The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 07, 1920, Image 5

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Social and Personal News By Mim l-ouk* W'rt' i ri*?> to Ckpt W. A, ronam? t"? {, ,s A T|?. brtcVe bur , u a wen known yomig *<?**? ^*u'm j<-KWvr won of W. Art pi r ?m n l" city, and the brtd# <is Pf*, ! almost a* much by Od*ambla **?Uundon. frequently *toe vtatted ?& wMIUtf wa? J&#J Vtrv home of W* brtde*? parent* at fcc ^?ta.v aftornoou ?ml w jSwoil I'.v ? l>"K ,l","'<' ?>itwno?>U<-? ??>t over UNn; *>rc ami M* ? ^ OWuffto* strtssVSSES ff!!S.WSSwr. WjUtam 0. M? fSi who acted a* b?rt man, Pres ? I vies, Co1. and Mw. WiiWo Jonea ml tiit'ir fue*t, Mlbas <>Hve OaMwrtl of toffi W* Ma?lv MeHthan. Mr. and to SmWIo K?et, Mr. and Mrw. Wtl g? S?. Mr. M.d1 Mm. MrJ. SM> k Mrs. Albert; K. Heywwtd, Mire. Ben a He. Mrs Ileyward (naTk*^,; J*\ ??d [L wtyjiam Shannon Ncdaon, Mir. ana fm urn Ml- <>^yvM^ Emtaetli. lnk'T'-'l'l Mr. uml Miw. 4g?j|M irtfftn Jfri iun<Ii Mlrs<.< Wiftllan* (Ml Dhaaul.' Mr. ami Mth. Charles H. Bar ton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglpa K Mrs. Alex. H. Kkag, toes Heten nd Agues MtAfcurter. ?. B. Pahner and lorter MMMfceter, Dunoan Uay,r#Y*ttk Tompkins. Mrs. Berwick Legare and umerous otherffs.?Thursday's Colum fclStato. ' ' ' ' 0 the Confederate Veterans ef Ker shaw County. , TheJtfhtr J>. Kennedy U. D. C. el lids to the Confederate Vetenuis of [ersluiw County a <cordial Imitation t> the annual dinner to be given this par at the Masonic Banqij^T^iliI, i(t 1 o'clock noon, Tuesdiuy, 'Mby* tttfK, lis imitation also includes the wives flhe veterans. Card* are l?ejB(Kji|ttjleiJ at b.v Mi*sl>11a Shannon," and she to roach every veteran, hut if for Dj- reason yon fail to get yt^u? dojoot rftate to <s>me, for if you 'Sv9|*e, the ?ey." you are expected and wanted. Cordially, 1 "? Louise Nettles, r?s, John 1). Kennedy ??.?*. Chapter, U. I>. C. t 11HS WILLIAMS HONORED. |a lovely affair of the week, was io bridge party and Uincbeon given by is. "Pat" Murphy vf Columbia, at <tbe jm'e of her sister Mrs. It! M. Kennedy in honor <*f Mlect BlaiitT TV lUlanis. bo i-qoius were filbed witli. flowers varied bloom and. fragranee; ixl tablos attraxjttvefty arranged sixteen b nidge devotees. The on- prize went .to Miss Mary Withers Lrkland. aaut fh<' honor guest Was iwe ?tc<l with a pretty reminder of the oc Kdon. Miss Williams wore an attmc ro if white* sJiVk, witb an.artistic nch. of red, a red hat. wreathed in d ixjppifcs completed. >in ttnusttally ?otty costume. A sakid cour?e witb I tin wa? sorve<l by the bost<"es. / .Mifvsionarj Society To Meet. The Woman's Missionary Society of pttlotoa St root MethodSst CliilWh will rot this (Friday) afternoon-at five ?look with Mrs. E. B. Buddln. Mra tlobert Mttcham, Keoordlng Secretary. lajestic Theatre ROGRAM TODAY* Friday, May, 7th WIlHuin Fox Present* s- , ? vV Wlttlatn EVirmim in fit "WOLVES OF THE NIGHT' Also u Fox Weekly New*, ti\ """""* ' ?'*' 1 Saturday May, 8th A new episode of NIK ADVENTURES OF RUTH^ C* I a A Fox Sunshine Comedy lungry Lions And Tender Hearts" And A I,arry 8cmon Comedy "THE SIMPLE LIFT Monday May 10th ; > ? Wallace Reid In "EXCUSE MY bCST" ?ts anything v<ni ever saw for ?rills. AVo a Fox Weekly News and Paramount Screen Magazine Admission 25r Children 15c Tuesday May lltti l tort Lytett <in THE RIGHT WAY" lw*lji the moHt gripping ?torics &X4V inxvorlwl to the ncreen. I Also n Pa t he Weekly Nowh. . - Wednesday, May 12th William Pox Present* Madfaloc Travene in "THE TATTLERS" ^ , Also ii Rolin Comedy. i i ? 11\ Thursday, May 13Ui *t Adoiph Zokor PreeentM MARCHJERliB CLARK in / "EASY TO GET* Also Topic* of the Day AdTntxsion 26c -? CbBdrrn 18c ' WILLIAMS-METTS "Mulberry" Was Scene of Beautiful Wedding. it \ *1 ? *- ? "It W*S When ttk' M>onsal ftilU' .'i wivath, und air #o ?weet, the bosom gay. glvct* thanks fur ?>vwy bivath It rattlufe." that the nuptial* <*f miks Rlaiul Williams aiUl Captain Waltcr Arthur M**(is wero soleuuiiml U>neath the ancttrtral oaks of MhAhttv planta tion. itcautiful MUlberry. with its ivaks. avenues and lawns ijs m? word* can the state and style of the AntebcHum Southern home. And re dolent with memories of a far off day that shall ever 11 ve lu aong and story. No need for decorations h<"iv and tK? wo >lm U not speak of th*Mu. The broad avenue at stately oaks ha<l boom marked hy ropes, garlanded wtfth Uimboo and smllax, and oai either Hide hundred* of guests assembled rei> reneiiting this, and other S Hates. Tlie velvety green la win had a pathway of anowy whUte leading from the stone steps <rf the nutn-sUm to ail iliilprovlscd altar almost a quarter of a mile aw<ay. And a-down this pathway came the wedding party to the strains of the time honored and tamWiar wedding ^rparoh, played by the (popular, Oarber l)avls Orchestra, stationed on the broad veranda. The ushers w'ere Captain Pringle Ithett, IJ. S. A.. Lieut, l\,urn?, Preston *f<ylos, Columbia, Byrd Milder, Oneen vetle, I>oug)WR Kirkpatrlck, BifmHng* ham. Ala., I>eFord Real and Thomas Beiil Boston. The bridesmaids were Miss l'dith Traor, of Sewlckly, l>a.,; Miss IvoraLnc Otons of Nwv York^ Miss, May Morgan, .Bunbington, Vt., Miss Isa bel Mel aid ne. Ixnilsvttte, Ky., Miss Mary Hovvden, of Savannah, <icorgia; and M4ms Elizabeth ('-arrison. Camden, They wow? uniform afternoon dresses ^of .apricot organdy over iflfnb sathi, and leghorn hats, wtfth pale bhie taffe ta vrrnvjis, iaaid wreatlw of fllel^l fllow ers on the brim. They carried Ophelia roses and IMies of the valley in oI4 faahioiHKl lace frills. '!M*Ish Ellen Williams, only slsrter of | the bride. was maid of honor. She ?wore blue organdy over white satin, and. a leghorn hat with aprieot taffeta crown and field flowers. ? She also car ried Ophelia rose and valley ill lies. The ^?ride came out with, hoq* -^u Mier. Mr. D, R.n_Williams, by whom slie was given in marriage. A v&riom of lovothiess, she seemed to emerge from Tennyson's Dream of Fair Woman?"A daughter of the (Jodw. divinely tajft. and most, di vinely fair,?she wore an exqui -srtftxv glitftah "ivrttlnl pown of TvhtT<fnir~ garnly over white satin, and carried an ar-tflstio frouquot lila<? and brides The hur veil of her great grandmother fell from a lace coronet ] on hjpr head, over tulle forming the train. This veil was also worn by her grandmother, Mitsa Sallle Bland Clarke, ?when she iKH-ame tlie wife of John. I>aiw rence Mamiing, who was afterwards governor of South (Virolima. She was jnet at tie altar by the groom with his best man. Mr. WlWiam McfJown, of Co lumbia. and flie ceremony was ]>er fprmcd <?y I)r. W. B. Gordon, a former rector, assisted by Rev. F. H. Harding, the present root or of (Imcc K^ls<i?i>al Church. A . brilliant rccegptdou followed, the immenise. crowd moving tota <Vfrf -vmple hall and spurious room of thlw oW: tliwc, ttoufhera mgnrfjcti, tlmi on this occa sion Has abloom Avlf h a wwtth of flow ers. Mrs. WttUdDM fwh^d Id >m eta gafit 'afternooti dtass of Nn<* Vk*? And satin, wearing a <?onKage of orchid^ The .brides table was a dream of l>caiUy and had as a center decora tlo&v a huge stiver howl ffcHed with wbife blu<*. Four Ixviutiful cakes were arttRrtcaJiy Iced 4ai dpmy* of Cherokee rose*. whlUe this emhlem of Carolina In its natural freshness was lightly scqttered with maiden hair ferns over the polished ta ble. A sir kid course \v>is served. follow ed. by brides cake and punch. The punch 1k>w3k were presided over by Airs Ban, df Baltimore, Mm. II. K| HaHctt, ?Mm Ralph Shannon, Mik Pat Murphy and Misses Lessle and Mae "Boykin. i lt> the ltbnury a l>eautlful array of I presents were shown, and of especial note w?is the elgant frtlver service which came to .the bride as a family heirloom ?the bridal service of Former Gover nor and Mrs. John IW Manning. An unique feature of the occasion was tin? attiemblgae of hundreds of ne groes, porttfips for (the, first time since ante-bellum days liad tills occurred in i Carolina. >fot only from Mulberry, but from adjoining pantations, ail whaw ancestry could claim Ohesnut <?vnfcr slrips and thedr name is legion. v>vre Jiiddnn tii come in and make merry, J A barbecue and fea^ft hnd been pnepar-1 ed for them. Wlkile the guests were as- j sembllng the negroes sang five oM plaa>~ : tdtlon melodies dear to every Southern | heart, and aa?S only as the colored race j can flAqg them. ~ j Among the out of town guests who arrived several days before and remain ed for the weeks festivities were Mr. and Mtrs. J. 8. Klrkpatrick, Hlrmang Ai*., I>r. and Mm Joseph 8. Ames Baltimore; Mrs. Prank Baldwin, Balti more; Dr. Tage Etttoger, Copenhagen, | Denmark; Mr. and Mrs Robert Miles, of Netw York; Mir. and Mm Saxton Crawford, of Btrminffham; Mr. and Xm Theodore Fit* RatkWIph. Birmtng ham. Ala.; Mr. and J*i*. 8, Miller WH Uanis, Tulsa. Olda.; Mr. David It WW lfcuus, Jr.. Tulsa, Okkt.; Mr. and Mrs W?N?ce Ball* Baltimore; Mr. Belnte ChtoOliu, CharUtdon; Mr. ltusit lttvent. < Mm I Wv4?mi ; <Mr. ami Mrs. In ghwhy, Columbia; Miss Mary MeigJian ('ohunhla i xtp. and Mlrs. lti<4i*i>i I Manning, fofEtntblkl ; Mr. au<l Mr*, M'll llam Manning, Andrew MunnUig, Ml?? Hllnat?eth Maiming, Spartungurg, Hen r.v 1$. HMuindtton, Newry, S. O.; Mr Hansom Kichard*ou, Plliewood ; Ma>T and Mrs. MctUtec. Camp ltragg; Mr. Charles Siuolalr. KutawvVUe(>?ptatJi and Mix. Mcits left VMlVMday night 1W a wedding trip on which they ev IM?et to take in the races at loulsvflle, Ky. ^ Luncheon for Wedding GumIn. A bright )uii1>inger of the brilliant event of the afternoon was the luncheon given hy Mr. and Mrs, C, P. DuBoae iu honor of the hrldcii party, aud out of low it truest* for the \VlllU?mx-Xetts wedding. The 'rooms were converted Into a tverltaMo garden of ix**e? ami other bright ftuwem of hoontc May, A number of tanaM tables were attroctlve ly arranged for about forty g\H>*stK, aud *Wh table hold an exquisite flower dec oration, a huge howl t*f bride* ro?es holding the neuter of the hiidoV* table. TVa was poured by Mrs. "Pat" Murphy of Co)uiu*><? aaid Mrs. !!. K. I&llet* protfhkvl at the txrffw urn, A delightful buffet luudhe,on was served ? in^ of several courses, followed hy Htraw berries, lees, and t?on-t>Ons. I>anrr at Country Club As a grand flnle to a week of gaiety and festivity. atenfling "the* w<*dding of MiU*s JYland Williams and (Captain Wal ter Arthur Metts, the members of fche Country (Tlub gave a deMghtiftd dance on Wednesday evening. It was largely at temled not only by the natives and wed ding guests but many comiug iai from the near by towns. Refresh men Is aud punch were served during the evnittg and the music furnished by the Garher I>avl? Orchestra. Meeting of Civic League.-. The Olvie League will hold it's regu lar monthly meeting next Monday af-1 tor-noon, May 10th, 1:30 at the Library members are urged to attend and also to he prompt as the mettrng is -impor tant. Mrs. Edwin Muller Acting President.' Mrs. Julia Long Knapp Entertain*. One of the charming social affairs of the week, was the party on Tues day evening, given In compliment to Miss Wttl'tiams and her wedding guetfts, with Mi's. Julia Txmg Ivnaiip as tlio gra<*ious hostess. It was to have been a gaixlen, party, but the rain ran the pleasure rtevotees indoors, whore a de light fid evening was spent by a eosir genial company, the hostess .serving de licious refreshments during the eve ning. Death at tlagood. , Mr*. 10, K. Alston, aged 75 years, died-s t -44h*-AMxm lmmcMteflTfdir Sumter County. near Hagnnd etiifly Wednesday morning and the funeral and Liitenoent w?s at the RpHwcopal elmrch near there Thursday. M!r?. Aston suffered n full a few days ago In which her hip wws broken and -death was due to the ?hock sustained. She leaves one m n. 'Dir. W. Ii. Alston. of Hagood. Winthrop Daughter** Miss L^^CIn Ki>sis<kll /of Winfbirop Col lege wliN Ik' ifi Camden on May J 4th, for the purpose of organizing a chap ter r?f Wimthtfop Daughters. AH who have attended, the coHege from Ker shaw County* are urgd to meet at 5 o'clock? at the nreideiice of Mrs. W. L. IW?8N. y JI*t With Mrs. ft G. Carrison Tlie John I). Kennedy Chapter, U. D. C. had a gracious hostess In Mrs. H. (J. Carrison Sr. Ja^t Monday afternoon. Cluiptcr-President Miss Txroise Net ami fcfers. Xrnetibt, the ea-1 palrte Se<nx?tflisy~>^(i^VAbe minutes of the ia?t meeting. Mrs. Chapter's faithful Treasurer was not preseih, to her summer home In] 1M<?n treax '* sent In an excellent ivqwrrt, ?ljowiai|} iltttGRr-^4?ree members hi good standing and aVI ^fcs^w fori the year ]mid, with 41 nice little ImV uiK-e kn the trcasufiary. It is the ambi tion <*f bbe Chapter It resident to bring \ the membership up to one hundred and seven at least, which wiH give the John D. Kennedy fire votes in the State Convention. Two natue# were proposed mul, accepted for weml>erslilp: Mioses Sue.*and Kalllc McDowell. The impor tant work of the afternoon was complet ing tihe arrangement* for 6be veteran* dinner, and memorial servicon op Tues day. 11th. The committee** all made favorable and encouraging reports, and we think every thing is in readiness for that oc casion. The elmpter was delighted -to know that we are to have Professor Yates Knowden of the University of South Carolina to deliver the memorial address. The chapter historian Mrs. Kdwin Mullor, then .road selections from the diary of Mr. John C. West of Texas, but a native of Camden, and his visit to hifi'native town in 1864, men--' Hairing people now gone to theg reat be yond. but who we ail knew, loved and remember, was mtibt taterwftfcifg. Since our last meeting the chapter haa phiert hnfflh wreaths tied with red and wfcrite ribbons, the much lored col* or* of the Confederacy, on two more grave*, Mr. Wm. Oetsenheimer, and Mr. Wm. Whitakec, and the Secretary was instructed to write a note of sym-j pa thy to Mi** TQlie Geisenbeimer, who is, a member of the chapter. The socia? hour ww very pleasant, the hostess ser ved ice creera and cake. Mk-s. Jofan S. Lindsay wttl be the hostens for the June meeting. V, .? * ' STYLEPLUS CLOTHES i-opriicM IMS " Mtn> awwbete A Co.. lac. Any man can his sivlo in Siyloplus Tall or short, stout or thin, young or just * bit lest young, you can walk into the Styleplus Store certain of setting yrnr style. The fabric you like. The model you like. The fit you like. Andx the price you likel All-wool fabrics. Style corrcct down to the La* refinement. Thorough workmanship. De pendable wear. Our known- price policy imures excep tional value. The sleeve ticket tells the price. Buy your clothes in a sftt. You can sclect exactly what you want. You can try on the suit. You are tatisfied btfort you ?ay your money. Pick out your Styleplut Clothe* for fall mwl Buy with this in mind: Conditions are forcing clothing priccs steadily upward. THE MEN'SI'SHOP rutme in ckl/it* Americas known-priced clothes Mark Every I A X W E L"L is built of special steels , There are few "stock" steels in a Maxwell. Nearly all the steels are special, made to Maxwell's own formulae, and devel oped in the Maxwell laboratories. All the experience gained from the building of nearly 400,000 Max wells, -and the study of their use in nearly every country of the world, has been put into these special 6teels. They made it possible to build the Maxwell lighter in weight and to increase its strength. Superfluous pounds thus eliminated from the chassis have resulted in increased ability in per formance. . At the same time more endurance has-been developed. Thus it becomes obvious why Maxwell has climbed very raj)idly into favor the world over. Nearly 400,000 are now in use; and 100,000 more are being built this year. Carolina Motor Company (inc.) Camden, S. C.;