8KNSATION IN 8UMTER. Head tlody of Infant Found in Man'* Front Yard. # ? ' Sumter, Fob. 15.- ? This community was much atirred up today by the tinding of tho body of a now-born white infant girl, who hail evidently been strangled to death at birth, or immediately after birth, according to information #lven out today by Coro ?ur yv. J. Soalo, who wan called in and took chartfo of tho body, turning it ovor to an undertaking establishment, to bo kept until further investigation could bit made. The body wsh foupd partially cov ered with earth in the yard of a well known citizen, whose jtamo waa with hold by the coroner, pending further investigation of tho caHO. Tho citizen had hi? attention called to the body by one of hia children, who waa playing in the yard, and ho at once notified officer* of bin find. Beyond aayintf that the body waa found in a promi nent residential neighborhood Coroner &eale would not give out further in formation) aa to place or where it was found, although h^, stated that there whh no one in the family of the c?ti zen where the body wuh found to whom suspicion could be '.attached. Dr. \V. S. Umgcss win called by the coroner to examine the hod y and he gave it an his opinion that the infant was mature and had been strangled to death by a cloth which was knotted tightly about the dead baby's throat, partly severing the head, at birth, or immediately there after. Ho said that the infant had prbably been dead mre than twenty four hourft when discovered. inves* ligation in being made and an inquest will be held as soon as any infomation comes to light. Marriage. Mr. Wellington Hoyt Knight and Miss Maud? Elizabeth Dority, both of near. Camden, were married by Pro bate Judge W. L. McDowell on Satur day last, Feb. 10th. ? * -1~ V - Four negro convicts were burned to death at Flat Top prison, Alabama, when tint institution wan destroyed by Ore Friday night. Start 1924 Right Plant Early ? Work Fast and Use the Best Fertilizer money can buy. There is nothing bet tor than PERUVIAN HIGH GRADE MIXTURES. Let ur quote -you on pur 10-4-4 Cotton Special. * Peruvian Guano Corporation E. L. WOO TEN, Agent for Kershaw County. Honor itoll Jackson School. The Honor Roll, of the Jackson, Graded and Junior High School fori the fifth month beginning January 11, and ending February 8, 1924, is as fallows : Fir^t ''B" Grade? Mary 1 Bishop.! j Francis Carlos, Mary Thorne, Marie ; Thomas, Mary Williams, Josephine Ilaile, Willie Wheeler, Hattie Wright, Willie Leo Moore, Greta White, Wil heimina Bolden, Maggie Gladden, Alice Gary, Carrio Salmond, James B, English, Ernestine Johnson, Virgie Boykin, Elisabeth Jones, Bennio Cato, Beatrice -Kirkland, Rebecca Deas, Louise Lawson, Eastor Bracy, Henry Jacobs, Richard Carlos, Jim Thomas, Essie Whitaker, Eliza Bradford, Jes sie Roach and Jesie Wilson. First "A" Grader-Paulino Smyrl, Wlihelmina Lowery, Melvin Pee, Ar thur Kirkland, Kdward Malcolm and Willie Preston. Second Grade ? Graco Belton, Janie Helton, Edna Carlos, Harriot Carlos, Mary Deas, Mary. Dow, Mamie Duren, Henrietta Father, Elise Johnsort, Amy McKeever, Lydia Sanders, Ida Belle Whitaker, Alexander Boykin, Lindsay Bradley, Kichanj Dow, Ham ilton Tony KiVkland, Singleton Whit aker, Fred Whitaker, aind Joseph Stover. ' \ Third Grade ? Sarah Howard, Ben nie Jones, Jimmie Howard, Annie Malcolm, Fdna Gamble, Anna Welch, Iva Jones, James Lowman, Ella Brown, Henrietta Williams, Rebecca Wright, Frank Deas, Lonnie Deas, Julia Johnson. Mary Johnson, Janio Tucker, Marguerite Jones, Eugenia Jones, Esielle Griffin, Lottie Williams, Eloiso English* Virginia Dawson, Sadie Coleman, Maria Bolden, Ella ? Hrown, Eva Brown, Georgia Barnes, and Anna Bracey. Fourth Grade ? Carrio Nelson, Lou j isc James, Walter Jenkins, Susie Boy i kin, Hilda Meeks, C^yrie Bell Shrop shire, Hattie Powell, Ruth Blanding, Bettie Wilks, Charlie Whitaker, Ber ntce Cantey, Lawrence Jone?, Sarah Stover, Pickett Jones, Blanch Robin son, Cora Duren, Sallio Vaughn, and Sallie Hall. Sixth Grade ? Alice Brown, Wil-j heimina Ross, James White, Theodore Hollen, Harold McLester, and Edgar McLestor. Seventh Grade ? Ruth Whitaker, Bessie Pickett, Weuian Duren, ElUt* Alexander, Calista Shropshire, Ella Kirkland, I. B. English, Theodore Shropshire and Alvin DuBose. Ninth ? Grade ? Rosa Aaron and Rena Patterson. P. B. MMoJana, Principal. Twenty automobiles were destroyed at Franklin, Pa., Monday night by a fire following an explosion of gasoline in a garage. HUDSON Offers a Finer Coach on a New Super-Six Chassis The Coach *1475 Nf? Modeh Spf educe ? #1)50 7 ? P?*\f njr f ; Phartoi 142? Cfvori, . . . Mr 5 Krdan . - - - 1 S *> f F'nfhr wwl I sr h xfr, $ Af jrtanosl open car cast the new Hudson l'>uih gives *11 the utility you ran get in any closed ca;, enhanced by an even more attractive and comfortable Coach body You will note at once in gre.itrr beauty, more spacious seating, wider doors and longer body The lines are new, too With rhtt Hudson* F. V. ALLEN, Dealer, Camden, S. C. ~.*.c,Lq w Really 1$ Aid to Mo or Dm The traffic law den I* with iwi. ) isses of drivers. There In c I tV* man i Itu 1h Im'oi utoly tin heating the /ume, j ho Will violate till (lie luws w 1 1 1 ? a | :ht heart If lie thinks lit* run ?et ' rtiiy with H. or If i ho penalty seem* j rss than the Immediate profit. The tw must deal with the problem of (Utchlpg, restraining und penalizing (lit* Irresponsible driver; and lu ileal tag with hlut, harshness should he the keynote, t)n the other hand, by far the larger proportion of jnotorlsls come In con tact with the law ouly In what should lie Its beneficent aspecti To them, the law need be only a set of agreed Upon principles for Insuring that all of us drlvo to the least Interference with any of via. It ?i>eclfles certain equipment which we must carry, not with the view of forcing us to carry It, but In order that we may have a convenient and authoritative standard of reference. It prescribes the man ner of bur driving, In geueral and In particular circumstances, not with the idea that we need to have a club held over us, but again so that each of us may have a standard by which to fore cast the probable conduct of the other fellow. la defining and enforcing these and other necessary standards, the law can afford to err on the side of lenience. It can often correct without penalizing, It can even more often Impose a light penalty as u mere Jog to the offender's memory, it can and should reserve the display of its, t ?m*c h for the habitual or the wanton violators-Scientific Amer ican. ' Daylight Saving Is Not Popular in Italy Daylight Having Is unpopular in Italy because ??f the uaine the government ascribed to It. At least that Is former Premier Nlttl's laughing explanation. The new time was called the "legal hour4* _ With tlie advent of spring. says Mr. Kenneth L. ltoberts In Europe's Morn ing After, the Italian KuvornniCRt or dered that all clocks ho set hack an hour so that the jjeople might ha>re the advantage of an extra hour of daylight. But In Italy, aa In other countries, a large number of people didn't like the arrangement, and so they mado a frightful uproar and or ganized strikes against the "legal hour." The street railway employees, for example, were .striking; I asked one of them his reasons. "The new hour," said he, "makes it necessary for us to get up too early In the morning. Everything Is foggy and dark." I reminded him thut the new hour saVed coal for the nation and gave him un extra hour of daylight ""when his work was done. "Yes," he said, "hut It la' too foggy and dark when we get up." "(hir mistake," declared Nlttl, "was In ?'alllng It 'the legal hour.' We should hnvo known that no true Ital ian would have endured It. We should hare called It 'the Illegal hour.' Then every Italian would have been unani mously In favor of It l" Materials in Straw Hats In the United States straw hats are made from braid that Is chiefly Im ported from Italy, China and Japan, says the Detroit News. Of the vari ous materials which go Into the fab rication of plaited hatgear the most Important is wheaten straw. The straw must havo a length of "pipe" between the knots and must possess a clear, delicate golden color and must not be brittle. The most valuable straw Is from Tnscany, and from the Tuscan plaits the leghorn hats are made. Many substances besides straw are used in braids for hats and bonnets. Among these may be no ticed willow nnd cane, as well aa palin. The famous panama hats are made from the leaves of the screw pine. Nearly Killed by Bats Attacked by what he declares was a swarm of a thousand bats, Joseph Mo rasky, Southern Pacific station agent at inilay, relates a weird story of a recent trip he made through a cave In a mountain six miles east of Imlay Morasky says he lowered himself Into the mouth of the cave, and after pro ceeding through a natural tunnel nnd down an Incline for about 200 feet came Into a large chamber. This chamber was the home of the bntR, j nnd he says they began an infuriated | attack upon him, and declares that lie ' owes his life to the fart that he wore j a \ ery heR\y cap. coat and gloves. ' His clothea were badly torn when he t flnjill) emerged from the enve ? Reno ' News in Sacramento Hee. Value of Egyptian Irrigation ! Irrigation work. Including the Assii | un dam In Egxpt. has rosf to date itl>< Tvr S.Yl.OOO.oOO. hut the increase In the viihip of hind In middle nnd lower ! Ez> pt and m the Fa vum province hat 1 from <;>"?.*? ix *> to (XX) nnd the fof-tl r?Ynt from fhU ares ' ? ?f land ha* >*1-?n f rom ?VJ.0on.<*jO ;n SI'.iO.iMin t*m ThK Is whM the I r r i irn Hon engine. -r h ?< d..ne for Egypt !n two decades Dynamiting the Mosquito Man has begun ?o use high explo- J slvev in his :ig:iin?f In. Herts. I >y. nsmlte. uhli-h * ?? nsuallv think of in conn?i m> n with f I ?? destruction of hlg . thlnzs. Is nun N?*1n..' employed against little niosqin'oc^ It is user) f.. Mast these d: ngerous <1 carry Ing p?**ts i out ?o cvtoHfi-- rHgglng ditches u hl< ti thr fnrreipilt.t ground*. REPUBLICAN MMTTING. Joe Talbert Iloldx Convention at Rock Hill. # Kock Hill, Feb. 14. ? Republicans ot tho Fifth dint riot met hero this after noon and elected U. H. Haile, Camden negro, delegate to tho national con vention, and Will Woodward, Rock Hill, alternate. The official convention, presided over by Major J. F. Jones, was held in the hall of tho Cauthen Building, in a ! negro section of tho city. "Boss" Joe Tolbert made a rousing speech accord ing to Bomo of those in attendance. "Ross" Tolbert and Major Jones ar rived lfc&t night and were in confer ence with dolegates to the convention until 1:30 o'clock this morning, it was learned today. AH during the morn ing Mr. Tolbert was surrounded by a group of his dusky admirers and the tracks had been . cleared and greased long before the convention gavel fell. Last night a conference was held at the home of "Bisk" Hall, well -known Rock Hill negro, attended \>y Mr. Tol bert and Major Jones. Several con ferences were held in rooms of the lenders in the Carolina Hotel, whore Tolbert and Jones were stopping. The fact that the Republican boss called at the Postoffiee building du .ing the day- was regarded as signifi .tint, in view of the fact that the pres nt term of E. E. Pong as postmaster >x piles February 20. Rembert Bar e.it is reported to have the full en dorsement of Tolbert and it is under tood nil plans have been perfected for him to catch tho almost over- ripe plum when it leaves the limb within the next few days. J3o far as could be learned, Mr. Barrett did not attend any of the conferences or the conven tion. The delegates to thonronventton had all departed this evening, without any Untoward incident to mar their stay. Thomas A. Edison celebrated his 77th birthday, last Monday. Ho ex pects to go on a fishing trip in a few weeks. , % CALCIUM AR8KNATR State Warehouse C6atmis?io?er \4. viae* Early Buying. Editor Camden Chronicle: 1 apace in your column* to a/inonce u the farmors of Kershaw County that the legislature has placed in ths Hands of the Statto Warehouse Com misaioner a large sum of money as a revolving fund for the purpose pf l)Ur, chasing ahd distributing to the far mers of the state Calcium Arsenals land other Boll Weevil poisons at thu cost of procuring and handling same. The Commissioner early in the sea son u ranged with some large manu facture? of this ^ material at a \ cheap price and is now able to deliver it to any point in the. state in any quantities of fifty pounds or' more %t one-third less than it was sold for last year. This material is handled .very carefully and upo.n ^arrival ig sampled and analyzed by the State Chemist before being sent out so as to insufo its effectiveness in poisoning the Boll Weevil. The Calcium situation seems to be .very acute anyd I am afraid that we will see prices great deal higher later on; besides, the probability of not being able to procure a. sufficient quantity unless the people buy early so that the money can be used again when the real need comes. I am herefore, in the face of this situa tion, advising all our farmers to pur chase their requirements now whilo the price is reasonable aqd while it can be had. The cotton states to the west of us are the greatest users of boll weevil poison and they never buy until late on account of having no place to care for it. When they come in the market for their requirements we may expect a sudden scarcity and a great -advance in .price. ? 1 shall be glad to furnish any of our farmers with such information, as I have on the subject. Just write or wire. Yours very truly, D. Clifton Rivers, State Warehouse Commissioner. MADAM NATION THE FAMOUS ENGLISH PALMIST SEES ALL ! KNOWS ALL ! ' TELLS ALL ! Hours From 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Lately arrived in this city to do good for the public of Her wonderful powers in reaching the history of one's life by examining the hand. She tells the past, present and future. Also gives advice on all affairs of life, such as love affairs, business matters, family affairs, wills and divorces and most everything pertaining to the welfare of one's life. The Bible speaks in many places of the power of the palmist to predict the future things and give warnings. She tells you the initial of your future companion, whether true or false; tells you what business you are best adapted to and all about absent friends, whether living or dead. Tells you what planet you were born under, what part of the country is luckiest for you. This phenomenally gifted lady is now located in your city and can be consulted on all affairs of life. She tells the color of eyes and hair of your future wife or husband and gives initials of names. She also answers any and all questions. Call and consult this gifted palmist on all questions. Call and. consult this gifted palmist on all affairs of life. A TRUE PALMIST IS BORN I am different from all others, because I not only read your life like a book, but also help you out of your troubles. For instance, w})ftt_ good would it do to be told you had a rival or enemy in your path unless you were told how to overcome them; or in case you wanted to win the love of a certain one, would you be satisfied to be told it? Or, would you rather know how you could win your desire? . In fact, it does no good simply to be told of your troubles. I am able to point out the path to success and happiness. SPECIAL ROOM FOR COLORED PEOPLE. DON'T FAIL TO PAY THIS GIFTED LADY A VISIT. Located in Parlor Tent in front of Majestic Theatre on East DeKalb Street CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA. ELECTRIC DRILLS? V2in. Now $58.00 Made by Black & Decker Manufacturing Company. '/j inch Special Drill reduced from $68.04 to $58.00. Valve Grinder reduced from $45.00 to $34.00. \\ inch Drill reduced from $39.00 to $28.00. "What about a Crane Pulley for removing Drive Wheels, Fly-Wheels, Gears, Cams, Sprockets, Propellers, Pulleys, Collars or any rotating part of any machine from its shaft? Write us for prices and circulars. Get one of our catalogue*. COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY 823 Weat Gervais St. Columbia, S. C. MIXED FERTILIZERS We have just received shipment of Mixed Fertilizers, genuine FISH GOODS. See us before you buy. We handle everything in the fertilizer line, and prices are right R. L MOSELEY BROKERAGE AGENCY ^ ' Telephone 18 \ . . ... % * ? "