The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, June 20, 1919, Image 5

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Social and Personal News By MiM LouUe ? ( i.ih* Poem J. ll .vs ? ? - Jill in I.I..OMI, JJt the #??? ittW* perfume, i?d the birds are gaily singing eyery where. V uv foil lonejy, ?ad, and. blue 4U,j"jilst why I'll l?'H ?<? X?U j^nuM <?ur (Iraduation pay iB |?ei*? | ?i> bive Jbonght thru all the year# ?mi no ?#dnesa ?"<i ?'?? t6?ra cjwiihl ciit a ahtdow this Commence (peut !>?>'? Hut the time wit? palu is fraught \uA our seems naught, jvr we realise ?t weai.i# a parting way. ?> have lingered all together dirk **i ? i * l Mtmi.v weather. i( wt> worked aiul played the wlwle * joiix sowlood thru. Hut these peaceful days are done, (hir diploma* we have won. Today we launch upon a life quite new, V* our thoughts stray foudly back, \?t a kindness did we lack Kroiu teachers who were patient one and all. While the schoolmatea whom we knew, lu our memory fond and true ' I Jshall linger tho the days are past recall. ?>Vheu fair rosea o <f our clline \ febwl their fragrance each aprlngtlme |.\ vision to our heart* 'twill bring. I I weeu ;?* ?Of i day we'll ne'er forget ?\Vh?*i> tie brook and river met. ?jjjd ro.sos or the June of old '10. E)n the rosy petals tender Lre diy -dreams full of wonder. ' H when we walk Ia/e's Highway broad and wide. aily sweeping all before us, uccewfo banner o'er tnC "Hose Dreams" that brought on itS fai r June tide. fro our teacher aud our friend . ' \nd the lessons at an end SVe will not say . "gobd'bye" but rather then iay u word we all love better: An Kevoii". which to a letted leans "Adieu until we meet again." ?-Wilbur McCaliuin. EKTIM' of JBRABV ASSOCIATION The Association met at the Library u Monday afternoon at 0 :30 o'clock. the absence of the president Mr. | Viji. Shannon 'presided and, MisB Helen, ?helps read minutes, of last meeting. 1 librarian reported that two books i?il been Riven by Miss Sarah Bolton Stickle and two books by Mrs. Sallic Hlakoiiey. Stic also reported ' that vtent.v-five books and a box of magazine's id been sent to the transports^ as re vested by Mr. It.' M. Kennedy of 'olumbia. It was n matter of much egret to -the Association that the treas urer. Mr. L. A. Wittkowsky was not iresent to Rive a rtyioft from that office .ad it is hoped that if. the. City Council not noted already they will do so it once in regard to their indebtedness p the Library. The Association voted vacation of twoN^eeks to the librarian n be taken at lieK convenience mid ilfasure. She is t<> advertise the clos of the library, any placard it on ip door, allowing air readers to take }ut books to sufficiently supply them in ttdiufc for the two weeks. The Asso iation deciding this to be a better plan isn puttiiiK an inexperienced person at it desk. It "has been tried time and fain and worked all right as no one rer objected to tlje closing of the Lib try for two weeks in ' mid-summer, lowever. due uotice will be given of lis in one or two issue* of the Chron it. The rent shelf is .proving a great Bucoess and it was decided to buy more ^ooks W it. In this way th? new ion comes into the Library without ending any public money for it, knd if public money is reserved for books iat are worth while, a nd of ediica ional value. JDhe Library stands for lucation. and the friends of education uld stand for the Library. Are you If so. enroll as a member of ? Library A"c-oeiaf!on. Ton sny "the Horary is Weil. so It is. but m.irc inouev it hat> the greater op rttinitio^ and advantages to those por Jfl* less fortunate than yourself. MAJESTIC pTo g r a M Tonight Friday June 20ib. Thomas II. Ince Presents DOROTHY D ALTON IN , "THE IIOMEBREAKER" Also n Rillie West Comedy "FLIRTS'* Saturday June 21st Starting at 2 'P. M. MARGARITA FISHER IN ' FAIR ENOUGH" Alp" ft now gpiarwlA of IK, TIGER'S TRAIL" With Ruth Roland Monday June 93rd. Thomas H. Ince Presents CHARLES RAY ITf "ORKA8ED LIGHTNING" Also a Luke Comedy Tursday June 94th. BLMO LINCOLN IN TARZAN OF THE APES" **>th 1000 People. Filmed _ th<? junglea of Africa .Wednesday Jane *Sth (V>1 L. DeMille Presents Hi* Hiipmne Masterpiece * 7?H RKTTER, FOR WOWW . *how8 that all the beroee. did not go to war All &>*<? OS r~r>tm MKKTINti UK H08MTAI AlMi.iAKY The Hospital Auxiliary will meet Qtjgt Monday afternoon Juno $Hn) nt A :H0 with tltc l'n-t.l.nt Mrs. \Vm. Shannon. The Inst meeting was a full, enthusiastic and interesting one, and wo feel *ur<? that ,lhe wotnen of Camden are not going to grow weary in well doing but show an atmliug and ever-growing inttfr e#( i>? this 'institution in which we ?U have a part ami of which we a.-e all justly proud. Those who are not mom bora are cordially invited to Join. It it united effort that r,ninis. l,t-l ilu Womou tkf Camden unity in their efforts for all of its iustitutious and thou watch them grow and prowper, ' MISS KSTKIXK KAHDINO KNTKKTAIN8 The lawv party Monday evening at the Keetory was a veritable garden of lose bnds gathered for a pleasant even* iug before they mattered for the auni mor. Miss Kktelle, the charming young 'daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. F. H. Harding was the dainty flower-like hostess, It ,was au old-fashioned party where the half hundred girls and boys played old* time games atuid the flower* in the sum mer starlight and sat beneath the great oaks that wore illuminated with gay lanterns. A festive scene that will long retain its brightness iu two memory of the happy young participants. Ice cream and cake were served during the evening. '? . .MISS WILlIUll MeCALLVM AS IIOSTKSS V One of the prettiest affairs of the week was the dance on Monday eveuing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw Long with Mis* Wilbur McOalluui aft hostess, and a very attractive hostess she lu'oved in a lovely and becoming dress of pink natin. The rooms were brilliantly lighted and cleared for danc ing and this ever popular and innocent amusement went 'merrily on for several hours. On the lawn were two ."bowls llHcd and refilled with refreshing punch, and baskets of cake passed by little Misses Bunny Lang and Mollie Black well. Miss MoOallum's guests consisted the IJigh School with "additions from j j the younger dancing set. . MISS EMMA VILLEPIGUE ENTERTAINS The Common cement season this year has been a round of pleasure to the "sweet gir! graduates" and their friends. A season of festivities, music, dancing, flowers and pretty .girls, who vied with the flowers in their beauty and fresh ness theio lovely dresses representing every tint <?f the rainbow as it spans theiu sunny skies. On Tuesday evening Miss Emma Villepigue was an agreeable host ess' at a dance, perhaps the largest ot the dances given yet in honor of the class. Miss LUa Briggs^-of Clarendon who is a "guest of the hostess was an honor guest of the occasion. The room* were thrown en suit? and dancing held sway for the entire evening Refresh ing punch was served' to the thirsty dance devotees. FRIDAY JUNE 13TH ? > CLASS NIGHT * A packed house gp?<cted the eleven graduates on Friday night ? nine fair young girls and two manly boys who had stood by the colors and reached the goal and received the reward ? a diploma signed by the Governor of the State. This diploma gives them twenty units as a passport to college work. Dr. Daniels of the Methodist Church made the invocation. Miss Hannah Lazarus, second honor graduate in a very pleas ing nrianner delivered the salutatory. Miss Rebekah DeLoache gave the (Mass His tory and told how the sweet peas, .planted in the Achool garden eleven years ago had grown little by little until now they were in full bloom and ready to be taken from the garden to make room for the young plant* that would reach maturity next yecrv The IM^grai^hy by Mfiss Minna Villepigue. the Alphabet by Miss Esther Schlosburg. and the Class I'oem by M isx Wilbur McCaHum each receiv ed due appreciation and applause. Many enjoyed a hearty laugh over the Class Jokes by James Clyburn. Perhaps no address on a like ocoa sion has so pleased a Camdeil audience and won the unlimited rounds of ap plause as did the one delivered on Fri day night by Dr. Daniels of Clemson College. His subject "The Measure of a Man" was not only a splendid literary discourse filled with good advice to the young people but was also teeming with wit and humor that pleased and delight ed the entire audience. As a- reward for that fine address we promise to in vite him again to "Beautiful Camden" ? this time Camden was not "satisfied" j and this time his address was neither! "mtnthioff" nor "ronslng". Miag Christine Jones in a sweet, girlish manner de livered the Valedictory and modestly j aocepted the highest honors of the clasa. , The benediction was pronounced by Rev. M. M. Benson of the Baptist Church, and a successful year for the Camden High School closed. We trust that ea-h tenth grade pupil will go fonrard and strive to reach the foal in 1920, for' education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. In addition j to the class exercises medals were wani by Miss Katherine Harrison. Isadora Mogule#cu and Gatewood Workman. Tomorrow at the Majestic, Margarita Fisher in "Fsir Enottgh", also a new episode of "The Tiger's Trair. (OMMKNCKMKNT K\KIU18KS Mi J. Uardner Ulehard* and hi> of tn-ient co-worker# in t h?* Camden High School are to Ik- congratulated upi?n the complete #ucee*? of the Couin\#nc>' meut exerMses which equaled, and l1''1'" haps excelled, former oceu!?i?us. Ou Thursday night the 'llttiiw] l.iterary Society held u public meeting* opened ?with a piano selection by Miss llannah I.axarus that was ,\\vell. render ad- , ftliss Clara Cureton read the clatt Hl*t|?tic> <) ml (In- tl lit.' II t p*l) of Miss Willmi Me t'aiimn portrayed ? vialoo of the w? iu re ia hvr prophecy fur each member of the oja&s. Censor by Miss Vir ginia Watt* ami the Clan* Will by Mr. II. B Clarke were tine. ^liases I^ot'Of and ('wile Truesdalc as violiuist aud pianist brought a round of applause aud they gracofull)' responded to the encojffc These young girls arc quite an addition to the artistic circle in Camden society as is their cousin .Miss ilbtir McCal luin who shows a love for the beautiful and artistic by wielding a graceful and tluent pen. The debate, Hesolved that tb> Government of the Cuited states should adopt a policy of requiring one year military training for all able-bodied men before they, reach the age of tweu. ty-one. Affirmative, ,.Miss ltebekah I)e Loache and James Clyburn, negative, Miss I'mnia Villepigue and George Witt kowsky. It was well sustained on both sides? eacH debater doing the subject aud themselves credit. The cotnmlttec of judges brought in n verdict in favor of the negative. Mr. L. T, Mills as chair man of that committee made a happy speech in presenting the medal to George Wittkowsky, who had shown a decided talent in the construction and delivery of the debate. This*is the second medal won .by Mr. Wittkowsky this year, as' he carried off the honors for the TT. I).! C. medal with a splendid es^ny on the Confederate Navy. \ SUMMER SHOWER On Wednesday afternoon from 0 to 7 :.'{(> o'clock a bunch of fleecy clouds hung heavily over the Cinulen hospital and resulted in a cloud-bunt over that institution. These clouds held within their snowy billows quantities of dainty linen and choice piece* of cut glass, silver, china and many other useful ar ticles to make tables and trays attrac tive and tempting for the patients who if they have to be sick are indeed for tunate in having such a haven of rest and comfort, beauty" and cleanliness as the Camden hospital affords.^ It was a most delightful informal' social occa sion. ' The guests were welcomed by the President of 'the auxiliary, Mrs. Win. Shannon, the Superintendent, Miss Iiob hins, and the matron Miss Mayers. Aa the afternoon was hot, iced punch and cradkers were passed to the arriviug guests by the pretty young under- grad uates who Vyore white frocks with pink ribbons. Later, iced frca and sandwiches were served. The guests were shown' through the hospital and were charmed with its completeness, conveniences, and cleanliness. Thursday morning is to be known as "sewing day" at the hospital and Miss ltobbins Invites all ladies to Jtfltf "ttnV sewrng class. Those who have had experience in Hod Cross work are particularly urged to come but there will be -something for all to do. Moonlight Picnic. 'v On Wednesday evening last the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Roberts, ot Malvern Hill wa3 the scene of a most enjoyable occasion. The Misses Roberts having given a moonlight picnic, quite a number of young folks were gathered. Lawn games and music was .enjoyed throughout the evening after whi<*h a dainty supiper with lemonade was served in the moonlight. Everyone had a de lightful time and the happy crowd dis banded, hoping to have the pleasure of enjoying many more similarv,oceasions in the future. Douzalne Club Entertains. ? V The . Douzalne Club gave a 'most en joyable dinner party at Millbank last Tuesday evening, -Only tan -members were present as two members are ii\ the Navy. Fried chicken, sandwiches and soft drinks were served in profusion. After dinner the Club indulged in smok ing and conversation until about ten thirty when they returned to town. The Club expects to give a series of enter tainments thi-M season, the stag party being the opening event. Joseph Love, a farmer is in a Chester hospital for treatment for scalds. He, say's the boiling water was poured on him while he was asleep in bed. Mrs. Vernie Love, his wife has been arrested, charged with the crime. r ? ifai ? . R8TATE SALS Under and by virtue of an order granted by bis Honor W. L. McDowell, Judge of the Probate Court of Kershaw County, bearing date June 13th, 1019, i I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, on Wednesday. July 9th, 1919, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., near the late residence of James Wright, deceased, in the upper part of Kershaw County, the one-half interest of the esUte of the said Jams* Wrifht, deceased, in the fsUoiring articles of personal property, to wit: One Gibbes Boiler, one Liddell engine, ope saw and carriage, about 100 feat of belting, one grist mill, one Pratt gin and one Cotton press. ELIZABETH WRIGHT. Administratrix. Camden, 8. C.. June 18th, l?l? g>nrtftg ffirattii (Elotljni THE. Mysterious "Seventeen" which has puz-* zled the town for a week refers to the young man in this picture. He is just seventeen and? ?well, you can guess the rest of this story. He is wearing c _ *> fbadttg Untnft (Clnlljr* You know what these clothes are without our telling you ? the enough. ? But we do want U> emphasize the iact that these mak signed special models particularly appropriate for young men abotyt to first long trousers. / ? V ' v * sfe These are the^clothes for you young fellows who know and demand smart style, fine tailoring and jkhoroupfily dependable fabrics. When you see our display you will recognize the good judgment of selecting your clothes here. , .. . , . r i'i-i ii" ri ii?,?ir fit ^ Su . T "Er?rjrU>in< for th?