The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 17, 1918, Image 1

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I, i 1 1. mi1 ,Av .hjjj. NUMBER 5 VOLUME XXX. TIIK STAT? CONVENTION. p, I'uHoek of Clieraw liuuiimoiuly Meded Stat* ChainuiuW [lW elm rleaton Now* and Courier. ^IuiiiMh. May 15.?' The State Ih?ui rgttc Convention, vvhjU'li e<yi vetted the liu'l of the lloue t>f ltejue*eu ?..< here at uooa today, wan elee l liy an iuUln'?S, delivered by W, Hock, of Cheraiv; i *mui a nent piya h-Iio scathingly. attacked the w nttcnuuUw of ex4iovriior ' Grito . ,.1'iisc. .Mr. Pollock, however, did ! nauif the former ttovcuoiy but inference wan unmistakable. The 1 iventlon vvuh rockcd by cheer* at t'henterileld infill'* caustic aud blt fittarfcf. yuatm H. It. Tillman, ou invlta ft, mill 'in address to the couven h, in which ho briefly outliued hl? litinil career, aiul told of liU aerv to the nation aud hi* devotion ? the national adminiwt ration. Ho It.' i that duty alone decided hi in to ? for i iv Iff I ion to the Senate" for Hfth time. The. Seuator read liis lecli in a clear voice and frequently I rliafil it with oxtraneoua matter.' was eiiilmslatitloaUy received and an ovation from his followers audi ?porter*. ??* Pollock Wat* Unopposed. E, p. Pollock, of Cheraw, was uij st'i i for election us temporary and lanoiit chairman of the convent ipu. iNHuinutlou was seconded by the pitiou from lodgeflew, Sumteft Ister. Plcken* Florence, Sparta n ; and Kershaw. His name w*g e<i in nomination by Senator G. K. >f, of Ohesterfleld. II. (?. 1 of Charleston, and J. Wilson1 es c?f;t\duxnbla, were elected tern ry it ud j>eruiaueu* secretaries, liout opjRisition, A. K. Hutchison, lock Hill, was unanimously chosen4 ?in;: clerk. 1 ie i'ou vent ion, in 'its entirety, was ?mely harmonious and of supcr notism. 1 ivory utterance an<l the |ueni applause of Its momUuH dein- j alcil that it was whole hearted ly ivor of t lie. war, behind the' ^ia I administration, and would tol f nothing Init unadulterated Ataer* sin. The committee 011 platform resolutions considered a rpsolu _ instructing the General Assembly Buss a referendum, resolution plac lie question of suffrage for women general election, but rejected it majority vote. :?olitloii of the county-forcounty ass was discussed in the commit-, but tiki not get as tar as a mo- 1 Xeltlicr question was brought on ?or tif tin- convention. This after tlie convent ion elected John Gary of Spartanburg, chairman of State executive committee, and the ? ImmIv elected Ashley V, Tobias,] >f Columbia. as secretary ana] W-illk? Jones, us treasurer.. The it tee. at its meeting,' decided to it fl.noo of its surplus fluids in ty ItoinN. This was done OTK-the n nf I/egare Walker, of Suraiher lutc of the owning of the cam tlie a i '"a ngemen t of the county-1 fmty _ itinerary was left with ? jnimitUje, composed of Kdgar Aj n. of Itarnwell; .1. M. Moorer,'of (erl)oro. and (ion. Willie .Tones, of il'ia. 1'he committee expects' to ;i report in the next Jew days, follou-jng platform, bf-entbing pu-' mii aidl upholding the war-alms Ulrica and President Wilson was ?ti i tlic-cunvoutionr reaffirming-! etfiam-c to the principles of the !'N ,l>> pressed in that platform w' ?'> the national convention in I >m?: ?? r . ?In- great crisis which confronts ouriiiuent and all governments 1 ?''' imtioiis of tlio world, we HI Ilia ir t tie jHHiple of the , Union j . "k'stinies ar<? in- the hands lcim* ia tie leader, whose love of hnujaii liberty and Chris ?viiixat ,<?u has been exhibited in to 'oiiunand the vdimratio& ?'MH--t of tin. people Of the world," of race or nationality.,^ ?' ?*"c- 1 ty appeal to dlir peopttr ?,mI In'" r,,("ognlze that we are in -in American WarT a 'war 'l ""l-'inilism and militarism ior, ,,XiV1,,jr; " uar *or the j>res IH*!^tUtt?9n of Ameri- . 1 fit - and ideate.; for tile ;f rep- f ' " '"'"'I ' lal relations that rfM j [to ve' ? ;',,l,w'rs rt"d producers the _ If ?h,. . . 1,rod"rts lo the mar- 1 nric,.' 7, to ol)Wln tliere ? ' . ol'/?i"?l by honest, oo*.. w'hi '.!V, ni, 1,n?frialis3c vde " must load ftnally to vns ' ' ;l '"''?urn to feudalism. ' Bnitat!?*1?' com,uct of our loval nii,i , Con?r?8? who have h'./ il;t v.'- Ii .'mV '? !^ Pril>0iP'0? ^ult f <% to foresee i t iVL? un?n'*e8rful terminal ? i t.. . ' "U who hwc-Jiad the , ??? Prnrt, let b?1 ? .ar "B"1'"' the eiie , our lis J( i; J wo l>,ed*e our i vi f . <Hlr ^sources in! :b?t ich ? , xvorW: l>e "i,r' LI jpeace can ("? ofVt rm absolute- sub r ?'?rruanj and her aliieR ^ ^elective <Ini ft lf ,) our n,,..? ?iujtal?l? means reenm" T) ^ tl vi w w ll '' an<1 plaaced upon a ^ Wb .'Xft ,he rI<,h fX*** pfi'liK* of j ane t<> .v effects us '^r011 wh,ch ?%STtW ?fth? war, ^ call ^ ?PO" ho greatest t0 Cxet' wtriotic d.i?7 [. ,Ia1, ?*onomy b". ?"rUl S: ieDd^? "??' ? ion,. abllltleg. !"xu;v, ,he ^ * *"a> ,r WOULD PAVK THKIK PROPERTY Two Merchants Would Pay Own Cost If Allowed to Make Improvements. In conversation with Mr. J. K. U>wls <iX the firm of JahvIs & Christ owl, grotvry mei-chams, who ojnrute on one of the principal business sites in Camden Mr. Lewis told u? that bin tlrui^Was willing at ?ny tliue to have the. roadway paved In fr<?nt of tlielr store wlthAut any cost to the city if the .council wowltl agree to let them make 'the Improvement. , . of course this would mean only tho width of their frontage half way across Main Street and It would hardly look good to have part of the street paved and the balance unpaved. Hut we are giving the suggestion as being a pood one that might start a movement that would get It road street jwved without coi-t to the tax payers, pro vided other merchants would join in. Mr, IiewU further i says that Mr. W. ,^T. Smith will agree1 to the same propo sition, aud tljere might l?e other iner . chants wh!o wouW readily Join In the movement were they approache<l Upon the subject. .Ihirlug the summer mouth# Main k street Is In fair condition, but durlpg the rainy weather of the winter months It geta In pretty tad condition, aud a liandaomely paved Main street would not 'only add to the looks of the city Irofc would be a comfort for shoppers during. bad weather. l?orne ami aro enduring with snob splendid fortitu<l? ami courage the hOT rors aud brutalities of a war forced Upon them and us by a brutal and savage foe? We urge upon our people to stamp .out- any ami all disloyalty on the part of any of our cUlzenS by Word or dwd, who are contributing to the of. ou? enemies aud we pledge to oUr sons who are bleeding and dying .at the front for our liber* ties, that our home flues shall be kept burning, and we pray God that they may -tot-uftr "to us^wtth the glories of victory upon their arms."' . Mr. Pollock, in commencing his "keynote" speech, said that the conven tion was not wholly South Carolinian, but wa? typically American, a militant iforce welded together by patriotic Ideals' aud determined to go the limit In the^vlunlng of the war. The speak er ka id that the present was no time for partlsiMi or factional politics, but this Is a time when the groat Ameri can .?pGQllil?, living within the confines or. South Carolina, are convened for rUife purpose of <pre?erviug the liberties of this country and the world and to hold together tlYe standards of civili zation and of human freedom every where.'- : ' ? The speaker said that h ? Would that every heart In South Carolina beat in the interests of .America aud that every man in this State were loyal to the uttermost. He thanked God that for the Democratic party, for America and for the world there is presiding over the destinies of this na tion aud In part presiding over the destinies of " all nations that iucom He told hofv six years ago the State convention stotx* steadfast for the Gov ernor <>f New Jersey for the- 'Presi dency* instructed it* delegation to Baltimore, and how that delegation etood like a rock for Wood row Wilson, to. see -him nominated for the Presi-* dency and later 'win! South Carolinim*, he "Stated, had, -stood behind the Pres ident ' ever since. ? Mrr i>oltocir*snid This "great man of the universe'! was :a "i|jeace-loviug man and the people of America were a peace-loving people," but German aggression ffrtd^aHphenzolleru ruthless new drove America ihto the war, for which he thanked God. The speaker briefly and eloquently told of the mil itary, philosophy of Germany, which culminated in the .perpetration of the great war awl all its Potsdam barbar ities. He described the overrunning of Mmfe and the rape of Belgium and the untold horrors suffered l?y the oitlzertS of those two countries and of Northern France. , The speaker said that he wished that, from purely altru istic motives, America could have seen tit to enter the. war for freedom when Belgium neutrality was violated and her people tVoddeu under the^ mailed foot of HohentfollernUm. But when, after diplomacy had failed he said, and Germany: tfipd scut a meWge t.o the United , States stipulating that thfe Country coukl "send one boat to a port in England- once a week, then, then Uncle Sam replied* "?o kell with you ; seven daV* * week!" The then pijld hi* respects to; thwe persons who would hinder the- progress1 of the war by casting doubts upon the righteousness of the war ? In 'which America is ongagod. ".When you find a thing in breeches who is so cowardjy that he is iiot will ing To tight for our cAuj*c, then I s^y ?To heir with that matt 1' There h as been a man in South Carolina, if there Is a drop of manhood in him," said the speaker, 'Svlio is- reputed by the news papers as saying 'I don't care what kind of an America we have after .1 am dead.' I. can't1 conceive of a more damnable utterance for a totan who calls himself an American citizen to make." The speaker then briefly sketched what would have been the fate of tie United ^tatef* if Washing ton and the soldiers of the Revolution "bad followed ^stieh a philosophy. ? 7<God pjiy a selfish man. who c4h think of only himself," exclaimed the speaker amid thunderous applause "and If he doesn't repent, may God take his soul and burn it forever and a day." > ^ . - Mr. Pollock said that the people of South Carolina are always true, un less "misled by a damnabte dema gogue/* He said that for 4 wan to <*st' aspersion* upon his country 'at this One, or question the. righteousness of Its cause, may Just as well stab the (Continued on law fwge) 1 8KLKCT MKN WANTED Offer Ot *n to Wlitle wild Colored Men fo^; General Military Servke. The 1'roviMt Marshal General hat* Jn*t Issued c#IIh lu South Carolina ftirj the following: Ten l<allro?4d llrakenien, ttagiueu and conductor* to no to 4 'amp Meade, Md. Three vcferlnarlafis to go to ('aiup l?ve, Peter^iurg, Y'a , Four wheelwrights to go to J a ok" sonvllle, Fla, Tw^iiiv brick it yevs to go to F&rt Wayne, Mich. TYn ca renters and helpers to %o to |V>f* Wayne, Mtch. The first thrw* calls above are open to white mou qualified for general mil itary service ami the last two calls are open <?nly to colored' men qua lb tied for general military service. The Provost Marshal Oeueral in an nouncing those **alls says: "Thene are exceptional opportunities fov energetic and ambitious men. Tou are urged to make these calls of state-wide In tent, Qnulltleil registrants should be urged to present themselves to their local boards for .voluntary Induction. When mou voluntarily present them selves Local Boards may induct quail tied men until t,helr allottments have been tilled. The voluntary period will continue until May 20th. After Muy 20th no m<*ro volunteers will he ac cepted. If on May 21tft a sufficient number of volunteers has not come forth to fill the <allottment of the Lo cal Board; the Local Board will pro ceed to select in sequence of their order numbers a sufficient number of qualified luieh from Class 1 to All it's alioftmeut after deducting volun tary inductions. If the call can not he {Jllcd from quallfled registrants within Claas 1 the Local oliards should proceed to Induct registrants In Class es II D mud III K ?nd L. Those Becoming 21 to Register Soon. Plans are being, made and instruc tions given to the various Local Boards In regard to the registration at an early date of the men who have becoriio 21 years of age since June 5th, 191?. The date for such regis tration has not as yet been appointed b.v the President, but will probably l?e Announced soon by proclamation. Everyone thruotft the County Is urged to watch the papers for an nouncement of the date for this reg istration, and to see to it that every man who is entitled to register coines to the Court House at Camden on date announced and registers. Severe penalties may attend the failure of any man to register If he is due to do so and will almost surely result In his immediate induction into ser vice. Particularly are the ministers thru out tlfc Comity urged to make an nouncement of whatever date is iUed for such registration... There will be no registration place in each preciuct as there was imfore, -but eve ry-> muuMltio to register must report to the .'Court House at Camden on 1 lie day to be fixed and register Ik? 7" a. m. to O p. in. and the date wllj shortly l?e annoiniced by Presi dential proclamation. The South Goes Dry. * * Jacksonville. Fla.. May >14.? In the * \\*{ or dry election hekl in Duval County today. 2 5 precincts out of 80 give a total of &024 dry, and 2,320 wet. showing n majority of 704 for tin* rlry; ? ttthcr etecttonnprrcincts arc xtulill country ..districts which can not cinvfige the result even if every vote was cast wet: Indications, however, are that u majority of them will be. I * y /Honor Roll of Antioch School. First grade ? Emily Trapp, Henriet ta Joye. I sal, loo Stokes. 'Advanced tlrst grade-=-Haroid Lee Joye, -Edward Shayltir. Second grade-? Lilfte Ma<? Trupp lA)uise Trapp, Willie Trapp, lioyt Trapp, Mary Stokes, Henry Joye, Char lie Davis. Third grade ? fx>Ia Croft, Jessie Ma^ Xorris, Margaret Sbaylor, fonnie Stokes. 4th grade ? Olaud Campbell, Troy Huck&bee, Leta Rodgers, Henry Trapp Arnold Trapp. nth grade? Mamie A Hedge. Clyde linker. Donnie Strita?B- ~ ~ Othgrade? Vashtl .love. Kdim Joye. 7th. grade ? Henrietta Arledge, Daisy Joye, Metter Johnson, David Stokes, Pearl* Shoylop. ? > First Train -Ferry to Cross Channel. . For the first time in the history of railroading a train ferry has crossed the English Channel from Newhaven England, to IHrtppe, Franco, carrying about 50 ears, says the June Popular Mechanic* Magasfue. Since tSarljr in the war thousands of British ralhyay ears have been employed In France in transporting troops and supplies, hut they have all been transferred ,to the continent by freighters. The inauguration of ferry service Indi cates that the difficulties created by very pronounced Jides hqve been over come at last to the mutual advantage of* these two allies. At Dioppc the water level varies as much as 31 fetet. To overcome this, short bridges, at tached at one end to the dock an<J resting on large float#, are employed. During loading and unloading the fer ry is Chained to the float and dock pier as veil. The two smokestacks fire located one at either, side of thp cr^ft, leaving space for tracks down the center of the deck.-' ? - ? ? ??? ?; ? Change of Schedule. The following new schedule U now In effect on the Southern Railway at Camdoift - 118 West leave Ctftnden 8:32 a. m. 118 East leate Camden 10:04 a. m. 114 Rist T>eave Camden 2:52 p/m. 117 West leave Camden '4+15 p. ?. MEMORIAL 1>AY Dinner for the Veterans minI KxmiM? Held at Quaker Cemetery. ? May tho loth, tho tift.v fifth anni versary of the death of Stonewall Jackson. dawned bright and l>eautlful* iu Camden, ahd at an early hour re|v mandatives of tlHj, J^ohn l>. Kennedy Ohapter l), D. C. were at the armory arranging for tho annual dinner for the veterans of Kershaw County. The hall was decorated In the eol ors mf the Confederacy, while the snowy linen aiut red rose* on tho six long tablet* carried out tho color scheme. The Starry Cross that oftca floated triumphantly In the Southern sky blended its folds with tho Star Spangled Banner, ami both received equal hotuaxe from the veterans, show InK that after all. patriotism Is only love of country pure and simple. Dinner was served at 12:80 and lu behalf of the John 1>. Kennedy Chap ter, the president I Miss Louise Net tle# cordially \yelcomed the veterans. She was followed by 'Mayor llruslng ton who welcomed theut In tvehalf of the city. The Her. M. M. Benson ask ed the blessing and the veterans once more had the pleasure of breaking bread together awl talking of the days that are no more. Mr. W. F, Bussed resiumded iu behalf of the veterans, and totyl of their enjoyment and approbation and the great pleas ure (hat this annual event afforded t hem. U was a disappointment to the Chap ter thai all did uol aivept the Imita tion. They ex|>octed seventy and only' thirty-eight or forty,, cume.J The fol lowing Is a list of veterans who at tended : . - W#.J. Spradley, Co. I>., 15th S. C. 1\i?l Wllauu, Co. G. 7tll H. C. It Brown, Co. K, 7tli S. C. N^A. Uethune, A A. 7th 8. C. R;*3>. Douglass, Co, A, 1st S. C. J. i>. Arruuts, Co. C, 6th S. C. J. II. Lewis, Co. B, 53rd N. C. A. M. Brallsford, "Co, I, Si# S. C. G. B. King, Ca A, 7th 8. C. Kit W. I'arker, Co. H, 7th Cavalry. H. K. Hauler. Co. C, 12th S. tt (l. \v. Moseley, Co. G, 20 th S, C. I. H. Alexander, Co. G, vPalmetto Batalllon. T. A. Cauthen, C*. G. P. B. X. A. B. JM. Jones, Co. P. J Z Young, C? D. N. -J. Bennett, Co. A. I II. TrncMlel. Co. K. George \V. Gay, Co. I. ? U \V. I''. Uussell, . , J ? \k J. Munn, J. K. DeLoache, A.'P. Kennedy, XJ. J. BelU 4 'apt. A- Moseley. Co. O, 20th S. C. I-.X. Clyburn, . ' T , . W. Watts. Unite Hi)) son, J. Stewart, . ,( o Frank Young, J. A. McDowell, AV. J. Young, John McCoy, Wni. Koblnson At 5:.'{0 p. m. thq memorial cxolr cises were held at the cemetery. The by Mi*. L. A. Wlttkowsky and her capable committee. Flags and bunting made an airpropriate setting while a huge howl of red poppies was an attractive decoration for the table. America was sung by the school chil dren, and Mr. W. Bratton - deLfflteh as master of ceremonies asked , the Hev. M. M. Benson to open the ex ercises with prayer. Mr. deLoach then in a fr^v writ chr^n WTJi^sintlvvafroofl" the speaker for the afternoon ? the Uev.yfohn II. Graves, who made one of the finest addresses ever 'hoard ..from that, stand. It w;as a literary, historic, timely and prophetic. 'Miss Wilbur McCaUum then road the winning composition on the "Coast Defense iff the Confederacy." It was beaut i fully written and this is the -'second time that Miss McCallum has Won this honor. She' selected the Y. M. C. A. o>f the' army to which the John D. Kennedy Chapter will donate $5.00. Mr. Norman Huckabee was the second choice of the committee and was asked to take a seat, on the stand. All of the compositions were consid ered good. The benediction Was pronounced by the Uev. F. II. Harding. Once more the laurel ha* been laid uj>on the graves of .our heroes. A land 'without ruths is g JAild WitJloflt memories-? a laud without memories '-is a land without history Then give \?s u land that- hath story and, songl . Enshrine tbe Strife of the right with the wrong !\ Yes give* ps a land with ,a grave In erfch spot. And names In the graves that shall not ito forgnt 1 ? ? - ? - The British weekly casualty report issued Tuesday gives further proof to f the . sanguinary character of ? the fighting that has l>een going oil since March 21. The latest list aggregates 41,612, of -which number 501 officer* and 5,065 incii were killed or died of wounds. The report lost week y'showed 40,004 casualties and that of the previous week 38,, 001, or a totnl of \tor the three weeks of 120^)7 ^men killed, wounded or missing, .Home soldier may die for every Red Cross War -Fund .Slacker. Could you face a dying soldier and tell him you haven't the moneytr ? Second Red Cross War Fund. ?) o Eyery cent of every dollar received for the Red Cross War Fund goes for war relief. ; While some one gives hfs life, what are you'gt^Jng? -S4?cotxi Red Cross War Fund. II. II. ArnoRl, of Woodruff has an nounced hfci candidacy for the offloe of railroad coaatnifndooer of South Carotfoa. . WK1TK8 FROM FRANCK Former Ken4i?w County Hoy .Now In Trend* w ou l*Yc4Kh Front. Private John H. t*anglcy, who left Camden several months ago for over 1 sons with the armed foroet* of the na tion has addressed t ho following let ter to Ida, father who rcjddej* near Cum den : -?'l received your kliul ami loviug letter this morn lug. (April 4th.) One of the Ivoys brought It to mo. Of course the shells kept me plenty of corn | >any while 1 was reading It, I thought once jl wouhl have to go In the dugout to over got a chance to read It, hut I think the gunner got tired and thought ho would stop for a while. 1 am glad to hear that things are going well with you and always glad to know .that the home folks are doing well. "I think they are trying to make a real soldier out of me now. Wo arc sure on the Jt>b all of the time. You oan ho aure that they can put noth ing over on n Southern hoy, thoy can..'t make it too rough for htm for he lun* the grit to Stick, We were on the front for four weeks and dur ing that time wore under heavy sholl ilm. Wo then left for rest camp hut did not stay very long before we wore hack again. And ho I am on the front now and am eiijoylug the .touslo of the shells. Rvery time 1 leave my trench I must put on my helmet for fear that a shrapnel will get cqo on my head. A high explosive shell fell in twetvty feet of me yes terday hut did not hurst. But they can please mo no hotter than not tt? hurst when falling m> near, as I am not real fond of the uolae. "1 -will try to tell you wore in my next letter. Give my regards to oil my friends. John H. Lang ley, A. E. F. France." May Enter Race For Treasurer. Up to the present time only one candidate has announced for county office this summer ? that of Mr. W. A. Shaw, of Kershaw, for the office of county treasurer. The name of Mr. It. I*. Williams has boon men tioned In connection with this offlco but ho lias not fully made up his "mind yet tx> enter the raee, though he has had many of hit* friends to promise him their suwwrt. Dr. W? J. Dunn has been mentioned as a probable candidate for the senate from' this county, also that of Attorney J, Copoland Massey of Kershaw. Sev eral names have been mentioned In the' matter of the sheriff's office. Some contend that the appointment of Sheriff Hough does not hold good for the entire term of the late Sheriff H^tckabee, while others think that Mr. Hough's term Is for the full four yea rs. ADDITIONAL BOM) BUYERS Reported Through Bank of Kershaw Totalling $33,800,00. 11. ? fc\ ? Cook, ? J. ? It, ^Horton,- ^ ? R. Truesdiile, I>r. I*. T. Gregory. Dr. J. U. Ht>lk. Mrs. M. II Brewer, Mrs. S. It. Gay, "Mi'h. J. M. Carson. Iva Lee Parson, Gus Welsh, K. V. Trupsdale, Lang N. Anderwn, Mrs. I la t fie B. Truesdale, .1. M. Fwinaiij I.< 10. Bar Hold. W. W. Horton, Hoyt Blaekwcll, T. F. Horton, T. S. Bell. H. A. Bailey. Almey Junior Order, L. J. .Ionian, Mrs. J. ^ McDowell, II T. Horton,- Miss ?K.. j^yers. J. V.' Yunwgr-trt Jamison, VV. li. Blackmon, J. L. Boilings, Mrs. A. J. Cook, S. A. West. T. K. Fletch er. I' M. Hilton, II M. Urakeford, Ker shaw (HI, Mill, John T. Stevens, Ker shaw Cotton Mill, Kershaw Mercan tile and bunking Co., A. J. Gregory, C. B. Mungo, W, E.^tt'hompson, John A. McMunus, L. D. Simpson, J. W. Faulkenberry, Dnren Lyles, J, N On ten, I I. W. Storef, L. k Myers, liulli Threatt, William McDowell, F. T. Robertson. B. F; Hunter, J. K. Robertson, W. J. Ilorton, J. M. Hil ton. C. T. Horton, W J. Bowers. Frod E. Culvern, R/ It, - Williams, Mr*. J. B. Castoil. II. O. Bakers. B II. Hln soii, Fred I>. Phillips, Mrs. T. A. Watts, E. FI. Ilorton, 1 W. <i. Taylor. M. Cauthen. J. E. Mobley. Gilbert Gardner, Eulas Williams, II, H. Hor ton, Jr., E. It. Horton, J. T. Catpo; J. C. Cook, ? B. F. Roberts, W M. Osborne^ Ben Segars, p. A. IIeT)ow6II. T). A. BarflelcT, W. tC Sowell, O. W. So well, J. K. Kan-ell. E. C. Wh I taker, J. E. Williams, It. M. Berry, ,Too Fletcher, T. F. M<-I W. F. Trues dnle, C. J. -HrawttTTr J? C. Faulixmber ry, Margaret.Seawelir Mrs. O. > Sea well Mary Ruth Anthony, J. II. Sowcll, IX' X~ Fletcher, W. N. Gay, W. MT Ca uttt en. Mr?. M. H. Reese, G. W. Gay, Mrs. It E Peach. C. H. Truesdale. Dr. W. B. Turner, E J Copeland, J F>. Copo land, H. E. Reese, R. h. Bell, .Mrs. Maude L. Bell. O. B. Drakeford, A. C. Gregory, W R. Gregory, B D. Gardner, M. A. Shaw. S. A. Jones, J. A. Hinson. I). D. Truesdale, Mf<fi. Katie Bloesteln. Mrs. J\ M. Cro*tort. R. E. Browne. Mrs: Estell KeatyeB, It. H. Young, Delia Klrkley, B. E. Belk, T. fl. Clyburti, I>. P Dye. B. r>. McDonald." ? i . Saturday's Qmnlly list. Washington, Mi fy 11. ? The casual ry list today orpi'tnpied Oft namesf di vided n* follow si Killed in action, eight; died od{ 'Wounds, .four; died of accfdmt, seven : died of disease, fouf ; died other causes, three; wound ed severely fonrr wounded tiightly 34 ; prisoners previously reported miss ing. Are. Monday's OMiXtjr list. Washington. May 13,?Tbe casualty list today contained Ml names, divided ??fallows: Killed In action 10, died of wounds ft, died of accident 2, died of disease fc died of ofter causes 1, ?wounded severely 12. wonnded slight ly Iff. missing tu Sciion 88. ASK HI > TO KAISK $6,000 Central CwiuitUIra Aptiointa OwlwiM For ICach Commute. TUt* Central Commtttee apikdnted to wake plans for the Second lte<t Cross Drlvu mot at Zeuip & DePass Drug Store at 0!JU> I*. M? Monday, May lJUh. iW following member* were present: M. II. IlcyuuMi? Dr. A. VV. Burnet, Dr. \V. D. I>ePass, H, U, Carrlson, Jr.. -K. N. McDowell, Prof. J. <i. ItH'hard*, 1.. T. Mills, Wiu. Kin*, Mr. Luther Hell met with the Commit tee by special Invitation. Members absent, It. It. Pitta auil II. K. Hallott. Mr. M. 11. Hoy man aeted an tem porarv chairman. Organisation \v?n made permanent by election of tho fol lowing officers: M. II. Heyman, .chair man, Ij. T. Mills, treasurer, Wiu, King, secretary. I>r. w. L. DePass made report that several telegram* had been sent to Northern visitor* requesting that tlie.v make their subscriptions to the Sou* end Ited Cross War Fund though the Camden Chapter. ? Mr. lleyman read a telegram from State Central Committee that the Cam den Chapter bad been allotted $0,000 as their share of the Second Wat Fund. Mr. 1.. T. Mills was api>olnted chair man of the shakers committee. Kt'i'i'i i was liiad^ that a meeting had been arranged for Westvllle Fri day afternoon, and alao a meeting dr ranged for Henlah the same afternoon. Tbe following were appointed Chair men of their respective communities, aud are asked to name two others to * assist them In soliciting funds: Ifoykin, J. Willis Can toy Liberty Hill, It. C. Jones Jtculah. C. N. Humphries Lugofr, Ja mi's Team ? Cassatt, W. L Stokes Cantey Hill. 11. It. Truesdule IiUgotY, K.F.I)., A. K. Kennedy WeatVlUe, Herbert Young I tarda way, 8. A. Burrler Hermitage Mill, R. B. Pitts AVateroe Mill, H. K. Hallett Blaney, Jesse ltoss Bethuuc. I). T.r Varborough * Itabons Cross I toads, It. T. Mlckle Kershaw, J. A,-. MoCaskUl The alsne .ill airmen are asked to attend a meeting at CaindOD on Hat urday, noon, May 18th. Meeting to bo held in Council Chamber at City Hall. The following local Chairmen were appointed, a?d requested to name two or more gentlemen to act with them In Holicltlng funds In Camden : Professional men (Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Ministers) W. It. de Loach. Merchants, West Skie, Dr. W. L.^ DoPuss. ? \ . East Side, M. H. Heyman. - Hunkers, Wholesale Grocer*. Indus trial 1'lunts, City and Count/, H. Gj Carrlson, Jr. , v . Mr. Hcyman, Chnijrmau, spoke very earnestly iflta the necessity of this Chapter raising their ullottuicut and urged every member to exert himself to the Mimosi. Motion was made that local chaliv c meu am) their committees meet at Court House Sunday r afternoon May -tOttn ? ? ? > ' ? "The Flying Squadron" has made a number, of appointment* for the next few clays, and will be composed of a, number of local sjH?akers, together with a full representation of ohr youug ladles who are to accompany the speaks " ers lu the attire of Hed Cross nurses. ? - The place* they will visit i^re as fol lows: ? ''/ ? Today four engagements will be tilled, tit Heitlah, ttoy^in; tVtsxaTtami Wort vi lie. Sunday afternoon a mass meeting will lie held at the Court House.' In Camden. Several French officers sta tioned at Camp Jackson have Jteeu Is- -V vlted to be present and fcdl tlte poo-" pie of the work of the lted Cross as they have seen it on tho battlefields ' of France. | ' Monday, they visit Blaney at 0:80 ^ and Lugofr at SUM) and the Mill vil IttMu at. 7 ; 4f?. Tuesday afternoon at 0 o'clock they take a large delegation to the work# --- of the flardaway Company above Lu go*. N . - Plads are being made for ' "The Flying Squadron" to visit other places in the county. , . : School fcxhihllion. Cassatt. S. O., M!ay !).- -Tiu> public Ik cordially Invited to attend "Aa? Old Time School K\ Ion" at Oas satt Rural Graded ^vliool at. tnSO ? -o'clock, Friday nl^ht May 17. 1918. - . , . . ,, t ?i. ? ? Rev. , J. <? See^a rs,of*?olumbla, ha^ been elected -do J. ; Henry Harms. as l?r?^Jenf - berry college. ?; :j*r t? T3M'1 ?*' v 1 LI' . ? ? , i . . ?? ? llroaOim Workman and Ueorge Au- ? derson, convWta, wore killed by light- --V nlng Wednesday night In one pf the* convict camps near Ollly Court, Latirfe ens county. i<- %?&'.'* ' J- wSPSnl; W y,: . Proclaims Day of Prayer. Washington, May 11. ? National Me; >mortal day, Thursday, May 80, is des ignated by President Wilson In a prdc- j lama Hon Issued today as a day of public humiliation, prayer and fast trtK. 4 The people of the nation are asked to" feather, that day in their placet* of worship and pray for the victory of the American armies which will bring a peace * founded upoa mercy, Justice and good will. '7y- ? Her Girl Ran Away. q\\ Bella Johnson, who reside? atlfegoff asks the readers of The Chronicle to help find her twelve year <fld daughter "Queen le", who rail; jaanBi? from the party ,??ie was working* with near Hn good fast Thursday afternoon. She says when last seen the daughter wa?" wearing a red chambrey dress and was bare head?A>i od barefooted. Bella Ia4 n great distress and will gladly re ceive Information as to Her daughters t whert-abeUMfr ^#r.