown H took j a pa m for l:j yards. Brown H buck ? ed -r> yards. Haynpa bucked 4 yards. Hayno* bucked H yards, Clyburn failed to pass but llaynes drove thru the line and across the goal lino. Clyburn bulked goal. Camden buck ed oft" 11 it-ks returning 120 yards be fore beiftg down. Hartsville failed tu'lfain, They tried a pass but fail ed. They tried another pass but lia^ues plucked it-oui- of -t4*e air and cHitied it over for another score. Clyburn 1 nicked. goal. Hicks kicked ot!" u? Hay'nes wlio returned 15 yards. Clyjbus. n bucked four yards. Brown II pushed a hole in the line and ran .'iO yards. Three forward passes fail i'il in siim*^i(in and Clyburn punted. Hicks punted on first down. llaynes passed to (Tyburn for 1 yard. Brown H tto gain. llaynes went around end 15 yards for the last touchdown. ' The game ended with score ?M to 0. Haynes scored four' touchdowns. Camden played excel lent defense ball, not allowing Harts ville a single first down. Mrs. Robert LaFollette, who has been making a speaking tour in be half of her husband in New York state, has been forced to quit on ac count of illness. Her daughter has taken her place. Governor Smith is predicting, that he will be re-elected governor of New York by a bigger majority on Novem ber 4, than he was two years ago, when he defeated Governor Miller by "80,000 votes. HANK TO BUY CATTLE Will Stimulate Interest in Livestock Industry, Greenville, Oct. 23.?'Agricultural authorities are said to have expressed the hope that a statewide movement may result from on offer to purchase cattle for the farmers of this section, just announced by a local bank. In a letter issued last week the Wood aide National bank of Greenville ex pressed its readiness to aid the live stock industry in both a practical and substantial way, as follows: "Instead of depending on the cot ton crop alone, a farther should di versify his farming interests and raise more livestock, as well as grow ing more corn, hay and other pro ducts, thereby making himself Inde pendent of the ever fluctuating price of cotton. "\VV3believe that the farmers of <>ur county can be majie more wealthy by raising good blooded dairy cattle and with this end in view the Woodside National bank of - Green ville, S. C., will undertake to order thoroughbred dairy cattle in car lots, and place them with the farmers of the county at actual coat. By order ing in car NmjJ, lots wholesale prices can l>e--?jbfrtMied and also a saving in the way of freight and orating can be had. .> "It is proposed to order several car loads of heifers and these heifers can be bought already with calf or open stock. Also will purchase some bulla if necessary. We want to place these heifers, preferably, in lots not to exceed three to each farmer. If you do not wish to pay cash, we will take yout note, with satisfactory en dorsements, payable next fall. "We believe that one of the best breeds for this section is the Jersey, and our first order will be of this breed. If, however, a number of 'Boost the home team JOIN the crowd that follows the local team this tall. There will he lots of jollv parties every Satu rcfay af ternoon while the season lasts. Make up a party of football fans and take them along in the car each time the team goes out of tow 11. Plan to make it the first leg of a week-end trip. It's .< wonderful time of the year to be out in the open. Sunny but bracing, glorious views, autumn colors. Add to that the thrills of a well fought game, congenial companions, the spirit of the crowd. There's nothing like it tor developing a healthy appetite and taking your mind off your work. Better get the car all ready Friday evening. Slip around to the nearest fpStandard" pump and fill her up with gas, oil, air and w ater. You'll want a quick getaway and no stops on the way, for everyone wants to be there on time. "Standard" will do it too, for there is noth ing like it for quick starting and long mileage. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Sen Jersey, "STANDARD" GASOLINE farmers desire the Guernseys or Hoi steins, ami sufficient orders for then*? bro?4i ?if i'Iui id to make shipment in CiT t??athe Woodside National bank and former president of the South Caro line Hankers association, today ex proied Hsn view that nine-tenths of all past and present troubles with ag riculture in the South are due to our relative neglect of live stock, and ho asserted that South Carolina may easily gain great wealth and import: ance by turning every possible energy toward improvement of breeds and husbandry in cattle production. Unusual Accident Takes Negro's Life. ("onway, Oct. 25.?A most unaauat accident cost a negro his life ye?ter -0-1 School 4 County Taxes 9Vi Hospital School Taxes 3 Total ? 23!4 DeKalb Township Road Bonds, for DeKalb Township only. 3Vi Dog Tax 31.25., All dog owners are required to make a return of their dogs to the County Treasurer, who is required to furnish a license tag. All dogs caught without the license tag the owners will be subject to a fine of Twenty ($20.00) Dollars. The following School Districts have special levies: School District No. 1.... 23 School District No. 2 19 School District No. 3 23 School District No. 4 15 School District No. 5 8 School District No. 7 8 School District No. 8 8 School District No. 9 4 School District No. 10 5 School District No. 11 15 School District No. 12 18 School District No. 13 8 School District No. 15 8 School District No. 16 "Tt. . . 8 School District No. 19 8 School District No. 20 4 School District No. 22 23 School District No. 23 11 School District No. 25 8 School District No. 27 8 School District No. 28 8 School District No. 29 8 School District No. 30 8 School District No. 31 8 School District No. 33 8 School District No. -5 15 School District No. 8 School District No. 38. . . 8 School District No. 39 14 School District No. 40 25 School District No. 41 8 School District No. 42 8 School District No. 46 8 School District No. 47 8 The poll tax is $1.0(1. All able-bodied male persons from the ago of twenty-one (21) to fifty (50) years, both inclusive, except res idents in incorporated towns of the county less than 2,f?00 inhabitant*, shall pay $3.00 as a road tax except ministers of the gospel at tually ;n ? charge of a congregation, teachers; j employed in public schools, school I trustees, and person* perrn jr;? ntiy j , disabled .r, the military service of ? h;~ j State and persons who served :r. th??: i War Between the State--, ar.d .ill p<" ' I sons actually employed m th ? TJara . ! ! tin?- >ervice '-f this | dents who may attend.: -. '?.???* ? 'or college a', the ,..uv uhen r. ?-?-! ? 1 'ax shall become du? . I'er?'ov.s < ' r.g disabilities must pre-. rr r.-rr ! I cate from two reputable ph> of I this county. i All information w.'r. ;.->f<\<. ? .> \>t ' ! taxes will he furnished upor. appli i n*n. f). M. McCASKfid., ! C-vwnty Treasurer. Sick Headache "I have used Black-Draught when needed for the past 26 years," says Mrs. ?mma Grimes, of Forbes, Mo. "I began taking it for a bad case of constipation. I would get constipated and feel juat mis erable?sluggish, tired, a bad taste in my mouth, . . . and soon my nead would begin hurting and I would have a severe sick headache. I don't know just who started me to taking Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT but It did the work. It just seemed to cleanse the liver. Very soon I felt like new. When I found Black-Draught 10 euy to take and easy acting, I began to use it in time and Would not have sick headaches." Constipation causes the system to re-absorb poisons that may cause great pain and much danger to youi health. Take Thedford's Black-Draught. It will stimu late the liver and help to drive out the poisons. Sold by all dealers. Costs_ only one cent a dose. _ E-104 Four Hanged For Murder. Montreal, October 24,?Louis Mo rel, Frank Gambino, Giuseppi Sera foni and Tony Frank were hanged at the Bordeaux jail early today for the murder of Henri Cleroux, who was killed when eight masked men held up the bank money car on April 1st and stole one hundred and sixty-two thousand dollars. Leo Davis and Mik'. Valentino were also sentenced to hang for their parts in the crime, but their sentences yesterday were com muted. Rubber heels made in this country are now sold in Mexico, Cuba and the Philippines. NOTICE OF SALE State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw Arthur Smith, doing business as the Camden Furniture Company, Plain tiff, against . 1). Reynolds. Defendant. Under and by virtue of art execu tion directed to me by J. H. Clyburn, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Kershaw County, on the 5th day of July 19:i4, it) tne above entitled case, I have seized and taken into my pos session the following described prop erty of D. Reynolds, defendant above i named: One Piedmont Organ and one Stool j oak finish. Which I will sell to the highest, bidder for cash at public outcry dur-1 ing the legal hours of sale on the. first Monday of November, being the J 3rd day thereof, 1924, in front of the! Court House door at Camden, South > Carolina. The proceeds of such sale to be disbursed according to law. G. C. WELSH, Sheriff for Kershaw County. October 14, 1924. MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw (Court of Common Pleas) The Bank of Bethune, S. C., Plaintiff; against j Mary E. Bethune and The Bank of; Pageland, S. C., Defendants. . L"nder ail ardop o>f Hi* -4ImHHV^Wrr H. Townsend, Presiding .Judge of: Fifth Judicial Circuit, dated June 17,! 1924, I will sell to the highest bidder j at public auction for cash before the Kershaw County Court House door, in Camden, in said State, during the legal hours of sale on the first Mon lay (being the third day) of Novem ber, 1924, the following described real estate: "All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in the aforesaid county and state, [ind contains nine hundred and fifty (lJ50) acres, more or less, and is bounded as follows: On north by the Public Road leading from Camden to Bethune, East by lands of Mrs. Lois McCougan and Mrs. S. .J. Davis, south t>y lands of J. C. Parker and D. M. Barnes, and west by lands of H. B. HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND THE FLO To break up a oold over night or to cm short an attack of grippe, influenza or t*r? throat, physicians and druugUts arc recommending Calotabs, In e nausea!**, Calomel tablet, that la ourified from da* porous and sickening effects. Those who have tried it say that it acts like magic, hy far more effective and certain than the ?|,i atyle calomel, heretofore recommended by phi rslcians. i One or two Calotahs at bod time with a swallow of water,?that'a all. No aalts. no nausea nor the slightest interfereaco with eating, work or pleasures. Next mom ing your cold has vanished and your tew feels refreshed and purified. CalotJOM. are sold only In original sealed package#, price ten cents for the vest-pocket bu<^' thirty-five cents for the large family na& age. Recommended and guaranteed by dniftgjats. Your money back if you are w delighted.??adv. ? Stokes and others," Saving and excepting therefram one hundred soventy-two (172) acrrs of land, more or leas, bounded an follows: North by Seaboard Air Llae Railway, southeast by Western Unisa Telegraph Road, west by lands of C. I. Fields, and being the property deeded by Mary E. Bethune to D. (?.' Yarborough and .A. B. ' McLaurin January 20, 1916. Anyone desiring to bid at said sale shall first deposit with the underaiga ed Master a certified check or oacjh for the sura of two hundred ($2M) dollars, as evidence of good faith, which deposit shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidder at the do*-, elusion of the sale. B. B. CLARKE, Master Kershaw County. - October 14, 1024. Charleston Hotel Incorporated CHARLESTON, S. C. Centrally Located RATES Rooms without baths .$1.5# Rooms with baths $2.01 Write for Special Week-End Rakes W. J. HANLON Maaager New Roofs for old Why rip off your old nhingles?gamble with the weather?litter your yard with flirt?put your self to a lot of needlesa trouble and expense? You can lay Genasco Latite Shingles over your old weather-battered wood shingles just as efficiently a3 over new boara&. Genasco I^atite Shin pies are loeked to each ether. I he s\in can't curl them. Wind can't te_r them ofF. And they're FIRE-SAFE .f?o. ( >r.e Model "H" Temeo Electric Drill with Emery Wheel and Valve Grinder Attachments, sells regular ly lor ?f>.V00, we offer it for $50.00. COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY 823 West. Gervaia St. Columbia, S. C.