cigarettes They are GOOD> 10? Bay this Cigarette and Save Money On Ills Way. Moso, what would you do If you re vived n letter from the Ku Klnx KlanV" a local negro was asked, "Well, sab, I'd read it on a train." replied Mo&P;-*-Fro.h) the Atchison Olobe. (Hie federal prohibition officer was Killed and another was fatally wound ?>d while raiding an illicit liquor mak ing plant at Tltustown, Va., last Sat urday night. The authorities have hiuce been prosecuting a search for a negro named Henry Chambers, the alleged owner of the still. NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL ESTATE State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw, Hy agreement of the heirs of the ?estate of Fannie Moeks, deceased, the undersigned will sell at public sale be fore the Court Door during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday i i August, 11)22, the following descried real estate: "All that part of a lot situated in the City of Camden, County of Kershaw, State of South Carolina, bounded North hy iwemises formerly of Mary Campbell now of Henry Raiuey; IOast Iit Broad Street, South by premises of-Mrs. Scot a Salmond and West by premises formerly of Clinton Palmer, >orted. During 1021 42 stout fishing schoon ers dropped int<> Davy Jones' locker, and 1922 already has a lengthy list of losses. The entire Newfoundland fleet t ml ay Is not more than .half that of 11HX>. The number of schooners be tween 30 anil *V> t<>ns In service today Is abojyt 500, hs against from 1,000 to 1,,VX> [n The < l<>s!ng days of the Nine teenth century. Triumph for Old-Tlmer. The little red 'house \\ pre??Tt flay educational institution, with !t?? d??m?*stlc science and vocational trninii courses, dur ing an old-fashioned spollintr I ?*c held In Bucyrus. Ohio, when Mrs. K. B Flnley. eighty-seven, spelled flown 25 graduates of high schf*>ls and colleges In a'contest lasting over fhr?'?- hours Iteualssance. vertiginous, rendezvous nnd foitiaMlmo were the words that spell*.I ;?efent to her opponent*, and then Mrs. Flnley heenme Mordted ?he dropped out with "tuberrulosla." ALL TOOK PUFFS Smoking by No Means Always Confined to Men. In Old?n Time* Women, and Even Children, participated In Enjoy* inent of the "Weed." William Penn has a flue record In the history books. Controversy uml colon! nl muck raking has not sullted hli name. But William Penn smoked with the women. He smoked with women 4ft America. No? ?oi In sylvan privacy In a small select party down near the City of Brotherly Love. ? He smoked with thejl? right out In public. In fact, they took puffs from the same pipe. Twice at least did this happen, says a New York Sun writer. Yes, of course It was a peace pipe; a Calumet which he smoked with the big chiefs and the braves and the squaws of the tribes that were selllug him land. A friendly social time was had by all and he made a fine trade for a first-class piece of land, payltu; for It In part with .SCO tobacco pipes, 100 hands of tobacco and 20 tobacco boxes. ,Jn the old country in the good old days the women took to smoking as quickly as did the men. At least the ladles of the courts did. In France tobacco was the special possession of the queen mother, who received some plants from her ambassador In Portu gal, Jean Nlcot. This Is the real orlg lnal chap of Lady Nicotine fame. The weed was called "the queen's herb," "Incense," "Yerba Santa," "pan acea," and half a dozen other names of the same sort. In the English court the ladles as well as the men followed the fashion Introduced by Sir Walter Kalelgh. Tobacco smoke was consid ered the best medicine for all Ills, and so late as the time of Charles IF* boys were flogged at Eton for refusing to learn to smoke. Of course, It has not all been plain sailing for the smokers. So gentle and mild a punishment as a $25 fine or a short sojourn in that gray castle with the towers aDd battlements and the bridge of sighs that we call the. Tombs would have been considered laughable by those who In earlier days were really out after the smokers. Church and state alike have gone right after them. Imprisonment, excommunication from the church, the death penalty, whip ping on the bare back with the knout, have all of them been on the statute books of one or another country of Europe In the course of attempts to grub out this habit, root and branch, ladles and gentlemen alike. No less a person tlian a Mug of England wrote publicly for the antls. He calls It "loathsome to the eye, hurtful to the nose, harmful to the brnln, dangerous to the lungs and In the black stinking fnrae thereof, near est resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of that pit which Is bottom less." This referred to all smokers. He was not doing any sharpshootlng at the women. He was leading the firing squad against the whole tobacco brigade. Oldest Flao. Our royal standard, In which some changes, will possibly be made as a re sult of Ireland's new status, Is not so venerable as the Danish royal stand ard?the oldest national flag In exist ence. The white cross on a red ground of the Danebrog Is traditionally traced to a vision seen In the sky by a Danish king, Vlademar the Victorious, when leading his army against the Esthonl ans near Reval In 1210. According to one version of the legend, the blood red flag fell from heaven Into the Danish ranks. There Is no doubt that about the date of this battle It was adopted as the Danish flag and that It had the religious associations which belonged to most national standards In medieval times.?Montreal Family Herald. What'a a Day Here and There? "Jlm,H the Janitor of an apartment In the '4100 block on Walnut street. Is so exasperatlngly glow that resi dents of the apartment usually can't decide whether It Is funny or tragic. They are laughing over his latest. "Yes, 'MIz Jones,' the windows sure need washing," he admitted Tuesday. "I'll get to them tomorrow." He paused doubtfully. "Tomorrow or Thursday." Then still more doubtfully: "But, If I do have to put them off till Friday, I believe I might Just as well let them go till Monday."?Kansas City Star. Playing Safe. In spite of repeated warnings from his father, little Hobby persisted In driving nails Into blocks and boards. He had arrived at play-at-carpenter stage. One morning dad beard the familiar pounding, and looking out he saw Rob by busily banging away?his little sis ter, Mary, down beside him. Apparent ly looking on. "Haven't I told you, Bobby, that you will mash your fingers If you drive nails?" the father ssked. "Yes, T know dad. but Mary's hold lng the nail."?Judge. Stops Epileptic Attacks. Professor Tro^ello, surgeon com mander In the Italian navy and lec turer on nervous diseases In the Uni versity of Rome, report1* great suc cess In treating epilepsy with tetra tartrate of boron and potassium. In *4ght ease* in an asylom four patients ceased to have attacks, while the other four were so far Improved that tbey hohnrod hotter and were less violent TRIUMPH WAS SHORT-LIVED Prof???or Remembered to Put Out the Light, but He Had Forgotten Something Else. At 1:80 u. in. the tired scientist laid down his pen, snapped desk light in Ids study and started \up stairs As he felt his way along It hi' dark hull hp was Immensely proud*vOf himself for having remembered to |)ut out the light. He saw himself at the breakfast table, receiving the congrat ulations t>f the ns.s?'iiililt"d family, lb suitled In the darkness as he thought how pleaaisl his wife would be, Perhaps he should wake her now and tell her, prove to her that this ntreemmtndedness thnt amttsrd and not.Infrequently embarrassed her was not as Inveterate as she supposed. Certainly It was easy enough to re member things if one tried. lie Chuckled at the thought of his tri umph. He'd show theinj Groping along In the blackness, says the New York Sun. his hand en countered an Inexplicable gap In the continuity of the wall. He paused In perplexity. Then suddenly It occurred to him that It was the door of hi* daughter's rooin?his own was two doors back. He had been' so absorbed In sclf-congratulbtlon that he bad gone straight past It, He smiled?not quite so heartily. It wasn't easy nfter all. Yet, with a little effort?. Hut why was the door o)>en? Jean Invariably clotted her door at night. He called softly. There was no an swer. Yet Jean woke at the slightest sound. Icy fear clutched his heart; he entered, switched on the light. The room was empty! He turned and ran down the hall to his wife's room. "Martha!" he called. "Jean Is gone! The bed Ir empty?-hasn't been slept in! What shall we do?" . To his complete and utter amaze ment his wife sat up In bed and laughed until the tears ran down her cheeks. "Oh," she gasped, "you'll be the death of me! (Jan't you remember anything? Jean was married this af ternoon. You gave her away your self !" Something Going to Happen. T\yo mountaineers had long enjoyed a blood feud with each other, but at last neighbors, desiring peace, man aged to bring them together. For sev eral minutes after the meeting not a word was said. Finally one, seratch lng his thumbnail reflects ely on the butt of his gun, remarked. "\Vell, pardner, I'm not goln' to tm with ye much longer." The second was relieved but strlved to conceal his feelings. "Don't talk thatta way, Seth," he re monstrated. "We been enemies fer twenty years, but of course I'll miss ye. Ye ain't goln' to shoot yerself, are ye?H "No." drawled the first, "I certainly 1 ain't goln' ter shoot myself, and I ain't goln' away, neither, but seeln' as how ye ain't ever goln' ter see me again, I flggered ye might have some thin' ye wanted ter say first."?Amer ican Legion Weekly. Considerable Hint. "This Is ft nice **anoe, Isn't It, Maud 7" said the tall, dark young num. "Very nice Indeed, Charlie," replied the pretty girl sitting In the stern. "There's Just one objection to It," said the young man. "Indeed; and what Is that?" asked the girl. "Oh, well, you see, If you try to kiss a girl In this canoe there's a great danger of upsetting It, and theu both the fellow and the girl would bo thrown Into the river." "Oh, indeed!" said the girl, reflec tively, and she sat silent for a while. At length she remarked, softly, "Charlie, I can swlm.'r Rude and Unusual. My nursing training was received at a hospital where all the standards were of the highest and where we were drilled Ln all the little courtesies of our profession. For that reason I took my work most seriously, and thus suffered a most embarrassing moment, though afterward I realized it was funnier than It was serious. One night I fell Into a sound sleep, to be awakened by my patient's laugh ter. She had asked me the time, she said, and In my sleep I had replied, MAw, look at your own watch." That remark was a byword ln the hospital for weeks.?(Thlrago Tribune. Fish Meal as Food. Experiments with fish meal as a food for domestic animals have been made abroad and it has been found that pigs and cattle eat it with relish. In Norway the meal Is made from cod and herring. The codfish are dried first ln the air and then in an oven, and afterward ground Into meal. They make a highly nutritious food. Her ring are boiled and placed under press ure beforp being ground. Tn England and Scotland fish meal Is made from the waste parts of all kinds of fish, first steamed and then dried and ground. Coins Are Comparatively Clean. Tests made In the University of Illi nois show that coins which have been In circulation for a l??ng time are not unduly dirty. The metal seeems to have the quality of resisting dirt and warding germs. The same cannot be said of bunk notes. 'Bottled" Messages. It Is now fMtssIhle to "bottle" tele phone messages. If a telephone call Is made and the pornon wanted Is not available, an Instrument can be net In motion that records the me**a?e and retteats it nt nnv time lat*r Buist's New Crop Ruta Baga and Turnip Seed. Plant Ruta Bagas now. Also late corn, Beans, Cab bage. Collards, Rape, Squash, Lettuce and Late Toma toes. We sell only good seed. W. Robin Zemp's Drug Store I'lione HW. IvodaK Films sold and devcloiM'd, Delivery. William A. CaKhveU, general early news service editor in tin* Now York office of the Associated Press, was drowned while bathing hi l.ako George, Now York, laShnday. Governor Nrff of Texas, has 41 n nouiiced his lutein Ion to assist in iho moving of truins, whether the tpouUie ho la ok of heifp or to protect stviki breakers. Louis 1\ Camion of .Jacksonville, ria., ran down a party of pedes triuns last Saturday, killing a U1 months "hi child and injuring five others, two of them fatally. Ho was rushed fo Jail for safe keeping. One hundred automobiles and a large quantity of accessories valued at wore destroyeil hy fire in Atlanta, last Saturday. Garden ami Orchard Notes, Continue to plant Itoiintlfnl or Val entine beans until September 1 Plant winter celery during the,latter part of July or ewrly August. 1'se large, NV/'ll cd plants of the Giant Pascal, Winter ^uceii, or Iloart well varieties. Set tin1 plants S ln<*hcs aipqirt in rows 15 feot wide. The earth ing up or blanching process should not be begun until hi to SoptemlM'r. Uutabagu turnips should be planted during the last two weeks of July or tin* first week in August. The White lOgg, Milan, and other varieties! of this ty]>e should he planted in September, as well as Seven-Top turnip* for salad puriKWcs. Kale for winter use should l>e planted the first half of Septeml>er. The Siberian Curled Is one (?f the best varieties. . Tlu> second or late ori*i? of Irish po tatoes should l|o planted liofore August 1, preferably about July 20 to *J5. The Lookout M<>\iitt?41 ii variety is consid ered best for tills Into crop. IMant pansy seed <1 living lute .Inly mill imrly August and tiranwpiant the plants to the beds, la late October or early NovoiMior. Now is tln> time to niako plant for plant in>; orchards mat vineyards. So-, h-ct the varieties preform! and find oat whore they amy he obtained. Ho ..member thaj fall planting of trees in the South is much hotter than spring planting. How crimson clover as ? cover crop in the orchard during September. Uso 7 pounds of I'leaiitHl seed or H pounds of uaeleaned seed >per aero. CIIATTNL MOKT be eon* ducted on the said ipremises. For schedule and Inventory, apply to. the undersigned. JOHN S. LINDSAY. Agent for Loan and Savings Hank. 15 10 666 quickly relieves Colds, Con stipation, Biliousness and Headaches, A Fine Tonic. 7-26 For Future Delivery We are now making Importers Nitrate of Soda Contracts for Spring and Fall delivery. Write or phone us for prices. F. M. Wooten 11 Kit E (INK WILL FIND A V A It I K ? STOCK OK SlLVKItVVARE LASTING REMEMBRANCES AND StTTARKE FOR ALL OCCASIONS, RUT RKMKMI'.KR, WHETHER YOl'R DKMANDS MAY BR SILVKR OR DIAMONDS OR ANY SATISFACTION AT THIS UP TO DATE ESTABLISHMENT G'L.BLAGKWELL JEWELER'S OPTOMETRIST >CAMDEN SOUTH CAROLINA