! ')i; WALK&D r, ... -ills. TianMMi! All the Way /'hum Owen, WW'tnain, I o ISasl St. I .oil Jh, III. IV". < ntly the newspapers have been \ ab!. .hi UK ,a remarkable *tory of a ?!(??.,, n!( |i|)(t' mile:*, \vl ?>, after three months iiii'.l a half, turned up at h/a old hoiiu1, emaciated, blc'edinj:^ and bun j_:ry, having been thirty days on his Ion;* 1 1 ikci bark. The ;toiy was so tniii; ual that wo wrote to-'-thb. origi nal owner, Mr. Oroide Sehaum, assis tant foreman of the WUftfins Ferry, company, who lives in f'enlreville. station, a suhurh of l;)ast St. Louis. Promptly came tl)M reply about his collie: "I wua U'lad to hear that you are interested in the record1 of ur < T? ? ^ , 'Sh"p.' Theio is rm mistake in the newspaper account. The St. Louis ro?t-l>isp?tRfC SASH, DOC KS, BLINDS AND LUMSF.R I' LAIN 1 1 L f lv .'?> I >. i'licnc 71 | COLl'M^J v. C OR. R. r. 5 f T.\ DI.NTIS1 r rir r I r?|l'i! rr.. >? . ' V , J 7 ; (} X a /y .?/ 1 z /> ,1 /, 1 .)/ r S in a!! si'/.cs. at the l ost prices, (Guaranteed. It pays U) lake care of your eyes by usimr enouprh liprht. Phone us and let us send f.amjj.s to fill the empty sockets. WHITMAN'S CANDIES Kaatmftn'ft Kodak Films Sold and Doeloprd W. Robin Zemp's Drug Store Phone 30 Delivery. ma fyet were wtKfrt and almost bleed ng, his tofrnails wore worn off. lit at down in my kitchen and cried as bough he waa a human being. When ho children asked him 'Shop, di< you come homo?' he would Cry. And .he child i en tried, an^l my wife al iiont cried. When 1 came home, She|> ?lied Again. He could not bear for us to leave him a' moment. When i.e would lie down, he would growl, .s he seemed completely worn out, i or two weoks we had to treat him i iy tenderly, We have h<>w broken rim of his whining Ways. There can he no mistake about his being my dog. I could not be iisye he was, as all coJlHes look so much alike till 1 recognized his only ?ii t native mark -his tail was broken lit the third joint. Shej) is the life of our family now. He will never be sent away again. I tin oiling you his ftlctuufti; Think ing you for your interest, ' (leoige Hchaum. \lr*. 1 v. Thompson. On tin- nMiuhg <,f December liO, rdod's finger touted Martha Lynn Thompson, ii ml she slept. Although ? he members of the family knew she WJ|S a, dining in health, they did/not , i aliv.e- thaj^the end was so near. Matt if Thompson was born l?ebru ;iiy, the third, 1851, and was the third daughter of the late Di. ??d Surah Huey Williams.. She joined the A. K. V. church early m life and was ever a consistent and devout member. On December 1K74, she was married to James Robort Thompson and lived in tender wedlock for forty-eight years. ?' this union a happy home was born, where the Bible was read and the voice ot .song was heard, and dai > incense rose irom the altar^. n o this chriatinn home, nine children came, brightening and making a hap py circle that can never be forgotten, l'ivery member of this fnttbfu >aiv has been tried and proved worthy of trust. All were present for the funeral except J. Will, of "Camden, who was kept at home on acroimto illness in the family. ' The ode children^ ?? ??'k' <>' 1 'U',' I mis, of Rock llill; Heatty, "f ?Saia K?ssa, Ala.; Itvifus. ot this city, with, whom she made her home-, R.l.eon of Chester; Mri. S. II. K?elU>. f Cn, key's Station; Mrs. John \S d liams, Kock llill. and Mrs. J. N Hover, Of l.auiens. The cntire pc ,iod of her marrjed life was spent at Riverside, until a year ago, when she moved to Lancaster with her son Rufus. Her husband died the 30th ?f Mav. 1PM. preceding her not .iiutc seven ' months. After funeral ser vlccs, conducted by her pastor, Rev. W S. Patterson, she was laid to rest SFliloh cemetery beside her hus band. Her faith, humility and so > mission lo Cod's will and nobly spent arc a comfort to those who her example and influence and itr piration to all who know h-r He bad need" was her ue-ghbo ,, a bmg busy life and m,n> children will rise up and her memory blessed. I.niicas.c NcWS. r,;i! v r .'vhnr-'oii, Wealthy retire! .? and Thomas Loakins. a-netf**;' >vmv foun I d"ad, asph.v v - ?***???? , , . ' F k . Md., 1 hursdaj. ' Mrs! I lei"' Voting Knl;!^k . m law of Mr. Johnson and he .!:,.?, 1923 ' MASTER'S SALE State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (In tlit* Court of Common Pleas) ? J. F. Rhame, (J. A. Rhame, and B. W. Rhame, Co-partners as Rhame Brothers, Plaintiffs, against Eddie Cooper, Defendant. Under an order of His Honor, W. If Townscnd, Judge of the F'ifth Ju- I dieial Circuit, dated December ? r-, H>22, I will sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash before the Kershaw County Court House don',c of good faith, which deposit hn'l be re'nrned to th? un-u cco.sful Irdder at the conclusion of said sale., B. B. CLARKE. Master for Kershaw County. .January 1 o, 1023 MASTER'S SALE * ^tale Of S oil h 'f'sivripna County of Kershaw (In tin* C'?urt of Common !'i :.?) V. }!. dcl.oach. as Init'c', I' a ntiff airainst ' v" ???>' ? h A n-o-ierip Mor'gM'."' r om ^?ir.v and .T. XV. Spires, Defer- lan*--. I'p !? r en o?'der of llic Don m", V, ' Town-end, of tin Fifth .In : < t-f : l i t . da'fd I nb>"- 27th 1 w !! -( i to the b'ghesj bidder ' i -ib'ic rr.n-! ? >n f< r cah b< f >'e t h !\ ? ??*haw C' ?? ral h'?;j ?? <>r ?; ! < n the first Mon r. *1 vr ' ? f'r,h of F- b-ua' v 'ho f.d Vw'rg < I e -? i- * i I ? ! rea1 ('??! .? > a* ?? ? r S"U* h ('?? in " i ? T'V.vj J p S' h< '? >' T > i s * ?" i . f v ? 17. , i i,.f ' ' C o ? ' -?? ' v o c K-r! T' c ah?-.?' .! ! ? .1 ? f -1 V- .. . ,!?-,! V, s ',V I."> ( M v ? . ; ? ' ? .. I i 1 ?? , ' ? ?; r- ?? - v- .-v ? ? t , t ? i- r , ? ? ' v ? i < .if.'' \ K. : ' , ... r>- - ... ,.t 1.^ | < ... ? i . . M ? ' r . .. ? , - t.- ^ v ,.v . 1 ? ,/ - . v v b- - 1 ~ .1 -n t i r>-, . j,. \- l .. ? i ? . r.. . V* I K r, i. r . ? v,v 'v -r. ? ?? ?? it a 1 r> ?m ( ' a Tri' 1 ? n * o ( ' * ^ ^ . nn * h i"1 r ? . ? V> } ? V" , ? VI ,] \T CO r 1 ap ) ? '? ? }.?? 1 r -' n r r \ r,r T- C f'r.T Tv. ' K ,? ? c ~ y v, i r - * r^f.i r*f land i r>f ? "i .T W, bv r j- >>?? rf.a'pH 1)0 - ^ vr v., . r " ? ] 'it ? '? public auct'ori t6t < a 1 ' ? 6* h Kershaw County Court Ifou'e door n Camden, in said *S\ate. durin " the legal hours of sale on the lirst Mon lav*, tyiny iht4 fifth ? of I'VU-u.-try. 102?, the following de.scrib d r.< :U estate: ' All that eertein piece, parro' e tract of land lyinw, bcinir and situate in the County of Kershaw, St i( ? aforesaid, containing forty-four ('ID acres and being bounded . and de scribed as follows: On the Nt>T?h bv 'and? of James Catoe; East by land" of J. J. Owens, South by..- lands of of J, E Gaskins and West by lands of Nancy Gaskins and J. E .Gaskins. For further information see plat made bv W. I*. Twit'v and dated April 18th, 1911. Anyone desiring to bit! at said sale shall first deposit with the Master Certified "cheek or cash fol* the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, as an evidence of vrood faith, which deposit shall be returned to the un successful bidder at the conclusion of said sale. B. B. CLARK E, Master for Kershaw County. January 15, 1923 MASTER'S SALE State of South Carolina County of Korshaw (In the Court of Common Pleas) J. II. Clyburn, Plaintiff, against, S. C, West. A. A. West, J. R. West. Hank of Bethune, Pocomoke Guano Co., Geo. T. Little, J. L. Moseley, Seaboard Air Line R'ailway and John Whitaker Company, Defend ants Under an order of His Honor, W. H Townsend, Judge of the Fifth Ju dicial Circuit, dated January 10th. 1023, I will sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash before the Kershaw County Court House door in Camden, in said State, during the HOW TO GET BACK THE "JOY OF LIFE" LIKE isn't worth living if you're so weaKaud run down you can liardly drag yourself around. If the rich red bhxxl, full of health and vigor, were pumping through your veins, the joy of life would come back soon enough! Gude's Pepto-Maiujan has worked this magic for thousands ~ it will do the same for you, Take it for a short time and we how your health and strength improve. Your druggist has it ? liquid or tablets, .. i you prefer. Glide's Pepto-Man^ari Tonic and Blood Enricher le^al hours of sale on the first. Man dav, boinK t he fifth of February MM}$r the fo!t(Vw:nj: nd, situate, lyintf and being1 \n the County of K'thIiw, S'-a.u- of South Carolina, containing fifty ffiO.) acres; more or less, and bounded now or formerly; as follows: No"th by lands of ,J. M. Carson and others; Kant by lands of K. P. McCarkdl South by lands of K. 1). McCaskil and by lands of A. A, West an* West by lands of A. A. West; and b.'in r I he same tract of land convoy ed to S. C. West by K. I). MeCaskill CHr'sfine McCaskill, Mary R McCas kjll and Nannie Kate Price. A nyone desiring to bid at sa id sale shall first deposit with the Master a certified check or cash for the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, as an evidene of ^ood faith, which deposit shall be returned to the un successful bidder at the conclusion of said sale. ' B. B. CLARKF,. Master for Kershaw County. January 15, 1023 TAX NOTICE. Office, of Treasurer Kershaw County, Camden. S. C., Sept. 22, 1922. Notice is hereby given that the books will be openeer cent March 15th, 1033. 'Hie rate per centum for Kershaw county is ns follows: Mills. State Taxes : 7 1-2 Goed Itoads 2 County Taxes 0 3-4 Hospital 1-1 School Taxes 3 I>rKulh Township Koad Bouts.. for D??Km to To\vn?hlP ohIj 2 12 . Total 2ft 1-2 J>og Tax $1.25. All olU?r?, Thft following School X)l?Hrlefc? havo xixyial tavtea : School Dtstrlet No. 1 ......... 28 School District No, 2 ........... ....... B School I >Ik?4 riot No. 8 . 8 School District No. 4 ..;.i H School District No. 5 8 School District No. 0 8 Feh'Kil District No. 7 ?. 8 School District No. .8 4 School l'llstrlct No. ? 4 School District No. 11 J 5 School 1 Mstriet No. 12 11 School District No, 13 ...,. 8 School. District N|>. 14 8 School District "No. .15 8 School District No. Itt 1 School District No, 17 S School District No. 18 I School District No. it) 4 School District No. 20 4 School District No. 21 ...: 4 School District No. 22 .l District No, 28 8 School District No. 20 .....i.y.. *...... 8 School District No, JK) 8 School District No. 81 8 School District No. 32 8 School District No. 33 8 School District No. 34 8 Rchoo-1 District No. 3 o 8 School District No. 3(1 8 School District No. 37 2 School District No. 38 8 School District No. 30 ........ 8 School District No. 40 17 School IMstrlet No. 41 :...U 8 School District No. 42 ...... School District No. 43 ? .... 4 School I>istTlct No. 44 ~.. 8 Sjchool District No. 40 8 School District No. 47 8 The jx>11 tax .Is $1.00. All ablobodied male persons from the age of twenty-one (21) to sixty ( 00 ) year. -J, both Inclusive, except res idents in in<*>n?o rated towns of tMe county less than 2,500 Inhabitants, shall pay $4.00 as a road tax excefit ministers of the gospel actually In charge of a congregation, teachers em ployed in public schools, school trus tees, and persons permanently dis abled in the military servtee of thts State and persons who served In the war Between the States, and all per sons actually employed In the quaran tine service of this state and all ree> I dents who may be attending school or college nt the time when said road tax shall become due. Persons claim ing disabilities must present certifi cate from two reputable physicians of this county. All Information with reference to taxes will l>e furnished upon applica tion. D. M. McCASKILL, County Treasurer. New Bofty Styles Here is the climax of a year of remarkable Franklin advances. Seven new 1(. 23 designs. These new cars are lower, longer, wider, roomier, and are alive with a dash and snap in accord with the greater power and speed of the new motor. The Four-Door Sedan is the latest addition to the line. New pressure air-cooling system. New demountable runs. Lowest price in 21 years. GEORGE T. LI 1 TLE, Distributor Kershaw County