.WPW'J . and Personal News $y W?M?? Liberty. , bird today ! If) ,|J. fckv 90 CjiWf * breath of the atmosphere ld? lift W W rtwaj>': ' , !# VrLi (0f the ?ausJbtua tr ee; ??' w.utld may understand ?J /Freedom'* land! K in ()>?? torn* of prayer, f till soaring soul "ll float above the world's oonrol twedoiu everywhere ! [ for the good that is to be, t for the ?^ea tliat are to w?e fland* where ll,Hn Ht ,ttst ,s frop> ?ltf for ?'lbcrt>' !" --Jamea Whltcomb Itiley. ID1KS MKT TO NEW j)K HOSPITAL The aewing room at the Camden hog Ill presented a biu?y scene on Tburs v morning when friends of the hoa tjl met to sow for thnt institution, aid bright chat and the whirr of three riug machine tihe morning slipped riv At twelve o'clock Miss Mayers M,.,l a dainty lunch and when the hour .parting came a goodly pile of gar nts showed how profitably the time ,j been spent and each ono decided she would surely not forget when hursday came again that there was sew waiting for her at the hospital. POKTANT bkarv NOTICE phe Caitulen Library \ylll close on lesday July 8th and not open again til Tuesday July 22nd. Each card kler will be allowed three books to returned July 22nd. We would ad e letting the books yourself, as the ies at the desk have no way of telling it you have read. There is a notice the door and otie on the desk, read and have your books stamped cor tly, The management does not he re that the two weeks closing In mid nmer will inconvenience the public, r would we have the stay at homes nk that we are unmindful of them, j to the Library and you will .be pro B^'i for. BETING OF young OMEN'S niriK'H SOCIETY flu above society which numbers about rty members bad an enjoyable meeting Friday afternoon with Mrs. Johu Nettles and Mrs. Robin Zetnp as as tant hostess. The rooms of this at active home wer<; bright with cut wers and ferns. "During the social or several piano selections were given ^ hostesses serving block ice cream and kf. Thi-i society is not only a pleas- J t weial organization, but has done] wonderful work in the Lyttleton reet Methodist Church. Mrs. C. M. Weinaii is the efficient and popular ident and has hold that office since organization. , HE YOUNGER ?KT DANTE Miss Betty Haile was the charming Joatess at a dance on Thursday evening wn in honor of her cousin Bert Moore, New York, who is a guest at her pome, The rooms were beautifully dee rated in forest greens, ferns and flow * and the lads and lassies "tripped the ht fantastic until the witching hour", elieious refreshments consisting of ice am and eako were served. Married by Rev. J. P. Moore on June 9th. 1910; Mr. Albert Twitty and Miss dlie Williams, -both of Camden, S. C. MAJESTIC P RO G RAM T'uii^lii Friday July 4th i,. Lnskv Presents KTMKI. CLAYTON IN "VICKY VAN" Tilti- ;i '! ("jirolyn Well's detective >u.ri..v js entertaining to an in! ilfgree AN- a I'.illie West Comedy "THK CHAUFFER" Saturday July 5tli. -MAKC A RITA FISHER IN "lM T LP. YOUR HANDS" A Wcvfrn Comedy Drama of ex '?".??nt < :rt>'rtnnin? value. AK<. a new episode of "Till: THiER'8 TRAIL" With Ruth Iloland Monday July 7th. Tlminas H. Inee Pre... Jane Nnvnak and Rhea A!-<< a l.nii(>some Luke Come (in?> o f the best offerings ** have pvor presented Margurite "rVf in. Wednesday July 9th, Willi am Fox Present* Thf- wi.inan who can show upon snreon every phase of human emotion hadalaine traverse IN "WHEN FATE DECIDES" MITCH KIX-Clarby, who was in the wedding party. Charles I>wight, Jr.. a former Columbian, was also among the attendants. The following at^jng, I^an<*a?ter; Miss Nell Horton. Winston Salem. X. C.. ; Messrs. Thurlow and Chauncy CreRorj*. John I). W.vlie. John Stewman, T. C. Hicks, Boyd Ilorton. * Ernest Moore, Leconte Mackey , Keith Tlobbius, Lancas ter..: M isses Lillian Alexander. Lilly Mo(J regor, Marie Matthews, and Messrs. Cretta Moseley and Itoy Moore from Columbia; from Charleston Misses Anne Cntbbert and Hetty Bissell ; Messrs Stew art Ileath. Brown Heath. Eddie Sloan, Jim McDonald, I>ave Crawford, Lanty Wilieford. Alec Willeford, from Winns boro ; Mr. Charlie (ftnnelly, Lancaster; Misses Sarah and Mary Keesler. Char lotte. N. C. ; Miss Harriet Patterson, Barnwell ; Messrs. John. James and Clarence Edmunds, and Austin Moore, Ridgewa.v. x IMPORTANT NOTICE The Library will be opened each af ternoon this week from 0 to 7 o'clock. It will be closed on Tuesday Jnly 8th, and will not open again until Tuesday July 22nd. Each rard holder will be al lowed three books to be returned on July 22nd. Be jiure to have book" stamped correctly. Marriage. Married by Probate Judge W. L. Mc Dowell on Saturday afternoon last, June 28th, 1D10. Mr. Willie A. Christmas of Lucknow, and Mrs. Viola McCall of Cainden. Ml.lcrilWTS nONATK PIU*KS ? .1 yiMIII ! ? To He Competed For Today at WltfW Mill* Celebration. Tl\i? Watered Mill w\sh?-s to take tlii* opportunity to thank the merchants of Camden (or their iK'iw'llolis of priiea (V>r bhe Field. l>?y event# to be held on the of July. If a ny atorea were oVerWked 111 boh* given this i?ppor-? t unity to help onr celebrailoU it was due simply to luck of time. Below is x i!*t of utrfbutio?>? V 1 .-ct of gold pins (imiiu' of winner to be engraved). M. H. Heytuuu. 1 coffee percolator. Caiji(l?n FurultUJt* ( Vmpany. 1 gentihunun's ?ilk shirt, (lent1* Fur nishing Company. 2 ueektiew, C. C. W hi taker. I para*>l, lllrsch Hroa. A Co 1 table ctottW W. F, Nettles. J man's shirt and I pair socks, En terprise Mercaivttle Oo. 1 ladies nkii't. I Knox hat, BHrueh' Net Ides Co. I kadi iv. shirtwaist. Wolfe-Elchel Co. 1 box chocolates, Joseph Sheheen. 1 box rihocolateti (Page and Shaw) Moaeley'f Ice ('ream Parlor. 1 bottle perfumery, 1 fountain pen, 1 silver ?8>hoe horn. Kemp & DePass. 1 pain ladies tlilk hose. 1 neck tie. Ti. BchenV and Ca. 1 pair boys pantis, 1 neufetie, II, L. Kchlosburg. 1 safety- razor, Mackey Mercantile Co, 1 flash light, Duma & Barrett. 1 man'w Shirt, 2 pair# socks, Springs and Shannon. .t 2 cake plates, Goodale Chiiva Store. 1 box stationery, Oacidett Drug Co. .'1 boxes Sunshtiue confections, Moore Stokes Co. ' 1 box chocolates, W. P. Thomas. b 1 cartoon of cigarottes, It. S. Wil liams. 1 box cigars, MacLeod's Grocery Co. 1 bag flour, Bruces Pure Food Store. 1 bag flour, W. T. Smith. I gold brooch, G. L. Blackwell $r?.00. Ivoan & Savings Bank, 1 sack f|o\ir. .T. L. DeBrubl. 1 sack flour, \V. C. Blackwell. 1 hair brush, 1 pocket knife, \V K. Yates. i 1 cake, 1 jar picklus, Mr. Flail. Base Ball A double-heiador has been arranged for the afternoon of July 4Mi at -Wnterec grounds. The first game is nt 4 o'clock between Camden and Waleree and the second between the 4Sth Infantry of Camp Jackson and a picked team from Camden and Wateree. Ex-I^ioutonarvt Governor McLeod is to Hpeak at the church grounds about 8 oVloek. Everybody is invited to attend. BRIDGE PARTY AT " OOI NTRY CL1B (hie of the largest and prettiest af fairs of th.p summer in Camden's society realm was the bridge party 011 Friday aftornoon at the Country Club With Misses Nan and Khetta DeI>oache as joint hostesses. The dance hall was fragrant with pine and cedar, while a color scheme of yellow ani president of 1st (Itvklou with hop corps of faithful helpers deserve much cmHt for tho in* tftfwtiy* and welt planned program tlio.v presented. Not only was much utrowi laid hi k hi tho woman's work but special j emphasis was given to the young p&opio* work. and the way the young people helped with tho progrum watt indeed on* a)UrA|(iii|. showing that thoy aro efficient workers. A young woman's auxiliary was orgttuiKMl at l'lsguh. with Mrs. Willie Smith as leader, and a Sunbeam Band with Miv, (J, W, Elmore as leader. Mm. Idles, tho Y, W. A. asmndate 1U perin tendon t hat! charge of tho Y. \V\ A. lu>ur, and sjsike iu the strongest terms of this work. (Vic eu joy ft bio foaturo of tho program' wax a dialogue by liye ladies ""A tint Polly Joins the Missionary Society", it was n,M only entertaining bdt viha?es of the work. Mm. M. K. 8 h rock, chairman ofV Mis sion Study urged aK bft? recently boen put in excellent shape and is til 1?m1 with. i*nall wared usually found in a first ^class ten cents store. It has b?HMi nicely arranged for salesladies as welt as fur the' conven ience of the euMtniners and will bo quite a revelation to many when 'the doons opew tomorrow. The store haw a big advertisement on the last pnffO of this paper t