The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, June 24, 1921, Image 8

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Why Railroad Rale* Are High The following letter from tbe 4sh%pvhcr of Commerce of Kansas 4Ht y, Mo. ha* be?n addrojiMil to tl>? 4 hairinan of the I * n !!**?! K'ate* Hull* road Labor Board : "It has Im-oii said tlirtt possibly tbe greatest element making necessary the present high >?/ railroad frel'ght rates Is i bo Artorons burden ptnced tr;? ' <m the railroad* by' tbe National A - meiitH, no tailed. Freight rates btV? been I u ? ? rca ?<?< I about seventy per '-cnt. Freight rates innst either lw? absor'ad ill the point of origin by i be produ< i-r of the ra .v material. ?{ji h as frni pro duets, etc... or must be jda<*od on. tbe ultima It* consumer. *> "Farmers In tbe Middle Wot and Southwest are being ruined by condl tlons bt-yolld tlnii roidtol. Tin; pi I'. es of their commodity have- fallen olf ^reatiy, but tbey are tnvio/ higher fre.'i'.bt rytox than ever before. Udlie'vJuy it a proper pro" -hire at this time to develop the f.iets as to whether 01; dot all thaPhas been Maid] in regard to the burden im posed b> the National agreements is correct-, we respectfully beg leave to submit to you! the following questionnaire, which we believe can be answarcd very re'iddyi by one familiar with the facts. We uoald be glad to receive reply to these questions at the very earliest po?sibb? date. ? - "We are taking the liberty of send Ing a copy of this letter to the Pub lic .Service < 'oin mission of .Missouri and the t'oun of. Industrial Relations of Knti^as, ttttd would appreciate your needing a W?py of your repl> to thutfe bodies." I* It t i ?w that linger tin* present cI?ih< wlfhath'n rule* ??f the Shop (raft*, in order to change it nojRtle tip tu the front end of a locomotive, It I* nece* ??ry to cull m bolleriuakcr and hi* help er to o|H'n the door l?ccau>e flint In boilermakers* work ; t?? rail a pl|?eiiian and hi* helper to remove the blower pipe. because that 1* plpemeu'.s work; ami to rail a machinist and hit to remove (lie tip. la/cull 2*0 that U HiachlnUt*' work ; uKo for the same force t?? be employed puttlirtj In the new 1 1 1 ? V ^ Is it true that before Federal con trol a machinist's helper, or a handy man. could put In" this nozzle tip alone? 1 ><? similar ?*l;{ sslf lea t l??ii rules ?-x I st for all other shop work? Is it tr|?e that men working on trucks, spring work and kindred occu pations. and paid, before Fe<leral con trol, handymen'* Or heljiers' wages, or shade above common laborers' pay, were made mechanics by Supplement No. I Issued by Mr. .NJcAdoo, and are now receiving *"? cents.' per hourl mechnnlcH' pay? ,, I- it true that all of these mechanics are called McAduo mechanics, because they were made mechanics by the Dir ector general <?f Railroads, 11 ml not by experience? Is if true, flint 'men employed to cou ple "hose between the cars (not as dlf'. flcult or ha/a rdous ? a task as hitching a span of mules), are now classed as enr Qien, Fel7cIvTng &Q cents per hour, In response to the inquiry of m^ny telephone subscribers: "What can I do to help my serv ice?'' this advertisement is published. The Right Way Saves Annoyance iThere are two ways to Call a telephone num ber. The wrong way is to call from memory; to "take a chance/' to trust to luck that your memory doesn't play a trick on you, with the fickle figures in a telephone num ber. The right wav is to consult the Tele phone Directory before calling and make sure you have the ri^ht number. The right'wav saves annoyance to your self and to the* persons you might fiav? I Called by mistake. It Helps build up a Higher grade of service for yourself an9 others. It eliminates useless calls wHicK Hamper service. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY witb tlate and one-halt for Sundays mid holidays, averaging about $215.00 per month, for worklog seven bourn and forty minute* par day? Ix ft true that Ik- fore federal / con ! trol these same employees received from U8 |0 .'il < -cut* per hour and straight tluie for HuudiiyN and holldayti averaging nbOttl XtHI p<?r month f of a ten hour day V Is lt?? f?if|t mat the present actual hourly compensation of such employed .< Is IflMJ per cent of whit it was prior to Federal control V la It true that when a wfeekinK crew, usually consisting of ten men. is call ed after it* regular hour* for n stated job In the yard, and Is ftgalgl^ to two other John, all of which Is done it) ki'V?>ji bonis, from start to finish, the-c men receive not lesn man fifteen hours and possibly eighteen hours', pay. for seven hours' work, because the two last jobs did not develop when the crew was first called J? Is it true that If a mechanic W rail ??d after regular hours 'for a stated job. and is asHgned to two other JohH, u 11 of which is done hr seven hours, from start to finish, he would receive not less than fifteen hours' and possibly eighteen hours' pay, for seven hours' work, because the two last Jobs did not develop when he was first called? Is it true that if a shopman Is held after his regular eight hour assign ment, to complete a job, for say, one hour and fifteen finutes. he would re ceive pay for six and one- half hours, for his one hour and fifteen minutes' work? . 7s it true that under the former prac tice the employee, in the ahove ease, would receive one hour mid fifty-two minutes, instead of six and one-half hours? Is it trie' licit under tlui present rules all Shop employees are allowed ore* hour a wi'ek without performing any .service- time i? allowed on the fire text of checking themselves in and out | ? of the Shop. Is it true that this bonus hour costs the. roads twelve million dollar* per year? 1 Is it true that all shop forces, tele graphers, agents, towermen and yard men receive eight hours' pay and work only seven hours and forty minutes, the twenty minutes being allowed to ??:ii on the company's time? Did this practice prevail under pri vate operation? Is it true that under the National Agreement with the Shop Crafts piece work was discontinued and that since that time the output per wan has been greatly reduced? I Is it true that under private manage-* tuent foremen were allowed to give a hand and do whatever work they could without impairing their usefulness as foremen ? Is it true that under the present rules foremen are not allowed to do work .<f ;i ny kind, except supervision ? Is it a fact that railroads cannot re quire -hop employees to pass a physl cinl exa miiiurton when entering service iis io protect them against flrtic ons claims for hernia, defective eye sight. etc? Is It not a fact that before Govern ment control Shop men were required to ]>ass a physical examination ? Is it true that where arrival of trains ?require the service of employees two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening, say * to 1<> a m and (5 to s ]?. m.. that . railroads now have- to employ two ^hifts of eight hours each, or sixteen hours service where there is fiily four hours actual work? Was 1 1 1 i ^ \\<?rk not done by one shift work i II -' a -|?l ip I rb*k under pri \ a to cent rol ** Is it a fact that when i\\.- >hifts lire worked, starting lime nm-i ho be tween 7 and h :i. in. and if tin arrival ..f :i train, or oilier operating < ondi- , i ion- require a man on duty at ?; a in., he mu-t I ?? ? paid f"i- fi\e hour- each j day in addit:on 1 a r>--'u'.i;- ^ hour ?lay? ^ Is it * fact that au employe, who k<H?pH a reoord of, Whwli applied and ieuiov<*| from cars inu-l Ik- classified ait a OKH-h/IJlic mid p?W ^ <*ent? per holll? ! Is it true that io? la train wvlcc rt'ivivi- i i in*- ami a half after 8 hour*.' Is there any yvay for theuffiw*"* C" know llteac ini-ii arc nut layintf Upwh ..i, tin* j?h> in ?n<i? r u> get the ? ? "??? *^( a ) . , ? f a fter ei-ht llOttrS? Was i Ills rilie In effect under I?i i - vute management of railroads U It true that the labor organisation* i <>ni rift the amount of pile* <M money made by iimmi HI triiiM and vice, .so nic a* low as fifteen to twenty day* a month? Ik it true that a cr??w can i?aUt? '2<>o mil.- id eight hours and receive Jini ' niih's or two day#' pay. hut if they make only 2.V Utile* in eight hours. "i b ? feeelve 100 mile-, the minimum day? I I< it true (hut when a freight crew j finishes a run in four, or five, or less | than eight, hours, that they cannot he | used in any other service to fill out the day without receiving an addition 1 a I eight hours' pay^ Is it true that train men are u"w re. celvlng between0 ,9300 a,id IH>r month on lo?al passenger ami other runs that before the Adauison* I. aw. on exactly the same run? and same schedule us to departure and arrival, received from $135 to $150 per month? Is it true iliat under the rule> a Sec tion Foreman or bis men are not al lowed to fix or repair rnoto\ ear that earrles them to and from their work, (ft machine not as coniplik'tLtC!]. ftS a fnvtn tTacTTii' > , lieea use this is a inachin Isis' work and a machinist must be sent to make repairs, of the motor sent to the > hop |W repairs? Is it true that roundhouse men. car men and others, whose services are absolutely essential to the movement for trains on Sundays and holidays, re ceive time ami one-half on such days.' Did this practice prevail under pri vate maun gement ? Did the Labor Board direct the Hail roads to continue the rules and regula tions issued by the Railroad Adminis tration? Has Board authority to direct Rail roads, to reinstate the rules and regula tions built up between the roads ami Their employe during all their cx i icriciice prior to Federal control.' Waterce >1111 News. The Baptist Young People's Fniou of Wateree Church served refresh ments to its members on the church lawn Wednesday evening. All report a very happy time. They are planning a straw ride in the near future. The costumes for the pageant. "Christ in America" which will be held Saturday evening .July 2nd have ar rived. Rehearsals are taking piace every evening ami the B. V. P. V. are undertaking one of the finest enter tainments ever presented to the peo ple of Wuteree. 'A great deal of interest has been roused by the return of the Indian evangelist Rev I.ockee who is now holding revivals at Hermitage Mill Rev. I.ockee held services at Watcree church last winter a lid the people are glad to welcome him back once more The Board of Aldermen held a call meeting Monday. June '20th to take action on the objection iof aliicsi the entire villain* to the lifting of the ban which ha> been placed on Sunday bathinu. A committee headed by Rev ' Fun-ron presented a li?t of Ns name as evidence to the Board of the true sentiment of the people The Aldermen voted un i t'iinou.^Iy to not only place the ban on Sunday bathing again, but also to .!o^c the bathhouse every uighi at 1 ? ? o'ciock. They also voted that a l d o g > on the * i'la.'c mu>t b? kept tied or muzzled. Tin- Fourth of July ? ? bhrat ion w;h di-cii--cd at !< J.uth. A program ]??*?? 1 vldlng entertainment for the entire J ?luy j* planned which will include rice*. swluimlug, boxing at?<l ti^o base hall gume* between the Camdeu city it inn ami * flection ?f tin* fiit^it iriijerv available in Bouith Carolina. Tin* anumM barbecue will be conspl .mms by It* absence this year as the fund* for It are lacking. Instead a basket picnte will Ih? held and lemon* ? adc will be furnished by the mill. The following einnmlttees were oppoiutcd \ Program liollin'F.1 (\Wi, Ron <2ard* inert, K. I>avi*. <!. C. Duvlc. Swiiuuiing?Bud Johnson, (Uy<te linker, Tom Thames. Races -H. I>. IHllartl. Tin! Whitney, I Kc\ Furcron. Prizes ? J. R. Robinson. N. II. ,Rlco, ! Arthur I teuton. Nettles Lindsay* Mrs. l.i|?M (null. Boxing? J.J. Sanders, W. T, Player. A c, Hcddick. I JMciilt^L. IV Anderson, lien Tlircatt II C' Christmas, Miss A. Thompson. I' (in Friday evening, July 1st, the . Men's 4 'lul? wiU liojd another outdoor ! meeting to which everybody is Invlte'L, A musical program will be rendered 'ami Mr. Cordon A. Johnstone, presl j dent of t he Southern Textile Associa tion and agent of Winnsboro Mills will speak. Mr. Johnstone is a very inter I ? ?" ( estlng sjicaker ami an authority on cotton i ex tiles. Let's all come and I j give Air. Johnstone, a rousing rocep I tion. Tin* London Polytechnic Institute has ! opened a special department for train* ing ?>f laundry workers. 1785 iy?l TIIF COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON Open to .Men and Women. Fntrancc examinations,. ami exam iuations for the free tuition eouut,\ scholarship-* at all county seats.' Fri day. July s. at !? a. in. Four-year courses lead to' the B A. and B. S. degrees, A special** wn-yca r I pro-medical course, is given. . J Spacious buildings am! athleth groiinds, well equipped laboratories,! 'unexcelled library facilities. A dormi- J i tory for men. Fxpenses moderate. For terms, catalogue and illustrated. . honkh't. -address. HARRISON RANDOLPH, | t President. I SALE OF STOCK OF GOODS. The stock of merchandise formerly ?>f Isadore Wolfe, situated in the store Imuse formerly occupied by him, on ? the West side of Broad Street, Camdcu j j Kershaw County.. South Carolina, in ! veiitnried at $.t,.8iM?.71 will he sold at ( (mi : ?l i<* ontcry to the highest bidder,! it said store house, on Friday the 1st lay* of July, 1021, at 11 o'doi-k a. m.l j Terms "f sale cash. J I The undersigned reserve the right to ! reject all bids. { M. BARUCH. Assignee. . L. A. W 1'IT K< ) WS K Y . 12-1." Agent for Creditors. ; SUMMONS FOR RELIEF State <?f South Carolina, C.iunty of Kershaw. Court of Common Pleas W. I.. Bl.okmon, Plaintiff. against .la'nm* Fllis. Defendant. ? " To die Defendant : You Are Hereby Summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in tills .action. of which u.cnp^vis herewith served upon you. and to servo a copy '?f your answer t(? the said- complaint ? >n the -ubsc.riber at his office in the t'ity of Camden. S. within twenty days after, the service thereof, exclu sive of ilif day <>f such service; and if you f:i i I to answer the complaint with in the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply t<> the Court f < ? r the relief demanded in the complaint. I 'a ted. Canidr-u. S June ^th. A. I >. 1 ! 1 i:. I? Ml. A K FN FY. Plaintiff's Attorney Mr .hiine* 1 ;i 1 i-. I'.-rt l)epo>it. Aid. To the defendant James K.!j? Vou will please fake notice that the j eojuplaiiit ,:i the above stated action h.i- t,hi- day beet) filed in the office of the Ceik of Court for Kerdiaw ( "in.';. <!.!??? of South Carolina. f. i>. ln.AK i:\fv. Plaintiff's Attornev. I ii . 1'ij i . A thief named Jatne* WMl^ ^ nabbed in the Church of IwwtcuUt? CoiKTt?tiuu in Gkfctigo hut vrhUe attempting to tyli-k thf *ocfc|j of ft WOIWB who kiiftfUag prayer ' Father* Thenm* made the capture. WlKhtytwo per cent ot th<> who or were.-liijureil ?,y fir* |? ti))* country l??t ypur wore mother* Wants~For Sale ATTENTION? Housewives of (W Attention ? llouso-wiv <>s <,f to try an order of our nice trout 2 - other fish, for a side Ut?b. Your order will be (lr?<K<*ocjt uml delivers Sanitary Fish .Marker. Phone :$7 EOR RENT ? Throe room*, cIqm in lti-nt reasonable. 1200, MMj? str phone 401. 1J14w I OK s \ | . K ? ( >!><. Kor<l sedan in food condition. Apply J, 11. HnrnK OaT <lo?. S. C. g*' KODAK FINISHING-., m, * guaranteed. FJ. B. ltuddin at W Itobin Zemp's I>ru? Store, Camden' S. C. 12tf. WANTED ? You to know that you had better gist your licence (ag for your dog, or ho will bo impounded and shot. ? II, C. Singleton, City Clprk. LEMON'S. 45e per dozen at The Cash Store, for today only. | GKT HI S\? K*ep busy, is your job r unsafe? Is it permanent? You ' want a life-long business. You can -^rortnto such a business selling m0rV" than l.'?7 Watkins products dlnj"t to farmers if you own auto or ,vam ?or can- g?t one; If you are under r>0 and caii give bond with personal sureties. We lmek you with bi* selling helps; 52 .Vears in business; 20,000,000 user$ of our product! J Write for Information wln-re you eaa get territory. J. It. Walking Co., Dept. 113 Winona, Mini). U-12-13p<l. WANTED? You to know that you had ' better get, your_ license tag fpr yoor < dofy or lie will be impounded and shoVy-Il. 0. Singleton, City Clerk. ?-Z L^.., National IMseuit Company's Cakes and Crackers at new reduced prices ? The Cash Store. PLU>JBING-?-Plumbing and Itooflnj repair work correctly done. Call <?us Hayes, phone 217 J. Camden, S. C. 7tf. WANTED ? You to know that you hid better get your license tag for your dog, or he will be impounded and . shot.? H. C. Singleton, City Clerk. Sugar ? Se per pound at ?The ('3sh Store. WANTED? To buy all kinds., of eai Iron scraps. Camden Iron & Braw Works, near Southern pnsseouer ?station, Camden, S. C. 6U. 24-POIND Sack best Flour, *1.20 Tiic Cash Store. LOANS? on improved real estate, eaij terms. E. C. vonTresekow. Camden. 8. C 45 KODAKEKS ?* Correct developing means better pictures. Send yonr kodak films to us and ?et the best Columbia Studio, 1423 Main street. - Columbia, S. C. Write for price list. I 47-50 i Carbide For All Makes of Cas Generators ? Save trouble and delays by buying from T. B.. McClain. at Manufac turers prices plus freight to Camden, T. B. McClain Cam den, S. C. 43. FOR RENT ? Two connecting office*, for rent over The Mens Shop. Al> ply J. II. Bums, Camden. S. C. l-2-3tf. AfiENT WANTED . ? For1 Worthroorf Hair Preparation. See or call o? m Madam K. E. Belton. 171.1 Gordon Street. Camden, S. C. NOTICE ? When you can :in<l wbil# you nin, call 'the Fish .Market I'lione .'{7. All fi?h drc^-d >? nd df' TTverod. IMPORTANT NOTICE If any other agent has canceled your policy for non-payment of premiums, do. not ask us to write it. We do not want this class of business. WIl I lAM^ INQI ID AMrr Arr\ify C. P. DuBOSE & COMPANY CAMDEN LOAN & REALTY COMPANY