The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 16, 1921, Image 2

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TtuatbyProrooi|n4Mb*? ga?e!sgsg mm ??1)1 tt mf MKBKM racSJmil?S?^2iot COiiiuiv ? r ^StUOMPAH YOR& Exact Copy of Wrapper. CA8T0RIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria 'Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VMC CKNTAUK COMPANY. It* VO*K CltV. NKWSr/IPKR MAK1NU l.ooKs Ka#y Il4i| TrfcU Make.s it Appear KatlHM* More Difficult. A library Julius is u uian vvtio lias th* utility of naslna, the common ? % I thinj:?- of >ifi? in forru. so that j whiu you hear fliem speak -*tni say: "t hu<l thotiftiit of that btirt rotfUlu't i x-pri-ss It in ? words." Wo tako the crude marble of Jlrouglrt. rough and indefinite in nhnpr anil riirve it into i MiohelanfieHiin angel of o&piesaiou. There is a man of that type Ln Cali fornia lie is a preacher and he (bought li?' could run a newnpaper ; j h?> tri?Kl it one <in y and told . how ft ] fi>lt. Someoue cIIwvhI it out and handed it to lis, nod since it Is entire- ; ly too good to run uudor "Whnt Others I say," wo are going to give it more | pmininence. Hero It is. "Many people brieve Uhat a news- 1 paper falls together wlthouAwork or concerted activity or plan. Rev. Mc I ?'od, a Pfc?ibyterian minister at Pas- J adcoa, was of the opinion and atdted to he allowed to edit an edition of the IhiKadenn Star The editor gladly ac repted the opportunity to go fishing and the minister took up hia duties in the new.^paper office. This is how h<- frit when he found himself at the j ("id of the task. must , be | >n id h.ul been done quite eroditahly:. ".My tiipe Is u1 most up us I jkmi tilts insi line, my hand in almost paralyz ed ; my bruin fe< befuddled, ami t am frcr to confess that I urn right glud to \ acute the lioly Hpot. Much rush aod Hot aiul disarray. Hm1i a Jun>b!e of pott>ouxfl ; It strikes me as the ef fort to bring order out of chaos, and to do It llglvtning quick. "I nm reminded t>f the memorable words. 'The earth was without form and void auds darkness was uj>on the face of the waters.' Never shall I etfitfeiae tunvapaper men more I shall pray for them. They will have my heart's forlwara nee henceforth and forever, Tliey arc -the hardest workwj, shortest lived, poorest i>al<l brafln workers on this weary old world of ours/' Forh At Greenwood. Onvrvwood, December ?.---llefore a throh? of 10000 to "JO, 00 ^xHjp'.e gath eted from many section* of South Car olinu. Marshal Ferdinand Foeh in a1 short address this afternoon expressed his gratification at the great roceptlon him by the people of this state Marshal Foeh was introduced by Gov Robert A. Cooper, who was himself in trod need by Morris C. Lumpkin, state commander of the American legion. Marshal FoflTh oungra tula ted America upon the fine soldiers thai had been sent from this country to aid in win ning the war. and expressed tin* thanks of t bo nation for the assistance and encouragement given the French nation by America. Upon detraining. Marshal Foeh was escorted through the streets beneath the "arch ? of trl umrph" to a stand that had been built in the town square. While hp stood young women of Lander college sang the in French. The nriiv ul of the fiwnous Soldier was the sternal for a tumult of cheers that burst from j the throats of the multitude that pack ed eve:;y available space. After his address the marshal presented the city with a French flag and was (presented with "-"several memorials of his visit. A I golden key ami a gavel made from wood out >\t Camp Kevier. where the j Thirtieth division was trained, was presented to the marshal 1> y Mayor If. (\ Ila^fc-key^of Greenville. _ j 1 Hot Supper. A hot n upper will be serveu at the I home af Mr. and Mr>. <\ N. Humphries. Friday evening December 16th fur the I benefit of the Heulah Kpworth League. The .public is cordially invited to come and enjoy a splendid supper ut a rea sona We _ price. , ?" ' 1 DOVT CiIVK UP TI1K SHIP Tlie Man Who Work* on, in Spilt* of IMffleuUlr*. Hue*r?xl* Beat. , The ('liujlutto Observer. A public accountant was telling the Observer some week* ago ubout I Uo plight of u flue farmer lit 'thin 4>art of] the state, who hud i>ut back into his lu mis the larger part of the money it had made for him. but who was over taken l?y the distressful influence* of cheap cottpn and high ?0$ of ^roduo tiou, and was faced with condition* of bankruptcy. Natuarally this farmer \ihs "in tiie duiuj*." and was inclined to despair, hut ward was went him, to brace up and go at it agalu ; that a man who had accomplished what he had lH?en culled upon to sacrifice. had 1' in 1 1 i in 1o accomplish tiie same sue cess on another try and keeip what ho had wade;. He resolved then thnt h? would "never say die " and today ho is confronted with a comfortable pros ]>eot -- he is young yet, and wilt live to work out u second big success The man who contributes u column .J of "Views and Interviews" to The Monroe Journal recalls a story which was regarded by the late Rev, 1 -W Little as one of the best he kept In. stock and which is .applicable to the; cttae of this -farmer as to other good ( people who have found themselves i similarly situated.' It runs this way:, "One dark night two frogs fell into, a bucket of cream. They paddled continuously for some t.inie in a vain effort to get out. At last one frog said to his companion in distress, 'There is no use to keep on paddling' With that he ceased his labors, im mediately sank and was drowned. The other frog, notwithstanding hi.s di.s con rage inept, continued paddling. ? In t'aot, he (paddled ah! night, aud when morning dawned he was surprised to find that he was sitting ou an island of butter. His paddling had churned the cream into butter. There was al> so a good supply of flies ou the is land for his breakfast. The story may not be distinguished for merit, but it is isurely distinguished for the moral it teaches, and the Ob server is producing it because of the j fnot. that there are people all over this country today who are standing] in need of the? Simulating influences of the inspiration it carries. it. K. Rourke. comptroller of the cur rency. the. highest financial officer in the Dominion gpvernmeut. committed suicide at Ottawu Sunday by l:iking ?poison "As Copeland Goes, So Goes the Fashion l .EARN THE WAY tRMg|iMisapM?MM mmmmm MAKE OUT YOUR LIST OF THE GIFTS FOR YOUR MEN FOLKS am gilii mm* 1 Let Us Help You Fill It We can help you out when you are uncertain with timely suggestions and can show you a line of holiday good that especially appeal to men. UOSIKKY PAJAMAS MI'FFIJWS C2LOVK8 lJMIlKtMJ<AS !?l KSKS SUIT OASES HAND BAGS WALKING CANHrt HATH ROIJB8 (OI KVK BAGS SMOKING JACKETS HYNIWHKCHlKFrs KBCKWKAIt RAINCOATS BHLTK BKUT BUCKLES AUTO (;U)VR8 Older by Mail We Prepay 1535 Main Street Suits and Overcoats $25 to $50 COLUMBIA, S. C. Farmer's Body Found. Kingstree. -December 10.*- I .owls Disher? who with his brother was In the sfw am ps looking after their hogs yesterday morning was shot and killed iu the Mouaon .section of this country by un unknown party who in supposed to have been in the mw u rap trying to steal hogs. The dead body of Mr. IHslier was found lying near n ho# that had been killed ouly a short time. *IIe was separated from his brother, who heard a shot fired iu the vieinlty where ho supposed his brother to be and knowing that his bvoher was without a gun he hurried to the plneo vi^here he heard the shot.- There Is no clue a> to r b?? party committing the murder ami a searching party is still in the swainvp looking for ,txacus of the gtlilty persons. The murdered man was al?out 10 years of age, married and had several children Window Glass Putty Paints Oils Shingle Stains ' i Varnishes "Mackey Mercantile Co. ? ' j- f i ?>$*?* frf f 'l Htt'v >--t> TO THEIR HUSBAND'S COAT-TAILS BEGGING FOR MONEY TO ATTEND SALE THAT'S JUST IT. PEOPLE WHO NEVER P ATRONIZE SALES TO A CERTAIN EXTENT ARE COMING HERE DAY IN AND DAY nriT roriu cuaii VII LAGES AND NEAR-BY TOWNS WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE MILES OK THIS STORE. THEY ALL REALIZE THAT SCHLOSBURG SFILS WHAT^ W GIVING THE PUBLIC NOTHING BUT HIGH-CLASS MERCHANDISE, AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANY OTHER STORE EVFR DARED TO R A Rr A I N^ O ? il NS WAIT FOR NO MAN SOME ONE GETS THEM. WHILE OTHERS WAIT TO THINK IT OVF.R DON'T BE ON THF WAITING LIST BAR<'AINS. REAL BARGAINS SIX RED HOT SPECIALS Domino Apron Ginghams, Schlosburgs i O price per yt^rd, Full Size- Blankets, Schlosburg's price, | Qg each ' V* ? %/KJ READ EVERY ONE OF THEM - THEN COME Vien's Work Shoes, all sizes. Values up to $5.00, Schlosburg's price One lot Ladies' Crepe de Chine Waists, Values up to $12, Schlosburg's price $1.98 $2.98 Men's Dress Shirts that Will Not Fade, Schlosburg's price York Town Cheviots, Schloaburg's price, per yard 89c 18c ONLY 16 DAYS 'TILL CHRISTMAS 944 MAIN STREET CAMDEN, S. C. ONLY 16 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS