The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, August 26, 1921, Image 8

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Mm? ***+ ; vt* ****** mid. ?*??? ^lu Kertbaw 01 Wiler^ W#i fW# 0?T Kersfcaw *?l W*f?* ??**** to tL< ?ifj WktlffW if Wt to* !?., ?*?**. Tiu uauHr *m ** pi?>?4 ?* , There * ?? j .i??.vl*l meeting ut ttM Ahtfrwfii Ttt<*MJ?y ptii?in| to <|i|Hl' . yten* <"t lb*? etwuiM* fair wb??b will t*? held S? j't' ??Ur ,'4lU At .tl* V'W <itc oi.d* TUv fair' will J?? U^lf ? % bib*t# ?>l l*>ullr>- mbMllMS. work, mummery et? There ?U1 *1?* 1? C<?mu ami "Knwk ?m-r the **?****"? ?t?Dfe ?>'*?? ,,f m?\n ". feature-* '; be lht* A,,t" f'ar?de A gr?-ut 'J'-*! yf Uile***t and ?M,tbu;>la?m ba? bevU ..v,r tti. ?**lD# \ftrir *"?? *'v"r> ^'*iT?r /? ibu?ia?t is urged lb hffljf make tM* % ?reat ?ucce*#. Quite. A f??w -Hiujui. t" &*? ?|-"rt ed th*ir lBt?ntifuii? o t Joining th* **>'. tfUpcttof* <***?* lu H?#? to be held Friday and Saturday by Mr. Yate*. a repre *eu tali v *-? <?f the Arwn ,a? I C ? ' t Cr- ? . Jilfiiof ela-se, tor boy, and tfirl*? will be held a No. *o ?, b</pe evcryWy- *Ui take advantage of ttaift splendid 4?pportilhUy to h-arn Ibe beit methods of life ?i?\ ii>g Th** w.,TrmH.,u- are Ifts of charge au.I ih* clasw* are open to i?H Miss Annie William*' Sunday School' claw will bold a reception In Ibe Oub 1 1 1 v t'r'duy evening to which wtt members are ' cordially Invited, Music a u<l refreshments will >? served ajud ijiiini'K Will be plumed Hermitage MUI New*. t mi last Sunday night a 1*. Y. IV U. v,uh organized In the Hermitage Mills Haptl*t chureh. The following officers were chs'nd: President, Mr. Nelson i^ominark ; \ l? ?r president W. I- Car ries ; cnrn^lHinding Ueer??tary, Wallace Shirley; recording secretary. <>?*U Cardner; ireasurer. Furman Christ ir-un: librarian. IJvUha Knlgbt. On Sniida v evening at ? o,'l??' k tlJ< Wateree Mills 1*. Y IV *' vi^rc tbe IfUCOtH "f Hfritiiitnue Mills It Y r V. Tl?*?y rfiKb'r^i ? very Interest ing program which was enjoyed by all present. The' ' following group < apl>iib? for Hermitage' wer? obosen grottp number oner'Miss I.e?*ie Belle Player; ?croup number two, \V. h- Barnes. Kro*?p number three. W. T. Mattox. group number four, Wallace Shirley. These' captain* .with their membership -committees have gone directly ?<? work and we expect soon to have a w?l! orgunized, influential un ion. ? On Ja-t Saturday . night the Woman'' ? Missionary Union sold Ice (ream at the play grounds, quite a ni-at little sum was realized. All interested in Joining the class in Kwimming to be formed by a represen tative of the World Life Saving Corp*, are asked t<? see either S L- Crolley, ,rr .1 .1 Jordan Tills Is a splendid op portunity and we hope a number of onr jH-dple will Laki> part and secure tbi* uiformatloh. JSIr-. rhllllps ? and h? V daughter. <?f Kershaw. S. C.. are visiting at the home of ltcv. W. 1?. Wllllajns JVIr Curtis Crolley left yesterdny for Columbia, where he will . nua lumen s Jtu^iue-^ College. Quite :i uuinltfi <?r <MI| people at tended .In- -ervi. ? - at i:.-v. r I'am ? hist Sunday. Mlsse" Mae ami 1 i?da ittoiua*.. l--?rt M'ttli* ii ml Mi*? noise Brown. rr. t.f Ml. Hetiylan Shirley Mis.s Jen Taj lor b-a*? * I "<? ' ,Jn.n-t- S < . where -h? w?.l -l"'"^ ljer \ a< a l Ion. .Mi^ Shirley .!.i< 1 vl """: 1 iliiHi l'eter?.on 'J'i.e mtll.V J t i e le I <>t M 1 1 legt. t to km?w that bhe Is srr^ ,, !-??>?. e ' !'?' v illug"-. .Mr -K Mi" , turned from floresce lid DlrUft|IM wfcer* tbej fcav* vl?lUii| the p??l Dr Young, of t jwm n( th? Catnden ?o?pital on Thursday remov ing tonsil* ?od ntkoold*. Mr J,1> K. Myor*. Margaret Mytjr*. Hvhtt vw NtfUan, Cora Xutf Wood* ard. Mei *?*. Parley Crolley, Johnnie Iturn- ] took advantage of thi* opportunity j They are til able to b?* out again, Mr# \V T. Ma t tox andv family arc; ???i*rbg in Ki<r3bM.? MU? Mary Ulst Kif iuiii| in *pcud I iii4 ber vacation iit X-'arHsIt', HL C, and 1 Saluda, X. I', I . '11m* Itra vrc Ihun i Tlw meeting at Ilea ver I him t -hutch j |s?ii.da) .1 f * ? rno'tii waH lng?-l> .iitrinl cil a fid composed of toliit* of tlx* lM??t and ,??io*t nuMibtiil cjibyiui ?-f K?-r -by w County Men of (tot fy'pe to In* on to do what is right. Judge W. I? del.oache wai called ''to the chair and t' W. ltjrebmore as se< Tepiry. The secretary read l he pr'M'iHMjiug* of the i 'aiiu Ifii meet tug which wat approved. SjHH'clics find talks were made by Un -VI t . Oweus, J. It. Wallace, C. W. Hirchmorc, W. F. Andcuon, ,1 K. i>u Pre, Helton UworiH, and Judge de l.'UK'lu'. Tin > ;iH showed a 'leterndna Uoh to In !? tfilTortv law and order an ?1 to help ?tatnp out !aw!e*?nc*s which is running uvcr the State: The speech of Judge de.Loacbe was far reaching. Hajtd Jaw wan tlip only master the Airtoiieal people bad. Its relationship ! ?" Hie ' |M-o>ie and their duty t ? ? sus tain ll. I: U protection lo nil.. The * .invest and meanest criminal .'ha A - itf strong ;irm around iiiut. Said the jury Hysii iu wib the 1h*>i In !?? had for tin* protection :t ill just ice for tin* people." I'nder i r . the lights and liberties of ? * I our people were secure. I would like t v follow hit 1 i ij?* of thought, but It would make this article too long. With a di'teruiinai ion lo have a Itotter County ' so Tur as lawlessness is concerned the law breaker* had better bu aware in tile future on they will gel la the toils of that law they hold in supreme con {ffhpt .1, K DuPre. 1 1 C ? -in l?t ? r t , August l^lhi^L ?* Death of Utile <?irl. ! Ava Hatfield, ten year old daughter (?f Mmrfid Mrs. Torn H. Hatfield, died at her home near Camden on Wednes day, August 17th. She had byon suf ' ferlng for eighteen mouths, and al though her suffering has IhM'U long, it has been borne with patience and j beautiful visions of the heavenly hoine. She Is survived by her parents three sisters and two brothers. The funeral w.r vice* wrre held at Pisgah Baptist ! (.'hurch on Thursday. August IX. - -A ?Friend. Soldier's I nique Kxperienee. I Orahnm l(, Conner, proprietor ? of a store in Winchester, N irginia and who unite* a specialty in the snlc --f aruiy ' ebit liiug. exhibited at the lo^aJ news paper office a few days ago an alumin ium Identification tag. inscribed with tin- name, of IV K. Keime/ly, Company I Sii'imd Virginia Infantry, lirowns ville. Ti.'Xa s. There is a rather re iuarkabU* coin? ideiwe in etmrie'Mion with this tag. - A young man went in lo Mr Cniiiiei - store to buy a pair of army breeches Mr. Courier wn* able !<? fit him ni< ?-ly \\itii the desire\l a r ti< If <>f < |otbing In putting bis bauds in the pockets of the trousers t be '\oiiiig 1 1 1 . 1 1 f 1. 1 ii if ii.Tow tin- nil 'till di-e llli.i^ile i . i - - 1 1 1" j ? 1 1 - ? ? ? Inn be ?? \ ainined I be tag aiid found that it was 'hi- own p t op? -I t \ , His name wa? 1'. I K i ? 1 1 1 1 ? d \ ami In' bail worn the tag (when serving with the \itginia Na lioiial ? 1 1 ;i r d I ? l ? e v aJonj the boidi.r 'a* Minwiis\i \" !.' n i lie Naliona, j ? ? :ia i d wa s sen t to the M ? ? \ w a n ? ? "ifib i 1 y I 'ri'-i. b-n t i ? -? m in I : ' I ?! We are ready to gin your cotton. Ou r ginnery has just been- equipped with new saws an d br "ushes. Our capacity is sufficient to gin your cotton promptly. We will appreciate your ginning and vour seed business. Camden Oil Mill W?. KING, Mui|(f J. H. OSBORNE, Supt. At fifty ndl?*? drove ??llk> pidd: II* thought he wouldn't ."?kid. but did At iiiiiHy nibs drvv> Kdward frhawn Tin' io<?Jor but ? Kd k?-i?t on ??IlimlM'litjK here ? Mi*' Wil fftJK l.;ik? H<< heard the toll, but Hud no brake. ' m . full the bell for Thomas Karl. For h? dVwrr ? He huggfd hi* girl, Ju-t m %igh For jimmy Kerr : He took m eurve At: fifty per. I(?-Ht .u i*-g,eu i^ooi H? nry <iulgger : You were ijukk. hut Th?* I rain \*y? quicker Hhpd a tear - For Ml#* Mary Drater, Hre >?ot iu Thi* . carburetor. Kichait;.'*' Horses and row* will enjoy better health and do better work if tkey arc groomed every day. All animals ueed plenty of *tin?hltie. cft.air water atwl good food Hairdrefl-dtig l< ??ue of I lie important professions for wnni??n in Japan, and nearly a quarter of 'ft ndlllon of f?V. urates are engaged in the' profession. Hiirri?*t FfiHer and Kagai% Carlson, .university - girl* have started a honey farm in tin- Suite of \Vn?di I region and estimate their yield at pounds >??!! i fly. ' . r' . ? Wants--For Sale BOX I'.M'Kfc? L.-u'al ^iz? s 12 \ 1.". t>o\ pu|H-r put up in nnftt l*?xes of ."Vx ? -dieetv $0.5*1 |H: r box at The < *ll llffivf.'. F O K S A L K ? ? it* noral merchandise p? store building and six room resident-. H^tlriQK on account of health. For further information . write 22, Boykln, S. C. 21-22|>d LOST? or taken by mistake from men* dressing room at Wateree Mill bath house on <>r about the first of Aug* nst. one gold horse shoe scarf pin set with jK-arls. Suitable reward if returned to Chronicle office. 21jmI. BEST CHKA.MEHY BUTTER ? ."hk* jst I>otmd at The Cash Store. HKMS'n'f(,HIN(i and plcotlng attach ment works on any sewing machine, easily adjusted. Price $2.50 with full instructions. Oriental Novelty- Co. 1 5*>v 11. CnrpiiK CJiristl. Texas. 2Ipd WANTED ? Y onnsr man with good re fi'H'in'e de-ires permanent position in store or other business. Can fur | nish I h*s t of references. Address VVade M. IUackwell. care of S. T. Yonntf. .M/'Bec. S. (' route J. L'lpd RENTING ? J Vi'mMi- tle-irinu to rent their house for the winter please communicate with me immediately a < I have a number of application* . .Stale prifti. numlior ?<f rooms and hat lis. how heated and if renting with or without linen N. ('. Itoykln Ma-^ Kork<-. Gloucester Ma?? 21*22 FOR SAL!4* ? -fine hintvlred ~<-or.U of I f < m 1 1 pine wood, delivered. For priee a pply to I,. M Hiim', Cantey, S. ( SWEET POTATOES ? l"? i? r i ?? k ;it The < ";i >h Store. I' OK SALE ? <^ie ? > i u.iiioii !>? ? r v oil i in L'ond ?'oiidition Appi\ to f'ani ? I'll ( *a tid v K it?dieii. < 'a mdet i. S < IP; f ?'OK KENT ? Tln?e room- -with 1 ??? i !i r. .? rent Prefer < oiipir w it 1 1 . ? u i hddreii Apply I .- ?d i n^?-r. ' ;iur* i.-n. S. i ' MH'I( E ? To I'.imik ; - and I'oiilirx llieli We Willi! fle?)i e\eiy ? i a \ lliu'ln -l ?-:?-? i prices paid for ?am> i:i.M-n ik Maid Make Shop I ? K a 1 1 ? Streev ui'M d"or ??? Maje Th'-.1 1 i'i iPff FOR SALE? ( ?, ? ? ..( dou n Ford, in _'w? I condition See it at Henry - J? -iden. i . < 'a inden. S ? ' < J' Carbide For All Makes of Gas Generators ? Save trouble ;tnd delays by buying from T. R. McClain. at Manufac turers prices plus freight to Camden, T. R. McClain Cam drn, S. C. 43. KODAKERS? Get my prices on Fin ishing. Enlarging and Films. Try '?n*h with work and see what < I nick result< F, M Mnddin. ram den, S (' 1 2tf. FOR RENT? Tin *ee rooms close iiw, Kent reasonable to eonple without < hiidreu. Phone Jlil. lOpJ. AGENT WANTED ? For Worthmor* ? f a ! r Preparation See or caII od M.ulau. K. K. Bel ton. 1 Y 13 Gordon Street, Camden, S. C. 20t? WANTED ? To buy all kinds of cast lrou scraps Camden Iron Mrass Works. near Southern p.iwncer station, Camden, S. 0. ? (Iff. KODAKERS ? Correct developing means better picture". Send yonr kodak films fo us and get the best. (Columbia Studio. 1423 Main stneet. Columbia. S. C. Write for price ll?t. ' ) 47-50 NOTICE or MEETING. Ipoo call of (be Board of Dimlor* tbere will b?> * ?pt?*ial meeting of ibe Hio?*k holder* of lb* Wilfrw Brl?k <\mip?uj . *t ilu- Bunk of Camden on Toesd;?\ dib at d p. m. 4* ?HN M. Vlld.KBHlUK. Secretary. ! ? , WE SELL 'EM CAROLINA MOTOR CO., |nc. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice I* hereby given that one mouth from this date. ??n September 'J.'lrd. 1021, I will make to the Ftobflte Court of Kmbaw County my final return an Administrato/" of the estate ??fi J. A. Tints, d?*v?*ased, ami on the -aim- date, I will aj/pb' t?' ihe Court for a final discharge a* said Administrator. li. L. JONES, Administrator Camden. S. C. Aogu-t UOtb. 1021./ Nollre Tju IMtlors and Creditors All parties Indebted fo the e-tate of EUus Brannon. d?s -eased. are hereby notified to make payment to the un derpinned, a ud all parties, if any, hav in* elaiins against the said estate will present them duly attested within /tjie time prescribed by law. I >.\l\ YARBOIK >l*< ; 1 1. Admin Mrator with, the Will annexed >?{ the Estate of Klin* Brannon. Camden. S. C. August 2'?rd. 1021. FINAL DISCHARGE \uti<*t?. is hereby given that one month from this date, ou Monday, Sei> t ember lit. 11 >21. I will make to tin* Probate Court of Kershaw County my final return us Executor of the will of James Brisbane, deceased, and on the *;tine date\l will apply to the said CoUrt for a final discharge as said Exe cutor. JAM KM \V. STOVER. Executor. Camden. S. Cj, August Id, 1921 FINAL DISCHARGE .Not ice i> hereby given that John I >odd Miller, Executor of the estate of Addie C. Adams, deceased, through his attorney. W. 11. deLoach. Esq., has this day made application unto me for aj final discharge as said Executor, and; September 0. 1021 . 11 o'clock in the> forenoon, at tht1" Probate office in} ('amden, S. C. has been appointed a?i the time- and place for the hearing of j said petition. i w. j,. McDowell. ; Judge of Probate Kershaw Co. i Camden, S. C., August Oth, 1021. FINAL DISCHARGE i .. Notice is: hereby give that one month from this date, on Monday.: August -Uth. 1021, I will make to Uie ' Prohale Court of Kershaw County my final return as Administratrix of the | estate of John Hut ler, 'deceased, and on the same date I will aply to the said ' Court for a final discharge as sni.l Administratrix. v REBECCA BUTLER. Camden. S. C., July 2f?lh, 1021. NOTICE ! Noli, c i* hereby given that on, Monday Scptemher -"?t h. 1021. applica Htm will "he made to officer* of The! Enterprise Building ami Loan As. soul ' a'tlon o^f ,Caind?'ii. S. (' . for the issu- , a lice of :i new Certificate of Stock No. i 27d for Ton Shares issued to the un- ; dersigned. Series .No. 11 on the olh j day of April. lOL'O, by i< I Enterprise Sola only by dealers The best fabric tire . made for heavy service or rough roads ? ? i' ? RED-TOP Extra Ply ? Heavy Tread 30 x 31 $22.00 Reduction on all styles and sizes ? N A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product Kuildiu? and l.ouu Association. This Certificate ??f Stock has been lost or destroyed, and after <lilligent search cannot be found, and i-aroe has not i>eon at any tiiue or in any manner dNwiMMl r> f hy applicant. a k. siwhkow. I >afTT August JL'th. 1921. SHERIFF'S SALE State of South Carolina, ? Coun'iy of Kershaw. Kirklyn Knitting Mills. vs. W. T. Davis. America t? Specialty and Import Co. vs. W T. l>avis. Aiib-rU-an Whip Company vs. W. T. Davi<. ? :i ni'.' I < * i t y < .'.I ra _'<? v< W T Da?U I * ud? *i and by virtue of .1 |ev\ made upon th?* fixtures. stock of good*, wares ami mcrctTandi?e ??f W. T. Davis, situated in tin* county "f Kershaw, ?tatc of South Carolina, said levy be inj; made on the lioth day ?<f July. 11VJ1. I. (J. C. Welsh, sheriff of Kershaw County, will sell at public outcry, at the storehouse of W. ']*. Davis, at Cas *?att. Kershaw County. South Carolina, durinu th" legal hours of sale, on the fjrKt Monday in Si'plutnWr-, ? J4)'21. be injr the r?t h day thereof, all the fix tures. ir.M.d-, \\ t r e s ;i n 1 1 merchandise levied upon ;is the property of the said W. T I'm vis, ,?r sufficient amount of satue to satisfy the execu tions in the above entitled rasrv Terra* of :?ale cash. And that 'we, M. M. Johnson, As signee, aud I,. A. NVHttkowsky, Agent ?'* for Creditors of W. T. Davis Will sell a< public outcry at the same time and i place, the balance of the fixtures, j goods. wares and merchandise of tip | said W. T. Davis. We will also *ell ii t the same time one Fgrd automobile. Apd al<o -one oil tank situated in front of said store house. Term? of safr cash. (i. C. WBLSH, Sheriff of Kershaw Comity M. M. JOHNS' ?X, Assignee of W. T. l)av(*. L. A. WITTKOWSKf. Agent Creditors for W. T. I>avi*. C.'innli>n, S. C.. Aug. 17. llttl, SHERIFF'S SALE State of South Carolina. County of Kershaw. Coder and by authority of power j vested in me as she#tff of Kershaw <'ouu.ty, state aforesaid. 1 have seized and confiscated under Section No. 27 j criminal code of South Carolina. <?ne [horse and buggy seized from, K ,W. I Russell. Any claim held by any per son. firm or corporation should lio filed with me immediately otherwise I | will sell, same at public auction within the legal hours of sale September 5th. ?ID'Jl. being the first Monday, in front i of the' Court Hoihc, in the City of ! ? amden. S. C. <: c. Sheriff K C . JOIN THE ARCOLA CLUB Special Club Prices To The First Six Buyers of The Ideal Areola Hot Water Heating PRICES COMPLETE, INSTALLED READY TO USE Regular Price Club Price For 3 room home For 4 room home For 5 room home For 6 room home Areola and Areola and Areola and Areola and Rad iators, Radiators, Radiators, Radiators, .... $235 $190 ... $310 $255 $375 $325 $520 $460 Larger sizes for larger homes. The ideal Areola hot water heating outfit gives healthful heating, fuel saving, cleanliness, safety and investment. COME IN ANP GET MY PRICES ON HEATING YOUR HOME WITH THE WONDERFUL IDEAL- ARCOLA The late.t and greatest heating investment of the age. I guarantee iati.f action. A. A. SHANKS, Camden, S. C. Agent for American Radiator Company's Product*