-is the great war time sweetmeat. ? the benefit* the pleasure, the economy of a 5c package, of WRIGLEV'S ?has made it the fa vorite/ "sweet ration*' of the M'ied armies. ?send it to your friend at the fs dnt: ? it'G the handiest, longest ? tasfimi re freshment be can carry. CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL WRAPPED _ IN The Flavor Lasts THREE KINDS Bargains or Values The reason why we prefer to offer values in stead of bargains is^because nine so-called bargains out of every ten ish a bargain only to the seller and that isn't our way of doing business. We do, however offer you some really wonder ful values in DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS AND NOTIONS Values that are better than any ^ar^in' r that will continue to give satisfaction when arg in the same lines are worn out and forgotten. Don't be a bargain fiend and get bi?en- Be * value seeker and get satisfaction. That ^ wlt guarantee you. Baruch-N ettles Co. CAMDEN, SOUtH CAROLINA NKK08 KMUilUKNMKM Women I'rt m ^icrs .Vri UM'd of IWIiik C?onupiu'o In your piper to express *uij \>piuion t'on, -emlng V\\o lu?l tL?,- sviwih \\h?? have l)0(>n In this swors and OKpeelaly the word of eoplc than It has over been ox- 1 po. Inod before sense tho eruoltletldn of Christ, because tho time has come that If th?f- people ever needed to ho enlightened on tho sub joe t of religion thoy need to ho now for 1 am ttfraUM wo have got uioro denominations than wo havo Christians and every deuomi: nation is right and still there Is not two of tho different denominations that aro alike, (Jod .sa3-*s there is only ono way. hut the different sectarians sa.\ there are several ways to heaven, So what are we to pin our faith to. the true word of (Jod or to 'sectarian ism, now iuy opinion is that wo had better take the true word of (Jod in | referoneo to any or oil the dif ferent ways in heovvn that ean he ? >? ?n i^l 1 1 with a ilooxon eggs or 'J."> cents, an I if we take the true word of (Jod in he true, then there is o:.iy one . :t \ to heaven, and there is nothing that ean pay our way hut love, faith, ohcdioiieo and pritsii'urioii, here on rh'.s earth, Stilt we dont want any of (.ods t roubles explained to us that will ofend us, it must eonte to suit. our taste of we will not? uivept it, and if it dont come , ?? sui.o oar taste and is tho least i>it lev ui- hard to swallow \\e haveul' the power to slup them hilt WO will ?ag it t it and rejvort them to some one whom we think has got the' pow er t'? stop them, whether right or wroiiii, i ! od loves t hoes who loves and ohey his word, he Is not like tho un believers of his' word, ho dont tly off t..e handle and try -to eause our lives to be tokened for 0 but he gives us other ehamvs than one tliue and for gives us of all our mistakes moro i ha none time if we will lot liim, for if ho was to treat us like we try to treat him, our lives Would of done boon takonod uud we would of done boon gone to where w<* tire a going to if we dont stop slandering and dis obeying his word that is being dis tributed his chosen people, whom aro spyes sent out by lord Jetfus Christ to spy out the unbelievers of his word and call them to resentence, and have spyod them out, and have called them to follow Jesus Christ, and In .the place of them tnkeing ' hoed and be lieving the word of (Jod, as it was taught to them, they rebuked them, and reported them as Is-ing Jerman spyes while wo aro not surprised at ??oin utuil. because tho lords jMnyple aro a p ocular iteoplo, and thoy knew i hey were spyes. but not haveing the .ight. spirit in their own hearts, they .vere unable to determine who sent them whether it. was God or the Jer mans, iuid was only mistakoued to my judgment. Indng led by the' wrong spirit, and I hope thoy will get ac quainted with there god so can and will reveal to them the difference in a spy sent by Jexus Christ and one sent by a little nation of people- call ed tho Jormans. ' now we are sorrrie for out two fact*, friends who will strain at a liat and -then try to swollow a commel we think they had better get the mote out of there own eyes' before trying to pull he beam out of there brothers eyes "and we invite tlieip poor camel minded inbeilevors of the truo word of (Jod t(? come and pertake of the things that will be of great benefit to tliem In the futher both ?spirituerly and mentaly at the first time they may get the" clIA"hct> Ih ttio fnfher as they are like myself need to bo enlighten ed on this matter W. L. M. Stokes Hothune S"C Box fill Route No. 1. Hermitage Cotton Mills News. I-dist Thursday afternoon Tlio lit tle Stitchers' were given a party. Af ter sowlnj? an hour they were invited into an adjoining room, where a table was daintily decorated in pink crepe paper and bow la of lovely wood vio lets. At each place were several of these same long stemmed violets. Two little girls, Willie Mae Lovelace and Myrtle Gardner, served all with Ice cream and cake. AjII enjoyed t>he afternoon to. the fullest extent We came quite . near to having a serious accident Tuesday. Little Nan nie Kate, Ave year old daughter of Mr. I). A. Elliott, caught on Are while" standing before an open fire and was badly burned. The mother was pain fully burned in putting out the fire. Both are resting easier now and we hoj>e they will recover soon The gardens are doing splendidly now and .we are all hoping they will not be killed." Our folks are taking a lively Interest in them. We are hoping to report several Lib erty Loan Bonds purchased by next week. We are talking and working hard for It. Miss Margaret Mayer of 'Charlotte, N. C. and' Miss Bally McDonald of Sumter have both beep the guests of Mrs. Fannie Jones for the past week. Mr. Fred Still, Card Room (Over seer. spent the week end in Lancaster with his father. Gets Fine Present. Columbia, April 5. ? Maj. John G. Richards, chairman of the South Caro lina Railroad Commission yesterday afternoon was presented wttfc a hand some old-gold watch chain and charm by his collegucs and the attaches of the commission. A neat presentation apeeeh was made by Commissioner Cansler. Senator Alan Johnstone, of New berry, who has been a trustee ir the^e men will he mulled us soon Ms the *'hodule for tlio entminmcnt is published, Slum Id any c?f these men full to rooHvy their order* In the next week or Jen days they should lose ho time to make ln?iulr> at -the otlhv *?f the local Itoard, The tlrst trauhed fourteen men are white and will Ih? sent to etunp dnr* lux tln> live day period immediately following the yttth of Ajirll : ?('has. D.^larUner, Cassatt Steve Perry, Cnmden Jesse L. Nelson, Dlaney Ixnl I.. West, liethline ltert Drown, Kersl aw Karley B. Munn, Jefferson Thomas II AJdlson, Stonehoro James I-. Drown, Kershaw Durrell K J Alex Titis, Summery ille I>aiu* Johnson, Dethnne Aivhie (Illvlws, Petersburg, Yu. John Patterson, Whltaker, N. C. Jnllns Carter. Jr.. Cassatt Robert Carlos, Caiuden Amos Mungo (alias Lewis) Mcltee John Sherman Perry. Camden Miii \ SI nidford, Doykln Pen Trucsdel, Camden Sander* Mill, l.ngoif Tony Jackson. Camden T>?ivl I Co'llns, Camden S.Min lliehardsoii. Camden Jffse 1! ston, Logoff Sneneer Wood, Lugoff lsiali Unite, Dlaneq John l-Vlder, LugolT Charlie Alexander, Cnntoy C'harlie D, 'Helton, West v1 lie JCdga r Lee, Camden p. Derry Drakeford, Cassatt Sam < iantt, Dethnne Handy Carter, Cnmden John Henry Airmail, Camden William Dell, Kershaw Darld Saltnond, Doykin Hajn Oaskin Dethnne Charlie Walker, Lugoff ? John Coleman. Camden John Coleman, CJamden John Oornlsli. Cnmden Thomas Murphy, Logoff Jatnes Hmjson. Lugoff John Wesley Kelly, Cnmden Dryan Tayl r, Doykln John Hampton Doykln. Harrington, Virginia, Worth Ramsey, Klin-wood, "N. C. ORDER FOR NICKNAME Old Hickory" Designation Selected For Thirtieth Division. Camp Sevier. March .'{0. ? ttrigadicr Oeneral F.Msnn. temporarily in com mand at Camp Sevier, has caused (ho following order to be issued in con nection with the selection of the nick name, "Old Hickory Division", for the Thirtieth Division, TJ. S. A.: "i. The name 'Old Ilk-kory Divi sion' is selected from the names sug gested for this division as best ex ? MupllfyfiiK T7T<> "sturdy lighting tpntli lies of soldiers from North Carolina, South Carolina ami Tennessee, -who comprise the vast majority of the per sonnel of the division. "2. .'Old Hickory' Mas the affection ate nickname of Andrew Jackson, fa mous American general of the War of 1812. He -was horn in 1767. While both North and South Carolina claim him as a native son, it is certain that he studied law at Salisbury, N. C., and while yet under 20 years of age he was admitted to the bar as attorney and counsellor, and in 1788 was ap I>oI?ted public prosecutor in the region noW forming the state of Tennessee. In 1706 he was elected congress and in 1797 to the United State Senate, from which body he resigned the fol lowing year. From 1708 to 1804 be was judge of the' supreme courts of Tennessee. He was again elected to the United States senate from Ten nessee In 1823. He was later presi dent of the United States for eight conwcutive years. "3. His life was a stormy one, but taken all in all, 'Old Hickory' Jackson was one of the most commanding per sonalities in American history. It Is his lndominable fighting qualities, as shown particularly at the battle of New Orleans oai January 8, 1815, that this division will emulate. The mili tAty ?history of the ancestors of the soldiers of this division give every rea son for the world to expect great things of their sons. "4. The Thirtieth Division will ac cordingly bo known hereafter as the 'Old Hiikory Division." G. T. Walker, of Florence, suffered an injury to his leg, necessitating am putation, his wife was severely cut about the face and head, Geirge Wal ker, Jr., aged four was severely cut in the head, and two other children were painfully hurt wheu his limousine struck a stump and plunged into a ditoh live feet deep near Florence. O I'hot ok raptor* Can Help. i'olumhhi. S. April 0. South Carolina'* part in the history of tin* war will l?o preserved In pictures If the ItKii I commercial bodies in the VHfKniK town* and -cities will cooper* ate with the State Council of Defense ami i he <-?!IUh? of ( h?> Chief of SI a IV at Washington. The War 1 >cpartuicul has written Keed Smith, ll\oeutl>c S?vreta ry, re questing photographs of all war ac tivities in tills i^ate. Antony the sjKvlal subjects Included in the re quost are photographs of the aetlvi ?Jes of loot I war relief societies, w hleh Inelnde the work of the tied Cross, ?Utd of the Food Administration. .seeing show lux activity In the campaign for tla/ mi h; of (loverntnont bonds and war stamps, visits' of forolpn ottlolals, military equipment and . method of mannfaet ur<\ the drilling home de fense organ Ir.a thai, draft scones, en* listing seettos, eulrainment of troops and photographs of local commissions, hoards mid committees engaged In Middle service in connection with the war. The Department is also anxious for photographs shoeing the ^uvst of enomx aliens and sus|>oots and p)?o t c. graphs depict ing the destruction id" nropert v attrlhutahle to eiieinx actl vltles. As far Is practicable al( prints should he not less than foiy I ? \ live inches, 1 and not larger than eight b> len Inches, tnd each print should !??? tieeompanled U\ a hrjcf e\pl;inator> eaptjen. It K hoped that the photographers, '?olh professional juul amateurs, in ?ill part" of the Shoe will cooperate with the loenl co'.naicrela 1 hodles, and that these bodle* will In turn coop crate with the State Council of De fense, ?>> A i in further information regarding this matter will he cheerfully fur i nished hy Hood Smith, Kxeoutlve See rotary upon request. ? The Australian wheat, crop for the reason of 1017-18 is estimated al 114, *20,000 bushels, compared with last roars' yield of lo2.Wtt.000. The *jr> per ?out decrease Is a result of reduced tie rouge and unfavorahlo conditions. DR. R. E. STEVENSON DENTIST Crocker Building * Camden, S. C. WE WANT ?YOUR ? Barber Business Shave 10c 'Hair Cut 25c 4 Electrical Massage 25c Hainl Massage 25c (ilover's and all Oil Shampoos 50c ; & Plain Shampoo 25c EUREKA BARBER SHOP I. B. ENGLISH, Propjm ? . Dentil .U Kombvrf. Mr. \V. K, WIUm'Iii'j tvf HnfHuTt illo'd In si nljjht nftor ii Itui^c IIIkoss. lit hmvo* a wltV, who wifs Miss l,ii < inu la nt 0110 thintfhtor, Mk Ishuin lx* iiolr, two hiolhorn. (\ A, nr?if, on Sunday. Saturday'* Sumter lloih.