The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, April 12, 1918, Image 6

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I'uliiitH mtuI (lio War. (Krutu IIm* nvnnt?ter Nowh > Thl* ywir, when pollHc*, hy all t tin t U rl^ht iiml projier nhouUI be vldetracktnl aw! nil ent*rt;.\ sjient to ? ward winning the war. there is like ly to develop one of the llonvd p<> llth'al'ciniipaljpts t ho S ? a t ?? ha< known, i Tho fu(^ Dial politic., -IhmiUI not !??? | fNT in 1 1 ! 4v<i In detract i >11 r attention fwnn the war does not mi'im ilnii we should i -lain) Idle and lei the "euem\ ? in. TIm.s Is m time w hen cver,\ mail should Ih v IiIn enerys and resources al most lu the breaking point Hi "hackllm Up" Mil 1. 1 in hi i-l ra I ion ami llte^ftilli ?arv for r- abroad, a Mine when ihi* Yoree* hi \\r 4<n)i 1 ii < ?i i llkewlxe are I a \ ? h| i i ? their utmost In physical and mental labor toward lln> utecessfiil ojieraf fiVti of the war inael.hiei v. locnis uf llir |??mt few da.v ? doubtless ha\e dispelled all thoughts that ilu* war is i small matter mi fai a> we, here at hoan are concerned and nu> man with .t iM .nblanre ?>f inti lli^eii- ?? ha - oven n|?|M?rt uni4\ i ? ? |>"-I hiniM-lf ji^ l.i I lit- nia^rnit ? id ? * \ liieri'-a part ii I In- i-.oii tl let 't he >< ?i i !<? Si nati'i niluhi profit 1 1 \ ilii- -tale, anil one ? if hi-* opponents. who has J 1 1 open l\ ihtianl in lit*- administration's* war policies, will take advantage if he finds a way i?||t'ii l<i do v.'. Tin- maehin ? ?r\ in Washington is ifow running ? smoothly, ami this i? no lime for the! fK'ople to allow monkey - wrem-he* j thrown j 1 1 1 1 ? it K\erv new man sent to ('(tnffn^ will clou tin' machinery ? ?I' w ar nod impair its elllcienc.\ . Sena tor Tillman is a useful part ? ?f the maehlnoij and tin* longer lie is kept then- the more is his usefulness in e rea M*(J If ix M*rvlr<vs during the pawl twenty ?f<>ur y<?rn proves that anser tlon Not nlone In (Mm felt b.\ Hut friend* of Senator Tilliuan in hi* own Stale, but it Is xluinMl by jK-opie all over the country. The New Orleans Dally Slab* of March l't, sa.v* of Senator Tillman : "When Senator Till unit) enteivd till*! senate t v\ 4>u t > four years ago- only I .odu'e ami <?a Hinder of the 'present I.. >< In were there then ? few of tin'' new -papei of the ?ount.v, outside of hi* 1'ih'aus in hi- <?wn State had a good J >\ i I in say ? ?f him . . "He v\a? Hue nf the pioneer* In the il^hi of i lie ma>>*cs against Hie ehififtox, lie lui < I crushed the aristocracy of Soul It t'aroliua, he had kept his own Slate in yearn of turmoil, lie had put maiiv fad* on the statute hook* and, liavluu rounhnesH of manner his en fiance- Into the xenate was looked upon a ?? distinctly disadvantageous to Its diunlt> and ability. Vet now. when the. smifttor at I ho age of 71. alinouiiees to hi* people h i > desire tul I'e-eleet ion. I lie lead Ins,' new*pa|H*rs of the country receive t lie ii imoiinccmeut with the utmost fa \oi. and. while not rellevting on the < * a p : i e 1 1 > of the men who would *uc eeed llllll. venture to u\pie** t ^c hope thai Smiih Carolina will reelect him ii iii I iherehv honor hoth itself and tin* count ry. "No better evidence could l>c given of the senator'# growth in the estima tion of the country. Long *??<>. by sheer ability and anient patriotism, lie lived down the reputation which attached to him when he llrst made 111* a ppea ranee lu Washington and lie liofetrauk* anions the sanest and most WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE IN MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Want Insurance, See Us Camden Loan & Realty Company FRANKLIN and HUPMOBILE AUTOMOBILES EACH IN A CLASS BY ITSELF GEO. T. LITTLE, Distributor Mistakes Are Fatal 4:i Die ;?ia<-ti?i* <)f Mfil inn?- uUiii.v ?linVrriu thilK> aiv USim.1 . I'lu'-Sr fni|o?*n! I.\ 1 1 a \ r> to In* uiixcil or vom pounds!. In this ooui poundinr s; roil J oarr 11111*1 used. Sometimes ;i few grains t<x > miii h i?l' ;i 1 1 f 1 1 :r \x > >n !? I pv? >ve fatal to the patient Or *uhstitut ini: one dru>; for anot her would he eipwilly daunerouv The Diic itivu I aim of this store is AC'CTK.U'Y IN PRKSCKIPTIONS J.\ev\ ingredient i ii n t l.e of known purity and si'rriiirlh. AM iuu-1 l*e in eorreet proport ion We solli it \ our i >r?*^? -i*1 1 it i ? ?i i i ii^toin < ?n i prosper! i\ must he ?;is(mI on void M'?ni*it \ . W. Robin Zemp's Drug Store Telephone 30. Influential members of the upper chain- 1 tor. I 'That the country at largo should fool ho kindly toward htm at thhi IKUtl'Uhir tlijie 1h |>ort)&|V) duo to the *ervh?' Uo has rendered In tin- ni> building of th** navy. When lie tip? torn) the senate ho wuh itiaik* a her of the naval committee and tho navy became Ids hobby.- As a incm her of the committee and an chair j'man he hah been indefatigable In hU efforts t ?? develop It to the highest state of cillelency. - "(joiik I m* fore we entered the war In- fi>cvsaw what wuh coining and knew that the tli*sl call would la* on the navy. So fa T an .he could Intluoneo the fi liation lie devoted himself to putting It In a condition of readiness for the call, and with what results the coun try has had ample evidence, Our en trance into the war found the' war de partment disorganized and unready. It found more or less eonfusiou in ji 11 departments of the government. The navy was the exception. Its organi zation under Secretary I'auicl* was j^erfcet. It was prepared to move when the signal was given; and It has Ikhmi moving ever since in a manner !?? ihrill American*? with pride. "South Carolina could ftoi ho more worthily represented than it Is now t?y Senator Tll|nian. who holds a com manding position in the affairs of the nation In one of its greatest e risen. II in mere expression of a wish to he re elected ought to he sutllcicnt to as sure his return." Stockton News Notes. Hoykln. S. C.t April li?.- ? .Miss Iiliau Galloway sjhmH the week end at (Vim den with Miss Jezcbcll Shirley, i# Kev. Attaway of Camden spent last l<'rlday ..with Mr. 13. C. I'earec Mr. Halford Shirley of Camden spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. 4'. V. Galloway. Miss Jessie Hoi 11 ns. of l'ine Wood siM?nt a few days last week with her wister Mrs. M. (*. l'earcc. Mr. and Mrs Henry Hoykln and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. C. V. Calloway. Mr. Chaftor l?ixou spent Saturday with Mr Haney Calloway Mr. and Mrs. John (Mills si>ent last Sunday with Mr. Jim Clllls of Rem hert. Notice of Meeting. The Kershaw district Council J. O. C. A. M. will uiw*t with "Richard Klrklaud Council No. l.'to at A nt loch on Tuesday evening April the 1 (it 1) at eight o'clock. fast time. All councils In the county arc ur gently requested to send delegates as this is the time for election of of ficers for the district council. Sup per will l>e served at hall by Richard Kirkland council. J. i:. Campbell. I >. C. I. W. West, I). R. S Pleasant Contrast. -Mike." I llt> ?t I ? "I was just thinkin'. After we gel out of the trenches an' back home again how nice an* |s,aceJ!ul that old boiler-faofory will sound to ns." CITATION. Stati* of South Carolina County of Kershaw H\ W L. .YUlJOWClJ. lysy., I'lolyite .Judge. Whereas. Klizaboth Wright made suit to me to grant her Letters of Adinin istraiion of the F.state of and effects of James Wright. These n re, therefore, to eite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the* said James Wright, defeased. that they bo and apjM?ar he-! fore mi*, in the Court of Probate, to be held nt Camden, S. C.. <01 April 13th I next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shim* cause if any they have, why the said AdmJn 1*1 rat ion should not Ik* granted. (iivt'ji under luy hand, this ::<>th day of MaiVh. A. I>.. 11>18. ' \V. 1.. MeI>uWKM,. .Judge of Probate for Kershaw County. Published on- the .">t n and lJth days of April. Ibis, in the Cai.ih Chroni cle and posted at the Conn lb use door for the time preseribed by Imw. United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Absolute Protection Reasonable Rates Prompt Service Suritv Bonds Casualty insurance C. P. DuBOSE & COMPANY CROCKER BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE PHONE 43 CONSERVATION TO BE INTENSIFIED I Food Administration Outlines Policy to Meet Desperate Food Situation. Tli? National Pood Administration is ; anxious to Impress the message of i conservation to ibc*. utmost. The poo- i plo of the country^ larg^ do >v>t UP" 1 predate the demand for vVh?uit TUo | Food Administration at AVnshingtou | has stressed the situation in this na | tion wide proclamation: "If wo are to furnish the allies with the juec,es*ar> proportion of wheat to j maintain tholr war broad from now j until the next harvest, and this Is * military necessity, wo must reduce our monthly consumption to twenty ono million bushels u month us against our normal consumption of about for ty two million bushels or fifty per cent of our normal consumption, reserving a margin for distribution to the army and for special cases, leaves for fcen oral consumption approximately one and onu-half pounds of wheat products , weekly per person. Many of our cus tomers are dependent upon bakers bread, such bread must be durablo, and therefore requires a larger pro portion. of wheat products than cereals baked In the household. Our array and navy requires a full allowance, i Tho well to do In our population can make greater sacrifices in the con sumption of whsat products than can the poor. To effect the needed sav ings of wheat, we are wholly deepnd ent upon the voluntary assistance of the American people, and we do ask that the following rules be observed: "First, householders to use not to exceed a total of one and one-half pounds per week of wheat products per person. This means not more than one and Ibree-fourths pounds at Vic tory broad containing the required percentage of substitutes and about one-half pound of cooking flour, maca roni, crackers, pastry, pies, cakes, j wheat breakfast cereals all com bined. * i "Second, public eating houses and clubs to observe two wheailoss days per week, Monday and Wednesday, as at present. In addition thereto not to serve in the aggregate total of more broadstuffs. macaroni, crackers, pas try. pies, cakes, wheat breakfast ce reals, containing a total of more than two ounces of wheat flonr to any one j meet at any one meal. No wheat j products to be served unless espe cially ordered. Public eating estab lishments not to b?flr more than six pounds of wheat products per month per guest thus oonforming with lim itations requested of the house holders. "Third, retailers te sell aot mere than one-eifbth of a barrel of flour to any town customer at any one time and not more than one-quarter of a barrel to any country customer at any on* time, and in no case to sell wheat products without, safe of an equal weight of other cereals. "Fourth, we ask the bakers and fro c?rs to reducs the volume of Victory bread sold, by delivery of the tfcree quarter pound loaf where one pound nvs sold heretofore, and correspond ing; proportions In other weights. We also ask bakers not te Increase the amount of their wheat flour purchas-. ed beyond seventy per cent of the average monthly amount purchased in the four months prior to March first. "Fifth, manufacturers using wheat products for non-food purposes should cease such use entirely. "Sixth, there Is no limit upon tiie use of other cereals, flours, and meals, corn, barley, buckwheat, potato flour, etc. Many thousand families through out the land are now usihg no wheat products whatever, except - a very small amount for cooking purposes and are doing wo In perfect health and satisfaction. There Is no reason why all of the American people who are able to cook in their own households cannot subsist perfectly well with The use ojf lees wheat products tfca>f one and one-half pounds a/week. USE MORE IRISH POTATOES In Order That They Will Not Over lap New Crop. Columbia ? South Carolina. can help very materially now in the conserva tion of wheat by using Irish potatoos The produce people report to fha food administration at Columbia that there are unusual quantities of excellent Irish potatoes on hand in this state for immediate use. It is important that thesa Irish pota toes be used so that they will not over lap into the new crop, and because they are the beet available substitute for wheat. Potatoes are universally liked. The food administration has been a*?ure4 that Irish potatoes can be bought at very reasonable prices from all local markets, and if they cannot be had the food administrator at Columbia would b? please dto be advised so that any deficient market can be supplied. Potatoes are ao acceptable substi tute for bread A pound of baked potatoes Is equal In nutritive value to seven ounce# of 4read Use the per lahable potato aa a wheat and as a >iiiai safest pute. Tn the present feed eriaia all cereals era precious; they vfl keep and Hie potateea went. KICKSHAW NEW? NOTBK Interesting H?w* (rttfhfred ?Vort? The Kr? ?( That PUw*. i Kroui l.ast Week's Br#. Mjs> Mclli? <V'k, of Converse Col lege, Spa rtanhurg, was Doiiie to sjhmh^ Faster with her mother Mrs. M. .1, Hough. She w?v? ?rroi?i|>?inltMl by her rtehoolumte Ml as Fiolso SfXK>IM?l\ t?f Luke Charles, l>r. and M r> Hold, T. tJoodale. of < ainil. il. s|**nt last Thursday night in Kersfcaw at the |h?iu?' ?'f Mr. and Mix. T K Fleteher I ?r. (Jood.ile was lion* by imitation t" assist in ? onferting the Master Mason's <?n a eandi* date. Mt v MoJlie \v ifr of lioug |i^ \ >u died at hi'iiif in I he rsJVif tMdge m ? f h ?ii Thursday .NfjU'ch ?jsth. and was burled at f in* Pleasant Plain graveyard <?n Friday after fun eral s?t\ i?v> eonduettd by tin* pastor of tlw Pleasant I'lain Chureh, Kev. I' P. .1. nkins. Mrs. Morton was a I devoted member ? ?f I'lrasant Plain C|:uivh ami was highly esteemed by her friends . ? Ti i i neighbors. She was it}:; war-, t ? f ' ;iL'f ami left her hu.shaml thr*-c da uuhters. Mrs. .lanie Climinln ger. Mi s Ada Keeves, Miss Mary Sims 1 1 1 ? r t ? >i i . ami three sons. <? rover, .James, ami l.uther Morton. . surviving. M A IlolmaM. of .loplbi, Mo., who: in ehargc of the installation of the iieu three li iiiiti rcxl ton ooneentrat itjg mill at the Kershaw Mining Com* pan.\'s plant, left Sunday with his I farull\ ft ?r Missouri. | l'rof. \\ I loyt ( 'ooK. who i-> terteh j big in I ?;i li \ i I le. Ya., was at home to I spend Faster with his mother. JW is. Mary Megler. wife of J. 11. Iiegler. of the White Bluff section died Sunday afternoon about live o'eloek after an illnea* lasting only ahout a week, and was buried at White IHuft' graveyard Monday, the funeral services being conducted hy Itevs. T. A. I>aluiey and 1'. F. lthickmon. Mrs. Iiegler w as .a devout member of White ltluft Church and was highly osteeaned and greatly loved by all her neigh bors and friends. She left her hus band. one daughter. Miss Fula Hos ier. and four sons. ,1. F.. W. M. F. P.. and O. C. Megler. surviving. Ked Cross Seal Sales. The sale of I<ed Cross: Christhiiis Meals in| South Carolina Ins iH. .? t* * great huo<m?*h. . All ' report* n?v ),w yet In but tlw ?* ao far received >)1(>w A total ofjfl&OiOOO avals fold la ,.i!s State: it i* thought that when nil dU. nirtM nrt- heard from tla> >;,i . ^ j ivaeh UHKM**'- Thl* ttiVaim , South1 Carolina ha* gjwu lio.wo.t* for the study ami prevention <>f tu. ) I UMVUlOHl*. Kershaw Couuty ?ohl 7,<H<; The stuvo** of the campaign is aUf to the faithful off oris of the *nth* elastic nor kern throughout i h?. Nlalp in this county Mr. T. K, Trottttf, 0f , Camden. had chargo of the sale ami ho \va?? assisted hy the Heboid* rhlltim h till others. * 1 ?r. Ij. A. Hlser. >vho had ehurgt ' ,it' 1 ho campaign in this State tukr* ihN means of thanking tin- editor*, ministers, school teachers and elill<). ivn, moving picture. shows, arid the ahovo n*>ned add ah Is assistants for tho valuable aid given; he also wight* tr? thank all those who sent < <>Mrl- " hut ions through the "dollar l?-(,tors'' 5 sent out from the Columbia ?'itleo. ) Two lM?ys of York county, t'nrl U. i ha 11 and John laithan, <d Hliaron, ! won tlrst and necond prizes in the { state pig dull con teats. The former \ received a solid gold watch and the latter received $2f> on deposit ut the Palmetto Natlojial Ilank. WE SELL EVERYTHING /!. rl .. NEARLY EVERYBODY BUYS FROM US . Thev buy from us for the same reason that you should buy from us ? purely on the ground of quality, quantity, and economy. There can be no better in centive. You can buy practically anything you want at this store ? to eat, to wear, or to use. We guarantee you the highest quality, the greatest quantity, and the lowest possible price. Springs & Shannon The Store That Carries The Slock. \ OF MILK, From One to Three Pounds Increase J - '' * ? per cow per day is what dairymen wh<f> use Purina Dairy Feed are getting. The extra cost of this ideal ration is only about one cent per cow per day which shows a handsome margin ot profit at today's milk prices. Even cows on test during heavy milking periods keep in ideal condition when fed Purina Dairy Fekd because this perfectly balanced ration supplies all of tne elements required for milk. ? _ i t - . TRY A TON FOR SALE BY WORKMAN GROCERY CO., ^ ' #**" '*% ' L ^ CAM?***