THE CAMDEN CHRONICLE E^^Trrrj- ~iTi7^' fctyjjr ? ? TlTTiIWhi j I niTiiTIlirr.~'iTZ^.il""~'I" T.T II. 1>. NUe* Mid i ;> I 'iiMlnhern K. N. >l? lluwt-ll ^ I ' ? 1 1 ? 1 1 s 1 1 n I every Friday Ml 1100 No. } Broad Street, and entered ut tb? Gaiu ?1*IJ p0*t0ttlC0 MM MM M>IM I elMNH IU?tl IIIHt ? tor. I*ric<* ix'** liiiiniiu $1>80. . '" t.ilion (&? petition*) is being eirculatod in this I'.Miutv to ask the gouorul u? sruibJy* to release t b?? I n . h(1mii m 1 1 of the la i ? Sheriff \V. W, Huckabee fi\?m liability on the shortage <>f nearly #10, ? (too. )Vc have u?t been permitted tp Nvr tills petition and do not know the exaet~ Wording 4?f tiu? aa me. Hut wo would pirn Hie litizvtis t<> bewar*. T1m*mm bnodnmAQ wont on the late sheriff's bond knowing fall well that the Governor hint at t?aiii|>t?*ji?.of a recent grand jury and have an act pussed requiring all public of ficials to give guarantee* in a surety company and In the future 'do away with personal bondsmen. DKMOCICATK I.OSK (ONTUOI, Washington, Nov. it.?- With control of the llouae of Representatives placed ill the hands v?f the Republicans by a majority of sixteen and probably more, the nl tout ion of t ho country tonight was con I of oil oncontcHts in three States Michigan. Idaho and Now Mexico? which will docidc whether the Demo crat* sliall lose control of the donate a* well. At midnight returns from live eon groswiunal districts wcru mining in Muu tana. New Mexico and South Dakota. Without them. howovo)\ the Rnjubli caiiw have won scats- -'J.'H in' the HVmjso of Representatives ? sixteen more than , the IMS votes necessary for a majority. The, Democrats ??n the face of those returns had 11)5 seats and if the five missing districts were to he conceded to them they still would lack eighteen votes of the number necessary to ccn reelected by a s'ub^tan* tial majority, The contests which will decide the political complexion of the Senate wore very close. As the Senate stands with out a decision in these contests there aro forty-six Democrats and forty-seven Republicans. In Michigan the race between Henry Ford and Truman II. Newberry was no dose that it was said an official count might be required to dccido the winner. Tj'ATKST war nkws I hwfi tnl by nil her former allies; her. great military machine in I h?? process ??f destruction by the onslaughts of the Fnteute Allied armies; hor dream of world 'domination rudely dissipated. (?ev- 1 many begs for a causation of hostilities. Notwithstanding the hard tfrinx she knows she must pay. (Scarcely had the decision of t ho *\i picnic war council at Versailles with regard to a cessation of hostilities with . (lenerally the enemy forces are in sh?w retreat, but never- i I heb'ss at ?oine points they are \?ffer iug sharp i?--i-tain*et particularly against the Americans in the Meuse river region and lb"' French in tin- Argon lie vec tor. I !>?? I :i I 1 Ruins ..f t lit' I'.riti-h on tin* \vt*st < in ^ i < !?? <>f tin* hnttl* front 1 1 .1 \ ? * Imtii proil hi I i \ i' of tin' i ti u l'lM't i' r of >?'\f m'v i?i*ii I raihvitv j 1 1 1 1 1 * t ion v high *t ratcgic ; value. i Along tin- Mi'un' tlir A 1 1 1 ?? r i < - ii 1 1 ? eon-] tinue stenriih to push f??r\tar the ??ast. Huth oast ami west of tin- river the Herman- have materially stiffcneil their resixtance against tlx- men from uvt'iM'Hh, using largo numbers of ma ? ?hill guns ami gas . in great quantities in an emleavnr to impede their progress. Methodist Conference rnstponnl. U??v. I>. M. McLood, Presiding Elder ? ?f Sumter i>i.striet has re<*eived u tele jcrain stating til*' Annual S*-*>iou of the S??uth Carolina Mothv?dist Conference, which meets in OrangoburR this .year, had been jHistponed front November 27 until I>eceinber 27th. War conditions have forced the i-on wild a thin of 2f?0 daily paper* in th? (Jnited State* and the suspension of SfiO papers *ince 101-4. . jk i ' '? ? ? ? ? ? kch h hah AKMIHTIC'K tkrmm J (Jovenimeiit. Washington, Nov. ft. Marshal !??>??* h*? the terms of armistice for liniiiany unci await* application for th#nj bj the (Ifrmmi military command In tlx* held. Xho government at Itcrlin In so in formed iu a iu>l t* which Hecretary I?an slug 1 1 .1 1 1 ? t < < I to Minister ^ulTMr 0( Swit zerland tonight, announcing that the al lien finvo ilor|>wil their willlnfntMi to make peace uu the priuciplvti enunciated by President Wilson. The note now is mi .(he cables. in -'1 hours it ahould he in ill'' hands tinal pence conditions will In* dictated under interpretation of prin ciples l?,\ the victors without undue ar gument by I he vanquished is-, provided in the anuis-tice terms. In placing the matter oT an armi* tice in Marshal Koch's hands and a: the Mime time, in forming the Germans through President WiTson. the associated nations have strictly observed the dip lomatic amenities while maintaining the purpose to make thes armistice a purely military measure and which should af ford no possibility of a misunderstand ing of the fact that, it is offered to a defeated army. Camden I toys Wounded Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Clarke received a letter from their son Arthur Clarke yesterday stating that he bad been wounded ami was now in a Itospitul. Mrs. I*. T. Villcpiguc also received a letter this week stating that her son Cjintey Villcpiguc had been wounded in an arm and was uo\v in a hospital in Pngland. Wild llumors Denied. Man x wild rumors were a lion t yester day afternoon saying that Germany had agreed to nil Allied terms, and had sur rendered. Telephone communication to several of the daily papers t ?* M us that there was no truth in the rumors. f)ur office boy has placed a card in the win dow which reads "It's all a d? lie." Marriage. Married on Wednesday afternoon last, November '?th, lf'^. b> I'robute ,1 tidge NN L. McDowell. Mr. ('laud We"', of Kershaw. S. and Miss Margaret Klliott. of < 'assnt t. S. C. Cotton Thieves Hound Over. Oliver Hall and King Hall, two white tn?'t?. who have been systematically Mealing cotton from farmers in the Caa ?uit section \v e re given a preliminary hearing before Magistrate Nicholson Monday and were bound over to the. tippei court in the aunt of $.*>00. The men had been unable to give bond up t?> yesterday and were still confined In jail. On ( Vtober 24th Mr. I,. <>. Fun derhurk learned that the men had en tered hi* cotton house. He got in his automobile and overtook them and la ter had them plaeed in jail. Oliver Ilall hn* been before the courts before on a charge v?f forgery and is said to be a bad citizen of that flection. ? T ? .i - Service* at < truce Church. Service may lie expccted at (trace 1 Episcopal ? Church Sunday morning at eleven o'clock Nov. ItHh. All are cor dially invited. Sunday School will he ? ?p.-nnl t be following Jfunday Nov. 17th. K. II. Hardin*. Rector. thm* Ar HI* dkavh r ! th, 1P1N. "Mr*. Nannie McKuIn, t'ainden. H. <*>., M.\ dear Mm 1 11 m : "I rau think of BO sadder dut> that ran ram? to an otticer than tin- one 1 am nffiprmfnyT in udvitdug you of the defttb of your Henry T. Jlrown. Ho died hint night of hioiK-hinl i?aeamonltt. "I am mire It will be a aource of <-..nsnlrttloi? for you to kuow that he wax in an American hospital and had the be*t Our# that American phy si? iaiiH And nurses ?>ould give. "His personal effect* I bay" j|[a%ml together and they will reach you by h'llMcitkl mail. ??I wish to soy tyyuu that your won was a sarin. outstanding In his company an a gentleman and a soldier. He nev er meddled or entered into anything that s we have sustained. "Yours very truly, <>. !?. ltichardson, " Captain r-UUth F. A. ''American K. fr\" l/ost Fine Hogn. Mr. K. ,13. 11 hi in inl, who operated u ginnfry and Hour mill at the old Yayghn place seven miles north of Camden, lost live lino hogs Monday night, Ho does not know what caused their death as the animal# seemed to be in perfect health when fed that afternoon. The next morning when he went to the pen three had died, two died later and sev eral more were sick. ? Negro Died in .fall.. tirant Smith', the demented negro, who several weeks ago shot ami killed William Urown, near Cautey, and also shot and wounded two other ? negroes, died in jail yesterday morning. It i* thought . thai the negro had pellagra, and he had been sick since being placed in jail. Servant House Destroyed. Fire Tuesday afternoon destroyed ?i two room servant house in the yard of' Mr. II. C. Hardy. The building be longed to Mr. Henry Savage aud was insured for $100,. Mr. H. C. Single ton had about $200 worth of furniture stored in the building and earned no insurance on it As usual the^* water pressure was so poor that little could be accomplished in the way of fighting the flames. c f ? . _ ' ^ ? ' * > Sold Ilia Farm. Dr. Walter Sorrel) this week sold his farm of one hundred and thirty acres to Mr. Shell West. It was formerly the It. II. Ho.vkin tract and is located about seven miles south of Camden. Dr. Sorrell purchased it last December and hud spetit meet at D<*Kalb Church on Wednesday Nov. 1.'?th at i ( >? :.'U) a. hi. Introductory serroou by M. M. Benson, alternate, Itev. F. A. Ivjles. Visitors and others coming In rail v\TTf get off at DeKalb station. J. M, Dul're. Moderator. Another Ilesignation. Dr. \V. ( '. Moore who lias for the past several years has been a member of the Commissioners of Publie Works of Camden, has tendered his resignation t<> city council. At its last meeting Council yarned Mr. II. G. Carrison, Sr., ti? serve in the place \>f T>r. Moore, but Mr. Carrison has not as yet accepted. Mr. II. Pitts was also named some time ago to till the vacancy made by the resignation of Mr. Henry Savage, but he too, has declined to serve. Iteimrt* Captures For October. Columbia. S. (?.. Nov. ? The report j of T. .f. Sniyrl. chief *tate constable for the month of October shows that the state constable*, have captured nine teen illicit distilleries and five steam boiler*, these boilers ranging ill si*e from 70 to 100 gallons. These stills were captured in the following counties; Aiken O ; Abbeville 1: Anderson t; Dil lon 2 : Greenville !? and 5 boilers. Mr. Smyii also reports the rapture of 114 ferrnenters, 0.580 gallons of still beer and 142 quarta of whiskey. Fines were imposed amounting to $fl,4 10 and prison sentences aggregating tive year* and nev en month*. ALADDIN seoiritvoilI ?TANDAftO ? CIlCOMP^xy Make Cold Corners Comfortable for aging limits, that feel the slightest | draught The handy lVrfeetion Heater gives a getierou& wihg warmth wheiiever, wherever needed? brings comfort and relief in freezing weather ( I odorless.. \ lul du i StfClirUy OH ufivetf best results. At you? dealer's STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' l.Ncw J^riey) WiiihiniiiDii, I) C. Unit. more, Md. Charlotte, N. (1 Norfolk. Va. Ch*rle#ton, w V?. Richmond Vt t-barljf Hon, S, C. bk> OIL HEATERS Look for the (Triangle Trade Mark NO STATK FAIR THIS K^L Definite Announcement Made By tary Kfflrd. , <'olutubia. "Nov. T?. ? Definite announce ment won mirth* tonight by I). F. Efird, secretary of the State Fair Association, that ik? State Fair would be held this fall Heccntly tho spread of Spanish influenza throughout the State caufcd tho State Fair to be postponed indeti ti i ? "iy , tho original date fur the forer ? who is working for the govern ment in Now Hampshire, received .$70.10 for one Week's work, including overtime. Wants--For Sale FOR SALE CHEAP ? One Monarch typewriter in good condition. Apply to Zotpp and iVl'ass. WANTED ? Th ree rooms suitable for light housekeeping op small "house, not over five roomx. Apply Box 75'. MILK FOR SALE at L~>0{> Lyttleton Street.. STRAYED ? October 20, one male bench legged half ball and hound, bhic t> pot ted with ton and kinder speckle, a peculiar color. Liberal reword fc?r any information lending to his where nlMHits. W. A. Shnler, Rembert, S. C. FOR RENT? '1 Vo rooms for light house keeping. All conveniences. Phone 2G3-J. lti-pd. for sale?a few loads of compost scraped out of lot. No straw or other rough matter, at $3.l>0 per load. J. IV Zomp, Camden, S. C?. FOR RENT ? I horse farm known as the Watkins place at Shaylora Hill 12 miles north of Camden. Apply to C. I*. DuBoae. I . STRAYED ? October ed tail, (male*.) Medium trize and was in good shape when disappeared. Lib eral reward for any information lead ing to his whereabout*. W. A. Shu ler, Rembert, 8. C. 30-32-pd. FOR SALE ? Self "Rising Flour in wood en barrels. Texas red rust proof onts, Abruzjci rye. native grown. Work man (irocery Co. 30tf. TRY SOME? We have for sale "Kinf nut" a new butter substitute. It con tAiiiK no animal fats. C,o*t much leas. Let us sell yon some of it. Lang's (iroerry. Camden, S. C. FOR SALK ? 175 atfres of farai, about 2 horse farm open land, .balance in wood ami straw. Good site ftrf ~ pas ture. Well .watered. Aboutceight milea east of Camden on the Darlington road. \ V i 1 1 sell for $20 per acre. Ap ply to J. L. Moseley, Camden, S. o you rnjoj taste of good butter V If so, f are sure to like "Kingnut" the I Nut-Butter, for it baa th*t deW coo1r creamery butter taste. IX aell you a package. Lang'* B Gradq Grocery, Camden, S. U. FOR SALE? One 1917 Ford V) Car in first clans condition. Apply Workman Grocery Co., Camden, 8. CI ? - ? ' ' 1 ? A WANTKD? The public to know that bave reopened under new manapM First class repair work, genuiw Fi parts,^ gasoline and oil. Kenil Motof co. ? ? < FOR FERTILIZER for immediate livery see J. I>. Moseley. FOR SALE? Four second hand nij At bargainer Apply to W. Lugoff, 8. C. - NOTICE ? For a nice, cheap eofflii casket call at Billing's Bros, I rant's old stand. FOR SALE? Six lots and, house?, jj one barn and stable, on th? ??* of Mill and York Streets. Apply Jj. A. Wittkowsky, Camden, 9. tableI,%1^n\rake^, U *!orse feeI COI"forta ble or irri ability of th*> h' we, 1'flttln^ trappings add to the dur vorab e i^ endurance. Working under fa work and so 1 Increase the good . quality of the work and saves the physical wear on the animal. the most ^arne8s *s of the best leather and of horse con^ivi*1 i?* stru^ture obtainable in this line working styles of ' CaiTy both pleasure an d; bargafn vafues We can give you real m rt> ^ or your moments spent in looking over OMPLETE MQDEHN HARNESS STOCK. ?