THAT'S THE POLISH ' mm * i shoe polishes ^-BUCK-WHITErTAN-IO* ^rilKK I IX>T MAI>K l'PBLIC A \sked For .Money To ^ Influence Coiisiftw. v..hi ?i -.-The Amerl jVhiiiSton. l ? ? ~ ... ... r iurm',1 today upon the expeiwll publicity s,flight f C.iiinni intrigue lu neutral ftliiiB '["imm'ov by iHt* Herlin foreign 0 , ,.,v,,rt to influence Con t.Vl. of the rut hies* xuh D0 campaign whleh "drove the States to war. >tHrv 1-anslng made public with "comment .l.e text of a raessajw i? by Count von Hernstortf to tter hi January asking authority to i.. influence Congress ugh an organization which the for i office was reminded hail performed unites before. To supplement "mow von MernsfortT suggested an ^il deelnration in favor of Ireland its effect la-re. [flu- organization to be employed was nam0(l. it was freely suggested m# other officials. however, that it of the societies which flooded fnikr^ of Congress with i>caco lues es when President Wilson wa? nsk n state of war 1k? recognized, rjbis disclosure adds another chapter i(be amazing story begun with puli ation of the famous Zimmerihann It connect* the German Govern or ami Count von Berustorff dl potlv and conclusively with machina Liis which the American public had Lwiim-il was a part of the world-wide ivutoiiic intrigue, but which many peo firmly believed were carried on or Danced hy (.'erinan-Amcricans without Actual authority from Berlin. Liuit* Min>'n. ????r.t.:cr [to official circle* or at the Capitol, al th?>ugh tiu-n?t?er? of Congress were taly imlignant. There was some talk it the Capilol of demanding an inves flntinn and Senator Overman, chair tun "f tin- Sena to lobby committee, ml Representative Flood, obairman of it* Hoiim* foreign affairs committee irranecd to -o to the State Depart ment tomorrow and ask for more infor mation. On tin* tJ"or of the House Representa tive Hctl in. ..f Alabama, asserted that be could iiiime thirteen or fourteen men)l>ei> >>{ the two branches of Con pws who had Meted suspiciously and ttjawsed tin. opinion that they should be investigated. Generally, however, the disposition was to regard as- ab tml auy suggestion that any part of the mi sought bv von Bernstorflf was intended for members of Con ?ress*. The von Hernstorflf message, dated January follows: ^request authority to pay out up to (fifty thousand dollars, in order as on former occasions to in flwnce Congress through the organi sation yon know of, which can per haps prevent war. I am beginning in the meantime to act accordingly. In the ii 1 love circumstances a pub ?' "tfi'ial Cot-man declaration in favor ?' Ireland i-> highly desirable, in or to jfain th,. support of Irish in fluence hero." Whether the State Department is in possession of other evidence indicat liiK the ambassador's activities has not been revealed, but the extraordinary disclosures has fixed the Iwllef that the American Government has compiled the entire story of Gorman duplicity and intrigue and that additional chapters will be added. Governmental Ideas of Honor. President Wilson on several occasions notably in his War Message of April 2 and in his reply to the |>eace note >of the Pope, has called attention to the fact that no iwace can be main tained with the Im|?erlal German (gov ernment; that no autocratic govern ment such as it can be trusted to keep faith : that only free people can hold their purpose and their honor steady to a comoinn need, and prefer the Interest of mankind to any nar row Interest of their own. The President was only restating n difference lietween two systems of gov ernmental iH>lley, two different govern mental ideas of national honor, that has long existed. The quotations given inflow show the American Idea of a nation's honor from the Inception of ? this government down to the present day and the Idea of national honor held by the German (iovernment since the days of Frederick the Great. "The foundations of our national policy, will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private moral ity. There exists in the course of na ture an indissoluble union of virtue and happiness l?etwoen duty and ad vantage. between honest policy and public felicity. The smiles of heaven can never be expected on a government, that disregards the eternal rules of has ordained."?George Washington. President of the United States. April 1781). "We are at the lteglnuing of an age in which It will be Insisted that the saire 'standards- of conduct and 'of responsibility for wrOng done shall be observed among nations and their governments that are observed among the individual citizens of civilized states."?Wood row Wilson, President of the United States. April 1017. "We are now in a state of necessity and necessity knows no law. Our troops have occjifued neutral Luxerabery and perhamtalready have entered Belgium territory. This is a breach of inter national law. The wrong we hereby commit we will try to make good as soon as our military aims have been attained. He who is menaced as we are, and is fighting for his highest possession, can only consider how he is to hack his way through."?The Ger man Chancellor Addressing the Reich stag, August 4, 1014. The German Chancellor was simply following the keynote given by Fred erick the Great speaking in 1740: "The question of right is an affair of min isters. Take what* you can; you are never wrong unless you are obliged to give back." Contrast the American and the Ger man standards of national honor. The honor and good faith of the American Government from Washington's day to Wilson's are back of the Liberty Ix>an Bonds. Well may they be called - the metty % "Fii> safest Inventiucnt on eartli- the piy- i iter feCuVtty of the world, ! Why You Hteep l.ate Sunday. "li Isn't (hut most people don't haVe i to go teople snoozy and dis inclined to activity. This psychology complex in its nature ami Involves much tlu? whole human system, st of all the person knowing that he does not have to turn out In the morning relaxes completely when lie ???es to hot) and .sleeps without nervous strain. Naturally he would Ket enough If he went to bed at a reasonable hour by the usual rialng time, but instead of that ho continues in a delightful dose. This is induced by the,Sunday stjjlness. The usual disturbing morning sounds are ah*a?nt and the consciousness is not aroused. "The |?crson isn't shaping, he is merely unable to pull his energies to gether ami wake up. lb* Is auto-liir toxieated. doped or anything you want to call it. Ills nervt* are thkiug a much needed rest through mental or physi eal causes. That's plain enough, isn't it?" Indians at Camp Jackson. Columbia, S. C., Sept. 24.?A. II. Mc Eachcru ami (J. 11. Sellers, members ef ltoheson county, N. C., local board No. 2 came to Colombia Saturday night bringing with them 14 Cherokee In dians from that county, who had been selected, for service in the national army These were the first Indians to reach Camp Jackson. The Messrs. Sellers ami McEahern sahl that they came along to explain the social status of the Indians to the otllcers at Caanp Jack son. The coining of the Indians, com monly called Croatans. will give the camp authorities another problem' to solve. The Croatans associate on terms of equality with neither white people not/ negroes and it is probable they will have to"l?e located to them selves. In Robeson county they ride in the white railway .coaches and stay in the white waiting rooms at the stations. This, however, Is )it>out the extent of their association with mem bers of the white race, who neither eat nor sleep In the same places with the Cherokees. America's Object. "The object of this war is to de liver the free peoples of the world from the menace and the actual i>ow er of a vast military establishment controlled by an irresponsible govern ment which, having secretly planned to dominate tin* world, proceeded to the |?>oor: and now stands balked but not defeated, the enemy of four fifths of the world."?From President Wilson's reply to the Pojie. Big Cotton Mill Authorized. The Monarch Mills of Union was commissioned Monday by W. Ranks IK>ve seereary of state. The proposed capital stock is $2,500,000. to l>e di vided up into 25.000 shares of $100 each. Of the total amount, preferred stock Is to l>e represented by $1,000, 000 and common by $1,500,000. Each class of stock is to have equal voting power. The petitioners are M. A. Moore and F. M. Farr of Union. A general cotton mill business is con templated. Dollar (Gasoline in Cuba. Havana. ?Sept. IK.-?More than a thousand automobiles in Havana have been forecd into retirement by the action of retail gasoline dealers in jumping the price from 47 cents a gal lon to $1, and in some instances to $1.20 a- gallon. A Few Reminders o?u nv"ldnd of Real Estate, we wish to offer you If you are in the market to buy or. a few reminders- :ntereatinK prospective customers, hence can get \\ o have unusual facilities foi in their attention where you would Pr0 we are con9tantly in touch with buyers Handling property of every desci p ? and sellers of all kinds of property. ^ ^ customer for the very Take a chance. Come and see us, an s pr0perty that is just what you are Piece of property you wish to sell, or a piece 01 P p looking for. c. P. DuBOSE & COMPANY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE CROCKER BUILDING PHONE 43 TRICK OF THE CAMERA. It )? Not Difficult to Mako a Picture tf Youraelf a a Twins. iik the Woman's Homo Companion (V II. V'UiwU.v (icMiiijia the photcjuuphlv trick of hming ouc pop;on appear t\>;c ? In t ho (Mil in* pii.iu ru inn I tell* the uiuii teur photographer lww u? accompli h it. 4,\Vlwit ^> the folds of tlio bellows. It should lo Ot ? tfll ill On* fold of the bellows which will lioiii it about un inch or mi Inch Hinl a inilf In front of tlio plate. Its wlilth should l?o half thu plato opening mid a trillo more?say one-eighth of an lueh, "Make this piece of carhoard thor oughly black on both sides by dipping It In ink and lotting it tlry. See that the cardlioai'd is Well 'seated' in the bellows folds so that light docs not leak paet the joints. "Pose your Hiibjeot and prooeeil to focua ho that the linage appears on the right aide of the ground glass In the camera (left aide of the finished picture will bo tlio result). Tho left aide of the ground glass appeals blank, because it la kept from exposure by the card board. Insert the plate holder, take a picture, put buck the slide and remove the plute holder; on no account niovo the camera, however. Very gently a lido the cardboard from the loft side to the right and replace the ground glass. Poae the subject on the opposite side of the ccntor this time. Then replace the plate holder, remove the slide and make a aocond exposure exactly the same length as the first" HISTORIC KAVALA. This Grecian Seaport Was Known aa Neapolia in St. Pacil'a Time. Kavala, the Grecian seaport which haa figured ao often iu pi'CSfi dispatches during recent years, is noted as the birthpiuce of Mehemet All, the remark able son of an Albauian fanner whose career as viceroy of Egypt during tho first half of the nineteenth century al most precipitated Europe into a war of nations. The house in which this witty, wily pashu was bom in 1700 is In a narrow, crooked street not far from tho Turkish school which he founded, although he himself never learned to read or write. In itoman days Kavalu was known as Neapolls, and It was here that St. Paul landed on his way from Samothrace to Phillppi, where there wns a thriving colony of Christians, to whom the Epis tle to the Phllipplans was addressed. Prior to the beginning of tho Chris tian era Nedpolis '-was the seaport of Phillppi. whoso ruins are to be found some ten miles from s^ore on the high way from Ivavala to Thessaly. Hero tue fleet oi ismtus and C assius was at anchor during tho famous conflict on the fields of Phillppi in 42 B. C., when tho assassinators of Julius Caesar met defeat at the hands of the legions com manded by Antony and Octavius. Practically all that remains to con nect ancient Ncupolis with modern Kavala Is a Roman aqueduct, whose two tier arches still convey water from Mount Paiigeus to the town and citadel. Our Sleep. As a race we sleep too little. An in faut's life is nearly all sleep. Gradual ly as the child grows older the hours of sleep are shortened. Youth till the age of twenty is reached requires fully ten hours' sleep. Although nature demands fewer hours' sleep in summer than in winter, It has been proved that eight hours of sleep are required for the av erage adult in good health. By this is meant not simply eight hours in bed, but that amount of good, sound, restful sleep night after night. Our power to work Is Intimately related to our abil ity to sleep, and there is no more reli able indication of sound health than the capacity to sleep naturally, and the more active and energetic the waking life the deeper the sleep. Tripled Her Baking Capaoity. "One day, when baking cookies," says a housewife in the Woman's Home Companion, "I expressed a wish for larger pans. My husband said, 'Why not hare some made to fit the oven?' He then measured the grate and went down to the hardware store. In a few days I bad two Russia iron pans 19% by 18% Inches and one inch deep. As these pans hold three dozens of cookies I can do my baking very much more quickly than I could with the old pans, which only held twelve cookies." Wonderful Man. "Where is ho from?" "I don't know, but I think he was raised on a desert island." "What in the world makes you think that?" "He says no woman ever made a fool of him."?Houston Post. His Regular Bath Day. Prospective Boarder?What are your rates? Hotel Proprietor?Two dollars a day^or single room. $2.50 a day for room with bath. P. H.-That is $14.50 a week. II. P.?No; only $14. I*. B.? Yes, bnt I was counting Saturdays.? Penn State Froth. Not 8o Wrong. A Russian applicant for naturaliza tion papers was asked, "What is the constitution of the United States?" "Rugged and healthy," he answered. Of course there 1s a laugh, but still he said something.?Washington Her aid. Cold Cash. Bean (earnestly)?No, she isn't ex actly pretty, but she has that indefin able something? Bsgg (Impatiently) ?Tm, I know. My girl's old man has pttea of tt too.?Tale Record. Your Grocer will deliver You*ve enjoyed it at restaurants and other place*? now you want your family and your guests to join you in the same pleasure. That's one of the joys of serving Bevo?-to hear your guests say how good it Is?then to listen to their arguments as to just what it is. If they haven't seen the bottle they'll all agree that it is something else ? if they have seen the bottle each will have a different explanation for its goodness, Bevo is nutritive?pure through pasteurization and Sterilization?non-intoxicating, wholesome and thor oughly refreshing. Not??Bevo should be served cold. Beva^-the all-ycsr-'round soft drink Qet Bevo at Iklut, restaurants, groceries, department and drug stores, picnic grounn, basebnll parks, soda fountains, dining cars, steam ships, and other places where refreshing beverages are sold. Guard ?gainst substitutes?have the buttle opened in front of you. Bevo la sold in bottles only?and Is bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch?St. Louis BUSCH DISTRIBUTING CO. Wholesale Dealers COLUMBIA, S. C. WORKMAN GROCERY CO. Local Dealers CAMDEN, S. C. 5L SPAN BOLTEI) IN FLACK Links Anns of World's I .arrest Can tilever Bridge. Quebec. Sept. 20.?The central span of the Quebec cantilever bridge was successfully bolted into place this af ternoon at .'i :L'N o'clock, linking togeth er tlio arms of tbe largest bridge of its kind in the world. The hoisting operation began last Monday morning, and the span, which weighs 5,000 tons, was lifted by hy draulic .jacks a distance of ir><> feet from the pontoons on the St. Law rence Hiver, Todays work brought- to fin end the critical part of the operation vir tually completing the structural part of the bridge. An effort last year to raise a similar span in plaee resulted in disaster when the link slipped from its suports, causing fourteen deaths, and in 1007 a bridge in the same place collated when It was virtually com plete, killing seventy. The successful completion of the bridge will mean the fulfillment of n fifty-year engineering dream. It will be sonic months before trains can be run over the structure, as there is much detail work to Ik* carried out. The punning times between Halifax and WlnnejK'g then will be reduced half a day. One detail is the paint ing of the bridge, which. It is esti mated, will take three years and cost $25,000. Plans are being made to clear vast tracts of land in the ^traits Settle ments for the production of bananas. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF (Complaint Served > State of South Carolina, Comity of Kershaw Court of Common Plea*. F. \V. NVauener, Julius I). Ko