The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, February 22, 1924, Image 8

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BOY MUKDKKS 1118 PARENTS. , v -m* Slaying of Parents and Abo Hit Two Suiters. St. Petersburg, Fla., Feb. 20.? Charged with wiping out the four members of his family, two by two, on dates exactly one year apart,- Frank McDowell, 19 years old, tonight was I confined in the Pinellas County jail at Cle-arwater to await trial in one of the moat amazing murder ease* in South ern criminal rocords. The youth signed a confession lata today admitting that he shot and killed Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McDowell, hi* parent*, last night and that he caused the fire in which Marion, 18, and Willemagee, 16, his two sisters, perished at l>ecatur, Ga., February 19, 11*23. In the story which he repeated three times to Chief of .Police George M. COslick and Chief of .Detective John Trot'tery, Frank said his mind be ramo "hazy" at times and that during these spells he was obsessed with the hallucination that the members of hi# family were followers of the anti christ. Tracing the origin of these "hazy" spells, Frank ^aid that when he was 12 years old he blasphemed the "Holy Ghost" and that since that time he has beep trying to expiate his sin, hut he did not explain of what this "blas phviny'' consisted. -^This "blasphemy" occurred ori a February 19, he said... Kvery year since' when the anniver sary (ft this "blasphemy" approached, Frank said, his mind became erratic an i he believed his family to be allied with the anti-Christ. These delusions continued annually until one year ago he felt that he must kill his sisters in i order to atone for his "blasphem ous" sin. After he had started I ho' flrC iii which his sisters perished, Frank said his mind returned to rationality and he w?? ?pp?!!ed at the crime !i? imu committed, but did not reveal it to any one. When February 19 of this year came near, he /el t that the death of his parent# was a sacrifice demanded as penance for the killing of his sis ters, he said. Explaining the Decatur, CJa., fire, Frank Maid that he crept into the room occupied by his sisters, saturat ed the lx*dclothing with gasoline, tired the inflammable mass with coals car ried from the family hearth and fled from the house when the blaze flared up, locking all exits behind him. Although the house did not, burn to the ground, the room in which the two girls slept was destroyed. Frank said he went to sleep on his couch in a room adjoining that of his parents last night without any defi nite thought of violence to Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, lie dreamed, he said, that he was commanded to accom plish the destruction of his father and mother. Me said the dreary was so compelling that when he awoke ho arose from his bod, went into the next room and fired five shots at Mr. and Mih. McDowell. The first ^hnt strt 'k Mr. McDowell. The bullet pcnetra$l the left temple and passed out on the right side of the head. Mrs. McDowell also was shot through thJ left temple and the bullet emerged in the same manner, imbedding itself in the pillow where it was found later. Apparently neither had been aroused. Between the bodies of his parents Frank said he laid a note, typewritten nn paper which had been cut out in heart form. The note contained the fiord's Prayer and a garbled wording of famil> J?il>!e phrases, written in | lower case letters with spacing l>e tween words. ? Frank Raid ho wvote the note Mon day on a typewriter m his father's office. I : was intended, he said, to -efer to his three sins, "Sin shall he washed away in the blood of ihe Lamb as it vru.-iheth from the body of thine ?da n ei ' my" and "I ofler up this nrayer to the Spirit . written upon the likeness of in; no heart." were typ ical phrase^. Woman Burn* To Death. Sumter, Feb. 17 Mrs. Margaret I VsC'ha nips, mother f Messrs. Geo. T. and K. K. DesChamj <>f Mayes ville, was burned to deatl; ab?ur 2:30 yesterday afternoon af h? r horn n Mayesviile, according to inform* lion rvai-hing hi re. Mrs. DesChamp* ucord;ng to the report, was an inva lid and had been left in her room alone. When members of the family rcturnrd her clothes were all aflame and she was burned to death before 'he hi a 7. i 1 be extinguished. Mrs. DesChamps wa? id to be about 75 years ef DR M. HARKAVY Graduate Veterinarian Special Attention to Dogs Office at Ceo. T. Little's Stablcn PHONE: Office 169 ReAMienrc 325-W Nearly 1,500 women in London earn i* livelihood a? hairdressers. FOK MAYOR I hereby announce myself as a can* didate tor reelection to the office of Mayor and if reelected pledge to the people of Camden the same faithful performance to the duties of the of fice an 1 have endeavored to live up to f6r the past two years. Very respectfully, H. G. CAttRlSON, JK. For Alderman Ward Three. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election for Alderman for Ward Three in the coming Democrat ic Municipal Primary. J. H. Osborne. For Alderman Ward Four. I hereby annnounce myself as a can didate tor re-election to the office of Alderman for Ward Four of the City of Camden in the coming Demo cratic municipal primary, E. a-?KMP. For Alderman Ward 6. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office ?of Aldernujn from Ward Six, subject to the rules governing the primary elec tion. W. R. HOUGH. For Alderman Ward One. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election to the office of Alderman for Ward One of the City of Camden in the coming Democratic | Municipal Primary. W. L. JACKSON. For Alderman Ward Two. To the Voters of. Ward Two: At the suggestion of friends, I hereby announce myself a 'candidate for Alderman from Ward Two, sub ject to the rules of the Democratic Primarv. OSCAR J. SMYRL. For Alderman Ward 5. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election to tbe "office of Alderman from Ward 5 of the City of -Camden, subject' to the rulos of the ^ n TV. '.Tt? T.ur.;Cip<t! ^iun?ry. D. O. HOUSER. Wants-For Sale LOST ? One solid black water spaniel, one white and liver colored water spaniel, about 3 months old. Reward if returned to J. A. Hough, Cam den, S. C. 47pd. FOR SAKE ? One pure bred, big boned Poland China Boar, two years old.* Apply to Mrs. M. VV. Hough, ^.'amdon, S. C. >7- 49- pd FOR SALE? ? cheap, one New Per fection Oil Stove, four burners, practically new. Call Phoe 424. 47-48-pd. FOR SALE ? Eight cheap mules, ranging in price from $10 to $75. Apply to J. B. Zemp, Camden, S. C. 47-pd. FOR RENT ? Attractive apartment for rent, living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom with sleeping porch on South. All furnished. Apply 1509 Fair Street, Camden, S. C. 47pd FOR SALE ? Fifty gallons ribbon cane syrup in one gallon cans, $1.00 per gallon. Apply to J. E. Jones, Camden postoffice. 47tf FOR SALE ? Pure Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed. $1.50 per bushel. Ap ply to Clarkson Bros, LugofT, S. C. 51pd. WANTED ? People of Camden to know that our Steam Prusser has undergone a thorough over-hauling. Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Altering neatly done at the City Pressing Club, phone 145, Camden, S. C. 47-sb. J I 'ST RECEIVED? One car load of No. 2 White Feed Corn.? Spring* &. Shannon. Camden, S. C. 47sb LOST- -Pansy -shaped enameled brooch with diamond center. Lost about two wwki* a^o. Liberal reward if returned to The Chronicle Office, Camden, S. C. 47-48-sb JUST RECEIVED ? One car load of White Corn. ? Springs & Shannon, Camden, S. C. 47sb LOST ? One diamond earring. Large reward for return to 202G Lyttleton *U"oet, Camden. S. C. 4^5-47 p<l j J 1 ST RECEIVED ? Car load Burt! Oats ? Springs Shannon. Cam den. S. C 47i?b j FOR SALE ? Hudson Sedan. $2105.00} Front and Rear Bumpers each 10.00 Two Fxtra Tires, Tubes and Covers $52 each 104.00; Motor Meter 1G.50 , Tire Carrier on Rear . . .'tO.OO | $2,295 50 i Everything n-w p.eNer used, 1 i special price to move quick ly . 2.050.00 j Saving . 245.00 ; F. V. ALLEN, Camden, S. ('.. 4G*b j Jl ST RECEI VEI> ? Car load Corru gated Roofiing, ail lengths. Springs & Shannon, Camden, S. C. 47sb WANTED ? Old books, old furniture, old china, Godey's Indies' Books, many old faahion booka, of 50 years or more Ago, also old print*. Ad dress F. O. H., Chronicle Office, Camden. S? C. 46-47pd FOR SALE? 1 Triumph Incubator, 260 egg Used one Also 1 Marvel coal burning Brooder, 60 to 1,000 chick size. Reason for selling we an? installing larger sizg*. Trice, 138.50 together, or $19.75 each. Apply, Pelzer McLure, Heath Springs, S. Rt. No. 4. i ? i ? ' i 1 ? t FOR SALE ? Nearly 2 acres West cor- 1 ner Church and King streets, barn $nd old house. Five minutes walk lo town. Trice $875. William (I. Evans, 607 H Second Avenue 'West, near Howard St.* Spokane, Wash. i?; 5o pd. FOR SALE ? One building On Main street. For further information ap ply to Rena Meeka, 809 Lyttleton ; street, Camden, S. C. 45-47pd , LET US TAKE CARK of your Bat tery troubles. Kershaw Motor Co. 45-tf CAR WONT START T Phone 140 for Battery Service. No charges for trips in town. Kershaw Motor Co. 45-tf FOR BATTERY SKRVICK? Kershaw Motor Company. 45tf MONEY TO LOAN ? I am prepared to negotiate loans on approved Real Estate Mortgages. E. D. Blake ney, Attorney, Camden, S. C. 45tf FOR SALE- ? Limited amount of pure Cleveland big boll cottonseed. We are offering Same at $1.00 per bushel. Apply to Lewis & Christ mas, Camden, S. C. 44-47pd CALL The Ever Ready Pressing Club for cleaning, pressing, altering and repairs. Phone 159-J. Prompt ser ,i vice, reasonable price. J. S. Gam ble, Proprietor, 859 Broad Street, i. Camden, S. C. 38t? *?-. * ? ' i: WANTED ? Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hos iery for men, women and children; eliminates darnihg. Salary, $75 a week full time; $1.60 an hour spare time. Cottons, heaths, silks. In ternational Stocking Mills, Norris town, Fa. 41-60so WANTED? -Poplar, Aah, and Cypress standing timber. Will figure with you on any size tract. Give full details in first letter. Hoffman Lumber Company, Columbia, S. C. 35t? MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw, ? Court of Common Pleas. Loan and Savings Bank, Plaintiff, vs,-. 4 R. L. Peebles, L. H. Peebles, et al., Defendants. Under an order of His Honor, M. L. i Bonham, Presiding Judge Fifth Judi cial Circuit, dated February 13, 1924, 1 will sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash before the Kershaw County Court House door, in Camden, in said State, during the legal hours of sale on the first Mon day, being the third* day of March, l 1924, the following described real es ! late: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, and being in the , State of South Carolina, and being partly >in tfce Counties of Kershaw, ! Sumter and Lee, ' containing Three ; Hundred and One-Fourth (309*4) aclea moie or less, as shown by plat 1 of K. W. Mitcham, Surveyor, bearing! date, March 29kh, 1912. The said tract of ian.l is bounded on the North by ! lands of Burrows; on the East by j lands of W. C. Kodgers; on the South j ? ? ' P ? " -? ? ? by lands ?f Hawkins, Shiver and Hat- i field, and on the Waat by land# of Bur rows. The said tracl of land is the same conveyed to S. F. Brasington by deed of W7 ( '. Rodgers bearing date < June 1st, 1$}2. and of record in the of- ] fice of th? Clerk of Court for Ker- j shaw County in Book A. G.i at page 110, and in the office of the Clerk of Court for Lee County in Book N, at' page 22 and filed for record in the office of the Cleric for Sumter County; j and is the same tract of land conveyed to R. L. ami L. H. Peebles by deed of S. F. Brasington bearing date the 13th day of April A. D. 1921." Said real estate to be sold subject to a prior mortagage held by the Federal Land Bank of Cplumbia. - Anyone desiring to bid at the said sale shall first deposit with the Master a certified check or cash in the sum of Two Hundred and No Hundrdths ($200.00) Dollars as an evidence of good faith. To the unsuccessful bid ders the MAster shall return any check's or cash so deposited at the con clusion of said sale. Terms of sale, .cash. B. B. CLARKE, Master. February 14, 1924. MASTER'S SALE. ' State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw, Court of Common Pleas. Janie W. Dinkins, etc., Plaintiff, vs. Robt. W. Dinkins, et al., Defendants. Under an order of His Honor, W. H. Townsend, Judge Fifth Judicial Cir cuit, dated December 19, 1923, I will sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash before the Kershaw County Court House door in Camden, in said State, during the legal hours of sul<> on the first Monday, being the third day of March, 1924, the follow ing described real estate: All that parcel or lot of land on the Even old rheumatic aches yield to this simple treatment. --Apply Sloan'a gently, without rubbing. It vends to the pain ridden tissues the fresh new blood they need ta heal them ? bringing grateful relief. Qet a bottle from your druggist today and have it on hand. S3 cents. ? Western side of the Wateree river, the County of Kershaw, State oi South Carolina, known as the Callen Place of J. K. Din ki?>s, containing Two Hundred Sixty-nine (269) acres, moi* or less, on the WHters of Twenty- Fjv? Mile Creek, and bounded on the North by the Hayes place of J. R. Dii\kin^ East and South by lands formerly of Bailey,' and the Cullen lands of which this was once a part, and West by lands now or formerly of Branham and lands of Nettles. Any one desiring to bid at said safe shall first .deposit with the Master, a certified check or cash for the sum ol One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, as an evidence of good fa Ah and as a guar-, antce of compliance with the term* thereof, which deposit shall be return* ed to the unsuccessful bidder at th? conclusion of said sale. To be soltfat the risk of the forme* bidder. B. B. CLARKE, Master. February 14, 1924. COLUMBIA IS YOUR BEST SHOPPING PLACE 1 ? - ' f >V, ' ' . " Just a short ride over good roads and you find yourself in the midst of a year-round exposition of the most up-to-date and attractive mer chandise of every kind to be found anywhere in the State. Keen compe tition, quantity buying, quick selling and up-to-date business methods. These factors lead to lower prices and better values. Here you find : Wonderful Assortments Courteous Salesfolks Exceptional Service Attractive New Goods Up-to-date Methods Helpful Suggestions Style and Quality Competitive Pricing AND AMPLE AMUSEMENT OR RECREATION AFTER SHOPPING