The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, October 25, 1918, Image 4

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THE CAMDEN CHRONICLE II. I>. NUm mimI / > PubitalMi K. N. Mr I >OW ??II s I'ubllHbed every Friday at 1101) No. Broad Street, a ml enteral at tbf ('am* ?U'li an aecoml ctpnH mill mat . r PflCO | ?< ? i' milium It 80 ('iuulwi,J^ ( '?f OHi .$$? MM# \| KM IC \( \ Ml NT U6 |'r<>Ki?lt>at Wilmm baa hubmittcd I )??? 4?oi'iiiiUi pit' it for tin armistice nml peace fd i li<- allies. ?'"l i'1 ,,l4> Win? time ha* infohunl HerHn t l>*at there ciin be up a rill int i<'4' except upon term*, that would make il iuijwmiibla for (jerinnny to re new lii i' I i I i I it's While roiiscntiiiK (" doft) further Witt) tin* prtMQt authorities in 4 i ?' 1 1 1 ? a 1 1 > . the President lias given t h?*iii (jlli u :i i nlrif : "Il it UH* I itjled Stale- i Ml u-t d.,,1 with the military lHHstora ami monarch! * till autocrat* of (lernwiiy now. or if it in lik?*l.v to haw to deal with tbein Inter in rp||rt| to (be Int^ndttniiiit "?? HgatlniiB *it tin' tinman Kioipti^j (t must demand. not peace negotlatiOfPf. hut sitr* M'lulrr, ,\(?t IjiuK run lie named by leav i 1 1 K (his essent ial 1 1 1 i ii K tinsiiid." Tin' President's reply t\? the tiVniwin notify was handed to tin* charge of the ?.Swiss I. 'Million Wednesday n i k h t for trnuxiulxMloii to. the tJerinan tJovcrn idoii t. An I hf note was dispatched, Sccre tary Tumulty, at thr White House, govt? emphasis t<> tin- assurance when by all m< iiiIxtn of the . government that no in terruption "I thr military prvKntOi is i iiiitcmpfiitril by makiiiK public corre spondence between Secretary Maker and I 'ivKulen t Wilson showing that more than two million AnWriran soldiers have embarked for the war overseas. The President's note accedes to' the reipicst that he take up with the Al lies the proposal* of the new spokesman of i he tierman pi'oplo, but doffc It with notice that virtual surrender of the Ten Ionic arniies in tin' fielil will he the pi ire demanded for interruption of the heating now being administered. In transmitting the matter to the Allies, tlii' 1 'resident s?ys lie lias i>ug gested that if they, are disposed to ef fort pence on hjs terms and principled iiow n'reepted by the present (teripau authorities, the American and Allied military advisers be nsked if they deem such nun rniistiee possible from a mili tary point of view, to submit such terms n s will fully protect the interests of thr people involved and ensure to the associated governments the unrestricted power to enforce peace, on the conditions accepted. \V. 1 >. tJatiison. 11 prominent agriMil t u rii I export hm'1 candidate for < *? ?iu in i ? stnn7T r,f Api-irutHirr Iflst MiiiilUcr. died Saturday morning Silmuierville. f I #? was forty years old. No i* survived Ir itis wife Mfl<V> two lit I le daughter*. The funeral will ill Anderson. The i hi I'd ii nn mi I Lee County Fail* will bo held at llishopville November 27. 1'S. 2!>. nnd'.Ht). Many improvements have been made, and the premiums of fered |hif\, year are larger than for the two previous year*. The horse show and races, always a feature of this ?uc 4'essful county fair, will offer attractive purses to horse- owners. Special at tention will be paid to the exhibits in agriculture. stock. poultry and woman's and xirl's work. The schools of the county will have large exhibits of the work of the scholars. All \Atr work activities will he represented by booths and exliibits. The management promises to surpass in every respect the fair of last year. The County fair has in the past two years succeeded iu plac ing itself in the front rank of county fairs in the South. It. h, Neuron is secretary and .Tames 1). will con tinue as assistant secretary and man ager. Secretary ? ? War I lit Iter made the announcement Wednesday that the num ber of American soldiers now in France hud reached the grand total -of 'J.OOS.Wll . lie also .made the statement that very few losses had been sustained in trans, porting this immense army overseas. Slaughter I't'ii Condemned. Tin* slaughter pen just <ui tin' edge of lort n. located nmr the Seaboard freight depot lins been condemned by City Health officer John \V. Wilson. The place whs reported to be in a most un satisfactory condition and the" stench coming from there wan said to be some- j thing u 1 most unbearable to people pass ing thai point. A reputable citizen who made an inspection of this place tells u* that it was an out rage to offer meat for sale that hail been slaughtered at tlii* pen. The health officer has noti fied the butchers using this slaughter pen that their meat will have to be kept <>fl this market until the place has been made sanitary In justice to Mr. \V. K. Wntkins we will state thnt ho docs not use thi> -daughter pen, but does his butchering at his place about a mile north of Camden. COM.MKNT ON tiKKMW NOTK Kriitorhi) Virus Taken 1-Vom Various Newspapers. The following editorial comment on tierntany'* reply is compiled (>> tin* A* ?iM-iaio?1 Press: New York World. --Germany i* not! ready t?? admit it* d''fent and accept ' t ho term.* which it begin* t < ? f ?? a r arc | (n he imposed by it* t riumpha n t adver- j *arie*. When it presently recognize* ! that it cannot win in the field and that all it* *t rategom<? elsew In- ro do ii"t in volve it* adversaries in jealousies nnd dispute*, it will yield as many another nation a* proud if not a* powerful. h:i* had to y ield. New York I Irrald? Today, a* on tin* heel* of the American note, of October >. tin* demaml of the American iwnple >v i 1 1 bo -no armistice. no negotiations, no discussions. no pare until there is open admission of defeat by whatever govern ment (Jermany may have and no thought < f peace until the (Jerman armies have Mirrendered uiwonditionaily.? On with the war! We have just begun to fight. Washington lV?st ? The communication is nothing else than an effort to obtain relief by uttering a scries of falsehoods and falKC promises to President Wilson. There should l>e only one answer here nfter to anything that Oermajay may *#,Y ; . "Hurrender to Koch," Obatua Kt'< The latest note r" r.?tn the (in mall (JoVerUinCUt <lo*g not meet ftl? I'^yu j ren?en|*? 1 1? no wum>, generally or spec|||cnlJ,V, is it ICM|>Ollsi\ e. Him iHf|M Fnion -It won't <!o. (U| many must plead guilty. lip* Aug*)?* Time.*- Tw<| things have 11 l?l >a i.-it 1 1> bi'i'i) achieved j The tjrboat atrocities have been stopped and Kaiser i?m Iihm been put out of business. Now i t ii- !ii>init arm I id Ice ijueirtlbbi t < ? the Miiprcjio* war council, (inutility must come tn trim-.; ibf is on I lie wn> Dallas Ni'hm The note Im ultpicttt^r iin-Mii-fiM t?.?i .v. The tttrorff and ni ii i k t <? i personality of (to* Kaiser mubt go be fore ii ? k* ? t i a t i ? > ii CAD proceed. Ah for denial of StrOcltti'H. (Jerhiany should not lie permit ted to collie to the peace table \\-it Ii a lie on Iter lips. Fort Worth Record It i- the (ier niun.V of the I lohen/ollern that speaketh ami it i* the government of the ilohcit scollern that should he destroyed. Why emit i ii lie the I'm Tespondcnce? t Columbia HtntC The omission of refer ence to guarantees as demanded liy Pies iilent WHMiO in his note of October given to 1 lie Oeriuan reply the character of ilellanee. The Allied governments not being imbecile will not allow the OeV*> mail it ifbioH n breathing gpeU mnler the nnriie .of "armistice." It is remotely pos sible that liudendorff is clothed with power to deliver the guaiantle.M, hut highly Improbable. "Force without stint" should lie the American' reply. Montgomery Advertiser The (icruiau notv is a step toward peace hut by ne gotiations. It does not meet the deter mined purpose of the American people, it does not meet the indexible deter mination of the French ami British peo ple. It exasperates rather tlinii mo)ji ties the great boilyo f puhlie sentiment in the Allied countries which in demand ing an iiuivmlit ional Aurrejider; ' Prfivid.ence Journal. ? The (icrmuii gov ernment" offers a reply lliat is not worth the paper on which it is printed. It Is a compliance in form without yield* ing, anything except what has to be .\ ichled to the hard argument of force. 1 'ortland l'fotw. The reply is nothing more than a clumsy effort to keep open Hie door to negotiations and t<i provoke t ii rt her-. discussion* It will' not impress the American people as sincere. Buffalo F.xpress. ? If Mr. Wilson re plies at all it should* f>e to the effect that it" the (ierinan < ioverninent desires an til-mist ice it should send commission ers to the Allied War councif headed try . Vl?xiiluil Foch. Waterbury Itepuhlicnn The terms of evacuation must be dictated. Germany must not be allowed id her surrender to, put any interpretation of a draw upon the end of .-the war. Atlanta Constitution. ? The last Ger 1111(11 peace note to President Wilson is involved and ambiguous. Now let us refer all further communications from j (iermany to (Jen. Foch for his attention, if wa are to have- t letter it will rnmr that way. Atlanta ?loviruu) ? The latest German peace note is the move of a desiderate and eratt.v f??e, who seeing the upprhjtc|> of decisive defeat, seeks a truce that will save his armies ami assure him a strong bargainer's seat at the confer ence table. / i Jacksonville Times-Fnion ? --Ax to what | should he the next step of the govern ment. the Times-Fnion has no advice ' to -offer. The war has been waged un der leadership of the President. Ills conduct of the war has brought success ami his declaration of n* purposes has been accepted as the declaration of the American people. Savannah Morning News ? The whole thing is a transparent camouflage; a child'sp Jay answer; an evasion; a jockeying for time ; a I ie on the face of it. The notef rom the German people has not yet been received. Chicago Tribune ? From the German response it i* apparent that the ruling powers at Berlin now look complete de feat in the face. There is but otte. mind in America on this war. that it shall go on to victory." to the utter destruc tion of Prussian militarism and to the ! establishment ?f prnrp founded on its ! u idles." Salt Lake City Telegram ? Germany's latest note is not such as will justify the hope that the hour of peace has dawned, Denver Kock Mountain News ? Neith er statute nor constitution can change the heart of a people and the German heart is still fort he Kaiser, still for war as a means to an end and still un repentant of her crimes against human ity. We say again, let Marshal Foch decide. Duluth News Tribune ? Hut one anj swer should be made this greatest of criminals and liars. It should refer the (??rman Government to the military coun cil for all further parley and refuse to receive any further communication*- ? until the armies have surrendered. l.lltKKTV I.OAN l'l IU IIASKKS Who IMiicfd Their Subscription* Through First National Hunk. Following is a list of subscriber* to the Fonrt Liberty Loan who purchased through the First National I)ank of I'amden : t\ .1. Shannon. Jr. Ci ??<?. T. Lit tie _ . .1 It. l>inkiu< ' V. A. Hoy kin llirsrli Hro*. & < Thoma* ' '. llaile I.. I. (Jnion Wnteree H. A: 1.. John T. Markov ( II Hanm S A I.. Kaihvax It T Nlirkle \. H. Workman t'lmv (' Watt A II Moykin I W I ' I .. \V Ho> ki n . Jr. Ivlwin M ii Her I S. H. (*lrtik?on W II Tiller Victor Wwril H l> Hoy kin Mr* Iti'ssio (\ 1 rbj S M Mick If . - ... 15,000 . _ <1,0<)0 . . .">,000 . 5.000 5.000 -.100 2.000 A o-oriat ion . 2.000 ....... ! .fiOO . . . i .r>oo 1,400 1,150 1.000 1.000 1 .000 1,000 I ,(KN> 1.000 1,000 - 7rt0 Kmployee.V _ S |{ It M. J nines \V It A. II It. OSS llttinan L 1 rby (iurducr - Kovkin. J r K. Miller Hoykin - -- Mi*? Leila H. Hoykin 500 J? W. t 'anti>v Hugh MK'itHnni -- - ?> A1 II. lleyman T J. Arrant* - -- I Ml rilan IV H?l] S|w*n> lioleofl i i q*j ajg .1 ii. Hiuofttoftd ;{0o John F. ( 'lui k?- 280 tt m. Htroupe 250 \h ? S. F. hui-iiigtun , 280 It. II. Haum ' jjflO I.. A. Wittkowsky u I., ftanttfti Iw .1. J., (ieltyn . 200 ,1. S. Khamc v. '-rJf.r - 200 Sciji Sanders m Sam < \ Truesdale- -00 w. .i. i >Miui ww 0, iv Dui?o*c v.- 200 A.K. Ho wen 200 U. J. HaW 200 .1. L. Kiiklami, Sr. 200 W. H Watkin* JOO It l\ Outlaw 200 w. T. Bmith 200 li. L. lull #HH> Mr*. lOlixabefh D. Hoykhi HH) II. F. Boyklii KH) Mis* May (\ Hoykiu 1<H? Miss Sarah II. 1 5< k. i i? 100 Tony Mr afford 1(H) Mrs. Isabel I HfOWtJ 100, Mrs. Hit-hard II. Cantey 100 JT. N. Christmas 100 lit I'. DmvIk $2 1(H) W. J. Davis ?? 100 N r. U$t&* 100 Mrs. Daisy Griggs UK) 1 }ft W. 1>. Urifiby ? l<x> Cager Johnson KM) G rover (P. Kirkland J. 1(H? J. L. Klrklaml H>0 F. Dewey Marshal 1(H) rtcunie \V. Marshal 100 ?I. H. Oiboiitv loo Dr. J. P. IMokett 1(H) Jr~H. Sinclair 100 Hampton Sutton 100 Mix .1. S. Trant ham lOO 10. II. Watts IOO Mrs. Margaret O. Hoykiu 100 X. ('. ? lloykin 100 .Miss May lleislnnan . 100 Tom WoOd IOO Mrs Thus. L. Akocatulfr -v 100 A. J. Heattic :'?wv 100 Chris Ht'lcuK 100 Alfs. I/. I). Hoykin i 100 It. 10. Hi ykin loo W'/ S. Hurnet .... 100 Camden Chronicle loo ?A. It. Collins . too M. 1>. Collins 100 Mrs. Sadie j, lOichel , 100 Henry Gainey l(>o Mrs*. Carrie Gnoilnle . .. loo 11. II. Harris 100 S. I >. Hurst . ? 100 Isaac Jones 100 George Ki riches ... 1(H) Miss Julia H. Klrklaml .-L._-.__.. IOO Fletcher Mob re 100 1. .1. AlcKenzie .. . 100 Mrs. lOlizqbeth Mclntyre ltX) Miss Cornelia M. ,?Nelson 100 NVm. It, Nelson IOO Miss Seltna I'arnsK " 100 John (I. it k'h a f da, Jr 1 loo. t'i Sessions 100 F. Tillman 100 ! 11. Walter*-? r---:- ? ? ?? ? 7- ? u "[rwT ('. 10. Watts 100 W. J. Worshani - 100 Nellie Addisan 50 < 'hester Addisrn'" f?0 W. S. Harm's ' \ ' ftO A. H. Howeu ... 50 Alfred H. Hoy kin 50 Miss May ('. Boyktn ? 50 Mrs. II. F. Hoykin j 50 .lames Jlraoey 50 Lewis Hranhani 5<j ?lames Hrisbanc __ . ,? 50 Helton Hrown. Jr. Mrs. Isabel Hrown 00 Mrs. F. I). Campbel], Jr. 50 Mrs. .lanie W. Dinkins 50 .lack Ferguson ? 50 (Jiles W Fjsher fiO ?luditli H, Foster f?0 Airs. L. H. (Jardner 50 N. I*, (.'ettys. Jr. i r>0 Kvelyn .1. (Jottys _ 5^) ?I L. (?ettys, Jr 50 Mrs. N. (|(?ttys ^ 50 (! (!. doff 50 Harry Jung (loon v 50 Mrs. Lilian Grigsbv v"2 i 50 ('. H. Hatfield 50 Uichard Howard 50 Lucy Johnson ^ qq lOddie .lones** ... 5^) Amos Kelly r": " 50 .lohn (1. Kelly v. 50 A. G. . Lollis 50 Mrs^ 10. ({, Manning !._ 50 ?!'. K. Montgomery . Rn <i M. Moseley _ ' ~ 5^ Mrs Margaret McCoy . ~ 50 Ferris McDowell 1212' 50 L. L. McLaughlin " 50 Joe Nettles 1 50 Mrs. Nellie Pea ice . 5n <'? H Pit* ZZT 50 Harry S. Porter Henry Hay Hen Heed Kdward Heeil, Sr. ?lames Hey nobis Francis IJussell Shelby C. True^dale Mrs. W. F. Truesdale 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 w ? 50 ?'I rs. Kate L. W atkins nn I.. 1>. Watts 50 .Ml km Olive Whittrodge . 50 ?I < William .. .. 50 ? ?eo. II. Wittko\vsk%v 50 .1. W. Wood % 50 Miss Emily I.. Zemp 50 Mrs. Gertrude M. Zemp 50 It. T. Mirkle . ... 50 IV l>. Hoy kin --- -- - 50 Jim ( ?<' raid - ? 50 (Jeorge Aldrieh . j'- 50 Miss Annie Alexander 50 Austin Alexander ? - RO Frank. Alexander 50 Zellie Alexander -- 50 K. Atkinson ? - - 50 Eewi* Hallard . . 50 Edmond Bennelt . - ? 50 J. W. Boykin . 50 Ilobt. Hrown-'. _ . ? -- 50 0. C. Burjciss ? 50 Mrs*. Caroline W. Burnet - 50 (Jibbes C. Cnrter 50 Miss Jennie ('lark _ . 50 Austin Charles 50 Tiarrv Chestnut 'a- 50 .T. M. Tline 50 "W. IV Collier . ?*- 50 Murv It. Connors ? . 50 C. E. Cook . i- 50 Cain Davis 50 Eugene H. Davis -. W A. <?. Din kin* - - 50 Mack Dinkins . - 50 1. urn Drakeford .. -- - 50 1 S. Drakeford 50 Tom Duren . -mr 50 W. D. Duren 50 I To race English 50 Foster B. English . 50 n. K. Hallett t- 50 Mrs. .lean I.. 1 1 all ?? t . 50 J. C. Harrison 50 Miss Carolyn Iteymnn 50 Miss Margaret Hofue 50 Look fort) 10 <7rianqh> %xde A necessity ? not a luxury You don't haVe to endure the chdllug terrors of a cold Imthroom. The portable Perfection Heater iu a few minute* makes the room warm and comfortable? even heat* \.?ur water for shaving. t?? elean and fill -^-smokeless, odorless ? hie* Aladdin Security Oil gives beet results.! lJuy your Perfection now. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) w??bioau??.Ixa - Baltimore, Md. Charlotte. N.C. Norlolk.Ve. Richmond, V?. Charleston. 8. C. .Henry JjMnes 5JJ Tom Johuson 7 ? 'jH Kl ' Ii. .ToTios ...... 50 Frank .1 <?u<'s ? . *j0 John J ones, Jr. ^ Thomas Joy - f*c ? 1 50 Albert .1. Kelly - 50 Fml Lewia W \V. M. I -ollis PO t?CWin Lvlrs : 50 W. I.. Mickle .r>0 UaiiKom M. Mitchell 50 (?. W. Monroe --- 50 Jake Monroe ? 50 Sheileriek Murphy 50 Arthur Nelson . > 50 .lames Nelson ?- 50 W. 1,. Nenl -l-,-" ? ? 50 K. L. Pate ? -? 50 Mrs. W. H. l'enre#* ? , 50 W. B. Porter ---? 50 Win. 11 Bust. Jr _ . 50 I0d \v Hid Beed, Jr. ? . 54) John Beed ; 50 Uabriel Bobinson ? 50 Jese llobPrtson 50 ,r. K. Bush . : 50 W. F. Bussell. Jr . - 50 Mrs. Benton Sheorn --- 50 Eli Starke : 1- 50 R. L. Stokes 50 T. Sutton 50 Isaac Taylor ? 50 Mrs. Edna Z. Team 50 Alvin Thompson . 50 M. J. Truesdale 50 Mrs. I,. T. Trues<lalo ^ 50 W. T. Truesdale 50 Henry Vinson 50 W. H Walters 50 fathleen Watts 50 Moso Watts : 50 A. A. West - - 50 W. H, Whaley 50 J. F. Wider - ? 50 John Wldinan ? , 50 Haumnie Williams : 50 tL,.W. Williams 50 B. I>. Williams 5<) Mrs. Kwie- L. Withers 50 Miss Nan Young 50 Wants-For Sale FOE 8ALK ? Abruzxi rye $2.75 por bnsli el. Jp2.nO iu five bushel lots or over. Westerliam Plantation, W. A. Hush Manager, Lngoff, S C. LOST ? Between Commercial Hotel and Seaboard depot a shaft with pully at tached. Howard if returned to J. L. (iny, Camden. C. lfi WANTED? A two burner Perfection oil stove in good condition with good chimneys. Phone ISS. ltp FOR SALE ? ?<? acres of farm lands a few miles east of Camden for sale. Address "Land" care of the Chronicle, Camden. X. C. lti-pd. LOST ? Mark and tan bitch, hound, has .short tail. Strayed while hunting near ! Shepard Monday night. Will pay $5 re ward for return to R. M. Hall, at Cam den. Route 2. ltp. FOR SALE ? A few loads <?f eompoftt scraped out of lot. No straw i?r other rough matter, at $8.nO per load. J. TV Zemp, Camden. S. C. A I TO.M O R I LE SI PPUES ? Always on hand a most complete stock, such as Philadelphia Diamond find Storage Hattorios. guaranteed one year, fnited States an<l Fiak tires and tubes, Vul < Hn Springs. etc. Our repair depart ment second t?> ncme. We make a specialty o f Konl work and carry a complete stock of genuine Ford Motor Co. i?Hrt*. W. il. Hay'* Garage, Cam den 28-31 WANTED? -J ersey cow thnt will give ii 1-2 to 4 gallons. Must not be over TT^vY'arH old. Q7! WT Boy kin, ftoykin, H. O. It. LOST ? One suit case, lost between (.58?^ den and Hishopville, containing valua ble articles. Had tug "A Warren Berk ley. Norfolk, Va" attached. Ilad leather tag with celluloid shied over name. Finder will be rewarded if he returns same to Hotel Williams, Camden, S. C. FOR SALE ? Four second hand mules, with wagons and gears. Cheap 'for quick sale. J. 15. Zemp, Camden, 8. & TRY SOME? We have for sale ?'King nut" a new butter substitute. It eon tains no animal fats. Cost much less. Lot us sell you some of it. Lang'ti Grocery, Camden, S. C. FOR SALK ? A few more milk cows for sale. Apply to J. Ii. Zemp, Camden-, * -T- ? -<v WANTED ? To rent about 20 or 25 acres of land with house and outbuildings. Address "Rent" care of The Chronicle, Camden. 8. C. HI TTER ECONOMY? Do you enjoy the taste of good butter? If so, you are .sure to like "Kingnut" the new Nut-Butter, for it lias that delicious cool, creamery butter taste. "pet us sell you a package. Lang's High Grade Grocery, Camden, S.vC. FOR HALE? One 3917 Ford Touring Car in first class condition. Apply to Workman Grocery Co., Camden, H. C. WANTKI>? -The t>ublic to know tbjh havjp rcopgttwd tinder new inn.nfUfliM First class repair work, genuine F? parts, gasoline and oil. Kfrsfl Motor Co. FOR FERTILIZER for Immediate! u livery see J. L. Moseley. FOR SALE ? One cow fresh in also one Jersey and Guernsey age 2 1-2 yea^s.. B. B. Lorick, den, S. C. 221 ' * . v.? /?;. :.!? FOR SALE? -Four second hirad at bargains. Apply to W. A. Lugoff, S. C. 221| NOTICE ? For a nice, cheap coffin casket call at Billing's Bros., AjJ rant's old stand. ? 5 FOR SALE ? *Six lots and houses. ? one barn i and stable, an the c of Mill and York Streets. Apply L. A, Wittkowsky, Camden, 8. 0. - - * FARM FOR SALE ? A desirable plicfl containing about 65 acres three ajlfll from Olunden on pilWie rsa3. QmA land. J. fj . Moseley. 17tl I FARM FOR SALE? 83 acres (i, County on Black River public Roitfl between Bisbopville and Camden. 0?|JP 925.00 per acre. Terms part essh, pui credit on mortgage. M. W. BetbroeM 125 N. Main Street, Sumter, S. C. FOR RENT ? 4 horse farm 10 milJ south of Camden known as the B<M inson place. Good buildings ni;luii4l 5 room dwelling. C. P. DuBose. ? ? -V''..-1'1 '- ^v ' ? y aw Is Promoted at This Store When you feel that you simply must save a?* economize, we ask you to come and look over our large shtock of \ ^ General Merchandise and Household Suppliw ' * ? c- , ? ~-A Our stock has-been carefully selected and ecoiioin ically bought, with a view to meeting' the needs of those, who feel the need of economy. * Don't pay fancy prices when you can help it. Yott v .. . can help it by coming to us. Springs & Shannon The Store That Carries The Stock.