FOOf) 9$ ailELTEIV 1 CU>T1IING How to get a NEW EDISON out of your dollar I)o you know how to squeeze a dollar? . We do. We'll show you. Our Hudget Plan, through thrift and system, ' applies the squeeze to your dollar. Shows you how you can get that longed-for New Kdison right away. It looks like money magie. Actually,, it's common-sense. Let us tell you all the details. CAMDEN FURNITURE CO. Phone 156 Camden, S. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY ANNOUNCES VERY LOW EXCURSION FARES TO COLUMBIA, S. C. ACCOUNT STATE FAIR FROM All South Carolina Points Excursion Tickets on Sale October 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and for trains scheduled to arrive Columbia before noon of October 29th. Good returning to reach original starting point prior to midnight, October 30, 1920. Ample equipment will be provided on all regular trains. Minimum round trip fare $1.00. For further information and round trip fares, ap ply to Ticket Agents or S. H. McLAIN, Dist. Pass. Agt., Columbia, S. C. Seminole Fertilizer and Oil Co. FERNANDINA, FLA. Manufacturers of High-Grade Fish Fertilizers Stockhwlilrrs ,?)?? ft-* jursted to place their orders !'. -u tor immrdiatr delivery, or for Fall or Spring de 1 - v t i v . \\"t Kua: aiiti-c niir prices !<> be risrht and res pert ! u i j y -?>):. some thins ? >0 ?h? following : t-: bar, I .!rtd ! have been w ?-?!?!?? ! ? v. - s \ yeH'i, ' Ift'.e two boj.i, . . but ? - ? <* ay* dlvl |e e;,- ? ? urlth. ,?j .hhI .Vary Interesting I nciustry. It -hould be ri'iiit'tnlMM'**'!. ilmt In n't* j t 1 1? ilii*H- fiKMl vn I *??? .,v> n iMir rivers If wv are tO-J l?. .. , ? >!:><.? tin* pearl talitOfi ItidilMfy Ot ttu ? >niiti y, which /Vinjijoj1* s'" "' t v* \ i hou^a/id | ???v?l Mi"' yields M pi-. .;!.!!'! NkIUkI at <1101**- III ?.-!?> <.'>.<"><>.? IK.N >. , Win i: the young mussels. which mo kf Rp/,i?, lll'l1 1 h.r?X?*l?. (?iiiii the IhciiI pouches of their par eiits- hi tin- proper season, ihe larval uuisvVl- slowly drift to I Jim. Mtotn and ]', ],i ;1 f?v\ ? 1 a \ f?' lime ??)<** flo'V ,.(1 ?, ... in ^frfact with tl passing ftSU of suitable kind and succeed In mak lj\B attachment. Once this attach ment Is made, t h*? tissue of the fish grow s ' o\ er I he Villi? mussel, until It has undergone a remarkable change of fiihn and structure; then l| drops f run, tli.' llsh to commence 1|f Inde pendent life at the bottom J*>f U?e stream or lake. , It Is a further fact tWt the young of particular kinds of mussels require the gills of particular kinds' of Ashes as nurseries. The black bass Is host for several sorts of mussels, while the klpjack. a kind of herring. Is. the only known host for the best of all mussels. As this last mentioned tlsh Is far from being abundant In American riv ers, It is plain that much care should be exercised In Its maintenance. The mussel fishery that supplies the fresh water pearl button Industry Is actively conducted In at least tw;enty states In the Mississippi rived basin, the raw production of shells now has a value of about $1,000,000. The fresh water pearl button Is now recognized as among the cheapest durable but tons that can be procured. The mus sel beds have been rapidly depleted, chletly because the fishermen In past years would retain only the very best shells and discard as culls all shells that were of an Inferior grade. Necessary action in the way of gov ernment legislation to protect the mussel fisheries has been so long de layed that this unique and rather important industry is now sure to ex perience considerable difficulty In pei petnatlng itself.? Floyd W. Parsons, in the Saturday Evening Post. WHERE BOARD IS NOW CHEAP Girls in the Mission Schools in China j Pay Only $18 Year for ? J Their Meals. it Is refreshing In these days of high j prices to lonrn that somewhere It Is j possible to get one's daily bread and , Its accompaniments at a low figure, j The place Is China ? Tengschow, tn.the j of Shanttiug. 1 here, In the j mission school, a girl may have thiee ; meals a day for $1S a year. The menu sounds strange to the ; school girl of the western world, but ! to the Chinese student it is highly sat- j Isfactorv. Steamed corn bread and j raw turnips that, have been kept In j brine and then chopped quite fi,,p com* ! pose the regulation breakfast almost nil the year! "For dinner there Is usu^ ally millet cooked dry like rice, and some hot vegetable. Twice a week the vegetable Is cooked with fat pork in stead of in bean oil as usual. Supper Is the same as breakfast. I'erhaps half n dozen times a year, however, they celebrate with more luxurious fare. ? Christian Science Monitor. Make Four Speeches for One. William Lyon I'lielps, professor of j English literature at Yale, declares he j pets credit for only 2."? per cent of | tho after-dinner speeches he actually ! makes. "Every time I accept an in- j vitation to speak I really make four ; addresses. First. Is the speech T pre- , pare in advanee. That Is pretty pood. Second, is the spoe<1i I really make. ! Third. Is the speech I make on the way home, which i? the hest of all; . and fourth, is the speeoh the news- ! papers next morninp say T made, f which bears no relation to any of the others." ? Boston fllobe. Taking After Mother. Bert Jufct came lmiiip from college and he had a "shadow" on his upper i lip. He stopped to say "Hello" to his j grandfather. Ills grandfather looked hlni over and said : "Why, son. you look more like your mother every day." "What makes you think so?" asked Bert. "Why, because your father had a mustaehe that came down to his ehln. i Just look at that one of yours; you must take after your mother." ? Indl- ? anapolls News. Not Like a Lawyer. Mirand.v, of dusky hue. made a poor witness. In answer to every question put to her by the attorney she In variably replb'd, "I think so." The 1 attorney flnnTIv bn nine disgusted. "N??w ':Onk ber?\" he warned. "T want y.u '<"> cut out that thinking: ! nnd an^'.w" quest I < ?n ?. Now talk'" "Vi'S. - ? ? T i " quavered Mirandy. "But. tnisfab. you *ee lt'^ llke-dis. Ah ' nln't 11k' > "U lnu vers; ah enn't talk I without :!.ink!n\" i A Lor.g Time to Wait "Wi !!. j " in?i" rdunr n;us; ? r.r. "'..??a d<> ' ? | p!> - j ? ? "W! ? T ?,U " r. vf. '? ! '! o --Mer H ?? ? ? ? * ... v n.;s \ ( ? i ??#? ptrfPfl ' " ? M fl ' *' *? !? ?. .hn and , 1 > . . f, " ? !:? ' ! ?' ? \ .. ? _? rnn*1 r i . .i ? i . ' v.: t.i * " r*. mar'.. 4 *hf' ether. ? I'o*t. ! ABE YOU COMING NEXT WEEK? The Great South Carolina STATE FAIR at COLUMBIA OCTOBER 25th-29tK, 1920 s: s Sut!Ki'ai. next week. People from everywhere will be here SPECIAL REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS x i f??t> iiilmltx to Hoiw Kiu.os as ,\voll us to Kulx ?n"- 4 Knlarued Government EihibiU. Exciting Automobile R??. Enlarge ^ Entries of 'Fine Live Stock More Liberal p!S?l??rSS?W Enl?nt.(l Agricultural Ifeplvu SOUTH CAROLINA'S GREATEST POULTRY SHOW a; . , ctotp ohow of the American Poultry Association. Official S w k o{ Farm Demonstration Agents Great Get-together^W c,ub WorUer8. Carolina-Clemson Football Classic on big Thursday. Annual Encampment o^Clem^n Cadets Throughout Admi.?on Fee $1.00 Special Rate For ^Children. REMEMBER IT'S NEXT WEEK. DON'T MISS IT. EXTRACTS FROM LANCASTER NEWS. The Sparks shows are soon to be in Lancaster. This show is one of the cleanest I ey