The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, August 02, 1918, Image 1

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I >yjM5 ?* ~j$mm (DfDATES FOR IFFICES HERE t hundred or ,wo,v p w ere ?t t h* court day tQ bear the can , officeiH lay claim* to the , *ekiu<. The apei ho conrt hoii*e but # for rtOro?<g irti tV court *61 the audience was house y**d,. ndiiUtes for ooiuin If led off. H. Harris of \V. i>. Garrison, of H preaeut. f Hf T. Morris luvUle. auother candidate for was abaent. There wa? very MlJj) Ate: raye aud there were itttW V,- ? :? ??> / ^ ^ ndidate? for railroad commissioner next. They were H. H. Arnold, Wdruff ; A. t Richardson, of Co lt; t. J. McLaughlin, of 8t. "-? ,1 P. h Saiith, of Walt t~" owell. of Columbia. All eiairuH ?nd declared their loyalty dm* Wirt ;tf V i.3gd& Mr. ItlehardHon to task for apend m> much money in enforcing the la** of the state. Mr. IHchatd edared that he had tised the fupnoy fllug to Iww. K. Nweuringen candidate for re dii as state nuperintendent of edu i told of hi0 work for the past for the betterment of schobl con 18. He was followed by V. 10. r, of Darlington. a*n? C??henj of?MonekNh Corner, late for lieutenant governor was it but had acting Chairman John i> read a letter from him regret hi? absence, stated /that he did hink a candidate has # .right to old any political ylewa anifl he want state that he never had been, am pw. gfld never^all be, a Blease was followed by G. W . Wighta#n, tosburg. a candidate for the^ same Mr. i to Phrase iu no uncertain terms, ran loud in Ids praise of the so reforni party, \\xi\-'- ? L Liles, of Orangeburg, candidate eute&ant governor, followed Mr. man whom he said lte would have e credit foiv being the "frankest, it Bleaseite be bad ever run Many expressed the opinion ilr. A/iles made the very best ad of%he afternoon. id N. Sapp, of Lancaster, waa rrt speaker for the office o| at* general. He told of his service ree years ns assistant attorney f, f.aud declared his loyalty to* moment during the war. Sapp was followed by H. M. , df Anderson. Mr. R. P. Sear candidate for the same office said Ms main object in this "race was P Sapp from rising and also to iVolfe away from the door to * tbe of attorney ' general. candidates for governor came next. Mr. DesChsiiHfMi 4 i Madison DesChamps, tbe first r for Governor; arraigned Mr. f'? position on a loan system for institutions of higher learning hi of the present free scholarship ?? untenable and illogical. . He Mr. Cooper as saying at a former * - that a friend of Mr. Cooper's aned many boys and girls money five an education, and this friend ?t lost n cent. Mr. PesChamps >* "friend" was N. B. Dial, can for the United States Senate*, Ir. (Vtoper had not in%ade the re ?ntil after Senator Tillman's otherwise Mr. Cooper would have efeated for Governor by Senator speaker referred to the three ??l candidates ns "political cro^ys, ten for me to lay hands on." Mr. Dnncan T. Duncan, the next guberna "Peaker. subordinated the 'sys * a bitter excoriation of Cole 1;. >n which he warned the .people lease had the negroea organised b?lt n ml one of hi^ negro lleu q negro bishop. He refer ring terms to Blease's speech * University, a negro Institution, ?n audience of negro students. ' hls rchPeots to Governor Man dator Christie Benet and Mr. He read an excerpt out of ?rleston American to the effect v Charleston, had ew ?nd Washington on , ?nd was expected to ?omething "interesting" when he *n 'hi? connection he read Tk* fr0W * l>iter writtfn ^ P?h? ?? Rathwi, editor of tbe ? ** I., Journal, which waa * Instrumentalities tn YOUNG WH1TK MAN \HHK?TKI> PS Willi Having Made Away With] Uood Sum from Camp JacK^I^. ;. K. N. Mt'iuhlek^' a white man, giving his home *h HartMvltle, 8. was ar rented 6u the county ferry here Mon day afafttoon while cowing from (V lutabia. Sheriff Hough WW notified by phone from Camp JFjgckm>u to hold the man aa he was wanted for embeaale ment. Hendricks wan employed at the po*t* exchange at Camp JaeWn and ia alleged to have gotten away with some thing like iu cash.; H? was driv-, lug an automobile purchased from a Co* lumbla dealer and the auto dealer was alao . after him. Sheriff Hough placed Ml man in jail until officer* from Gamp Jaokson could come for him, He was re turned to* Columbia late Monday, tttyftjm in oarc of -iiwliitty oWcerk I WEeu drat arrested Hcmlrlvk* -denied knowing anything of charge** agaTust him and expressed a wllllngnoss to return to Columbia. When searched at the jail $47# in cnrrP^jttA*. fonnd on him. A bank botlk was alao found showing where ihei had at various times WH*hUy inade rtrportter of around' *1,000. i KN><lrtC?8 Hecmed to ha about 231 ^earn of ay. waa ?MPPiHHPPPl aud a man of^ good ap mm ^heSIHhlrig German propaganda Ifett Vmi<v spy methods. ~ "Of cours# we All kuow that the Charleston American has been rabidly disloyal in every way. I hope you will note some developments 4n>> that direotion before long." He ex* plained lthat the (communication was written to him but did not state what Wf.afare'sTrip , .1} "h Major Richards jj&ii'Mj Major John G. Richards w'as In his native county. At the commencement of his afjdreea he was presented with a bouquet of flowers. Major Richards de clared. as he had done elsewhere* that the War is not an issue in thin oamj^Htt. He referred to his. work in the legisla ture and conneotiou witto the affairs of Oj^risoU and /WInthrop colleges. He .&f >" "T-. 1 to secure lower taxes for this state. One of ^ the methods of decrease, he de-i dared, would be by , "kicking out of office some of the men placed there by the Legislature and the present Gover nor." These men, he stated, are waft* ing the taxpayers' money. He claimed tW the position taken by Mr. Cooper .that taxes will be higher because of the war is absolutely untenable. Mh Bellies Lieutenant Governor Bethea, who-fol?| lowed, suid that Major Richards pre fers to talk about taxation, education, ^ Weather or something else beeau^ej the war mAy be a sore point with bim." After referring to Please the speaker I s^id. that Major Richards declared- for PBtease at WalhallA, but that the Re form candidate for Governor had side pepped the question. Mr. , Bethea ask ed, him at Walhalla ami Greenville if Major Richards endorsed the remarks of Blease at Pomaria ahd Filbert, which is unanswered yet He referred to the affidavits he rwt(J from Heath Springs citizens, which declared that Major Rich ards had criticised President Wilson dur ing the Mexican trouble and said that.; he would go down in history as the weakest President the United States had eter .had, but Major Richards at Lan caster, where . tta affidavit wairead, said Mr. Bethea, stated that no matter he thought before the war he was Whole-heart ediy with the President and/ the government since, the declaration of I hostilities. ^ Mr. Bethea read. excerpts;\from the Charleston American of Bleases's speeches printed therein.' He said that be did not want the support of a man who endorsed Blfase's utterance, and asked if there were a man in the crowd who endorsed his utterances -to hold up his hand. Mr. D. Pi C. Murehison stated that he fidorfced Uttt felease said before war was declared. "But," Mr. Betheav repHed "this war four month* after war waa declared." Some one suggested that Mr.Bethea ask Mr. Murfehihon "if he did not tote against Hampton in 18767' Mr, Murchison de nied this. *^%e " 1 oh have their word f?r Mr. Bethea. Bethea's retort caused a f great deal of cheering and showed that Mr. Bethea had the crow* with him. V? '"'{fitr. ' Robert A. Cooper, the "last speaker, said that the war is an isaue and will continue so to be until the men hi return home with victory. He that he did not expect to see | reduced, particularly duriaf He said that tie people would feel proud of their achievement the boys return nnd^-fp^T ?Je we were over there Buffering dying you were reducing ,(0te taxaa**. He tHM to know if )C*J?r Riebsrd* if TO IKAVK Al'OVHT ?TH I tv.V. -.Vv;.. ?' :? _ -L M UK of WUt??Rcstoc?i!t? Ordered U? Ca?m* WadHwertlt. Jdat of white registrants ordered to report to I .oral Board f or eutrainiuent to Camp Wadaworth, 8. (ft, on August thh, at 4 o'clock P,. M- uader call 9T4i . Fletcher jkrkson, Longtown Mamies B. Habou, Lugoff K.; Kdgar Marsh, Camdeu -^Heary T. Hortojy, Camden ... & p- Henry H. Holland, Can t?\v f * .Robert Jtexter Hurst, Camden ? Samuel \6. Yarboro, Bethupe Daniel C. \ii < .t -Kill, .) efferaon Troy Ricbard*on,' Kerabaw Furman IV HUton, Jlethuno Freddie C, Jordan, Westville Thomu* II. Klliott, i^anaatt ' if 4 , Manlb Wilsoa, logoff i Hiram Bander*. Blanvy 4m ?????. ? ??? : 6; m mm Lewia I). Haley, Kerabaw ; - ^ jr-~ Simon K. I > a \ i - , K .? i 1 1 a \v Fred E. Watta, Camden ??.; .Henry Yo^ny/ W^vllfe " w John S. Branhaui. "Lugoff ^v, (.'lie TbnmpaonV Cainden ,r Benjamin 'IV Jordan, Bet li V 71 The following Registra^iW of the 1018 LC^i^al having been, placed in Clans 1 ami culled up far examination nud fall ing to appear will be reported to State Headquarter* a? ddin?iueht? ; .0S?. Wojjday August' 5th: Isaiah Robertson, (teojgge Drakeford. John Clark, Joe William*. Willie Jones, Solomon (.Sorbin, John Man ning, Willie Garey, Jaine^ Lloyd, Eddie ! Banks, Jhi Wylie Clarke. , ; The flowing of the 1917iOiatw will be reported same way on the\bove date Willie William*, Om A. JonM, r?ak ( Harris, Wiley |)ea*e, Thorn a* Murphy, i ; If any of the above registrants will meet at the Court House 011 next Mon day morning ut J> o'clock they can l?o . examined and will not be reported. ; - Ivt <? ??vj*. 1 1 1* j NEXT L^AN IN SEPTEMBER Will Continents September 28th \n& Ends October Jfttli. ?*? It J f**' A * ?. v. .vft;' [ VlOj A 'J ' ? " ' '.'??K " Washington. July 31.? The campaign for m foil 1-th Liberty todn^vTirt#^ Saturday, September 2$, and continue three wek's, ending October US) It wan announced tonight by Secretary Mc A,l?. V I Adoo. Three weeks as the length of the cam paign for the fourth loan, instead of four weekB as in previous loans, treas ury officials plan for a more intensive campaign;^ A shorter campaign/ It; was said, will also enable moi*e business men to enlist as workers. The date bf tbe campaign was An nounced at this time in order to allow campaign organizations to prepare for the sale of bonds and to prevent tbfc plan fining of 'another campaign Which might interfere with the floating of the loan. ^Although official announcement has not been made the amount of the loan will be 10,000, 000, 000 and the rate in terest which the bonds will bear 4 1-2 per cent. Should the treasury decide . . 4 ... ?. ?- ? . _ ? . ? ? <. ? soon to t>lace on the market Certifi cates of indebtedness redeemnfclf f ; ihe>t ?Tnne when taxes are due, the amount of the loan may be reduced. ? , Burled at Logoff. Lewis M. Branham, who died at his home at No. 1 Bluff Boad near Colum bia Saturday was burled it Lugofl in this pouuty Sunday, Mr. Branham was 03 years of a&e at the time of his deatft and was a prominent man of his com munity. I ' " II 1.1 I . ? II llll ' ?? ?? I ?? in saying the war would not cause a' raiise in taxes, desires to turn over 'to the federal government the school sys tem of South Carolina for, operation." Does he advocate tbe sacrificing of every vestige of States rights t" he asked. He defended his loan plan system. "One of the candidates said that my position is illogical," said the speaker. "Kven if it is not logic it is truth, and logic is tnte%^ ? Mr: Cooper said that no matter who I* elected Governor, he does ,not ex pee^ to -see taxes reduced; that the peo ple had one Governor who vetoed ev erything and everybody, bat the taxes went up in bis administration. The speaker said that l? would not pardon bis best frfdflE unless heT^* thottfuglily satisfied that tln> court* had made an error. He ha# been solicitor too long hot to ; know- -that courts and juries make' mistakes sometimes, and for that reason he was not opposed to the pardoning poorer/ However, he did think executive clemency shopld not be dglld except to correct an injustice. _Mr. Cooper promised, if elected* not I., know friend or foe in the exercise SM bin executive duties. . Although the crowd Was tired they .listened attentively to Us. Cooper's adr | dree*. Judging by comments from tbt! voter* he la easily tbe favorite In this v PRKD1CT8 BtBASR-S DKFKAT IMtork Hays Blea** 8*>uM Be Peering .5? e?t' of e*it with Heard. Jul.v ^ M)vt*rwk(lutiuj[ tle 1 ' ;l 1 ?f (<ole L. Blease 111 tbe ti i >1 > i oacb iu* , !?*"'?? ry to elect a Suited States Henator to aucceed the late Souator THI-| man was forecast here today by \Y. p. Pollock, caudidate for the abort town. The candidate from Cfoeraw expects to In- their righteous indig nation, v**ppew lilin out bf their mouth* $ul- fcyry htm m deep with their bal Iota that he'll uevor have the face to come before them agalu. s "If the people are aroused against him aa they are whqro we have been withlu the last two week*, g expect to see him beaten byi ?10.000 votes." v-\ ||-5 Mr. Pollock's words were g reeled with tremendous applause- aad hts scathing df nunciatioa of Blea&es's war utterances drew bursts of continued applause from tin ?fc*wd. "I know that the h^art of ?FuxpiM'.County ia all right and that you will not elect ajuy traitor to the United States Ne^fe." Mr. pollock . said at the coivglijilou of one of the tuoat elo-l quent .periods, Aftar leadiug a number of t he -things Blease aaid frpthcPuglgria and Filbert, speeches the Sp**k? "Coyld^any one but a traitor to your country.^ to your army and your navjr, any one l>\?t a traitor to you. to yi>ur wife, your children and to' your home &'ve .utterance to such sentbnenta as that. By Bl*aae> sltpno^ ?t Florence when tin- statements were read to hfr? face' l?y Mr. .Dial*. Blease had admitted the correctness of tin- reports aud when had branded tifnY to hia fW as being "disloyal from the crowu of bin head to the sole of hlH feetf'he cotildi <pot resent it. , Mr. Pollock said that three close po litical allies of Blease and also men of prouoftnted pro-German sentiments had been sentenced, to terms In the federal prison. These, he s^id. were ,W,, P. Beard. Bl eases' bo<ly guard in previous campaigns and publisher of The Scimitar, of Abbeville, a paper debarred from the moilg because of , Ha disloyal utfafmwM> ; i*n>mber't>f; editoriaT [staff of the Charleston American, a paper that Jva?i been debarred from tha United States mails and now clamoring <Jay ill and day out for the election 'of Blease ; Albert Orth, another Genpan ' of Charleston. The quartet would not be complete, said Mr. Pollock, until Blease' was peering out of the penitentiary, ??where he ought to be'V The editor of The Charleston American, said the speak - er. was John P. Grace, who- had attempt ed to '.speak to audiences to the Pied mont during the campaign six yeara ago and was plastered with rotten eggs. The speaker understood tl^afe President Wil son preferred ten"1 La Follettes, "as dls | loyal as La Follctte Is, to one Cole L. I Blease in the United States Senate." N. B. Dial of Laurens; Also drote some acid thrusts into Blease's disloy alty record. The speeches which the ex Governor had made at Pomaria and Fil bert were "the kind of propaganda which encouraged the American boys ta:\de*ert, when called "to the armyT They are the moat pleasing message, he said, that eould possibly to sent to Germany. "It pf dissension among our .people* and creating dissatisfaction with the government," said the speaker. [ Mr. Dial said, ha knew of different eases In which people who were not ko shrewd as Blease had attempted to repeat dis mal utterances and had been taken from the farms aa^, families and . sent to the federal.-, prison. Mr. Dial Urged the employment of Getjaian prisoners in drainage projects in / the South, This would bring un told wealth to the southern half of the State and simultaneously afford em ployment for the thousands of prisoners taken iu France, /f' ,tfew Manager Takes Charge. '[%. '*:> Mr. David Perkins, formerly with the oil mill at Darlington, took up bis duties as manager of the Camden branch ojf the Southern Cotton OH Co. yeftCTday to succeed Mr. Wm, King who is now in the Y. M. C. A. service. Ditring Ms. Ring's absence Mr. Thomas Ancrum has ?been acting, manager of the- Camden" put. ' u_ New A n nan n cement. Mr. 8. A. Vincent ia announced in this weekH issue of The Chronicle ft*, a candidate for the offlce of Magistrate for- Lower Flat Bock Township. V Mr. Newton Kelly is announced this week as a candidate for the house of representatives. . 2*3-1 Mr. John J. Goodale is announced as ,a candidate for Judge of Probate. : 'x; L\ i. . Site' 1 ?" 1 fcrotraHed Meeting at Pltnt Iter. I. K^mith of FOrt Mill will conduct a protracted meeting at FHat Hill Church beginning Bunday evening August 4th. , . , IvIKNUAW MAYS NOT ICS Interesting llam?ei?i??K* ?? WUT ; m ' * ttn. mm Th. Br. d T>?' ?W , -rM Mi*. K. t\ Brasiuftoh aud daughters Mi**e* fcdfch, Mary'Nvana aud Aunle, ami Mr*. 8. V. Braslngton and *oa Cecil of Ca mden, left last Thursday for a star at Uidge Cw?t, N?;C, Mr*. Hob*. Kvaas And children, Mary ElUabeth aud Albert^ of Monroe, N. Cg. visited aVthe horn* of Mrs. M. F. Kvans last weck> v . ? Mrs. Frank Hlnnaut awd oh lid# it. who visited the former's parents, Mr *?fl Mm J. Uobt. Maglll, In the Bethfl sec tion, returned to their home at iUdge way last week, Niw. Hlnnaut was ac companied also by her sister, Ml". H. I,. Blackmou and little son. S. L. wha will spend a while with her In Kldge twy'. Church Gardner of Rock Hill, and daughter, Mm. Kffie Sadler of Durham, N. (?., *p*&t several day? last week at the home of H. F. Hilton and other relative* In the Flat Creak section. I >fr. and Mrs. J. T, Stevens have re I turned from their visit to Atlantic Q||S. I and New York. ^trrTsimTitmr^Vewr^ ;ruompaon of I Taxahaw, were ^ here Saturday to sea their sun. Gary. who Is at the home of Mrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs. John I Haley. tmfTcring from ft broken arm. The mm was broken by a fall from the pia/./a of the Taxahkw school build ing and the little fellow wu? brought to Kershaw where he eould have thm attention of a physician. Mr. and Mrs. I Thompson also ha^ye nnotherson, ^P^cry, [ at the Fennell Infirmary Rook Hill. for treatment. Hasel Horton left last week to join the-' professor and contingent of Wof foird students who were selected to go Mn training at the Plattsburg, N. Y., I officer's training <iamp. Wotford will be made n full military school and the J studeuts now in* training at Plattsbucg will constitute the cadet officers of the I student body. Carlisle Kirkley wm se lected for the similar course from the student body of the University of South I t^roltna, bttt fce fc*d already enlisted J hi the reserve marine eorj?s and 1b buI> Men* to call at any time. For that rea son lie did not go to Plattsburg. I Dr. W. 6. McDowell, who, was taking j"t vocation with his family ^p^titero Ndrth Carolina, motored to Kershaw last Tuesday to enwdl before the books I dosed. He was accompanied by W. I,, lilackmon, who is summering with his family at Black Mountain, aN. C. I Dr, McDowell and famijy returned home | Saturday. r Mrs. Jan! H. Hamel, who was three rpaerijsrtif . ? rt" I turned home last Friday very mnch im* I proved. I; Mrs. Jane Olybum and^two daugh ters. Misses Maifcaret And Thelma, of I Atlanta, spent several days at the hofae I of Mr. and Mrs'. T. B. Clyburn last I week. Mr. and* Mrs. Boyd E. Young motor* l ed to Durham, N. C., and g^nt the I -weak there with relatives. They were J accompanied oil the trip by their nephew J Sbalor Crow. I Mr. and Mrs. CMyton Moore of York, I returned, hojoe Saturday after f -visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. I HUton In the Halle Gold Mine section, f Mrs. : "V. B. 'Campbell has returned J from Greenville, where she spent some ( time jwitbs her husband, who left &r I Camp Mills* Sfvl^rr yrfday. I Sergeant Furman Jones and Corpor al Grover H. Jones, of Co. 30? Military I Police, have been transferred with their l<tp^B|y from Camp Sprier, Greenville, to r.amp Mills, Mlneola, Ixing IaUnd, s. t. / ? . -Mmm Sh :J.' Hermon Long son of R. F. Long of the Plain* section who removed tf om 'Columbia to Waahingtoh, 0, C., sev eral month* ago afterf belbg occepted for nervier, was irfarriedNo Washington ftupda.v, July, "14, to Mls^Tlfifir Mse Jennings, of Columbia. '' The ceremony was performed by Hev. J. O. Ball, pas t w^f Tte MetropotftanBn ptist Church of Wtshlng|pn. Mr. Long Is now on duty In the en rolling office of the Naval Reserve Fly *lng Corps* Aftft 4?iDg J?nflned_ to his home fo r two weeks with sickness, Rev. R. If. DnBose, pastor of the Methodist Church was able to be out again "and Hit hit preaching appointments on )aat Sunday. i XV. Tj. Crogton returned Saturday from Western North Carolina, where he spent several .week* .recuperating his health, ?H e 'nay's be baa been /Vttfy much benefitted by his ktay in the mountain ' it. ? ;Jlis? Nannie Blackmon returned last week from Orangeburg, where like apent sevetja weeks with ftkMi! Jack Massey, am of *|fr. and Mrs. H. B. Hwtr <* *, and Ml.. Deanie Hilton, daughter ; of Mr. and yfc Jf Me nnton of Kershaw were ' i'.", *';)# 4*' , J * ' Vv-T/V; V .'T- " ' IbETHUNE NEWS NOTES, j Chronicle of H?pponli??? WwP, Our Regular OwttipoaP^ Hutbuuf, 8. 0., Jul* Sl.-Mr.. W?k King aud tyftp Kon ?* ?*?**?',. J 1 hiv visiting at the home of Mrs, Kin# ? rather Mr. N. A. IfcthUUe. g? Ml** Hattl* Garduer spent several daya of the pn?t week lo Camden. Mrs. Ben McJtfftlJ. ftl TiUwla ^rjf* Klnf' ljl?l Mins Flo ride Satcher Wtu> ha?i ???a the g?c*t of Ml* Mallnda Wa* mturu ed to her home at Waul last Frtda>. Mr. uud Mrs. W. M. Stevena and chit daeu ?!*?* Frldaf 1* Camden. . * . Mm. A. W. Humphries la vlslttnt rel atives In Mt. Carmel, 8. O. Mrs, A. K. McLaurln returned laal^ week after a trip to Heuder?ouvllle_and other point* In North Carolina. ^Mr. W. K. I>av|? attended court In Camden Thursday. ? Mm. O. M. Wilaon, of Newberry, I* visiting at the home of her mother Mrs* M. U VLt\h\ " m Miss Annie Jennie Robertson retu?** A ed Saturday from Koek Hill wbere^ ?&?_.. fas beep attending summer schools* Wlutlirop College. ; , Miss Mary I.oulae MoTiaurtn return^ ta.t rtMW fmrn ? to hot auwt Mi*. ft M. Ift N?w??wr. J ut. K...I Mr.. B. W. Bo?t and cMM ven motored to Haytsvllle Tuesday a ternoon. r ' The yoUiiK ladles and mens Sunday .1 ,W "I tk? M..tho<tl?t Church with Mrs. 0, T- Mays, Its teacher, hAd a y?ry pleasant picnic laiit Thursday at Big Springe. The young folka ?eni- | ,.,l to enjoy Ads outing more, than any other form of nmnsement had lately. Messrs. W. E. Pavls.tJ. M. Clyburn, Tom Hearon and Mays Davis made An .auto trip last week over into DarWng tbn county to a flour mill. 'J- w Dr. A. W. Humphries Is visiting rel- | atives ne?r Camden. Mv- (Mrtrence Pate left Wednesday for linrnwell. S. C.. where he will accept A position. .Mr#, -teona Northcuttriwturned to h?r"1 homo litre T<m?l?y *???? .pending mm*-. time nour Kftifhftw. ? Mr. Jake Betbune left ltf^t Week to accept a position in a hardware store in Hartsvllle. Mr. Mark King of NeeCf*. accompanied by twenty-four boy sootits from that town came Monday to camp a . while at Big Springs. The boy* brought tents, <ind seem to be etpeotlng a big fame. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parker hare been in ChaHatte, S, C., this week where Mr. Parker underwent a successful opera tion. Mr. Jfloyd' llfWafton if ^Parker'sy place aa Cashier Aa the Ban of Bethune while he Is away. ; Miss Charlotte Watt* baa returned from Wintbrop aumraer school, Messrs. Keraha*y -and Boyd McKte? non. accompanied by Mrs. Kva and children motored to Monroe, N. C. la?t week. The former have returned but Mra. Morgan with be children * visiting relatives near Monroe.;. ; ; , Mr. .Towers of Jefferson was in town Sunday. . Mr. Alvln Clybnrn 1b vlaitinf at the home of toa grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Black well in the Ashlapd section, j ?v ?' T/ittle Miss Sara . Caston from Bar lington County la the guest of her aunt Mra. Joana Caston. Mr. Tbomwell Clybura. PfcflPv***"' spent Sunday at bis home here. Mrs. Marie Rosier of Alablina 1? ?!?? Iting relatives in Ufwn, after a visit to ber husband at Camp Jackijoo, ? ~ mMlfyrtofpvfy*** Lee CMurn motore<} to Camden Sunday evening. Mr. Baron T*ee bas returned from a visit to relatives near Monroa, If. 0. | ; County Campaign D?l?. ? ??'? ?< * Bethune, Tuesday, August 13th. Haley's Mill, Wednesday, August 14th. Kershaw, Thursday August 15th. ? Westrille, Friday August lflth. (m ^Liberty Hill, Tuesday, August 20th. ;; Blaney, Wednesday, August 21at. ?> 'A Doby's Mill, Thursday, August 22nd. Camden, Friday, August 23rd. v Cotton Mills, night of ; Monday, Au gust 26th. - - - h ? Georgia's first bale of 1918 cotton was ginnefl today by Charles H. Tullia, of Doerum, near here. The bale, which weighed ttOO ? pounds, has been shipped to Savannah. Mr. Ttil lis ginned the state's first bale last fM p? on the not day. iiipwi ^ iL - 1 ,? i ,t * "i" i iii married last Thursday evening at;9'a*&j a haw by Bar* Mr. Sutton. ;T Mr*. Wv H. Martin and her son, W. 11. Martin, of Laurens, are rlatting Mrs. Martin's niece, Mrs. John T. Sterens. Mr. Martialwia mwpted for aerrke and r*cel*? appointment as Chief Petty 'Ofttc?r in the Naral' Aviation eectlqp. He will laaVe In a feir da.? for Ro?to^ to go U trainUg. > /