tet Contents 15 fluid ALObUOJL-0 PER OWt AVc4etnbterropar?t^fcf^ SSS2? For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / ? Bears the /WSj? Signature /y,1r . T' Cony q( Wrapjxr. IJTCK COUNTY NKW3 % UcniH of Interest Gathered I'Yoin Illsh opiilln Vludlcitlor. 1 a t I " r i < I y . February 7, tfltt, Alr.< (J,uni;u II. lit id, one of I he oldest iiifin Ix'vn < C Camp Lee County, celebrated his seventy-ninth birthday by inviting a few of his old comrades to join the family a round thfl festive boards" at wh'cb an old time Southern turkey dinner was "served. Mrs. W. T. Welsh has received notice from the Ited Cross Hospital at Iloboken, Daddy certainly doea look funny peering over hia reading glabra every t i mo ho wanta to ae? objecta more tlifiti ? few feet away. Thouaanda of man and women ?r? In the aaiue "fix". Thfy, too, wear plasHPH for near viaion only. THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS cofnbine near and far viaion in one lena. Through the lower part you can read the nmalleat print; through tho upper part you ean aee distant o!>ifpt* with equal clearneaa. Tbcir Kurfncea arc clear, amooth and eyen, which give them the appearance of be! tiff ainglc-viaton glaaaca. , ?We aeW them. - _? M. H. HEYMAN JEWELER and OPTICIAN ' v a . ' ' X. J., thnt her son, Massio Clyburn, has arrived there from overman and will re iiiahi there for a few days. He will bo transferred as soon as poSHi&Jo to * general ' hospital nearer hi* home for fivjitiheht. The news of his safe arrival hi the States will be read with jo* by i'.is manV friends, who have been in sus juMise as to his condition since the news of his, second wounding wasTfteceived. Misses Mildred Gunter and Mary Free left Tuesday morning for Augusta, Oa. where they will spend a few days. They made the trip through the oountry in Mins Gunter's car. M chhth Charlie and Kuge-no Mclxmdon j have bought out Mr. A. I j. Reaves' garage and havo taken charge. Mr. Reave* will move to Florence and open a sales department. Mr. G. M. Barrett had u slight stroke of paralysis while nittiug at the break fast table at the restaurant of Mr. II. L. Atkinson last Thursday morning. He wan taken home at onco and is still in a critical condition. Major P. H. Htoll, former Solicitor of rthia circuit, has been released from mili tary service and has returned to hl? home at Kingstreo to rosume tho practice of law? Mr. \V. I*. Moore took a business trip to North Carolina and got as far as '?'lorence when he was taken sick with 'he flu and had to be taken to the In 'Innary there for treatment. Mrs. Moore vent to hira at once and the latest re >nrt is that he ia getting on very well The Intertype Corporation has brought ^nit against the "American Puhlishiiif. "ttinpany" of Charleston for $7,0'20, saif the most valuable bit a of sand anJ ?oek la tin? world. The llttto isluud, i rcluy station for the l'acliie . ai.u-, 4 a link in the chain binding Asjia to ;he western world, the Philippines to .he United States. .A message sent to Pekln or Manila from Hap Fran claco uiuat paaa through Midway be fore it 'reachea Ua destination. The ialand listens to the gossip of two continent*. Once tha moat desolate and forsaken atoll In the two oceuns, Midway today prowlaea to rival Hawaii aa the para dise o f tha Pacific, a paradise created by man* A tiny paradlae, to bo sure, but the Ialand ha* never beeu ai>ie to boaat of a population of more than forty at one tiuie# and nearly half ot them were only visiting. A superin tendent with the Imposing title ot Guardian of the Island, hla family, a doctor with a very ?ma)l practice, an engineer or two and tha servant* are the sole Inhabitant*. The laland today la a triumph of engineering < skill. It ?waa necessary that the etatlona of the' cable be under the American flag. The aecond link lu the chain could only be Midway, so the nameless, pear-shaped heap ot annd in the PaclBc waa transformed Into a blooming bit of land with flow ery vegetables and even diminutive trees. The American flag was raised over the government house, an Amer ican colony waa transplanted to the new laland and Midway stepped Into prominence at oncc, Midway is Juefc half -way artmnd the world from London, almost directly over the 180(;h meridian. When It 1& midnight In England, the noon mm 13 shining on. the Smallest single bit oi I American ?6ll In the world. Trenches Not So Bad! no was ji small boy, about six years >U1, and like mos^ youngsters f his ign, was moro or loss opposed to hav *ig bis face washed any oftener than* v.jus necessary. During the course of one of these operations he looked at Ids father and asked: "Do the soldiers in the trenches get vacations?" "Not while they are fighting," an swered the father. "I guess they don't have time for va cations," mused the boy, "I'll bet they don't even have time to wash their hands and face." "I suppose that le right," replied the father, after which there was a long pause, during which the washing oper ations were continued. At last the Irksome task WAs com pleted. The boy heaved a sigh of re lief, and as he left the bathroom his father heard hlra say, "Gee, t wish I was a soldier fighting In the trenches." Net for Publication. Here Is one story that H. Bl Bar nard, the state food administrator, should not overlook. Ed Lane, one of the promlnelft cltlsens of Colfax, Clin ton county, became worried several nights ago because he couldp't sleep, and thinking that perhaps a salt water bath might restore Ms restful slumbers, be got up and pro ceeded to experiment with his theory. The next day bis clothing stuck so tight to his body that he had to have assistance from his wife to get it off,, and when she inquired as to the rfeason, he Infomed her that he had taken a salt-wa'er bath the night before. But Mrs. Lane then realized where her sugar had gone, and she proved to her husbrnd thnt he had got the granulated sugar Instead of the salt The result was painless, but Lane doesn't tHnk that It will do to have Mr. Iloover or Mr. Barnard find out he took hi? bath In sugar water. ? Indianapolis Nows. Safety Belts. On the question of safety belts Dr. Graeme Anderson gives It as his opln* Ion that before leaving the ground all aviators should see that their safety belts are fastened and shoukl be fa* miliar with the method of tbeir quick release; tho belt should never be nn? done In the air. In 17 crashes on tractor machlues with 17 Injured the belt held on seven occasions and gave way on ten, of the 42 crashes In which the pilot escaped the belt held In 28 Instance* and gave Dr. Graeme Anderson advocates the wearing of Hafety helmets by all pupils, but emphasize that they thould ha well fitting and not be eastt* dislodged from the head while flying. Flying Experience Lieut, Col. G. V. S. Quickenbush, commanding officer at Kelly field, la bored for years to cure himself of pulling his drives in golf. He spent hours In practice; he hired profession itl Instructors; he tried everything but hypnotism. One day In the course of a flying lesson he rubbed a blister on the middle finger of his rfght hand, that afternoon on the links he had to ? hnnge his grip, and now ho could hardly pull If he wanted to.? New York World. Oh, Hang It, Thenl Paperhanger (warmly) ? How does the fo. T. BtacKmou and L. J. Walters at tended services at the Paptist Church ;n Camden Sunday. Mr. Quay Walters and Claude Thomp son spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Sam Peach. Messrs . \V. F McOuirt "from Van Wyck came oown here last week on a business trip. Our Missionary 8ociety, which was reanired some time a*o will hold Its trwt meeting Feb. 23rd, just before ^reaching. We hope to bare a food attendance. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTldt All parties indebted to the Mt?t? ?f Walter flin^on. deceased. are hereby no tified to make payment to the undfP . < i?rted. and nil partie* harinjc daline ?*rnin*t the said estate will present tbe? ! T'iTr nttested within the time prescribed ! hv law. J. T,. niN'SON, ' VTmtMnrator TC?rtate of Walter Htnw*. fnmdon. R. C., January 80th. 1010. SUMMONS POfTrELIEF Stnt* of South Carolina, 10, Camden, 8. O. v W. If. SHANNON, ] LACRWNS T. MILLS. Plaintiffs Attorney*. To the Defendant, W. M. Young i Please take notice thai the Oomplnint in tfce above action was filed In the of* fice of the Clerk of .Com* for Kershaw ! County, at Camden, S. CL. on January 20th. 1010. ' t, W. M. SHANNON, V liAIJRKNS T. MILLS, / Plaintiff** Attorneys. - SUMMONS FOR RELIEF ?6afe of South Carolina, County <*f Kershaw. > In the Court of Common Plena Beck & C regie Hardware Company, Plaintiff. agaiuat | \V. II, Penrce and W. M. Young, oo . partners in trade under the name of ' Pearce-Young, B. Penrce and S. M. Yonng, Defendants, danmona For Relief Complniut Not Served To tj}q Defendanta : You are hereby summoned and required I to answer the complaint in thia action which will be on Jan. 17. 1010 filed In, the )fflce of th? Clerk of Court of Common Pleas, for the said County, and to fftPrl h copy of your answer to Jhe said com >Jaint on the subscribers at / the office of W. M. Shannon, in the City of Cdra !e?U- S? C^-withln-twenty day* after the -eivice hereof, exclusive of the day of nch service; and if you fall to gnawer he complaint within the/ time Aforesaid, ! he plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court* for the relief demanded n the Complaint .. ? Wat od January 16.. ltoiw, Camden ; S. C W. M. SHANNON. LAURENS T. MILLS, ^ Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Defendant, W. M. Young: Please take notice that the Complaint I V tho above actiou was filed in the of- [ Ve of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County, at Camden, 8. C., on January 17th, 10J& W. M. SHANNON, . i* LAUREN8 T. MILLS, Plaintiff's Attorney. SUMMONS FOR REUfp] State of / South Carolina, *?' County of Kerwhaw. (? the Court of Oonuaoa Simmons Hardware Cotupauj, W. H. Poarco and W. M. Ysuac. partner* iu trade under the u,J( TearwYounf, B. 1ft. l*ear?? ?Uftl M. Youn?, ut| DafeafcJ Summons For Relief . (Complaint Not Serrad. To the Defendants: You ara hereby auuuaoued and nJ ad to anawer the complaint ia fl action which haw been filed oa J> ary 23rd, 1910, in the office eft Clerk of Court of Comuiea Pl?u ? the said County, and to aenra a cowl your auswar to the Mid coa?platat the aubacribers at the olloe of W. N ha u ?on, in the City of Cauda*, & . within twenty days after the ettJ hereof, exclusive of the day af ? service; and if you fail to aaewet complaint within tba thoo afareaaR , plaintiff in this action, will aspi* the Court for the ralief demanfcft the complaint. ? Dated Jan. 23rd, J&19, Camdea, 8, W. M. SHANNON, LALUWNS CIlILLH Plaintiff'** AttoraJ To the Defendant, W. M. YoumTi Plea*# take notice that the OoupiJ in the above action was died ia tke] flea of tlie Clark of Court for KenJ County, at Camden, S. C., on JuS 23rd, 1919. v / W. M. SHANNON, LAUHMN8 T. MILLS. Plaintiff's Attoraeja; SUMMONS FOiTreUEfI State of South Carolina, County of Kerahaw. In the Court of Commoa Pleu John J. Workman. -J Plalnffl ? 1 '? ?? "ajainst Hampton Roaa. "? t Defafc| Summons For Relief. (Complaint Not Served. To the Defendant! You arc hereby summoned and quired to answer the complaint In tfl nction wbich has been filed in th? fice of the Clerk of Oourt of Coan Pleas for Kershaw County, on JiduI 23rd, 1010, and to serve a conv of jfl answer to the Said Complaint on T subscriber at his office in the Cityl Camden, S; O., -within twenty days tfj the service hereof, exclusive of the t of such service ; and if you fail answer the said . Complaint witkin time aforesaid, the plaintiff ia I action will apply to the CourjLfor relief demanded In the Compfoiat Dated, January 23rd, 1010. Camden, ft. C. LAURBNS T. MILLS, ; Plain tifTa Attora#y.| EVERY LITTLE HELPS \ ..." WE PAY 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS, AND IT HELPS. ' ? 7~r- - THAT IS SAFER AND MORE PROFITABLE THAN HIDING IT UNDER THE MATTRESS OR CAR RYING IT AROUND IN YOUR POCKET, WISE PEOPLE DEPOSIT WHEN THEY HAVE IT. FOOLISH ONES ALWAYS EXPECT TO WHEN THEY GET IT. ? . OF CAMDEN, 3. Economic Eating ? . . v.# HHBI 1 I : ' ? ' " " is the addition of economic food quality speculation When you come to us we please you by sellinf you what you want for what you should pay for n and then you are positive that you are gettlnjr what is called? ... V- ' ? ?? 'T ?- '? ".*?* t ECONOMIC EATING _ ,r rrr^* 1 - , - r sj A* -* % ~ - Our groceries are the best in the markets a?? our coffees and teas are of superior blends.