The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, October 27, 1922, Image 8

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LIQUOR LADEN \l TOS (feftturtd Near Columbia With 4W Quart* Aboard. ColUUlbiai October 24-r-TWo ttllU) mobiles, cafryin* nearly IOO 1111art<? of ?whiskey, wore <*nj?( ui-<m1 by officers ?*trly tills morning at Now BtooUsndi a suburb of OolUiubM. Two men ami h woman were In one car, while the other cat was occupied by two men. < In the first <tir cafrtured wltU $13 qtiarttf woro Air. and Mrs. II. JC. Au gust, of Savannah, <hi., and Harnett Woods, of Savannah, according to Ilio MtJieR given officers. The s,?cond car. wiilt ISO quarts, M'lKcd als>ut two hour# liitor* ut the same point, was o<<ciipi4?d b.v men glv in# their names as Henry Paul and <\ It. .Shelton, <>r Kvansvilie, Ind The four men WOPO charged with violating t!rt? prohibition law. N'o charge was ma(lo against Mr*. An gust Homy I'aul secured Ills release on jbOAdt whllo 'the other men are still K>ri??onorfl ill tho "Now Hrookland Jail lk>th oars vcr** loaded with whiskey at Havwinah, tho occupants told of fleers. An Old Hiker. Joseph Walling, who claims to lie 71) yearn of age, niul #ays that he HtnrtfKl on a trip /com Haltiiuoro, Maryland, that won Id equal the dts tftiwv around the globe, ?i>ent Wednes* day liight In Onudeu. having walked from Camp Jackson to Camden .since morning. Jlo earrJot* a pack oil Ids back weighing <lo \Vonnds. He left ttnltimoro on May 1,'ith, 1022, and ox poets to Ttwh his destlnntbm tlie w<M-k l>oforo Christ mas. Ilnve Opened Temporarily. The new firm of 'Mci/cod A Hush, grocers, have o|H?ned tcniijorarlly In tho building formerly occupied by Mfifioioy's ice cream parlor. Salo wa* nuide of the stock and fixtures of the loo cream iparLor a few week# ago. but the purchaser did not comply with the tonus of Hie sale, hence tho now firm could not get the use of the entire building. They are using a part of the store ami are serving customers nn best.* they ran until they <*an ^et tho use of the entire building- They hope to is? abio to put in a full Hue In the next ten days. Ilcrndt's Itody found in Wobds. Harbor, N. J., <>ct. 25.?-Two dm-k hunters 'today found the body of John Ditch, XO-yoar-oid hermit, whoso life siiuv he moved Into tho woods near here half a century ngo has boon a mystery. Hitch's death is equally mysterious. Hunters found a quiintl ty of money in worn bills in bis ]n>ok et and a bank book showing a balance of #1.500 In Mgg Harbor bank Frost Wednesday Morning. The first frost of the season liotml In this' coinniunity for the present fall j was on Wislnosday ? morning, when j ?*arly risers saw quite a fall <?f frost. I ? ? ? i AH of the ~!) members Of the Orow of the Dutch steamer Cornells were drowinsl when tho sUvimor foundered In 1he Gulf of HothniiL a few days ago. The Death I'enalty. >V? d<> not think the Associated l*fOM <!iH[MtU'h wlltcll follow# has been published^ here, but If It life* been It Is wi?ll worth reprinting 1h? cnu*o of Hie KteatUl^ Increasing Imdv of public sentiment tn favor <?f pun lHiiiiik crime as Its enormity demands for the common WoIfttPO! "IH'iroJt, (let. IS. -The murder r??t< is Increasing hi llu> t'nitcd States tjtf cmiw, in the opinion of leading stair men- capital "punishment in not In flicted -Ji? ail CfttKWiOf deliberate iiuir dei a in t Jiitiiiisc misguided sentimen talist* are interesting themselves in behalf of murderers, Henry Itarrett Chamberlain, (Operating director of the Chicago Crime Commission declared tonight In-fore' the American Prison Association' "('rime, : h< >ukIi incurable. cun 'he minimized. and controlled, ami <*ipital punishment Is a deterrent and does re duce murder, tie asserted, speaking on ' the subjeet, "Tho Importance of the Death Penalty for the Murderer." " 'The right of t-he State to execute a murderer <lo?? not exist l>ecauee of the gravity of the offense. hut goi^ly bet's use of the m'CCflwity for protecting Itself frern the, murderer,' hi' said, 'Abolition of tlu? death ismalty for murder In this country usually has been for short periods followed hy its restoration when the tntirdor rate rose.* "Mr. CJiaiubcrlalu .said he bcliovisl irr(v<]H>nslhle .slayers should not be al lowed to remain at targe, and was in clined l<? agree with a nCwSjwper edi torial he rend sometime ago that 'ir re.sjHUisibles .should 7>e painlessly put away.' " The only good murderer Is a mur derer who has Ih'oii put- to death by I/aw. The only sare Judge Is ? the Judge who pronounces the penalty prescribed by law for the crime com muted by the murderer, the mafHday ec> the niplst, the firebug, the tlii**f arraigned for sentence before the Court- The only .*afe State <>r commu nity or county in which to IiIs the State, community or county whose of ficial representatives do not shield the criminals; but who execute the law.---Spartanburg Journal ^,J?r- Charles Lyman I /ove, the Charleston chiropractor, who aviis re cent ly stop|Hsl from practicing his pro fession by the State Medical associa tion, for pay, Is running In the local J I i?;i i cis an .advertisement like this: i "A iniiu may be down, but he is never I out- I am at my office every day from lo to t. and t to 7 -giving ad ! just melds but not charging. The ) sick still have a rl^ht, to <;et well.'' CAMDEN FURNITURE COMPANY Telephone 15(> Camden, South Carolina > Let Us Hand You This Bag of Money ?It Represents the Big Saving in Fuel You Can Make With Cole's Hot \\ '*' Blast in Your Heme OUR GUARANTEE V t. \\> rur.naii f a :...vitv; ? til.;.' :i ftu J nvf nnv lower d.a't sto. ( I the sano .. . \s. ' llS'llIf <>r sU> >?. 2. \\'?? uuar.iiifrt* i.. !i"'s Mil : v t i J.? ? hird f."?r hea;:'K ;i 1 ?;n l!.. :i ...y is> J urr.rr made with tiii' i>ot d. Wo ..i.t. i t!i,? i tJ:?? t >rr^ N* > { from ono t') t'vJ lu>i:r\ i < i. r:vn^ w .tt< (he'uo! ;>u: iu the r! >\i? tIj? v r ; ; ' ?? iorf. 4 Wi* tu '! "! ? ? t' it t! >? w .11 I,. ! \ f.f" wit!i t-Mt i.i.i| or hard i<v.. (. r.i j' .fJ.iv i vci.nii t.i Mjii C~ v 'fotnirw 5. W?; Kiur^.r.i. ? n t:: if *::j d.<r .-sr. I n:\.'it wit!) s^ft c.<?l. ii'it.l i .1 ? r luti i * <1. Wo *ua:a:.t? ?? rvi ?? t.i r.-.iuitt .i* .!.it*!ir a.r ii<tit at l.<rw a# used. 7 Wo rfuai an te? t!>. lot J d >..t ,t ? !><? c__. at: J dust proof. H We guarantee ? '.? anti*t?u,"::i? dr.?. : to prevent puthn?. riie ahov ? gti,inn!i*.' 11 sr*..??i?- u t!> .* tirdfri: .rd In* th*t l! <? st >w t ? - ! .-> . rd.o,; t ? d.r?- : jih, and coo net ted ap v? 11;? a ho.> d iluo Cole's 6}a"8st$nall Hoi Blast tin. 1 If. 1 Notice Farmers! Before you buy your Fertilizer get my prices. GENUINE FISH SCRAP MIXED GOODS, ACID, KAINIT, SODA J. L. MOSELEY CAMDEN, S. C. lltCKK AND TIIKKB Happenings That Have Occurred All Over the World. Four children wore killed and eleven wen- injured. MOlhe ^erJously, when an Aiabauut and VflekHburg freight train ran Into a county school wagon | ten mil op from VleksJuirg. Miss.. Jast Tuesday The asportation against the prohi bition aiueudjuont has put out a list of 2(? <*audidates for the srunle and, who arc to tw? sup)>ortcd tn tho coining general election oil tieor and wine platforms. What li< said to he thi' largest Mingle piece hand-made rug In tin- world, ar rived 1n Sew York .Monday fr?m <V,<s*ho Slovakia,. It Is 40x07 feet, ami i.s 1111?*ii? 1?mI for the new Keith vaudc Vlllo theatre In Cleveland. Ohio. Col. P. K.,MeCully, well known cot ton miyer />f Anderson, recently ap l*>lnted Milcsmuunger for the Honth Carolina Cooperative (Jotton A8#oola? tloii; has opened office* in Oreenvillo from which place he expects to dls tribute several hundred thousand hales of cotton. Luke Rogers, chief of police of Wagener. was shot and seriously wounded hy Murray Qua!tlehauui. a negro* last Friday. * (Juattlcbaum was hurried to tho penitentiary' for safe keeping. Motion picture 111011 were denied permission to film the Interior of the Canadian house of commons because it was felt that such a procedure would not be In keeping with the dig nity of the (parliament. More than 00, per cent of the 'popu lation of Now England is of foreign stock. Kev. J. 1). Ilarley 111. . Kev. J. L. HarV'.v. one of tho best known members in the I'pper Metho dist conference, is critically ill at his home in Spartanburg and all hoi>e of Ida recovery has Thhmi abandoned Members of the Immediate family have have been summoned to his bedside and tho news from his bedside as we go to press Is that he is .sinking rap idly. How to Get to Hife Shop. Owing to the fact that lower Main Street on which my ga rage is located will soon be torn up and blocked on ac count of the paving work, I want to advise my friends that til is need not interfere with work at my garage. My pa trons can reach my place )jy driving by way of Market Street and then into Arthur Street where it can be reached from the rear door. HAY'S GARAGE. 28-29 sb N'OTICK TO TI1K VIIHJC. My attention litis Ihhmi called to tlu violation of n |H>lice regulation which prohibits children under fifteen years old driving automobiles or trucks un less accompli nled by m competent driv er on the front scat. lieglnning Sat urday, October -1st. this law will lx: strictly enforced and no child under fifteen years of age will he allowed to drive an automobile or truek unless accompanied on the front seat b.v an older person competent to drive, l^iws troverning seeding of automobile# on tlie city "trrefs will he Strictly en f?>re?*d. A C WIIITAKKK. Chief of Police. NOTICE OF ELECTION i.itf <.(' S?.u!h < "arolina, Count v of K<*rshaw Notice i.- ):? ifl>\ trivon that l In < ion eial Kleotion f??r Stale and ?'??uiity <?ffl?vr.s will he held at the voting pre cincts prescrilH>d by law in said coim ty. on Tuesday. Nov?*niber 7. 1said day being Tuesday follow ins: tin* first Monday in November, as pro-vrilwxl h.v the State Constitution. The qualification for suffrage: Managers of election require of exery elector offering to vote at any election, before allowing liim to vote, jhe produ<*ti?-u of his registration <>or lifiinle and proof ,?f the payment <.f all taxes. including i?oll tax, assessed against liim and colhvtible the pre\ ions year. The production of a ? ?or? if.e;i te or of the receipt of the of fio-r .iuthoriz^i to collect such t.ixes, -haLl l?c coltclu-ive pr<n?f of the pay ment thereof. , StH'fi.?n :7. ?'ode ..f r.n J. a.- amend ed 1.\? -t No i?, >(Hi-ia1 M'viiin of 1 !H Sooti'M, There shall be thrt'o separate and distinct ballots, as fol lows: ? >:ie ballot for Representative in Congiv-< : and one l?all??t for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State offi<v?rs. Circuit Solicitors. members of the House of ltepiT*>entativos. State Sena tor, county officers nnd one baU< t for nU Constitutional amendments and sp?vial questions. each of three said l>oxes *o he a {<propriatel v iaN-Jed : winch bai.ots -hall T>e of plain white ;wi]v r and ?>f ?u?-h width and ' ngth as to contain the names "f tt,e officer or officers and question or questions to !*? \ for or upon, cloar :i nd even cut wit!i?ut ornament. d?-Migration, mutila'lon ?-\ml?>l or mark of any kind whatsoever. except the name or names . f the jwrson <r i?ersot<s vote<] for and the offi<v? to which such per son or person* are intended to be eiiosen, and all ? ;?e<rial questions which name er mmes. office or of fices, question or i(u<??tions fthall be written or printed or partly written or partly printed tln-reon i** J?lark Ink ; and such t .allot shall lie no folded an to conceal the name or names, ques tion or questions thereon, and eo fold oil. Khali be deposited in a box to bo constructed, kept and dlsp^tted of as heroin provided by law, ami no balijot of any other description fount! In either of said tx>xc# nhall be counted. (>n all HiMN-lal tbt ballot shall state the question or que?tlOQ?, aim) shall thet>eaCtor have the words "Yes" arid "No*1 inserted ho that the voter nwiy indicate his vote by strik ing out one <>r toe other of <auch words on said ballot, fcho wOrd not so stricken out to be counted. Before the hour flxo<l for opening the ik>11h, Manager* and Clerks must lake and eubscrfbo the Constitutional oath. The flmirman of the Hoard of wiufgeM can administer tho oath to the other member* and to the Oferk? a Notary Public must administer the <??th to the Ohaimmu. The Managers elect their Qmirman and ('Jerk. PolLs at oath voting place must l?o opened at 7 oVlook a. in. and cl<VHMl ut 4 o'clock p. in. except in the City of < 'harloMton. where they shall bo open ed at 7 *. in. and cloned at 0 p. m. The Managers have tho power to fill a vacancy, and if none of the Mauagcrs attend, the clti&ena can appoint from among the qualified vol or s, the Man agers, who, after l>elng sworn, esti conduct the ejection. Ait tho close of the election, tho Managers and Clerks must proceed publicly to oi>en the ballot boxen and count the ballots therein, amj, cbntln no without adjournment until the same is completed ami make a statement of the result for each off loo antl sign tho same. Within three days thereafter, tht? Chairman of the Board, or eomo one designated by ftho Board, must de liver to the Commissioners of Election the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots and written, statements of the results of tihe election. At tho isaid election qualified elec tors will vote ui>on the adoption or re jection of amendments 'to 'the State Constitution as provided in the follow ing Joint Resolutions: A Joint Resolution to Amend Article X of the Constitution so as to Authorize the Town of Greer to As sess 'Abutting Property for Permanent Improvements. A Joint Resolution to A At mhI Section r? of Article XVII of the Constitution Empowering 'the General Assembly to .Regulate tho Printing for tho State." A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 5, Article X, of the Constitution Relat ing to the Limit of the Bonded I>cbt of School Districts, by Adding a Pro viso Thereto as to the Due West School District No. .'IS. Abbeville County. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 7. Of' Article VIII end Section 8, of Article X of the Constitution, so as to Exempt the City of Beaufort From the Provisions Thereof. A Joint Resolution to Amend Para graph 5, Article X of the Constitution Uelating_ to landed Indebtedness of (Nnmties. Townshilps, School Districts, 'Etc., by Adding a Proviso to the County of Ileaufort. A Joint Resolution to propose an PEANUTS We would like every shipper of peanuts to get in touch with us and secure latest prices. Can use an unlimited quantity. Write, wire or phone whenever ready to sell. Sea Island Cotton Oil Company CHARLESTON, S. C. | Amendment to Article X of the Oou ! xt ittitioii by Adding Thereto a Sectlbn j to 1>e Kjkwu as Section 13A* Empower ing (>ouuty Authorities to Assess [Abutting Property for Pernio nont Ira ! provcment of Highways, The provis ious of said Section shall apply only to Beaufort County. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section ft and 0, Article X, of the Constitution, Holating to the Iitmlt of the Bonded Debt of Townships, by Adding a Pro viso Thereto as to the Township of Chrlsf Church Parish, Charleston County, S. C., as now Constituted Bui bracing In Area of Said Township the Town of Mount Plea sunt, S. C. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section r?. Article 10, of the Constitution Relat ing to Iilnvlt of the Bonded I>ebt of School Dlstricls by Adding a Proviso Thereto, as to Sdun?l District. No. 10, Cherkce County. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 5, Article X of the Constitution Relat ing to the Dinvlt of the Bonded Debt of School Districts by Adding a Pro viso Thereto as ito the Soli^ol District of the City of Florence in Florence County, South Carolina. , A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 7, Article VIII of the Constttutioa, Re la ting to Municipal Bonded Indebted ness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto as t.o the City of <?i*orgetown. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 5 of Article XI of the Constitution Re lating to the Formation of School Dis tricts. Etc.. by Adding a Provisx) as to Certain School DLstri<xts in Pickens County. A Joint Resolution to Anxmd Section VII of Article Vm. and Section V *?f Article X of the Constitution so as to Exempt the City of Spartanlmrg from the Provisions Thereof. A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 7. Article VIII, ami Section 5, Article X, of the Constitution, so as to Ex einpt the City of Union from the Pro visions Thereof. Election Managers: The following Managers of Election have bten apix/inted to hold the elec t U?n at (lie various jmvHuHn iu fcheaaid County i Buffalo ?1* F SoweHL J H CM toe, S T Sellfci*. ... :.:. Stoudboro- -James Addison, J q Oftttton, Vernon Hammond. Likgoff?Joeeqpfo A Moll, B >V Getty* 11 A Babon. Throe C??Orover o Sowell, J.) 11 (\>at?, J ,0 Oauthen. liberty Hill?John Richards. N S Rfcjbards, Jr, J II Clements. Beaver Dam?W W Norton, IImirv West. Arthur Hyatt. M't. Zk>n?John 8 .Ditutt, Ben ltrown, Paul Rwywn. lttfitvllfrs Mill?J H MoOasktll, s B Flu ll, II S Thompson. Stockton?Henry Arrant*, David Gil lis, 10 C PeaTce. Kirkley's Store?T O Cauthon, Hon ry T Herboi*, W O Sandy. Sliaylor'a Hill?R A McIKwell,, L I, Youn&. Sam Hor\ji*?by. Ktokea Hohool House?\V H Cat kins, Amos .0 Hall, D M 1 lames. HermlUiKe Mill?B M Harrison, \V T Hasty. J J Munn. Waheree Mill (Pino Creek)?George Munn, J A Shaw, T.J Truesdale. Cleveland School House?J F W<Bt, 1/ M West, K A Brown. ?Oantey?Henry RaTfield, S 0 Rose, I xx) Rose. Camden?M N McDowell, George Nicholson, M L Smith, Jr. Italey's Mill?J>ave S Hilton, Amos West, C 0 Joynor. Caasa'tfc?T A Spears, Oscar Gar<# ner, Duncan Mcliauriiu Kenslinw?Johii A McCaskill, Lewis True#dale, H D McOnskill. Balw>n'? Cross Roads?Engl Lsh Bran liam, J 0 Ford. Rddie Rarfield. Blaney?R T Rranham, Ta Imago Rowen, T (J Sessions. ? Beth uric?J N McLaurin, D T Yar liorougb, B W Re^t. \Ve.9tville--Ive-wls R Clybum, Pome roy Hilton, David E Truesdale. The Managers of each 4. precinct named al>ovo are ivquested to dele gate one of their nnmlver to ?e euro boxe? and blanks for tlio elec tion from The Chronicle offiee on Saturday. Novembei- 4th. John Rabon, Jr., I). M. Kiriciey, G. R. Clements, Commissioners of, State and County Eloctioivs for Kershaw County, S. C. October 10, 1922. Our Big IS STILL GOING ON tn And We Have Special Bargains For - SATURDAY ?IN? Men's Clothing, Boy's Suits Also Piece Goods and Shoes We have 500 pair pants we are selling from $1.00 up to $3.98 per pair, which are worth from $3.00 up to $8.00 per pair. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND LOOK OUR LINE OVER Snyder's Store CAMDEN, S. C.