'dciety' Hy Mi*? Loaiie Nettles ' " Emories of The Heart. The rose must wither from tho stem iw scorns ho fair today; Xhe bloom that pearls the luscious A touchtnfty brush away; The vine will loosen from the tree u /.lunvr to once so fast, 5,.t tho heart will keep its memories l'i|l lift' Itwlf be past. Tho cold must die from sunset skies; The purple from far hills; The foam flowers fade from opal waves; Drought hush the bubbling rill.; ne ??>'lh tfrow c
n "FLIRTING WITH LOVE Also a Rolin Comedy Thursday, November 6 Marshall Neilan Presents Blanche Sweet in TB88 OF D'URBERVILLE" Abo Pathe News - PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Wiloy llogue after being con fined at homo on account of sickness is out again. Mr.^ahd Mrs. Will L. (^oodale are >-l>iMiiling yhv week in Charlotte and Qleojoaboro, N. c. Mis*1 Agnes Shannon, of Converse, spent the week end with her mother^ Mrs. W. M. Shannon. Mrs. W, 1). Trantham is the guest of her son, Dr. Clarence Trantham, at/the Park View Inn. Misses Marion Watkins and Joyce Steedman, of Charleston, spout the week end with homefolks. Miss Virginia DuBose, of New York, is expected this week to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. 1\ DuHose. Major G. S. Higgins is shut in on aceount of aflame foot. His friend*j hope to see him on the streets again soon. Mrs. Julia Long Knapp has return ed to Camden and is occupying her winter home, Dearo Place, on Mill street Messrs, Hughey Tindal, J. F. Mc Dowell, D. J, Creed and M. H. Deal attended the automobile races at the new Charlotte speedway Saturday. ?George Coleman, Misses B?liaabeth Kinard and Jumelle Haile motored to Newberry Sunday where they spent the day at the home of Miss Kinard. The Royal Scotch Highlanders'] Band has pleased people in all parts of the world; they will please you, High School Auditorium, Tuesday, November 4th. Miss Ethel Yates left this week for a visit to a friend in Atlanta and will also visit hec sister, Mrs. David Perkins and Mrs. Sumner Waite, of Camp Benning, Columbus, Ga., be fore her return. Mrs. Russell Davies and son, who have been visiting the former's moth er Mrs. W. J. Jones, have gone to their new home in Georgia, where the family have located after leaving New York state. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hallett have returned from a 'two weeks stay in Boston, New York and other points of interest. They will remain in Camden until Monday before return ing to Paw Creek. Mrs. R. A. Burbank and three chil dren, from Pittsfield, Mass., are ex pected today to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. P. DuBose. After a visit to her bro ther's family they -will locate in Cam den for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bond, Miss Kathleen Bond and Mr. J. B. Spurr, j of Aurora, Ontario^ Canada, passed through the city Saturday on a tour of the sunny South, Palm Beach, Fla., being their destination. They were much interested in the Carolinas and found road conditions good. Mrs. John Cantey, of Orangeburg, was a visitor at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. JmaseJfidroe YHk Yor,shrd ter, Mrs. James Burns, this week. She came up especially for her fath-1 er's, Captain Moultrie Brailsford s, birthday, Monday, October 27th. A host of friends of this gallant Con federate officer wish him many happy returns. ' The Rev. A. E. Crane of New York spent last Sunday in Camden.. Mr. Crane was one time pastor of the Camden Baptist Church and while serving in that capacity was married to Miss Sallie Goodale of this town, who is still remembered in her home town for her musical charm and win ning personality. Friends in Camden were pleased to see Mr. Crane again. Young Man Seriously Hurt. While returning from Columbia at an early hour Saturday morning Mr. Andrew Burnet, son of Mr. and Mrs. j W. S. Burnet of this city, was seriously injured in a collision be tween an automobile and a wagon loaded with seed cotton. Mr. Burnet was in company with Messrs. J. T. Houston and B. B. Clarke, Jr., and the lights on their car had gone bad. They were attempting to make Cam den without lights and all went well until they had crossed the river bridge and the railroad when their car struck the wagon, the car being turned over and badly wrecked. Mr. Houston was driving and escaped without a hurt, Mr. Clarke was con siderably bruised, but soon recovered. Mr. Burnet received a blow on the forehead and has been in an uncon scious condition since, and it is feared the young man's chances for recovery are slight. Many expressions of sympathy have been heard for the voung man and his parents, and their friends deeply regret the serious acci -d