The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, July 14, 1922, Image 9

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CASTORIA For Injfents and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature i of In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of \Yrapper. tlietetyiw^ (W)?S fiSSft&g! Hot. Weather Rules fur the Hors& 1 Load lightl.v, and drive slowly. ?J. Sto]> in the shade if possible. A spouse on top of the head, Oi" ? ? v t* 1 1 u eloth, in good if kept wet ? dry it is worth than nothing. 4. Water your horse as often as (pos sible. ,So long as a horse is working, wat?M- in small quantities will not hurt him. But let him drink only a few swallows if he is going to stand still. 5 When he eomes in after work, sponge off the harness marks and sweat. his eyew, his nose and mouth, and the dock.'Wrtsh his feot Imt not his logs. ?> if the thermometer is 7y_ degrees higher, wipe him all over with a damp sponge, using vinegar water if possible. Do not. wash the horse at night. 7 Saturday night, give a 'bran mash, lukewarm; and add a tablespoonful of saltpetre. 8 Watch your horse. If lie stops sweating suddenly, or if he breathes short and quicfc, or If his ears droop, or if he stands with his legs braced sideways*, he Is iu danger of a heat or sun stroke and needs attention at once. 1) If the horse is overcome by heat, get him into the shade, remove harness and bridle, wash out his mouth, eponge bim' allover, shower his legs, and give him two ounces of aromatic spirits of ammonia, or two ounces of sweet spir its of nitre, in a pint of water; or give him a pint of coffee warm. Cool his iiead at once, using cold water, or if nooessary, chapped ice, wralpped in a cloth. 10 If the horse is off his feed, try him with two quarts of oats mixed witn brun. and a little water; and add a ? , ? ." * ? ] little salt or ?ii?ar. Or give him oat meal gruel or barley water to drink. 11 Clean your home at night, so : that lit* can rest well, and clMli him thoroughly. The salt dandruff on lila skin jQiakes him uueontfortable, aijd (rfton produces sores under the harness, j 12 Do hot fall to water him at night after he has eaten his hay. If ^you , don't ho will he thirsty all night, i 13 If It Is so hotv that the horse sweats in the stable at night, tie him outside, with bedding under hlin. Uu less ho cools off during the night, he cannot well stand the next day's Jhoat. rirkling the Cueumber. ClemsOn College, Jflly 10. 'Many tai qutrlep are reaching the horticulturists of the wl lege for ihformation about ldekllng cucumbers, and to meet this need a supply of a circular letter pro j mi red hy the State Homo Demonstra tion Agent's office has been provided and may 1x? had either from the State Home Demonstration Agent, Wluthrop College, Hook mil, R O.. or from tlfc Horticultural Division. Cloroson Col lege. 3. O. j That pickling cucumbers is a simple matter is shown by the following par [ ngraph from the circular letter, which gives also brief information and sug gestion on the (part played by different bacteria in the pickling process, how to test for ncld. prevention of scum yeast, exclusion of air, etc. I "fioft water Should bo used in mak ing the brine. Water containing much . iron or lime will discolor the (pickles, i Put the cucumbers Into brine very soon after they are gathered. A good measure of salt Is absolutely necessary to prevent spoilage, but salt alone Is not enough. The cucumbers may be out down is a 45-dereo to a 00*d-egree brine. The salt draws out the water from the vegetable tissues rind tough ens them somewhat. I(,or this reason the weaker brine will give a bettor texture to the finished (product. About one pound of salt dissolved in one gallon of water will Cause a salt hy drometer to float at about 45 on tho scale, which will show that It is a45 degree salt solution. Thfe cucumbers should bo weighted down so this solu tion will completely cover them. A cheese cloth may be placed over the top to exclude the dust' and at the same 'time admit air." Mrs. J. It. Greene, of Wolfe City, Texas, Is said to be the only woman In the United States who is engaged lj business as a sales manager of high grade dairy ' cattle. Dr. Martha A. Whitley, joint inven tor with Prof. R. A. Thorpe of the world's -fa moils "S. K." tear gas. Is one of the greatest Women scientists In England. Tltlatks Uuwy AU KiKM. In this connection Tlio Advertiser has no hesitancy In saying that for chief executive of the state U has a preference, iu fact Is committed to tJhesterftold's candidate for t tint high offloe, tho Hon. ft. K. !?aney, We be lieve Mr. I.aney U well Kjul>p|>cd men tally ami ni.fiully for this office. AW unhesitatingly commend him to the voters of this county. ? Ilia service mf *J0 years in the legls? latlve hulls of the state have eminently f I tte<l him 'fur the place of governor.? ( ? I m sterfiehi Adfeytlaer. ? ? - ? -r? ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR TREASURER " I hereby announce myself ft candi date for county treasurer for Ker shaw county to snoooed myself, D. M. McCa skill. I hereby announce myself as a cau* dtdato for the office of Treasurer for Kershaw County at the Democratic prlmury to he held in August and pledge myself to abide the rules of the party. 4 > s w iioauK. I hereby announce myself as a candl* date for the office of Treasurer for Ker shaw County, subject to the rtoles of the Democratic party. If elected I pledge faithful aud efficient service. W. A. SHAW. FOR SHERIFF. Editor Chronlcfle. Please announce the name of Mr. M C West as a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff. Mr West Is well and flee of Sheriff. Voters. FOR STATE SENATOR I beg to offer myself as u candidate tnr the *M?*e flfwate and aek year thoughtful and friendly confederation of the fame Kesj>cctfully. T. J. ARRANTS. At the earnest solicitations of many friends from every section of the coun ty I am announcelng myself as a candi date for t he office of State Senator for Kershaw County. W. R. HOUGH. After considering the matter careful y for some time, I liave concluded to of fer myself as a candidate for the office (>f State Senator from Kershaw Oounfy ^ R. B, WILblAMB. FOR REPRESENTATIVE; , I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the House of Representatives from Kershaw County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. N. S. Richards. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. - I "hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomlnatlon as a member of the House of Representatives from Kershaw County, subject to Che rules of the Democratic party. ' GEORGE G. ALEXANDER. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself as a can didate for th<f House of Representa tives from Ke'teHaw County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primarv. RICHMOND H. HILTON. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the olluse of Representa tives, subject to the rules of the Demo cratic, prima ry. WI fjl/I A>M Ih COOK. FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE To ( lie Democratic Voters of Kershaw Couuty ? Ladies and (Jentlemen : I hereby announce my?elf as a can didate to succeed myself as Judge of Probate for Kershaw County, and promise the* same efficient servh-e li (he future a* in the i>ast. Very respectfully, w. i j. McDowell. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for Probate Judge for Ker shaw county, subj?H-t to the rules gov erning the primary election. If elect ed I pledge faithful and impartial ser vice in the discharge of the duties of the office. F. IT. ARK ANTS. After due consideration I hereby announce myself a candidate for Pro hate Judge for Kershaw County sub ject to the rules governing the (prl mary. The people of Kershaw county have boon very considerate of me in the past, for which I am sincerely grateful, and if eh t ted Probate Judge I -pledge fair jyid reasonable serlvce to one and all. I. J. McKENZIE FOR AUDITOR. I herby announce my eandblacy for Auditor of Kershaw County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. If elected I pledge faithful andl effi cient service. B. E. SPARROW FOR AUDITOR With deep npprecdation for the gen erous support accorded me in the past I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of Auditor of Kerfchaw County, subject to the rules goxernint? the Democratic Prim ary. W. F. RUSSELL FOR MAGISTRATE I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomlnation to the office of Magistrate for D^Kalb Township subject to rhe rnlo* of the democratic primarv. SAMUEL N. NICHOLSON. We, the many friends of J. B. Munn, wish to announce him as a candidate for the office of Magistrate In Buffalo Townrihlp at largf. If elected he will make ns a good officer. HU Many Friends. FOB MAGISTRATE. I hereby unn trance myself as a can didate for the office of Magistrate for I/iwer Flat Rork subject to the rules of the Democratic prttnary 8. S. CLYBURN. FOB SHERIFF. I hercfcy ?nooazx* myself ?? a can didate for re-electloB to th? office of Sheriff of KenMNr Comity. ffofbject to tbo roloa 6* th# Democratic primary. si om a Win. ^ . . " ' -v _ S3* ' ' =? & ? ?* i ? *".? MOST MILES ^er DOLLAR GUM- DIPPED CORDS -and. Their Jiigh JiiUage, Records The high mileage record# of Firestone Cords continue to em phasize the fact that Firestone methods are different and better. These records, steadily increasing in number and ih mileage totals, justify the Firestone contention that there is one best way to build tires. Among the primary sources of Firestone extra mileage it double gum-dipping ? the saturation of the cord plies in a vat of liquid gum ? thus coating each cord and virtually eliminating internal heat and friction. Another is Firestone air bag curing, with its 2<)0 pournl pressure, which places every coM accurately and equalU^s thft tension. O By blending the rubbers of different plantations and type#, and by tempering it before mixing, Firestone men add atlfi more mileage. Many cord tires arc good ? a few are better ? Firestone usera say one is best. Those who have already experienced Firestone mileage, have stopped shopping and experimenting ? they have made these cord., standard equipment. Investigate your friends' success with Firestone Cords ? and buy your next tire accordingly. Come in mid your share c; extra i^ ? ea^e. v vp''.h: 2.x i a ' >r A.I > ?-'W R -w :j) t i i s.?5 CO HI) >0 * V 1 .12 f 4 M t 4 '/i .VI i 5 ? H l"i l ! 1 ? " > " . 1 E? if,* *>? if ? 7 Ml iJ 40 41 SJ 15 For Sale in Camden by W. O. HAY'S GARAGE , KERSHAW MOTOR CO. * ~?l~ /'i; ?" *" - r. . -= ^ . _ FOB CONGRESS. "I hereby announce that I am a can* riidate in the Democratic primaries of South Carolina, foe the nomination for Representative of. the Fifth Oongre* sional District for the 68th Congress and I take this opportunity to thatik the people of the District for their loyal support in the past and to aay that I Nhall endeavor to deserve their support and confident In the future." W. F. KTBVIONSOtf. T. B. BRUCE Veterinarian I.yttlciou St., |*bone 11% CAMDEN, S. C. Kelly-Springfield TIRES The reductions that have brought the price of Kelly ? ' . ' ? ' ' * 4 Springfield Tires down to a comparative basis were made possible simply by gr>atly increased production in the, most modern and most efficiently equipped tire plant in the world. The quality of Kelly products is better than ever, but now, it co?ts no moire to buy a Kelly than the ?o-c ail ed high-grade tires. . The public is going to buy a lot of Kelly's this year, and we are going to sell them. No waiting to order it for you. High-grade Oils, Willard Batteries, Competent and Reliable Service on All Make Cars. Specializing Igni tion, Starter and Generator Troubles. "IF IT'S DONE AT LITTLE'S, IT'S DONE RIGHT" Little's Garage On DeKalb Street Savings PUT something into the bank every week, even if the amount is small. You will find that suc'h regular savings accumulate rapidly and the money thus saved will come in very handy some time when you need it worse than you do now. Loan & Savings Bank OF CAMDEN, S. C. STRONG SAFE . CONSERVATIVE Dependable Service GROCERIES Whatever you need in this line we are equipped to serve you promptly and efficiently. Call Phone Number 2 YOUR ORDER WILL BE APPRECIATED Lang's High Grricte Grocery "QUALITY FIRST"