IME X** ?V$ ?? V 1 ?It, < . CAMDEN. SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, > iffc: ? Oct. _ ??*Wered | but a!** 41 ... predicted 1 ??t arm? with ft P^h ftp, ao m mi st in Mils German? c I do had and aea i,J ualtas li In L eoamauden i L *? nbtiolutdy Jpuraateea that > a wrap of paper On a few word* one fully proi id the H r- ? it doe* o?t brio# H I pay be more than au p r, allied diplomats i l keUeve .lt may cause a r ?~narr ? ? ? ? ? question it speaks for ? ?... ?>" .? . iamufi n* ^ dispatch oJt'.,tJ|e followed by the issue of it at the WWt" ?. ?g V r* -i V government will continue to.. 289,000 men with tfcelr auppltefi itontb and there will he of a?y kl?i." v , < outside of the formal phrase* a?*y document, that waa . Wilson's word to tfoe World 1 do thought of stopping the 1 | this stage. fegffjfhnmber rang with (4 senator* as the president's . WW ''read u few minutes after breu announced at the state depart at. Senator Lodge, the president's - Witic in his course, until today, /W statement expressing bin ^rati on at the president's decision. Opin at the capital and throughout mftpttagton wan tittntti Iv'aJ. FWH| | The official note whi" loosing to the charge of the Hwiss ation who lias been acting an the in diary. It was given out? publicly by r. Laming at the tftate department at o'cliH-k this afternoon in full. It fol ?t: "?Sir : In reply to the communication f the (Jomian government" dated the 12tTf tant, which you bonded me -today. I ? tbe htmor to request you to it the following nnswef: The text of the president's answer fol [Tig unqualified acceptance by the ht'Gchnan government and by a Majority <>f the rcichstag of the ^nas laid down by the president of the [nited States ?,f America in bis address > the congress of the United States on '8th of January, lft18, and in his sub luent addresses justifies the president making a frank and direct statement his decision with regard to the. com nieations of the Herman government |ft*tb and 12th of October. 11*18. "It mu*t be dearly understood that 1 prtKvHs of evacuation and the condi ?" of an armifttfffiMM be left t?? the jur [tie military | ktof the raited State* and the all lea' and , thip president feels 'Joty to Kay that *CNUfd by the government of t Pjted States which does not ' "?Wy satisfactory safeguard and ?watee* of the maintenance of thfe ?t military nupemacy of the anniea ^t'nited 8t?te> nnd tfci *1 \Um in I* Mid. ? ag&gB I He feel? confident tlwt l?wne that thi* witt *1*,^ *** km and dccHion ?f the' PWI |Tbe president feela . veryitthabitautH "TUf lltttioUH ?HKOCittt*4i ?PKII?Uni Ge?* many can noVbe expected to agree to ? ceaautfou m war wJUle act* of inhtupaan ityi. f?H?tUtiC0 and devolution are being eotttiuued which th?y junly look upon I W|th feo^r *nd with burning I "It 1* nece?aairy, alao In order that th?-ie may be no of inlnumjer Htanding that the provident sluuild very Moli-muly call the Attention of the gov erowertfik ?*vmany to the language and plain UiUtft vf one of the teri oh peace | which the German government haa ant* accepted.'- It la contained Ii> the addrcfca ?X?( the preHldent deltwceed at Mount Wr lion on the Fourth of July, lest . ?;/ >lH!larfolfc>w* '"? :] # 'The deHtruction ofc every arbitrary power anywhere that can separately, ?e cretly and of it* tdngle choice, dhturb-j the peace of the world, or If it can be prexeatly destroyed, at leant \U reduction to virtual impotency^5^^'!^^ '?the power which h?a hitherto ?mj trailed, theflemaa.ofcttoa Kero dewrfbefr It I* within the choice of the Oerrna" nation to alter it. The Just quoted natuvally ? onstitut?>?n copditlon precedent peace. liMfepsws^M pEMtel lH { German people themselves. The g-| ^ .thai U1K>U the definit^nepH apd the Hat isfactor.v; character of the guaranteci* which can be given in thU fundamental matter. It la indispensable thdt the gov f'rnmeWa associated against Germany should Wow beyond a peradventure with whom/they are dealing.; "?-? ? '??'?'m , ' 'The preinden t will reply tdrthe toyal and HwMiP* *&! of my hijch connidera (Signed) "Robert Lapsing.-' ^ , 0m* outstanding point, which doe* not /appear jp the president's ,. note, a point on . WhJbfch. .^^K orl^Ms been asking i|iu'M| jtjonp, m L When the president declared- that th*| ] tfrong-doM-j^ G(eimanj* toofc^isaee-Lorraiue Wi njeant til lit .'jA4JMC^ri.o r f?i AlMm^d & re Those who con tend that }he president's decision Arranges the situation foe some- ; e than an unconditional surren _T;<, it on the. argument tKat he baa now passed the stage where he might have accepted ?i' Surrender of the German mili tary n.Rd naval forces and laft the Ho |lieV?oTtt?r.tjfctif:tfr*y want jpea^'.foey can only attain it by getting rid Of the^kitfiier and hi* system. An armistice, it is true. might come first and the details of the downfall -of the German autocratic government might fye arranged later. Hut this is what an armistice would entalt:; I Fifst: va atOpto the a t roci ties 3?J?n d aiid sea attd the systematic destruction ??hIw devastation in the wake.oj! the re treating German armies, then, (the dis* ? armament of all the German force* and I the deposit of their arm* ami muuitions , at points to be chosen by tb^fllicd mil. jury commanders, ??jhw .^^occupntionj by'TMJfod forces of certain (jkrmau fflMB or stronghold's of strategic importance. Probably aW thf occupation flf nil the submarine base* and a turning over of the German fleet in shorts it will entaU a taking from Germany of everything with which 'she might break her wx>rd to an armistice, . 'M *?'1 From that poirit the t>nit?i States and "tW? alHew ? might proceed to dispose of what remained of kaiserism if the Ger man people have not done it before/ as President Wil^n ih hi# bote plainly iii the note ?Mk the that "the ciiUif wort [?'mi mm ? ( : OHRMA^M LKAV1NG rUNM||U) ' ? '" " I? ' JB Wm I Uespwut* Kdlatamv Mr log i*ut Up,-; Mainly With MmMm Ciiuw. ET I h.rHjintonlw fones InJIrigUun a? Belgium (row the t0i thw including bin sub marine and other b*He along the coast. whi-jHfeSP VB tbo' ? tlUe gradually 'la l>*iug enmeshed and doubt lesH .soon wtft mitve attention from '(B^ypincerwi- %?hkrih aii^Wag oltftf tor the task of reclaiming this important tract of territory as .fur as Valenciennes for France. Men o while the Fvench and Ameri ran forces are struggling valiantly for ward tn their drive northward for the Champague region into the country over Zf b i C^tv *yger tirement to their own border in the event fit a Anal debacle Aj ha# been the caw always Miuee the , offensive begun, the ^Qermaot are vigorously deffrndingthrir position*. os ing innumerable machine gun detach ment* 4n endeavors to hold theiat -ground. Ta rticuiarIy^cloui||^>:^lWi,7 c outtter thrusts that (fhe /Americans* areT being compelled to sustain east aud west of the Meuse. where the entire enemy front is threatened with immediate collapse, should Gen. Liggett* s men crash through, the line for material gains. . Nevertheless both the ^merlca n jjpMH the French are- -demanding '.th'gt their" ajfrns be served,*. Hnd on various se^f^rs they are meeting with success. -In the. Itomagne/ sector further gains have been tjriade by the], Americans in the face of terlfflc artillery and machine guu fire and tlfe national defense and; great sys tems of wire entanglements which are \to bo negotiated. Bad weather has f?ll ~eij over .tKe'SWptwr'aod the atrraen have |^n: unaW^^ give their usual brilliant *Te PwlfsP closing In upoy Bethel ou their way to Mexleres. being only two miles distant from the town. Wjeat-of Grand Pre they hav$L ejected further crossings of the Alsue. About eight hundred Germans were rnude "prison ei!^|^ this; fighting. ? c rn Flanders the British have taken ; ?. ^fr,' ',"-j '-.-T,-! J'/ - the important railway center of Men io, Thourout has fallen and the won, Numerous towns have baea --ret captured by the AilfiaJ forces and large number* of priwnera ??ve been tnkenr Many guns also have fallen into the. hands of the Allies. The capture of Thourout completely outflanks the' Ger man submarine roy 8. Davidson. locate d on .Vortb Lyttleton Street was completely de^wdbyflre on Thesday afternoon. The house wab known am the oW Hay place and had [recently been purchased by )fr. David - [-son from Mr. Jf. L. Quy . ; It hnd been retqpdeled In late years and wis con sidered a most attractive home. E tie Bre originated in a i outhouse nearby while the famfly was it dinner and mi quickly did the building cftch and burn that it w*? almost impossible to aaVe anything. The home *b s Wr the B^fitr'towr * of the ftnuJtm placed, at any coat. The family did not ^etfcS a?aiOir of their wearing ap : fmnd. mS ' 7% : tt .-"? R-v | Mr. Wilt Goodale, a Oamt COIWV OOMMITTKKH NAMKw| T. WW C?W|SJSlJS | TMI HmfiUtl Work l? OtjM U a list of men named in school district* in Kotshaw have been Hpp<>int?4l.'M Committee to see that ?lt im?lir -fk>miuftnUI?at ?{* stun* nc<.vsNurx7fi4|p^(!%?M( ?u the winning ?f thenar** will oo-opeirat? with tbo 0?? imittee in Camden : mm ; Hint riot No. I- -4m Me J Wolfr li\ Nettle*. . J|k?] HtrK. HUWDhrif*. -r'-*:r^rr: K. Shirl?yf?;:' -Wad? II. HtokfH . rj Q. 8to?uor, '?? va lit Kirk toy, T. C, Cauthoa, r:Itrvd, i wk Mcl>owell. , . H krthur Watklns. 8. tV Kelly ? Di^kins. colored ^ 10-^1 ft' Jones, I*. P. r. R. H. Allen, col* ? s : '? lij fci}. Hip mo i ^ J J", ttobt. Magill. j? W. Truea* Aucrum ttmltb. colored - C. A. Johnson, W. 8. Cauthen, KlUot* J_?wiH. colored. 0 T?HEij?, J. K . Sui i t h itiut iTx : ood, col. y h. Boss. ? S^.^BflrWorkiu?i? l't < w. t. Pitt. ???.?>/ ? ?T. P. Horton, Aahn Hgxley RMUvan, a n'.'u."' ^#1" id W, Thomas Holley. .... ->? J. II. Badcliff. D. I., John won aui JasMftPortor, colored ' ? NV. 98?Thomas Knight v** v ' | No.. 27? H. W. William*, a^Jono* rind floury K. Truesdell;' colored No. 26? L. B. Barfleld. W. T. Baker, and l>m J3efto?. : No. 2*> -Jame* IV am No. Hp-H). F. rauUn>nhfii-tv> XI. ?>n. ?*.>. v . raniiTi-nprri'.vt Muhoffey and Thomas MH.uro. colored ',77^ f - 6t. Bow ftW a . No it2~J*. F. Kobert;* ..&&L No. a.T-1,. ,L Jordan ; Ni?. llMr^.-l. Baker f'-r " ' No. :lfi- 1>. 8. TraPP -J. B. McCoy jpffro. At? M ^^Seekhn iH No. .38-0, W. Dunn . ? I I. and Ned Bhmdlng, eolored ( \n. 4B? J, IdU lA>Srcry. ?. M. Perry f aud< (>; Bv jfekakifford ' No. II! I>. T. Blackrtou ; No. Cantcy -? | No. (). Hammond*. J. B. Wil liam* and Tom Buncan. colored . / ; y ? : ? ?rr ? ; ? $$0* A' Marrkgl af , lifereat. t; ' ; ' t p ? On Batarday Wt Sferw John ^yfrntham wax married to MJm Fleda Tillo^non of [Slirtayill^ .^fr. ^Trantham la-_ h* . 'I .. > ttr. Jacfc W hi taker, who has bean in France since the Rainbow Division went over, and who bas been in some of the teriffic tightlur witi that Division on tha French front, has sent his mother.; Htm, John C. ^hitsker, A bayonet cap* tared from \ a'' htiHkjr- - Oerma n soldier, lie seat along & little later an inter-* esting tetter de^riWn^ some of the fibb ing bis dirlsidn had taken part in. H* Wis* near (he Veale' efcfer when the Ger mans were- driven \ ba<*. He spot* ?* ?hft?ing seen I/en Kirt?and recently and the letter was written. JIM SW^ IBS I ?l|ll ?/? Tataf casualties <* tfcr American pfdttlonary foNM to Oct. 1 w?ra M ibao 40.000; iwordiaiTio tfS6gj?r (MCATHH FROM INKI^KNRA T ' ?? t: r- T- I Many Of Ouf 1'eople Kereavod *Vouk ? DrtvjiM Now Ragtag. Death* occurring to ?i?f Camden. -died In Columbia Saturday nhd wax buried here Sunday morn inf. Wt ftodleyrfaged &? year*, died Mouday morning at hi* father* home near the Hermitage Milt: : The burial occurred at Antioch on Tuesday. He leaden a wife awfl tWiew Mdldron. j Mr*. Kate Parr died Monday lUO^Pft] I ing at Pine Creek Mill orid wan burled Tuesday afternoon at the remeter \ at I a* mill vllUgo. .... Mm. Sow TrfBoIr an. Kanler of Spartauburjr; H. B. Ga*> kin, U. 8. Army; L. R. On*kin. In Char* ?lamea K. Gaakio of J,ykf??land and lliaaj Kebecca Ga*kln of Wintbrop College. Though not unexpected t hi ?j n eboek to her hunt* of friend* ^ind . |c? PPliplMpI)^^^ li'A fu Aitf Funeral aervloea Were*? for 20 yeafs had been assoclited wfth hi*, father in the publication of tlte | fe for tinws years fa was Sfrretarr of the M*nter Printers' ?option and wan widely known neWapajwr world.. He wgs '? * Ut tha KHofiic f/aternlty, W. O. the J. O. V A M Ho I JbMS? ?MP (??d' m ready and analog j tn answer &v*trr? **ba country, Ha had wai*? aUlcfaiuw for I ?.s* ?th* constantly, ndlr bright mia< ^?.skmumI or wmtKNOM r H*w??*fr. (Thursday's Associated Press) | XUicon firmed rumors are in the ' air that Germany ha* capitulated *nd that Ktaperor William has abdU atW?*: The rumor* emanated from Dutch and 8wla* aourees t>u? as yettto tianaaa OaVatiM'V^ uient ha* aot ottcially informed fliher ,. the WaHhinftoa or London government* d a# ? tta- intention. to$|jM*t to th^r ea ttratt the eoadliloo* la* a oeaaatkm ofigs hostilities aa laid dawn |&^V*re^dent$ Wllaon. 4 !.' , '- K^ ffl ft Meanwhile ho*tllitlea are proceeding without cessation and as InVday* paat the force* of the Allies everywhere are defeating the enemy. Ia Belgian Klan lie r* the BiUt*|?, iWIk|u??: tad Freucb .J troop* under King Albert are weeping*' forward far further material gains in ;L the proceaa of driving the invader* from . Balgiu? :,pifc On th?? frontr'ln . ^Frag**.^ the British, French and American! Are ' hard after the (lermaha nod are making , pi-ogre**; although nlowly notwttbstand- v lag the strenuous defense which In being offered. I'.- Both la Serbia and Albaala the K?|/:'r, teate troop* are ridding the luvaded dis trict*- of the Auatro*Hungarlan and' 0#r- :r:~ man eontlngffnta, in Albania being well to the north of Duruo<* on the AdilaUAV sea in Serbia a conalderablg, distance be- W| -yottd Nrhdt witfe the enemy falling hadfc: toward the frontier of Auatrla-Hungary. In the Paleatlue theater the British cavalry has driven ftrto the north ?ud northeast of Dam awui., having reached Tripoli, near the Mediterranean coast, forty-live mile* north of Batrut, and Mtoiiiu Sight y- five miles north of :|>amaa- ;n: eus. By this mtteuver there aeemlngly ? i*. created for the Ottomau force* the menace M again baiag canght betted U Gen. Allepby'* armies and crushed a* Lwaa.the cane In the early day* of the $ offensive la the region north of* Jerusa lem. The maneuver * lao may forecust a w new drive by the British fram the ftamMJ dad region to form a inaction with Geti, Allenhy at Aleppo and thus .take the n.r.i Bty la Mofc.-IhUWiMj mumdiHl f ?rd all along tjie7fronta Who are carryiagf out the op 1 ? burning JBe way to Vglenciennea the German defense line lift that >fcln At?, Here the Qermwu are continuing . to withdraw, cloiely followed by the Brit- frf fofr-whoafo within two and a half mlie* and three And threo-qUgH*f nil)#* Mile, reapectively , aouthward and went of the city. ' In the rhgmpagnc region Vher^ the and Americana ar^ driving ihetr way northward further good gala* havnr [B*M .' inatlr notwlthktauding Aha fnrlotiii - 7 f&ott* ofljlije Oe^ane & h^W- th#G ttiub. ... v. .? " ?>? -J j^,04>00 Begltemt 1 1 '?i7 Washington, Oet. ^6, ? Wn*!' return a from all atatea ahow that 12,O60^CMI inen, registered for military aervlce Hep' ; ^ tern be r 12. Thla wqh 187,ftW^ln ex bv experts in the office oirioro*t Mar- < ahal Oenernl Orowder, bated on *pi-o jections ' from <*efiau* figures. iXh# tohll' anoouocod today doe* ik>i by I **- ?? ( H .1 - ? ,4?a .'l 'VI i.. . mir Col. A, Kj 8aodfr?. t?pprlnt??cl??* of the Hiitr ^nlteotiftryr n$?. $dvh*d yen toiday afterjuooo of thf death mt XoH Bin, Okfft./of **? nophew^.J/^ut. O, * Sftndi** , oi ttmgooi^ho ^ombtil, W& l)hPu*Dtoola. The fowaf ??** Wit fttft tfonW ?K CftWfcJ wftitt ">??,' wh?n & jrtflW>4Wtop,f<>r lOQtt la uUeti d?w.' ft: bro 4 Titt jbumr titfit c?t4 aw mt nn vttoff w* .other ~J| Hi wrrice ftt Oftcop .fitt*