woru> roiso.N c attlk AiioIIut <*t> Ifitf lmi"?f* hihI call It*. wnr? re yfaliMl today by Swrelar* ? l.nniluu. It wan a not tier of Mr. I .au-im,''- >?? rlfs i?f 11im'|ir?ui'i?s of Iicriiiiin intrigue, III III It* I 111 I >1 it' W'itllOllt 4*4?||l lll?*ll I ill till' name manner a* tin* von l.n\tnir^ i?? I fUi'iiuiH which IniVf ln'Miit'lii Argentina on t hf vcr?e <>f war wiili ? ii'i'inan . thf von lOi'k tin nit )vt tcr fi"in Mexico <'!!> ami tin* vmi Itcriixtoriy li-lftcrarn asking iln? Herman foreign ottlcc for authorization to -|m-ihJ $.">iunmi to in tliifiiff Congress. Tllf 111 If si StoJN |s i ? ? i ? I III II IV port to tin* statf I icpart mem from Wlllliim Whiting Andrew*, -fcctary of tli?> legation at 11iirtiarf."it. aiif Kuinania I'n reclK and boxes lakrn into tin1 ihl'lliail eolisill.l tl- .It Mlli'llil I'f >1 with ?l I-play of great precaution a ri mi set I tin* -u-pi'Mon- <>{ iKumanian i?o\ eminent iiit Augu-t 'J7. l!?ltl. the t taken away from tlie legation by the Herman dJplornatlr niixsltm <>it its departure from limha i*r**t. the Hutnanlan fliuhir eoiitenM. The i?oih*? eoinmu 1:1 .1T. .1 v\ 11T. A III. I i. .Ill Mlld-dci V<> plela. then in ehaftfe >- wi'i'i1 found I Mir led in t lit* Timlin of rIn* Herman legation. Means Altlihnl of Munk-r. Concord. \. Sept. .'J.-?Ha*ton H. \l?*niis formerl> l?u>.|n**Krt ma linger of Mrs. M,iiin AiIm'um 'Jb. was arreted late today on ii warrant <*hdy of the shertlT of Car mhus Count,v lit the Means home in i his city, hut It Is Uioiiyht he will he j taken to the eoiinty Jail later tonight. j The warrant for tin- arrest of Means j was Issued after an all da> <*<#iif??r- J ??nee lietween Solicitor flavden ('leni ent. of this district and re|?renent?* lives of (he otliee of l>Ufrht Attorney Swann., of Xev\ York, at wliieh it Is mi id. enough evidence wax brought out lo tah||sh \\ hut otlleifil.s believe to have heeli a nioliie for the killing. Sam M < irist. ^>f York. has an iioiineed 1?i ^ eaiididaey for I lie lM?i l ion of insurance commissioner, to micccciI I' II McMaster. who has stated tliat lie will not stand for re election hi 11expiration of his term in Jannarr Re-Opened We have re-opened our market at new location, on I)(*K:? i!> Street, opposite Post Oilice, where we will be pleased to serve our old customers as well as new ones. We will at all times keej) the best and do our best to tfive entire satisfaction. Robert's Meat Market Telephone 80 Opposite Postoffice I^M AHTKK MAN UKAI) L. ('. l-JM-wtby Slrlrkru While Out On Automobile Ride. Lancaster, Sept. 23. l?< C. La/a-iiby. o||C of I ;ni< MS|?I > most 'llfjfhl.V v* ? irt'iiinl cltiiou*, dlfKl suddenly ilils af ternoon aohut i o'clock. lit* weut out with Ills wife, lit* *i*W?rlndaw, Miss Pearl Miller. and uue ur t\\Q other ladles for an automobile rl(l<> Up 1lM< Charlotte road ami when about four iliihvs from town jtti he was in the art of reversing kil^ oar preparatory to reluming home lii?* hands were seen lo fall loose from the steering w live I ami he was dead in a fow mccoimI*. A|xi|>W*xy is thought in have lH*eu the cause of Ills death, lie wan at the First Met hodlsi Church this morn I in:. where Sunday morning always found him. lie visited his native home till* summer. I bM I ford. Va., and returned here a few week* ago. ills health scorned sol??e? what broken. though his indisposition was thought in Is* only tem|>orary, therefore his sudden death tIlls after noon eoiues as a shock to his tela lives and friends here and ,throughout the county. Mr. IA'zenhy came here about -H> years ago to accept the |H>sltlou of stenographer for the ticm of Heath Springs Company. His. ability was soon recognised and he was rai*idl.v promoted. For several years lie has hf?en secretary ami manager of the Lam-aster Mercantile Company. He was at the time of his death vice presi dent of tin* Lam-aster Cotton Hi) Mill, and was connected with several other businesses here. In Kershaw ami other parts of the county. Mr. La/enhy married Miss Mary Mil ler of lk liital uction t< remove him from olliee. This was learned tonight ami an iiouucemeiii was made by the former governor that he will go before I ; ? ? I restoration to otliee. \i-cordiug to a cablegram recci.t'l l>\ 11is mother at Marion. S. ('.. l-Id \\. i r? I Wheeler. a member of the 11 r i'; -11 11. \: 11 \ ! t i I lei \. ser\in_ in I'ihiic. b' ? fti w oiinded bv ga<. Jn the affairs of the alert I >11 siness man. proerastilla tion is an unkown quantity However, when it comes to the matter of securing that new Fall suit or overcoat, he is only too prone to out off its purchase until the season is not only far advanced hut until best selec tions are no longer to be had. A|>]>1\ the principles of good business to the purchase of your Fall wardrobe. Do it now and do it here! You will secure 100 per cent, service, style and value lor even dollar you expend. ntewArarClOTHHES M im ^TFU)l A ISMUTIU.HS. Iv. . Ualtiuork, Md. loom lame in the assortment. They are i * the choice of >o nianv men?we are con fident the\ will meet your requirements m7-sTAOtnc j jho*. inc.. liinMon Hirsch Brothers & Co., Camden, S. C. SHIPS' MASCOTS LOSE NERVE Pet Animals on British Vessels Show the White Feather When Shell* Begin Exploding. There ur? auum* lueldents hImmk the mascots In tin1 big naval battle of Jut innd which are worth repeating.* The mascot on the Tiger was a bulldog. a flno fellow. When getting Into tin* hat tie the crew were a hit concerned as to how their fftvoflte would tuko the crashing of high explosives on the ship, ho they plugged his earn with cot ton wool, wrapped his head around as if he had a heavy dose of toothache* and a couple of men took the bulldog, much to hln annoyance, to a room that Was thought to he as quiet an the ship could provide. The dog didn't quite fancy being treated as an Invalid and resented the coddling, hut when the allots began ho took It pretty badly and wan uiighty glad he had a pal sit ting on either aide holding him by the paws. Another boat had a tine, big black cat. He was overlooked when they got Into action, and the first shell that came aboard this fellow got loose and took a tlylng dive overboard. A* the boat was going about 27 knots, even the most tender-hearted Jack Tar could hardly risk going after Tommy. l>n another ship they had a little ban tam. which strutted about more proud ly than the dinki*>st midshipman ami with as big a show of courage as the hardiest of old scadogs. The tars were proud of the 'Viwank" their pet could assume before strangers. When the llrst German .shell crashed 011 board the bantam lost all his fine show and flew down one of the ventilators. When he was rescued and photo graphed after the tight he presented a bedraggled appearance.?lamdon Post, MUSIC NEED OF FIGHTING MEN Blare of Band Instruments Brings Cheer to Troops and Is Just as Necessary as Ammunition. "The blnre of the trombone, the shrill note of the piccolo and the drums blending with other band in struments lju a military organization give cheer to the men with the gunn and is Just as necessary as ammuni tion," says Charles II. Parsons of New York. "During the Spanish-American war the tunes happily accepted were those of the vaudeville stage, when 'There'll lie a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight' was said to have led troops to the capture of San Juan hill. The old Civil war melodies having the swing of inarch cadence were first of all. 'Dixie,' probably wed, at least hummingly. by tin? soldiers of the X front much <>f their entertain- : merit I'vnings to rum**." added Mr. : I'mi'mi')v. "The phono^raph-M-' records I \\i!l i In 1 'i' 111 r!r 1 \ croups. And they ' will have programs provided by the ; star>- of the op.-ratii' world and other! ?-n:ertainers who max riot give to them j their < lie?*r first hand." ' i Wou'd Use Water for Fuel. Recently ail inventor attracted con* : si<|eralile attention by claiming to have I Isolated a certain green chemical the I addition of which t?? water would make the water a substitute for gasoline in initial-combiiMion engines. Now comes another inventor with a process for utilizing water as an automobile fuel. He points to tlw well-known fact that water is decomposed into Its elements, hydrogen and oxygen, when a current of electricity passes through it. Hy drogen mixed with air is more explo sive than gasoline vapor. In his pat ented ?evice the Inventor would con vert part of the power generated by the automobile engine into electrical energy, which he would use to decom pose water. The hydrogen of the de composed water he proposes to use to run the engine, securing enough stir plus power in the cycle to drive the car. Knows When to Quit. Handled intelligently, a mule Is a j most willing worker; but there are a | few unwritten laws that cannot be j transgressed with impunity. A mule ; will seldom make more than two at- ' tempts to move a load. On the first J strain he will throw his whole force J Into the collar, and a mule can pull 50 ; per cent more in relntlon to hi* weight i than a horse. Science is again dumb j at the question whence comes that lat- t ent force which neither horse nor ass 1 possesses. After a short rest the mule j will make a second attempt, but this j is seldom as sustaiped as the first. If i the load still refuses to move the team 1 mfght as well be unhitched. At times the mules will not even exert enough force on a third attempt to move an 1 empty wagon. Yielding to Necessity. There is. as Clenthes pointed out, such a thing as a "noble yielding to j necessity," which is accounted divine, i A man must, of course, be convinced that what he yields to is in truth ne cessity. Hut when that Is clear there ' should be no repining, and no fear of what "others may say." Until It is clear there should be no yielding. The ! poet, who was sad because lie could not paint a picture, and the painter who mourned because he could not write a poem, were surely most unrea sonable. They clearly knew nothing i of the doctrine of diversity of gifts. \ The doctrine is not only true but In I the highest degree, consoling and cheering.?Kxchange. NKdKOKS TO UK DK.UTKD Order of Uvoenl Crowdef Pruvldi* Fur S.I Hi Yu lie Still. Columbia, S. 0? Sept. 1M.-? Thai &ilU juegra at'lcctlvD auixkui ttw*}* from South Carolina. North Carolina ami Florida tiro oitk'ivil to reftort at Camp Jackson. beginning with Octo ber Ih t 1?o interpretation glviMi a tel egram from I'royoat Marshal (funeral Orinvilt'r to (Jovornor Manning. order* lug tho niohllUatl???? of '~d fter cent of negro troops.. South ('arolfna's per centage will total iMUH. North Caro lina's l.l&l aimI Florida's 1,045. Tho telegram from Uoneral (rrow* ilot InstniotH tho South Carolina local hoards which arc deficient lit tho mo blll/ation of tho 10 lK't- ootit ??f white moii recently called to tho colors to send additional whltos to Camp Jack* stat as noon as they are certified from tho district hoards. Thoy aro to ho given regular railroad tranaporla Hon and tho adjutant general's oltloo Is emphatically-4|pi>dhig that all local hoards stud these additional mon to Columbia hoforo October <1, when tho movement negro soldiers lieglns. Tho American Itallroad association In now preparing the schedule for tho mmoiucnt of negro troops, which will he embodied In mobilisation orders issued hy I ho adjutant general's office within the next few days. The wire from Provost Marshal Henoral Crowder follows: "All deficiencies in the installments of the quota of luiy local hoard in the call for September 11) should ho niade up hoforo OctolH?r On Oetolier Jt liogln sending from all local boards while men t? ? camp at Columbia as fast as they are certified from tho district to the local hoard* as selected for military service, until all wJittO men included within hie quota front nih'Ii l?K*al hoards have hOen sent. It U thought that no special traffic ar rangement*. are necessary and that these men can he sent on ordinary t rains. "Kntirely apart from this movement of white men send. , beginning (>cto< her tf. 'Jt? per cent of the quota of each local hoard made up exclusively of colored men. Schedules for this movement of colored men, showing tl.c spool lie da,\ > on which install nn nts from each of your local hoards should move, will he furnished you by the American Association of rail roads. K\cept as local adjustments made after consultation with the pas senger representatives arc necessary,, these M'hcdulos should control." The apparent eoiitradictions in tho ton-going wire art' explained hy the o'tatemout that- the telegram was also ve n t to Nortli <"arolina and Florida. The section direct ing the lilling of the Pi per cent ?nj??r:i K interpreted as In-] m nil t iin; the states I.? continue send-1 i 11 ir "while men until the increment ?' J of September l!i r<'aches it- to: i A tier .late all other wlii " Mien nil \111. ? percentage pro-J ? 1'h t !"r i appl\ to J <'n ? ? i: i iliis state will luti unable to M'hd 40 per cvui ?,( (IW'II, Tho smallest known bird U, trul American hum minx ??lrd t about the ?l*e of * Uiuo4^?me A twos t n iiiomatlc In iu Is a nftw cabinet f.?r ?|\il<-ktv IlUR X-Ray photographs tw A> use. Notice To The Pubiw. I wlaii to my that t am soclated with The Huckeyo Com* Co. an their agent for thu uiuj Joining counties ami to *ay lo ^ that have so UU'rally imtruid*^ | in the pawl that we are using I method of thanking them aud | to nay that, we are asking a uauoe of their contldenoe and jmJ I axe and promise you the name jy, treatment In the future as given Initio pp*t. Ami to those that have not a* found It convenient to do any \ neKR with us to give us a trial we will (Io our hest to make business transaction with them plea Kant and profitable. Try us time. We also wish to xtate that t the first of September our otflc? scales will he located ?t the rearl Zemp.A liter ass Ding Store, the J room formerly occupied hy \v. Roberts Meat Market. Please this change. Mv grist and feetl nulla will he located at this place, alon* the Studelmker automobile agency] Any time you have cotton and ton seed or corn to offer for i or you want, to buy or trade fo good automobile we Invite you la] see us ami If you have no buxlaj to transact call on us anyway as will be glad to talk with you. Respectfully, R. I.. M one ley. A 5 Rosen Rye The most vigorous grow ing and productive of See Ryes. Stools out better, su perior quality of grain, am destined, in our opinion, t< take the place of all othe Rye. Wood's Fall Cataloj Gives full description and inform* tlon, and also tells about the best SEED WHEAT, OATS, RYE, and Other Seeds for Fall Sowing. ., Wrfte for Catalog and prices o any Seeds required. T. W. WOOD & SONS SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Vs. The Maxwell actually earns a profit for you. Webster defines profit as follows: "AccessionI of good; valuable results; useful consequences; benefit An automobile saves your time and energy. And a Maxwell motorcar accomplishes that saving on an outlay of only $2 a week to run the car. We know of no more profitable method of investing $2 a week. ' No man in ordinary circumstances can afford not to own a MaxwelL Touring Car $745 RooJttmr $74St Com$m S109S, Berlin* SI095 > Wan S109S AU wric*? f. ?- * MOTOR SALES COMPANY W. R. DeLoache, Manager Phone 42 - - Camden, S. C.