SIANDKKH THI8 HTATK. Carolina Ktlitor Takes Jndlamt JRtfitor To Tank For Hi* Remark#, Tho Qroonvllle Now* MnvwUly took to tatfk a columnist In the Indianapolis (Indiana) Star, for gross slanders which lit* ik'I'jm'Irated against South Carolina, Aftt-r taking a lh?k at ('bar legion UukhcI M. Heeds broadOUs to the ontlre Utah1 and remark*; "ProudpBt, poorest and most back ward of all tho states, South Carolina offOr^ an Interesting study In mass IwyOhology. She has no roads to His*ak of her flue old tfriautuiiODM have gono to rack and ruin 01' have heen Hold to Northern millionaires for will* tcr homoa or hutnihg MM and |h6 *?tut(! seems fast roVcrtfug to a wilder neas. Thoro Is more wild pnic \vlthln hventy miles of Charieston today thnn In what we comvlve to Ik* the wilds of Arkansas. As a final blow, tho lw?ll weevil has struck the state and Its splendid sea Inland eolton seems a thin# t>f - the .past." Tho Nows then replies with some good fljpires, us foil own: "So wo ni'e to he jd. tidied for our mass psychology like tho Liberia Aft ?r i.'alagonlans, ehV A different, dlslinet and backward Irihe, having nothing to do with tho rest of the world, resting rontontly in our hi Ire, revoitlng against Improvement, letting millionaires come In and make htmliug fields of our farms and (lie lsdl weevils eat up what little Cotton wo have planted. 'TIs a gloomy picture, me lads! Pretty * make the alliteration complete. The language could ha\e been thus liniproved but the Jylnn never. Il Is su|Ht-h and tts-lml rally jwrf?M-|;>- -not a word <>f truth in If except that We are proud, proud of our progress, proud of tho fact that we nro either hotter Informed or h-s* vicious IIimii our critic. "We have no roads to s*peak "f and yet wo have 1,000 miles of improved highways built and maintained by Ox* State !ft|b?QX ?lij>artmeut ami as good roads as there are in state of Indiana or anywhere flue.' More over, wo are building hundred* of miles of now roads annually and two yeah* hence will have every county neat In thO state connected by a highway upon which one may (ravel in coinfort (?very day of the year. "Not only do we have good roads hut wo have automobiles to ride on them Then' arc 84,000 oar* In Smith Carolina and though we arc ''poor' we manage to hoy gasoline to ke them going. "The Northern millionaires hnv# mndn htmttnjr preserve*- ntttf?winter hom?'>? of 0m1?limitation* ami 'the state seems fast reverting to a wilder ness' tint wo have 0,200,64-1 aeros of Improved land in this state and only f?.0lH,(M1 acres of unimproved land ' tiei this! r.j?on our six million acres of improved land we raise, farm products valuing almost as much as Indiana does on 10.680,212 acre*. To ho exact, the yaluo of farm products in this state in 1010 (the latest compilation) was M<^0 cot ton spindles in active service. more than Jhe states of Virginia, (leorgia, Alaluiina, Mississippi, Txaiisiana, Mis souri and Texas slid third in the t'uitcd States. In addition we have II U>T>r> looms, more than any other Southern shite. "We are loafers and yet there are more actual hours Worked jit our s-pln Olea than ut an$ other 8tate in the union. ? VSV have (Irvr.'tijMt! more uhi.t (power than any other Southoni state and more than Indiana. "Till# development ha* stimulated our Industry. In Inno the v?lii?% of Mouth Carolina's m aim fuel ured pr jut ? ?cut. ('an ludluna j mateli thin gain? . Tht, Iohh of slaves was ail 'eeonoihle death' and yet there are more people who work every day In .South <-ar ollria than In any other state In t United States hy an official govtrn: inriit report. "Our 'social exHuslvenegs prltal from coining In ami lfteK of Opportunity drives the host of .voting men away! and yet Ave had $.'l74,r>.'JSlTH50 Invested In 1010 as ugalnst ,rt paltry |U,200,?H In 1H80. "The News could go on res.-1 ting farts to refute the misinformation of Mr. Heeds and others 1ij his section who persist* In kec*])1ng their eyes shut to lhe phenomenal progress of South (Woliua and other Southern st-ites. They si I'll thln/k for so doing, penitentiary officials said .Vosterdwy. Sani was convitotod in Kershaw county an roiul, just out of Mie city limits. FroWi the testimony of Mrs. Glover, who was the only eyewit ness examined by the coroner's Jury, BJackwoH, who married Mr. (Jlover's sister, went to tl?o house yestorday l?e twi'cii 12 nnd 1 o'clock in a drunken condition and who put him to bed. . 14ist night at Ix-d time she went to bed herself in another room, tier hus band wtfs away. After she had lieon asleep for soim? time she heard her husband at tht" door and got up and let him in, telling him that it lack well was in the other room and not to both er him as ho was drunk. " l Mrs. Glover testified that her bus hand cam? in and started into the room where BJavkwell was in bed and as he got to the door ho saw Black well get up aiul flash a iplstol. She saw the pls'tol and told him not to shoot hut just then lie shot, and her husband fell In the doorway. She went for a physMan Black-well claims that he was . at tacked by Mr. Glover and shot in self defense. Mr. (Hover was shot in the leg when officers of the law raided a distillery in the lower |wrt of the county two ytvirs ago, and as a Consequence one leg was about two Indies shorter than the other. When the officers searched the house last night Uicy foil ml a small distillery such as is sometimes used on the cookstovo, they said. Authorities of Okron, Ohio, are In vestigating the (1r the man who wants the _e$sential^ advantages of cord tire perform ance at the lowest. ,?ossi bliL-price. It is designed to offer the' buyer a quality product at a price even lower than, he lias formerly paid tor a "lonn discount" tire. It has a different tread trom the famous Goodyear A11 - Weather Tread Cord ? a new tread with a deep, clean-cut, cog-like pattern?and its selling price ranges from 20 to 25% less. This new tire is the Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord. Like the All-Weather Tread Cord it is liber ally oversize in all straight-side sizes, the 4' -inch tire, (or example, actu allv measuring nearly 5 inches. 1 ilw* the All'Weather 1 read Cord, its foundation is genuine h!??h-ornde long-staple cotton. Like flic AM-Weather Tread Cord, it embodies the efficient j?roup-ply construction, a Good year patent. Like the All-W eather Tread Cord, it is the product of an experienced company which has a world-wide reputation to safeguard. Look at the prices of the new Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord, listed below. Compare these prices with net prices you are asked to pay for "long-discount" tires of unknown reputation and value. Why take a chance on such tires? ? you know it doesn't pay. Compare these prices niih i\'ET prices you are asked to pay for "long discount" tires .V) * : i C1:n?. her $ 1 3.50 ."V) x j Straight S: !e $ 1 5.8 5 32 x J>a Straight S\]c $ 1 9.75 .11x4 Srr^tfht $2 3.50 32*4 Straight^ i* $2 5.45 1 "> t 4 Straight Si.if $26.80 >4*4 Straight Side $27.35 * 2 x 4^ Straight S !c $3 1.45 33 i V j Straight Sulc $32.15 "4 x 4yi Straight Side $32.95 3 x5 Straight Side $39.10 .'(ti Straight Side $41.63 T\emu? (^>u?S aiiwe 1N7D. Wine. Vii-ti, umv a .mentor vt the Anglian ParJlam^ut, Wfcaa her an a bouseuiilM. Campers, Tourists and Contractors \Vy handle TENTS for all kinds of purpose*-Wall Tents, Auto Tents, Gospel Tonta and other styles. Luggage Carriers, PuH-U-Outs and Minute Arab Chains for Mm,i Trouble. '* Columbia Supply C6mpany 828 WEST (.EKVI IS STKEET COLUMBIA, S C BUILD A SOLID WALL OF PROTECTION AROUND YOUR FAMILY No matter how much money you earn, save some o.f it for the future protection of your loved ones. When sickness, misfortune or trouble arises, you are in a position to meet the emergency. Your money is at your instant command?a solid wall of helpfullness?a bulwark of safety?a solace indescribable. Open a savings account at the First National Bank and enjoy the satisfaction of know ing, you are doing what you should be doing?'protecting your family. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY By Making Your Old Clothing Serviceable We are doing it for thousands of others?why not for you? We believe a trial will convince you. FOOTER'S DYE WORKS Cumberland, Md. TO THE PUBLIC THE CREDIT BUSINESS IS A THING OF THE PAST. WE WANT YOUR CASH BUSINESS AND WE INTEND TO GET IT BY GIVING YOU LOWER PRICES THAN YOU CAN GET ANYWHERE IN CAMDEN. WE CAR RY LARGE STOCKS OF ALL STAPLE GOODS, GRO CERIES, HAY AND GRAIN, HARDWARE, SHOES AND DRY GOODS. WE HAVE PUT OUR-PRICES ON ALL THESE COMMODITIES TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE LEVEL. ALL WE ASK YOU TO DO IS TO COME IN OUR STORE AND ASK US OUR PRICES. IF WE DON'T ?AVE YOU MONEY WE DON'T ASK YOU TO RETURN. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, Springs & Shannon " The Store That Carries the Stock.*' CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA^