REPORT OF AUDIT OF CITY OF i CAMDEN, S. G? APRIL 10, 1918 To Hon. (\ Hr Yati^, Mayor, I'amdon, Spilth Carolina. Sir: I'm sunlit to your iiwdruotionw, 1 har|Nitt herewith rt?Hp?HM fully submitted. I/. A. Searmin, < Vrfilied Public Accountant. Slulrnifiit of .Municipal Hoods Outstanding April 10, 1918. 20 year 5 |M'r ?i*nl Ojiera House tsnnls I hit I'd Mil h-li IINNI, maturing March 10 JO 40 year 5 per cent (Vw?r?K(? Bonds 1 >u t?*? I Juii. 1SMI8, maturing January 11HM ( Prix liege of redemption after !i(i yi'arn) For Public I till ties: IO year 5 |*?r cent Water Works Bonds Datixl Oetol*?r 1014, maturing Octolier 1954 (Optional JO ynnx fhun da to of l**u?> 40 v vh r 5 jH?r cent Water Works Bonds (optional JO .warm dated 4 k'tobor 1910, maturing Oct. 1050 to ytvi r 5 |K-r cent Elect rlr Light Bonds dated < N toln-r lf)H. maturing Oeter 1954 (Optional 'Jo yi'HW after date of issue) ?to year 5 |*-r 00.00 00.00d.00 18,000.00 .15,000.00 57.000,00 7.000.00 150,000.00 207,300.00 Bonds Ontsta ii'llng Auditor's Note. The rerun Is show that 0|kth House Bonds in I he sum of $7,500.00 and Paving Bonds In the sum of $2,500.00 matured Mareh 15, 1917 ami that these said bond* were retired by the City Council oil the date of maturity The sinking funds of reeord. < in the hiiiii of $l,000.00t are Invested in the IOnierpri*H? Building and Loan Association, of Camden Series No. Hi, (?cueral Statement of Property Tax**. (Four yearn.) Taxes of The Year 1914: HomI Projs'rty Personal Property Total ? 10 mills erty Taxes of the Year 1913: Total ? 10 mills on Penalties on delimpient taxes Total taxes and j>enaltiea Accounted For as Fellows: Cash Collected Nulla Bona Returns Outstanding -v 084.015.00 537,158.00 1 ,522,078.00 Taxes levied 24,003.38 204 .1H> J4.S08.28 24;370.43 170.03 200.02 24,808.28 24 .353.18 215.01 Tola 1 Heal property Personal Property Taxes of Tlie Yc*r 1916: Total ? 10 mills on Penalties on delinquent taxes Total taxes and penalties Accounted Fer as Follows: ('ash ( %>l lifted Nulla Bona Returns outstanding x ?** ?-J 990, 705.00 537.197.00 1 .527.992.00 Total Heal property Personal pn?|H'rty Taxes of the Year 1917: 1.OO1.415.0O 540.000.OO Total ? Is mills on 4Vna 1 1 ii*s ? ?> 1 1 ? deli in puut ? la i. i'.s ? 1 ,548,41 1 .00 T< it a I l ;i M'"? and | m-ii.i! I ii'v Accounted For as Ftllows: ?'ii?.|i < '? ? 1* ?< i ? . i Balance. exe?ut ions in liands of Poli< ?? 1 ? i ?t . Total ? ? \ 1 1 1 i i ?! i s jti hands of polier J4.500.00 J.1, 800.03 217.50 545.90 J4.569.0t) J4, 447.87 243.12 J4.09J.90 j: 5, 5 J 1.1 7 31.30 1.1 40.5 J J 1, 1 19 J. 99 J7.s7i.:;o 11N1.70 28,008.18 J5.S7 4. 1 : ! J. lOt .05 1. 19 J. 58 Tot.ii js.(m; Fteceipts and Disbursements (May 13, 1911 to April 30, 1915.) Income \s Expenses. Soors St root Tax I'IW City Pro|M'i*t\ rrustri's liistiraix-e I n terest d lii^-pi. Fund 1 ,.'tJ8.5o 5,5J7.oo 1.J48.0f) JJ.lHi 970.00 .~?(i7.95 3.07 9.07:5.1 J Total Net Revenue Departmental ami (ieneral Fxpense. Stationery 1 ml Printing Water ami Lights Trus. Kin* ID*, and 1 nsjHstion Fund Sinking Fund Sowera go Tmisiut-r'M ? ?fti? ??? and Council Chamber I net denial* and SjHi-ial Appropriation I nferext ii . k i Street I >epa rt iiii'ii t ? Fire 1 >4*i mi i ! mem Health lK?partment Ta\es ete refunded Police 1 >e|?artment City Property Recorder's Court Fx cess of Kcvenne -over exj^nse* Proof of Cash Account. 2.087.4(5 30. 6o 220.0O : 154.00 1.850.32 345.64 !?.000.0<) (1,806.51 T.TTTTTTIZ 1.816.01 00.70 3.406.53 2.170.34 332.00 lX>bit 1.673.27 871.57 Credit Net gain a* above Cash turned over by ei -Treasurer May 13. 1914 overdraft l^an A Savings Rank M .it 13. 1014 BH1?< Jteeeivuble , Sinking Fund Amount Cash Italance April .'{0. 1W1.1 Tofa N Receipt* and Disbursement# (May 1, 1915 to April 30. 1916. luronw vh. Kipennfs. SourpfR of Revenue: x Fr?>m Iimi k uxc" From faxes of the var 1 5? 1 ."? ::80.60 1 3,448.15 4S6.07 14. 32.3. 82 2.379.21 22, 6 73 *55 871.57 4.10 6.543.05 6.5)05.10 14.323.82 25.052.76 From Other Sources. Recorders Court Licenses St wt Tin I >og License City Property s Total Net Revenue Kcpense in f'Xet-M orf revenue Departmental and General F.xpcnse. Stationery and Printing Water and Lights (ni't i Fire I n?pect ion and I iron ranee Fund Sinking Fund Sewerage Treasurer'* ottlee and Coum il Chamt*r Incidental* and Special Appropriations Interest * Street Department Fire Department (net) 728.50 5.586.00 S22.00 50.00 1.205 .50 x.:rt)2.oo .'*3,444.76 1.481.41 34,026.1 7 11)6.03 .205.50 20.50 2IO.OO 74.56 .fcflO.OO 223.65 ,76*30 .777. 58 .801.06 IHvArtuM'ii* ?axwi etc refunded Pol b e I^epdHment Keoordcr* Court 300,00 507.27 ....816.43 Proof of Cn^i Aftotwi. Deficit an alsne < *n balance iVJuy 1. 1015 nillM I'HVhMo (Vish balance April :WV. 1010 Total* Kmlpttt and DiMbuiyiiMiitH (May 1, I9M> Income vs. Expfiisfii. Source* of Revenue: From back tax?-* From taxes of the year 1010 * ** 4 Recorders Court ? Truilte??? Fire Inn. and Inspection Fund street Tax I H?g Licenses City 1'roiwty Scwcihk*' (Mill Street) ? to DeMt MS 1.41 7. 10,4*0.07 .) Froai Otltcr Source*: 1,402.40 J2?244.7r? 001. 85 1,340.00 360.75 030.00 4.00 1,006.00 275.00 2:1.707 2 ? Total Net Itevenuc Departmental and General Expense. Stationery ami Printing Water and Lights Fire Insurance and Inspection Fund Sinking Fund Sewerage; Trea surer s otttci?artuucnt Health Department IVIUv Department city Property Library 7,702.00 31.499.S4 Excess of Itevenuc over expenses Proof of Cash Account. 'Net train an above ('anil balance May 1, 1010 Bills payable Sinking fund account (11, & L.) Hills receivable (It. & L.) Honda redeemed March 15, 1017 Cash balance April 30, 1017 138.84 1,809.20 284.40 020.00 37H.00 2.111(H) 832.09 0.007.50 5,301 .4 S 2,718.41 1 ,34)0.52 3.S10.5S 081.42 245.30 Debit 5.000.00 10,000.00 3,457.47 - 18,457.47 20,74 1 .7!i 4.75H.11 1 'redlt 4,758.11 2,004.00 2,000.00 2,780.00 <1.905.10 Tota Is Receipts and Disbursements (May 1, 1917 to March 31, 1918.) Income vs. Kxpenses. Sources of Revenue. From back taxes (tax executions collected 1,517,63 From taxes of the year 1017 ' 25,874.13 18.457.47 27.M91.70 From Other Sources: License* Street Tax Trustees Fire Ins. and Inspection Fund 'Dor Licenses City pro]>erty Recorder's Court Total not. revenue Kxpenscs In Excoks of revenue Itepartmental and General Kxpense. Stationery and Printing Water ami Ll?hts Fin* Insurance and Inspection Fund Sinking Fund ' Sewerage Treasurer's otiicc anil Council Chamber Incidentals and siKt-l^l apfproprlatlons Interest ( net > 3.721 .50 765.00 265.09 fK.OO 028.00 405.00 5,812.59 33,204.35 1.136.27 34,340.02 Street Department Fire department Health department Taxes- refunded Police department City Property Library (net) 63.16 3.401.01 34.60 LIOO.OO 93.10 2.045.50 988.75 10,023.09 0.790.73 2.029.80 1.741.51 7.4H 3,390.91 1.360.00 OOO.OO Tot. *ll expenses Proof of (ash Account. I ?elicit as above Cash ha la tree May 1. 11)17 Bills payable Cash halaiKH' .'II. litis Totals 1 Mnt l .i:?f?.*_iT 2.321 .i*n .M.MIO.OI < -n?dit : 5.457. 4 7 s (IIWMHI Recapitulation. 1 1 .457.47 11.4.r?7.l7 Revenue Fx] tenses 32.544.K4 31. 073.27 33.444.7b 34,020.17 :tt .499.04 2H.741.73 33.204.35 :i4T:j4nc.u 127 .OK 1.79 3,012.00 l3o.093.7o 130, 093.79 (ieueral Cash Statement (Close of Business April 10, 1918.) Veil r 191 4-1915 ( commences May 13. 1014) Yea r 1015-191b Year 1910-1917 Year 1917-191* (ends March 31, 191S? Net -'.aiu May i:t. 11)14 to March 31. 191S(inc> Balance ?s per rash book April 1, 1D1S Cash received from licenses A j?r i 1 4 and (5. 1918 Tolal to accouirt for Deduct Disbursements April 1 to 10, 1918 2.321.20 1 1 .(H) 2,332.20 2G0.00 12 5.00 50.00 7.00 75.00 H.33 124.50 100.00 .32 Police Department. Street Department Health Department ' Sewerage Treasu rer's Office ami Council Chamber City property Fire department Sinking fund Incidentals Balance April 10, 19TH (clone) Statement of Cash on Hand April 10, 1918. Cash in office Five Dollar Bills 20 00 One Dollar Bills 2.00 Silver ?ml Minor "Coin Halves Quarters Dime* Cop|ierw 750,15 1,582.05 22.00 3.73 Total actual cash as counted Cash Items In Office (as audited.) Memo. ( telegram ) Cheek E. 'V. VonTreskow, March 4. 1018 Tax receipt O. W. Birchmore Total cash and items counted as cash Cash In Banks - Bank of Camden _ Flrsrt National Bank, Camden Ix>an and Savings Bank, Camden .30 189.33 88.74 ' 25.73 278.37 304.10 262.70 287.02 728.28 Total lies? surplus unaccounted for 1.582.18 1.582.19 .14 1,582.05 Reconciliation of Bank Balances (Close of Business April 10, 1918.) The Bank of Camden v , Balance as per Dank Statement * "* 262.79 I.*S8 Chc<-V-s outstanding None Balance as per City Treasurer's records The First National Bank "Balance as per Bank statement I.e?#< ch?-?4tM outstanding , Balance as per City Treasurer's re<-ords The Ix>an and Savings Bank. Balance as per Bank ststement I/ckx cheeks outstanding: No. U)10.\V. F. Nettles. April 2, 191S Bala me as iter City Treasurer..*!! records 262.79 287.02 None 2X7.02 828.28 100.00 728.28 I J? COUNTY NJBWfl Items of fat rrtmt (iiUherrd From Blah opvillc VindkiMr, ; I Lieut. Cim*. NormeiU' Muldrow of 1 >11 rlington, S. and Miss Mary Pauline Hearoli, known by those who know tier I K*st an "PoUUp. wore mar in flu* home" of Mr. Had Mrs. J. A. HfiU'on, her jmrents. ou Thursday ufterimon, May at 0 o'clock, by Kev. Richard A. Fountain. Several of the bride'* friend* and friend* uf the family were pmvHlt to witness )?9 ma rrluge ami to enjoy Jo soine extent I ? ? ? r happiness. Air*. T. L. BruinbaCk and children, Kdgar and tiertrudc returned to LU' ray. Vu., Friday after a two week* > islt 'i <> her brother, Mr. H. II. lMtt* man and family. The drive for Third Liberty Ix?an In I**.* comity ha h run $.'{5,000 over her quota of >IW,0(HI, i?r. and Mrs. I.. W. ( 'orbet'fc and little -on, of Camp Meade, spent a few days this week at tlie home of Mr. J. S. CortH'tt. Air*. Alex Baker <1 ted last Thursday morning May 2nd JOIN after a very sliurt Illness of a complicated disease. She was born May 1U, IKON. and luar-j rled Jan. 5, lKbO, and died May 2, lltlv If she had lived mitll May |2th she would have lieen tiff y years old. Sin* wax a daughter i?f 'r. Levander Klniore and leaves three sisters, foijr brothers and nine children, a loving husband and a host of frieud.s to lixaiiii her death. She was a memiier of ftcthany Baptist Church, where she wa s laid to rest. Funeral service wan conducted by ber former pastor, Kev. .M. Al. H*> 1 1 son. '? Air. and Airs. K. Her train ColcloUKh auihiuiKX' the marriage of their daugh ter. Alary Wvclyu, to Thot*. S. War ing on Wednesday, Alay 1st, at (lVeen vllie, S. C. Afr. Waring Is a member of tin* L'nd S. vecks, has returned lo ine Camp. According to information re ceived the officer was temporarii> de ranged and wandered to a deserted mountain ('a bin where he subsisted upon fruits and berries. i \ 6olkl Car af Wii*- ? ; Savannah. May 0.~ greatest \m tbe <*1? tlie ?e*boa?rt Air V4i)? Hall**/, A #o)M wrM or lmttM ?V valued at $H5,U00, according to. van nab prlcea, was *-au#ht 4^ arroatx made. Ti*e Wen a r routed j.'|l. Nftllejr and C. t\ Tntcn ?U(j noKhH's. Id addition to the c*m9 ??f tile e*r *1* teUtomuhllea, twTS ,?( hi ?< and three rnuUw wcw inwJJ The ear was *lvii>i*M from j8(4j vijio via tlie H?NM Air Lin* J Way. It contained WH) ('unen of billed an "empty barrel*' ^ containing twelve quails. The men were caught while fan act of unloading the cur. 5 ti ft 'W 1 w> ? ? ^ ??, Carl Ware, iMmlber th* ? depot brigade. <'?n?v < ??>r(lanl dkJfl an Atlauta hospital froiu gufl woundn 1>elleved to have |>etn ei\ hy a negro, who tirtM upc* Holdler while he was riding ?Mr liome at Woodbury*