CHRONICLE ( Publisher*. B. N. {McDowell S I'uhlished ever y Friday Ht lMW No. liroad Htrtwt, hiuI entered at the ('am 1 1 1 1 1\ I >CIU> >ltst I'll t loll Agent I ?l Korrell < 1 1 m I <'oiint\ Su | N'i'i 1 1 1 I'll1 lei 1 1 of Kdticatinti M< Kenzic lime n?vntl\ been ma k i 1 1 k >* lour of l h?* count.* and ihc.v It-ll n* they regret exceed j n u I > to -n\ I lull there Is not tin* licmiKt* plaid i ?< I in wheal iim thai of last \ ca i This In certa in l.\ to In* deplored TIm- fanqeis should not h'l tin* present IiIl'Ii | ?vi? "?? of cotton Iciul thrill off of a uo?kI start I hoy ma <>n l he part of the farmers It has heen truth fully said thai "pit's and w limit will prove as Mk a factor in winning thin war a> men and munitions, If one will stop to think of the immense amount of fo this necessity, hul until t J i ? farmers take a reasonahle * n w .f I lie matter their efforts will .;<> for naught. 1 1 w ill indeed l>e to the advantage of ' v? r v farmer to howl this warning and raise all the wheat (hoy can. Kespcft Law IWaiiHo It Is Ijov. It is this spirit, the spirit of how ing to the will of the majority, of ac cepting frankly the results of our pro cosmos of law, however disagreeable thoy may he to us |>orsonally at any llnio ? it is this spirit on which rests t lie foundations of civilization and safety, lie is usually a childish weak ling and a contcmptihlo man not to la* trusted who will not abide hy the result ? >f the game, played according to'the rules- In* Is "not a good wport" and men righ:ly dt-splse him ? and the same thing i< true of the citizen who will not honestly wait for ami accept the verdicts of Juries and courts and elections, those helng the established THE CAMDEN H. I). NUom and rule* set m? l?y tin* jH'ople for t ln? tdate HH?nt of causc>? and cases. Take this stamla rd of Judging the "civic genius" of your county ami hw 4iow your |>eoplc xtaml. Air they will lux lo abide by accept tin* ver ?1 !??( ??f law, ami are they IK'rirly re Ht* ill fill of any man w ho. unwilling to abide by law. litriiinw instead "a breaker of tin- public |K?act'V" Thin Ik a uooil lost of ti |**o|?le's progress In ? is ih/.ai ion The I'rogreMNi vi> Fann er I'l.KASl KK TO l)K\L WITH. Tin- m-wxpa | Is alwa.VH tflad to i,'l\e ' i ? -? 1 1 1 w here credit in duo, ami es I - 1 a 1 1 > to a |*ii I *1 1* * cor|s>rHtlon h tici'u it serves a great many |H*ople. Si *iiit' se\cral weeks ago we had a ship 1 1 1 ? * 1 1 1 from a Now York house, hut ii iir,< r reached this otllce. I ??? 1 1 1 k IokI in transit. After walling a reasonable length of time wo put In a claim for tin- good* against the Sea hoard rail wa\ and turned it over to .Mr. Arnett, In Irs* than a w??ek Mr Arnolt comes to this iirtlcp In jterxon ami pa.xs thr claim with no question asked This is I In* lirst Hum we tyave had goods lost over this llim and tlm lirst claim that we have had to put in. hut u|k>ii 'inquiry wo learn that this has boon Mr Arnett's method since being aj? I signed the agency here. It is indeed | a pleasure to have dealings of this kind with a railway agent ami we take j pleasure in making tills rivogldt ion 'of Mi Arnett's courtesy to ihe patrons j of Ids road A Vicious Kumor. "Among the many absurd and vicious rumor* put into circulation these day*. ! probably through protierman Influences j is one (lull Ihe 1'nited Slates projwxses to contlyeate money on dc|H?stt in hanks. The absurdity of the statement is oh ! v Ions on |(n face. These rumors are i w hull* w ithout foundation and prob ! ably circulated for an evil purpose, j The liovfiiiiui'iil has j?o power to cop tiscatc the money of depositors in I hanks."? I'rom statement of Secretary ; >rcAdoo. ^ William Hanks, editor of the Colum hia Record has l>eon appointed by Pres ident Wilson iik inspector for South Carolina to enforce the federal ex plosives law under the sujiervlsiou of the bureau of mines. The appointment Is said to carry a salary of $2.500. . William !?'. Caldwell. a former well known newsjMi per corresjHmdent of South Carolina, has been commissioned a first lieutenant and has been assigned to Camp Cordon at Atlanta. No. 318. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF LOAN & SAVINGS BANK Located at Camden S. C., at the Close of Business Novem ber 20th 1917. Resources. Loans and Discounts r * Overdrafts - Monds and Stocks < > \n 1 1 ? ?? I by the Hank Furniture ami Fixtures Duo from Bank1-? and Bankers Currency ... Cold Silver iiud other Minor Coin - Cheeks and Cash Items , Total Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid In Surplus Fund i l'ndlvid?Hl I'rollts. Ie*- ibis liMli day of Noveml>er l'.MT. Correct ? Attest: I,. A. Kirkland. Notary I'ublic Thos. J. Kirkland llenrv Savaire Directors. T. I.. Utile . 15.1125.09 MH> I 7"> <;j.r?ON.44 ? ">.<><) ?j.i:; I 7. ST> S jsr,.!t 1 1 ,i?S .< ID.SOO.OO <>.">< M ?.(X ? I'm M'>. I 'a i:(>s ?_,'J?i.(?7v.."il 1 1 .J IS N?. 22. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF HANK OF CAMDEN Located at Camden, S. C., at the Close of Business November 20th, 1917. Resources. I-oans and Discounts . $.'Wr?.0'J I .HI Overdrafts 7.(?10..'>7 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Hank.. MO..'WXI.OO Furniture and Fixtures - 'J.lPMi.TTi Banking House l.'{,.'{K.r) ir? Other Heal Instate owned U.L'TviT Due from Banks and Bankers . I.'M.ilNl ..'iB Currency .. ? 10,4US.00 Gold .. li7r?.(K) Silver and Other Minor Coin * li.o22.."7.'J9 Total *72d. Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid In K)0P00(). (X) Surplus Fund .* 50,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Kxpens-v jmd Tn.\e<* Paid 4h,0(V.?.l7 Due to Hanks and Bankers . 71 .r>S Dividends Unpaid . .. .VvOO Individual Deposits Subject to Check . .'{tm.iiOO.lO Savings Deposits I l 1 Total *72rt,OWOO State of So\Jth Carolina. County of Kershaw Before me came C. H. Yates, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above ami foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. C. II. YATES, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me th - day of November. 1017. II. Carrisou, Jr . Notary Public Correct ? Attest David Wolfe J no. W ('orln-tt Directors. Leo Schenk r ? *> j w ?? ? ? ? KU880 GERMAN l'KACK Next Sunday it l>?fe> 8?i To Talk Of Ani)l?tlr?. .1 ? ?? ?; MUildtt) I1CX I llHS IhNMI HVt tiy tlio ( ?<* ruin iin us the date fur a conference with the BoMtevikl leaders for the purpose of negotiating Hu ario Ik tier The arrangement for I he discussion followed a visit of represents live# ??f lite Bophevlki to the (leriuui) mill tu ?*> authorities <*ii t lit* Teuton Hide of the lighting from In Russia The Germans apparently gave quick tie i|llleMt?nee to the pro|M>sal of the Itus slans for an armlsthv looking to an ultimate |*mee, for only a few hours Intervened between I he \lsit of the Russian* to i he German line and ac ecptancc h.v I he Germans of the prop osl t loll made to them. While the negotiations are ex|?ect r even a greater |>erlod of I lute have been endeavoring to pul Into o|N'iatlon neuyl ial Ions for a peace that would prove a suitable one for themselves ami their allies. That, the Bolshcvlkl leaders a iff d Is trustful of ih*? Germans, although they have agreed to enter Into nego tlatious for an armistice, is apparent from the fael that Knslgn Krylenko, the Rolshcviki comander - in-chief has ordered, pendiug the conference that there shall Is* no fraternizing on the part of the Russians with the Germans ami advise vigilance and caution hy the troops. Meanwhile the greater inter-allied conference will convene hi Paris, ull phases of the tangled situation In Itussla and noiiic method agreed upon (o bring the disatYect Ion to an end ami permit of the Russian army tak the vicinty of Vcn luit there have been of putting the Bolshcvlkl element in the category of an ally of the central powers. (hi the II k; h 1 1 n tr front in northern France the buttle between the Brit ish ami the Gemuans for (Ktints of vantage around ('amhrai continued throughout Tucsila.\ night, hut. on Wed nesday died down to somewhat small pro|M>rt ions. The Germans had brought up la rue num1>ers of reinforcements ami the lighting for Bourlon wooeeially on the sec t <>i" of Passchendaele. and it seems probable that another big battle in this region is brewing. To the sout h in I lie region of St. Quentln. north of the Alsne and in the vicinltl of Verdun there have been small infantry ojH-rattrrrrs. *flth the advantage resting with the French troops. The Italians continue to hold tenaciously to their no rt hern ' front be tween the Itrenta and I'iave rivers a gainst the Aust ro-German forces who have been unable to gain additional terrain. An armistice in order that they might bury their numerous dead I has been requested by the Austrian^, but ow ing to lack of faith in the en- ' ?-?nv * intentions rhe Italians refused 1 to grant it. Major General Maurice, chief director of military o|?cratious at the British war ollh-e upon whose ollii'ial statements much inqtortanee is placed. ;i ;;!i.iiiik ,'s t b : i f the crisis in Italy has passed .1 eriiMi lent i-i within sj^l,f (,f the British forces o|>eratiui: in Palestine, bur -Turks in force ha\e been gathered "about the cjty and it is not improb able that :i great battle will "have to !>n and August Kolm There have been pret i y well dctined rutmu's for quite a " hi the State company was I hca\il> in debt, and also there lias I I ceil a great deal of talk to the effect that .Messrs. Kohn and Robertson were likely to become the owners of the property. As to whether there has been .in actual transfer, however, we ha v. no in formation beyond that driven in The Tribune, which cites as its an tlioiifx -a gentleman from Columbia."' York Fnqulrer. Tin Census Bureau's figures ?dmw| j liiat up (o November 14 there hud ; !? rii ginned S)U.'i,277 hales of < ?? ? 1 1 < > 1 1 j in I In- State of South Carolina. The i ??omiuerelal bale Is ."VKt pounds. That ! mean 461.380,500 pouuds. At jthe prevailing price ? say 'JS cents a ! pound ? -the crop to that date brought ||!m> planters of this State $119,-02T>.ftl0. ! And that Is not counting the seed, i which also has immense value this I war Hcx-k Hill Record. ?if Clarendon County. vlc*? K. C. Dick i s<>n. deceased. The 1917 Red CroM Christmas Seal. Th?? spirit of (' h r i st ni ? s helpfulness to others is in that son 1. Put it on your Christmas mail. The M-als cost ono cent each. The mon?-\ en's to tight Tuberculosis in your comm unity aner eare for these i hoys and protection for your (?omraiim ty against the spread of t-hft disease. Huy Ked Cross Christmas Hen is from the committtee in Camden ? T. K. Trot ter, c-hairman, Mrs. C r. DuBose, Mrs. Alice Rlehnrdson. PERSONAL MENTION. - Mr*. W. K. Nlehol# lias >fpne u> {'heeler fur it week* vihit Mis* IaiuIho Nettles apent the week end with friends i|i Columbia. Mix Ailee < Kleha rdson Is mjm'IuI Iiik TliMiiicKKlvlnx In clarendon. Mr. and Mrs Alex linker are *|Ksi hi df I ieoryelow u is vis itinK at the home <>f her nephew Mr. M llti rueli j Miss Minnie 4 *l> l>n I'll and Miss Vir I u'liiia Ta.\ l??r are spending some time in Florida Mrs. (' M Coleman and son lieortfe, are \MlliiiK' relatives in OranifehurK I h > \i ? t k, M Kale. lienolr. and Mlake j ne\ went to ( 'lut rleston Wednesday af I Cl liooll Miss Kllen lloykln who is a student :it Converse College is at home for Thiii.ksKix iiiK I Mrs Vernon Phillip* who has beet, visiting Mrs. S. ( '. Zemp has returned I to her home in Athens, tin. I Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McDowell and Mis M A Nib's attended the Methodist eonfeiV'tice In lilshopvllle last Sunday. Mrs. (>'uv (iunter and little daughter .lean are visiting the foruiers parents Mr. ii nd Mrs. C. J. Shannon, !^r. .Mrs. I'd ward Camplsdl, who has heen ) the guest of Mrs. K. W. Miteham for the past two weera house Saturday night. Ottleers put him in the loekup for the remainder of the night- and he was released on #."> bond for his appearand before the reeorder Monday. He failed to ap|>ear and the boml was forfeited LKK COUNTY NEWS Items of Interest Gathered From Bisli- I opville Vindicator. Tin- enemy death has claimed one of I .re county's most estimable christian women. After a very short, but severe i-iivr of that dreaded disease, pneumo nia. Mis. Susan Solars, wife of our es teemed farmer and merchant, J. K. Se gals. and mother of one of our sweet est christian girls. Miss .Tanie Segars, died on Sunday morning, about six o'clock, at their home near Ashland. She was a fa 1 1 1 i f 11 1 wife, a loving moth- j er. a kind and t?enevolent nelghl>or and ' above all a devoted Christian, one who! lived without spot and blameless. In the whirlwind campaign to raise) the tpiota for 1/ee C/Olinty. Rev. It. C. j Morrison easily won the palm as the j most successful worker. He turned j over to the committee the round sum j of Mr. D. I). Mnrnt came next' with a cMnh ?mm of from the I colored people's church near t'ypress.i with a total of over Last Monday afternoon at a nun'ting i of the central committee, appointed for lice County to raise $'J.10(? for the war i V. M. C. A. the report* rroni the work ing committees sjiowei I that #2T)4M? had; been raised. This is a splendid show- j ing for I .re county and is only in keep- j ing with her |>a*t record. Mi.?s Maude Ainan has re>igned her' position in Atlanta Cjiy S. !>.,..}> and was at home "The ? ? 1 k ' a few days la 1 week before leaxiug for Washing-; ton. I >. C . f.> accept ;i -government po- ! sit ion. A Rural School Improvement Asso- j eiutloii w :i - organized at know Ru- : ra 1 Graded S< Ikm>I on N'mvciiiIk-i' 1th. The following otlicer-. were elected : President. Mr. C. M. flail; vice pres ident. Mr. Davis; secretary and treas - urer. Miss Jennie I .on, Martin. Meet-, ings are Jo be held tl.r tir-t Fridax af ternoon *?f each mom*!. All the par ents and patrons are earnestly urged to be present at eacli meeting. Althoj the rJciiool is progressing very nicely, ' yet It is l?eliev?il that the greatest i good and progress will !>e effected when j the community and school co-o{)crate through tiie School Improvement Asso- 1 elation. I Wateree .Mill Village News. ?'>n last Tuesday evening at the vil lage Club House Miss Solum l'arrlsh County Home iH-monstration Agent held the regulhr monthly meeting. Miss l'arrlsh gave a demonstration In the making of peanut wafers. All the ma terials necessary for a successful dem onstration had Ih^'ii secured before hand. The otlhvrs of the Waters Mill Home Demonstration Club arc as fol lows: Mrs. I. T. Truesdell, president; Miss Cornell, vice president; Miss Sal He Rogers, secretary Thirty six mem bers are enrolled besides the officers, and the interest is spreading remark ably among the ladies of the village and with such splendid co-operation great good can be accomplished in help ing direct the efforts of the women dur ing this national crisis. Mr. John Ray and family of Lan caster, a former resident of the village was here on last Thursday and Fri day. Mr. Ray came down to attend the funeral of his sister whose dei?th occurred at the Hermitage Mill late Wednesday evening. Mr. Rnfus Leasley who has lieen in a sanitarium nt Columbia for several weeks for treatment has nvt.vered suf ticlently to return home. MrK. Ada Davis and children have re turned home after a week's visit to relatives In t.he Tinm>d section. Mrs. Ella Railey and children of Re thune spent last week end in the vil lage. Mr. Pink I^ackey or Great Fall spent the week end with relatives in ;hc village. Mrs. Ada I/oyd spent last week with her sister In Columbia. Mr. Manly Smith of Columbia spent, several days last week with his sjster Mrs. Chas. Christmas. Mr Q S Rogers now employed at Camp Jackson spent the week end with Will you wet downer roughage and save several dollars on every ton? s OME farmers are still paying top prices for old style cottonseed hulls because they prefer a bulky fuier Others arc paying much less for mnHksi and are making the^n as bulky as old style hulls by wetting them down a hfilf hour or so before using. By adding an equal part of water to Buckeye Hulls and stirring thoroughly they will swell and give you as bulky a roughage as you want. Most important, the bulki ness will be due to water wjiich is of value to your cattle ? not to lint which has no food value whatever. Other Advantages Buckcye Hulls go farther. ( Sacked ? easy to handle. They allow better assimilation of They ml* well with other forage. other food. Take half as much space in the No trash or dust. barn. Mr. Benjamin Thompson, Baldknob, Ark., is feeding Buckeye Hulls to stock cattle. He says that he yets more food value per ton with less waste. He has bought five tons and has them stored in barn. He says that they occupy less space than old style hulls. To secure the best results and to develop the ensilage odor, w*t the hulls thoroughly twelve hoars before feeding. It is easy to do this by wetting them down night and morning for the next feeding. If st any time this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to feed the hulls dry, use only half** mock by bulk as of old style hulls. Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat tening, for work. Describee Buckeye Hullo waA gives directions for using them properly. Send for your copy tdrae nearest mill. Dept. K The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dipt. K Atlanta Birmingham Greenwood Little Rock MtmphU Aagutta Charlotte Jack ton Macon Selma his family in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell aiHl Mth. Thig|>en, of Columbia sj>ent Sunday with their mother Mrs. (i. S. Rogers. Married ? on last Saturday evening Miss Annie Bell Russell of the village ami Mr. Luther Bradley of the Her mitage village. We wish the couple a happy ami useful life. MAJESTIC PROGRAM Tecial .Monday Deo. 3 Paramount Pictures Day Suhj?*et not yet announced T lies day Deo 4th. Robert Hichen's "THE GARDEN OF ALLAH" With Helen Ware The greatest- picture ever shown. Wednesday Dec. 5 Triangle Fine Arts Day Bessie Bari scales in Her (Greatest Success "BORROW ED PLl'MAGE" Also A Triangle Come. Also, one new Reming ton typewriter at $25. Apply to C.I M. Coleman. Camdert, S. C. TAKEN I P? A gray horse. glaHs-eyed ' in right eye. wax taken up on Nov. 24 th by Eddie Richardson, living on Mr. A. J. Roy kin's place. Owner ?'?n get same by paying for this ad :ind other expenses. FOR SALE ? Good timber near West vllle. S. C. Oak and pine that will ? Fa rm of 2,364 acres adjoining O. T. Utile's plan tation. Excellent soil. For partic ulars write Box 85, I>andrum, S. C. FOR REflT^-4 horse farm 11 mllee from Camden, known as the Rotrfn Wants--For Sale son or G. A. Moseley place. 256 acres In tract. ,5 room dwelling, 3 tenant houses, 2 barns and cotton house. Good neighborhood, one mil* from school infuse. Apply to C. P. DuBoae, Camden, S. C. 29tf. FOR SALE ? Abruzzi rye for sale. Ap ply to Henry Savage, Camden, S. C., or W. L. Hush, Lugoff, S. C. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF LIVE STOCK*? Dr. J. W, Sharp. Veteri nary Surgeon and dentist, will be located at Geo. T. Little's stables. Treats " ATI Tclffds of domestic Shi male 4and guarantees cures in all cases that ore curable. Examination Free. ..Have your horses and taulos tdeth fixed at least once a year, saves feed, promotes digestion, keeps, down colic and indigestion. Keep< your animals sound, healthy and fat. This is one of nature's provisions and should he conformed to. Con suit me. Phone 1G9. Camden ' O. I make a specialty -of sur and dental surgery. KEEN, AMBITIOUS Salesman Want ? ed. ? To the right man we c^n offer a contract with commissions anfl a I>ermanent connection carrying ex ceptional opportunities for large warnings in one of the most pros-, I?erous and stable lines of business in existence. ^\.n unblemished rec ord of seventy yeans gives an agent for this company prestige that will he of great value. For particulars write to J. S. La ml, General Agent, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Columbia, S. C. 25-tf . WE ARE SHOE SURGEONS We not only amputate the w^rn port, but ? unlike other surgeons we substitute a whole, healthy part la its place. Our one great mission is to pro long the- life of your shoes. Let us help you buck Mie high cost of living. 9 All work done by Louis, the Shoe Man. C. C. WHITAKER LOANS Made on approved country and city real estate. Long terms, low interest. M. M. JOHNSON , Attf ? Camden, S- C. COLUMBIA LUHBEK MANUFACTURING Cft MILL WORK SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND LUMBER I - *? PLAIN * HUCEA STS. Pk~* 7* ' rmr f COLUMBIA* 3. C.