wiilY AT HOME? PAY UP WEEK" FOR CAMDEN JULY 5 TO 12 CHRONICLE VOLUME XXXIII. CAMDEN. SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921. LJ ... 1 ? NUMBER 11. 1 . . " ' - . . .... NOTABLE LECTURER TO COME HERE THURSDAY Announcement bas been made by. (). it Sr< I >a nl**l. Secretary-Treasurer of t,ur Chamber of Cowimorco that he has arranged lo bring Vo this city on Thurs day, J uue, L'.'Jrd, (next Thursday), the most famous American Husinoss i.ec tur?* oil the platform, "(jotting the most i Mil of Itetofllng." Under this lioad, -Mr. W. F. ilrcnuau, well known business expert and organ ic, will -ure tu lie. of lasting benefit to every I'lisiue-v tit :i 1 1 of -iales person who at '??nds tli.v leel lire. livery nn r? liant 01 wife of a? mer 'iiiini, I'vcrj salesman or elerk, every '?nsiiM ? mil it, ;i 1 1 < 1 nil those interest 'I in -iM'in^ r.-nndeii and Kershaw < V'Uii ; > iie<-nin?' a better business een "?r v'",i'i;',| ... i fail in hear .Mr. Bren .iii \ .1! i |i i undine of the lec iv ?.tifrii-ient to show its great '?i "?ra ni/.a I ion. Newspaper \ d \ t : ? ? - 1 . , _r W indow Displays. Tin* ; ?u-it:. ? ..f < !?-rk<. Salesmanship and sy>!i . i 'of i- a fine runner lo the !'? iv (i 1 1< i hit Pay l*p Week" '??< 1"- i-arried out .Inly .~>(h a:.d pur Chamber * ?f Com : ? foiiu't'it tula led for se 1 1 r 1 ' i ~ '?>?- U'-ll known lecture, as it 1 ' '? ?:-! nefit Jn the merchants ..f the rity. i'-'i- been fixed f . ?r Tliur.s ? '"id will be ijiven at the ?I'.u-' - ! ;? i' t i n u prmptlv at k '? if 'liaise for admis ??v ? "il time. :i I; , - 1% r r.vc ol-J. ??r- f1 J'df i\-( \ ? K\|ir.-?s ( otnpuny Offers Services ? pleasure of the Ameri 1: mv 1*\ press Company to t'ri ?? . shipments of money or n-igjied to the Mayor 1 . r.elo. the American Red ?ii. v organization at Pueblo. " ? ? j . f->r the relief of the district ilevastated by Vindication for this free ? ? : on should he made to F. N. Ap'nt at tho local office of ' *?!! i-ai v in Camden. S. C. Uan Fund. Tt:?- Carolina Federation of Win,. . v 2 TfOatt runii 1 loans are made to needy r"l ambition*- girls who. without this 11(1 *(?uld t?e unable to secure col Wt*- ??Jii^aMoti-. and thu? become self JPPortiu^ in some specific line. Un? 1 fund grows considerably, loans 'njinc: fr,.rn $50 to $lf?0 are preferred. PPli-ar .on blanks and rules govern leant may t>e secured from Miss ***?1 Montgomery Chairman. Marlon: rv Jfthn Hargrove. Dillon ; Mr*. A. O. ?Tto, Orangeburg; Mrs. J. Thotnpfton ' ***. Rock Hill LANTASTIC It MILLS r Col. Spring* ( lot I i lion Agittt l"< S I ? if I ;i 1 1- TO Hill). ? " Lancaster, Juno 14. There was a special mooting of the Textile union hold In thy Lancaster court house lust night, at which Mr. Dean and Mr. Cai lahan, union organl/ors, wore present and made addresses, after which the public was excluded and a act* ret ses sion of the union hold. At this meet ing a committee was appointed to call upon tljo Lancaster cotton' mills and make certain domains. This commit tee waited upon officers of the Lan caster cotton mills today and the de mands were refused and the following notice was posted throughout the plant : "The Textile union having made de mands upon the Lancaster Cotton Mills which cannot be granted, there* fore, to avoid any friction this mill will close down indefinitely nn week from this date." These mills, of which Col. Leroy Springs is president, have ,1-10,000 spindles and ,'1,000 looms, employ about 1.S00 operatives and is one of the largest if not the largest, print cloth mills in the, South. I : % _ Shooting at Itianey. Jessie <4 ray, a negro of about 'JO \ears. ?M" age was slioi and desperately wounded Sunday afternoon neijr Hlail ey by (Jeorge Nelson, a negro of about the same age. The shooting is .said to have taken plU^e in the public road, f.'ray was struck in the abdomen and has been in the Camilen hospital since the shooting where it is not expected that lie will recover. .Married at Itock Hill. A marriage llmf came as a .surprise to their friends in Canalon and else where wns that of Mr. Julius Eugene Campbell, of Canulen, to Miss Sarah Agnes Cooper, of Ware Shoals. S. C. The ceremony took'plfice a t Rock Mill Sunday ?t the Baptist parsonage and was performed by the Rev. J. Powell Tucker, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hock Hill. The hriUe taught Miilvern llill school near Camden the past season and is well aud favorably known by a large number of people in the county. Mr. Campbell is an overseas man, toeing a member of the Camden company where he saw service- in France. He is now a salesman in the hardware store of Hums & Barrett in iliis city and has numerous friends and well wishers Throughout (he county. i Moseley Gels Car Hack. (J. A. . Moseley. a member of the board of -directors of the State pris on, is again in possession of his tour ing ear which was stolen from a street adjacent to the University baseball park one day last week while the owner was watching a game. The ear and articles of clothing, which Mr. Mose ley had left in the ear. were fonnd in the rifle range by Sargeant Moore, of the Camp Jackson M. P. force, six miles from the border. The rear tire had been removed from the car and the engine tampered with t? a small extent but the general condition of the car was good Mr. Moseley is a resi dent of Camden Tuesday'* Columbia Record. re open this case. | Miss Mary Boykin Entertains The young ladies and men \\ 1 1 ? ? coin posed the wedding party ts hostess. The handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Savage was the "next stop" for this merry crowd, where Mis* Hope Savage was the charming hos tess at a delightful course dinner. Covers were In Id for the entire wed ding party which included twenty eight or thirty guests. After dinner floors wore cleared for dancing and other young people were invited to come fn nnd make merry. This brings the long list of pre nuptial festivities up to the time we go to press ? the wedding was to bo solemnised Thursday evening at 9 o'clock at Grace Church. WCATI I OF MR. CAUTiiBN Old Confederate Veteran Passed Away at Home at Kershaw. Mr. Thomas A. Cauthen, an old and highly rebooted citizen of tho' eouijty passed away suddenly at Ills homo in Kershaw Monday morning. Mr. (.'an then was in his Tftlh year and w a 8 a Confederate vcfeviin having served the latter years of the war with rapt. W. !?. DePass us a mcndier of tho Palmetto Battery Light Artillery. For a gjvater part of his life he re sided at West ville where ho reared a large family of children. In latet years he removed to Kershaw where the end eame without a struggle, the old gentleman passing away while seated In a ehalr on his front porch,. I Ir is survlcd l?y four sells and four daughters. Messrs, Columbus Cu II then', of MeRee. and Charlie Cauthen. John Cauthen and Coke Cauthen, The daughters are Mrs,. Puunlc Truesdell, Mrs. C. K. McDowell and Misses Alma and Eunice Cauthen who were with him at the time of his death, lie is also survived by the following sisters : i Mrs. W. F. Russell, of ('amilen. Mrs. [ Nancy Truesdell, Mrs. I). (J. Fletcher. ! Mrs. .1. A. McDowell, Mrs. .1. M. Kill; ley. Mrs. R. II. Bell. The funeral and burial occurred at; Damascus Church near West ville on Tuesday, services being conducted by ; the Rev. Mr. Doyle, of the Kershaw I church. A large number of friends i and relatives had gathered ty. Cantey. S. E. Belvln, Camden. W. F. Russell, dr.. Cannleu. '1'. II. Bruce, Camden. .1. Ii. Munn. Rethune. S. B. Klrkhind. Camden. W. D. Dowie. Eugoff. W. J. Stokes. I/nrfcnmv. fi. B. Munn. Camden. J. S. Ross. Blane.v. ,T. W. Wood, Blaney. f}. W. Hardin. Camden. W. C. llorton. Cassatt. L. T. Rabon. Eugoff. Elmore Brown, Blaney. E. II. Bowers. Cassatt. P. r.. MeXaughton. Bethnne. Guards On a Hike. Members of the Kershaw Guards: went to Holland's Mill a few miles north of Camden Saturday afternoon where they pitched tents and" camped for the nicht and stayed over till Sun day. It is ;i beautiful little mill pond and an idenl plaeo fur an ontlnu of this kind. Miss Kirkland Again Honored Mr?. \\\ I). Trantham wns l/^ste! i**f ? J. K. Taylor, of Thomasville. the ac quittal being on the ground of insan ity. The known dead on aceoiyit of the Pnehlo flood has declined from about I .r?00 in the height of the exeitement to about 95 actually checked. with still other bodies t-'> he found !3t-or (Jowii, the stream. Robbers cot $ir>,000 from :? Pitts- 1 burg, Pa., department store Saturday; hut. of the amount $27,000 in checks, was recovered. One of the robber* who was captured after being shot, gave his namb as John Smith, of San Antonio, Texas. Representative Ix>nscworth, of Ohio, has introduced a Mil to postpone the advance in the second-class postal rates to go Into effect July 1, until in VAstication can be made to nee wheth er t be advance Is really needed IIOONE KlLUSn HV 8I1K0HN Old Quarrel Ifafe to totality lM*t Friday Afternoon. The usu:i I killing im or dur lr|> eourt week of Wicli term of the court i of general sessions occurred at West s mill about twelve miles north east 0f famden late last Friday after noon \vheu -Thomas Z 1 *?>??? Kershaw County eourts several vears ago for shooting the eyes out of a man by the name of Stephens and was fined *200 for the offense. Stephens has been totally blind *??ce the shots were fired. Sheorn is a son of , the famous "Doctor" Sheorn whose fame as "< as nev to defend him. The testimony, of one Stevo Langley, rt sworn witness was as. f?;,0NV*: "About sundown Friday at WeS s m myself, Tom lloono and Charlie Hol lis went dowitthere to fish. We stn> ed there about and.onr. Huben Jones and mvself went to my jvvagon about 25 yards from the mill house to tie our fishing lines on eorn stalks to set ^um in the pon.l. 1 looked back toward 'ho house and saw Sld Sheorn strike Tom Boone with a hoe. l"om Boon. !,.... all! the hoe in both hands as Sheorn Ulri.ek him. Sid Sheorn polled out his pocket knife. Boone then threw lip l?,,l. hands and told htm tie d.dn t want fuss at nil. Boone come to tin Wilson. I.onnle Sheorn told Sld Sl.eorn tlint 1 'nolle had gone to Ret his gun. Sheorn .old SI.1 Sheorn to set n.c mill house nnd set ?i, .toone can.o to the wagon where 1 wn? and said we had Letter leave here for they are trying ,o pick ? fuss. About that time Sld PI, corn Shot. Boone grabbed a single barrelled shot gun fro... the wagon and walked toward mill house when Sheorn ?h?t a. him again. Bm.no fired Ins ,hot gun after the shot. Boone walk I,, ,|,e wagon and fell on his knees ?II,1 said 'he got me.* 1 threw up m> bands and told Sheorn not to shoot an> ; more for he had done got him. Sheorn i hollorcd to me to take him away from 'there or he would give him some more Mvself and Huben Jones put bun n. wagon and brought him home, but he died before we sot hini home ? n*oi ^h. Iluckabec 1< ? f r Tuesday of this work for Charles ton. whore they will reside in tho fn ! * ? * t > I r? ? Mr. Huokabeo has been employ ??r the jui^f eiulit j [?months L. 1'.. is ari unusually btfgfit ; hoy and our host wishes go with h 5 ? I'.Khopvilh* Vindicator. Camden Defeats Ilagond. Cujiidcn defeated Ha pood here Tin- ? day afternoon hy a score of 0 to 1 I'arker Sanders for IT a good lifted one for a home run in the fourth and II T. ! Smith for Camden a^so smashed out 'a homer in the eighth, scoring another 'runner. Tho feature of the game was the fielding of J. M Sanders in center Dr. C. ('. Brown Dead. Sumter. June It. ? The news of the death of the Her. Cecil Clinton lirown. >> . rod*? ? a fhocJt to Vs many friends, for although it was known hf had horn in failing health for several years, the end did not seem roar. lie had roc^htly been taken to Richmond for treatment and only yesterday was his ?amily notified that his life was in immediate danger. Miss Etta Hoggins is visiting in Camden. came a? a gnest to the Tone* ? Davfes ireddtng. SK.\K( HINC? FOK NtitiliO Allrjrpd To Have Attempted Crime on T\VO Wotllrii Kershaw, Juno lf?.? ? About nine o'clock Monday night h uegro entered the home of 11 well-to-do farmer, in tho Pleasant lMulii section of J tineas tor count.v about five miles from Kershaw hihI attempted orimliml assault upon two while women in tho house. One ul' tin1 woinon was in tin* open door way and tho other was sitting by an open window when they saw llu: ne gro approaching. )Io walked up to the door and started to enter, when It was olosed in his faro by one of the women. railing to outer tin1 door he attempt ed ?? roe. N. C., have been visiting Dr. ami Mrs. Herbert Vaughn. Mr. Willie Ross. who is taking a business course in Columbia spent I In; week (Mid nt home. Mr. George Onslow from Darlington is visiting in town. < Miss Lillie Belle Evans spent tills week end in Columbia. Miss Mildred Bowcu. wlio has been attending the Womans College in J (Jreenvilhs is home for the holidays. I Mr. and Mrs. Arlin Hose have been | visiting the hitler's father. Mr. Babh ' | in Laurens. i Mr. Herbert Maddo.v and Mr. Ward' Kelly, students :i t I?. M. I. are home ' for the holidays. j Miss Woolen, of Atlanta, is visiting, Mrs Randolph Kirkland. tMr. L. I. Guion has gone Lo Chapel ; Hill. N. (\. to attend a meeting of his J class with whom he graduated front1 the 1' diversity of North Carolina ' twenty-five years ago. . Mrs. H. I j. SchloMburg ami children left this week for their summer home in Hemlrrsonville. N. ('. Mrs. !?'. < ". von Tresckow is spending ! I ? ? 1 1 days or two weeks in Atlanta .1 T lloiistan has returned from ? ( 'a rl isle Fitting school where for the! past two years he has been a student.' .1. T is lieutenant iiMlie student's train iuu' i ompa ny ami also one of the band lenders. Mr Bill Del.oa?he. of Columbia is! visiting relatives here. Mr ? Jene /.etnp attended the I'il.i del hop in Charleston this week Miss Agues DeBass visited in Charleston this week and attended tbe[ anniml h<"?p at the Citadel . Mr. I!, B. Clark. .1 r i- at home I from i he Citadel. Mi and Mi's I '.en De|,oachc and | family, and Mr^and Mr-. Alfred Me J l.eod have returned from an enjovahlc , -;a\ "f a eek ;it Vaughn's Mill. ,\n abiimlanee >>f fi?h and exervihing el?e ' I desirnbie made the selected name.! "Camp Feed well ' ? | ? i i ? ? ? fitting and' a ppr? tpria t e Messrs W i: i lel.oaebe. Ir II L. Bradford. Brevard Bodkin, Pete Mai kry h iid .1 Ferris McDowell left last night for Hot Springs. Ark., by automobile. Their tour will include Atlanta. Birmingham. Memphis, re turning by Nashville. Mammoth Cave. Knowille atid Asheville. Misses Olive lthame. Ceri lo and I.oree Trucsdale. Messrs Will ami Roland Coodale. Wronn. Taylor. Jack Watkins. Teddy I>eLoaehe, George It ha me. T. .1 Clyburn were among those attending the daiwe at I.aneti? 1 ter last week. Miss Cornelia A hired. of Mt Pica? ant is visiting her sister. Mrs Alfred MeLeod. Mrs Wilson and Miss Charlotte Boy kin, of Charleston are visiting a r the home of Mr John B<\vkin. on Lyttletnn street. Mrs. Guy Gunter and children, of Greenville are visiting relatives. "Ho I.ong I/otty," the Christie *!*? rial Comedy in Bix parts that gets laughs out of nn undertaker and proves conclusively that the only way to get a kick out of water is to put aome tasteful 1 j filled bathing suit* In It, Shewing at * the next Tues day. FOUR SAFE-CRACKERS PUT IN JAIL HERE YESTERDAY Tour \Yli.itc men, said to ho Wil Hum Hrawley, Alex < 'art ledge, Dewey Dennis Ml ui Lloyd Lorlck all four from Columbia, S. <\, wore brought to < 'a in ch* n Thursday morning from Charles tou, s. C., by Sheriff c. C WeNh and Deputy Henry McLeod. The men are charged with blowing the safe at Lugoff, s. c, and the Heath Springs bank last fall. They were given a preliminary hearing bo fore Magistrate, Nicholson ami com mitted fo Jail to await trial at tin* July term of court. One of the men wanted in Luucu.stcr county will be carried to Lancaster by Sheriff Hun ter who was present at the hearing. Ail of the men appear to he young of ages ranging from 20 to lio, and are nicely dressed. They had been held for trial at Charleston for blowing a postoffice in Lexington county, but. the case was not heard ;it Charleston and the prisoners turned over to the K'er shaw and Lancaster authorities. It Is said that officers were on their trail a few days after the safe was blown at Lugdff and they have "'never let up in their search for the burglars. Two of the, men are said to have hoen caught, in Springfield, ill., and the others were located at Columbia, S. C. S Ivnl ( en Inhibition of Ball The Camden team Wednesday after*'" noon defeated a scrub team from Camp Jackson, or soinewher.e, it mat ters not, we don't suppose they would admit where they entne from. The game was a farce all the way through and the feature of the game was the enormous score the Camden team piled up. It went to the had in the third inning when Camden made five runs and kept scoring till the eighth when they made five more, piling up a total of seventeen runs against ^six for the. scrubs. The -fit life wore son* because thoy were exacting to see n game between Camden ant] the fast 11th Infantry loam. It was a large crowd in at tendance ami it was a ureal game for those who like that kind of ball. Peo ple who really like. the sport do not want thai kind and if the baseball spirit Is- to he kepi a'Jve surh scrub exhibitions should not he ? run in on those who patronize the name. The ragged score i.V )7 It. V. I', V. Will Picnic Members <>f i In? Baptist Young Peo ple's I'nioii of l he Camden Baptist Church will enjoy a most delightfully pin nin-d pienie tonight at Ilardawav r>am. The pienie is the result of the membership campaign recently con ducted by the young people's orgnniza lion, the results of which campaign makes iliis organi/ation the largest young peoples organization in Camden. They now have one hundred and twenty three members. At the regular meeting last night committee* in ebarge of arrangements for the pienie reported everything in readiness, and all members are re quested to he at the church tonight promptly at six o'clock where tru?( the 15 Y P. T\ that I hey :iie not aide I " take all friends of the incndners on this pienie, hut in view of the fact that 1 ra mport a t ion has been made oidy for members', it i? Impossible. Tickets were given out to eaeii memher last night and it is necessary that they present tfiese ticket- tonight when they meet at tire church preparatory to leaving for a hig timeNwhich Is as sured to i trouble before on veveral chtrce*. ?