ADDITIONAL MEN KXAM1NBI) l'liynit ittiiH Kepi Ifu?y For Three IHiy* This Week. Tin* |qc|) hoard f??r ihl? county vsi moned two hundred additional wen to api*ar l?efoiv them for examination thin week. Up to *lx o'clock yester day al>out fwo thirds of this number had l?een examined and (lit* tliultiiun of the physicians follow ; The following were examined Moh a>'H Wed. and Thurn. i Aug. 22nd and 23rd. The Triumphal March of "\X7HEN wc announced Bevo * * rcccntly, our hopes were high. We knew that we had the most unusual soft drink that had ever been offered: A beverage combining the nutri tive extracts of wholesome ce reals, the zest of Saazer Hops, a flavor all its own and abso lute purity. We knew this be cause, true to our own ideals, we had experimented for years before we were satisfied to say, "We offer you Bevo? it is a different soft drii^ik ? it is good and it is good for you." High as were our hopes for its reception, we have realized '/.-.em far and beyond our expectations. Now, one final word. We prom ise you that, in accord with the known principles of Anheuser Busch and all its products, Bevo not only will forever maintain its present high standard of quality, but as time goes on our great endeavor shall be to make this soft drink even more per fect in every detail of its good ness. You will find Bevo at inns, res taurants, groceries, department and drug stores, picnic grounds, baseball parks, soda fountains, dining cars and other places where refreshing beverages are sold. Hevo today is an estab lished popular success. Ev erywhere the same question* is asked:?"Have you tried Bcvo?" Guard against substitutes. Have the bottle opened in front of you, first seeing that the seal is unBroken and that the crown top bears the Fox. Bevo ? the all-year-'round soft drink Brvo is sold in bottles only, and is bottled exclusively by Anheuser Busch?St. Louis, Bl SCH DISTRIBl TING CO. W hnlesale Dealers COLUMBIA. L>. C. WORKMAN GROCERY C: . ' '..oci.1 Dealers CAMDkN, C. shians yesterday: H, W. Ilogue, Mal ?ulrnl IUdt?>n, I?aw?vnee Troemlell, Wll 11ain Sturllu, J. C. (VjMiu*, Jatne* Stow art. J. II. Cook, J. W. MeLain, Till* mail Sowcll, James demons, Scipio Springs, Jetho ?iv lil 1 )ye, 0. Clyijurn, Mack McCoy, M??e ley, Willi# Sanders. 1 The following were .i? ??? 111?1xou, Willie Brown. Tboliimi Whitaker, F. 15. Ow Mows Shannon, W. B. Ahcrnathy, Saininie Willis, Huh Vincent, 0. H. Mumi. Horace' Clyburn, Elmer Baker, Melvin Lynn, A. F. Williams, .lamc? Nelson, Johnnie Jones. W. A, Waters. Alonzo McCormlck, (J. II. Truesdell, J. \V. Gardner, Iber Ileal, Harris Ijutts, Luther ii.iin-. H. L. Hmyrl. No KxeiuplkNi GnwM. The following is a list of tbosc who were accepted hy the hk*al board tor the National Army, hut who were re fused exemption liy the local hoard. These men still have an appeal for exemption before the District Board: Isaac Thompson, Tillman Matthews, in last Saturday morning tb&?citi zens of that iwacealde section of the county about four miles east of Cas Matt were Mtopped 1m the midst' of their prepa ration* for ibe d?yn work by tbe sound* of w^at wn* .it Hi .-i thought to be ? committee of clttseu* ten^ntpg u rf^pdop to a baud of Herman sol dlcra. When tbe sounds bud died and the ?mo|w of but tit had ilea rwl away sufficiently fur the neighbor* to lit vestigatc It was found (bat a battle bad tWM waged Iwtween member* Huf the lias* and Oirduer uiuillles of tbat section, with the assistance of a rej> resentatlve of tb?? colored race named Dawson Furiuau. Tltose taking part iu the affray were: Hud lta*s, Lindsay Bass and Joe lias* ,?n one Hide, and J. H., J. 1>., It. A. and llenry Card ner, and (he negro, Dawson Furinan on the other. Although It la said by some of the participants that about tUfteen shot* were tlre? and the trees [bore evidence of a veritable fu*ilade, none of the combatant* were serlou* Iy Injured. Two of the Gardner* were slightly .^wounded hm were two of tbe liaanes. One of tbe Ha**es was shot In three places In one of bis legs, and on lielng questioned as to the extent of lit* Injuries stated that the moat painful one of bis wounds was tbat one through his "hamstring." Warrants were taken out for all of the luirties ami they have employed counsel and have given bond for their appearance at the next term of court. Petitions for habeas corpus wrlta presented by Thomas E. Watson, of Thomson and (\ E. McGregor of War rcnton. former state senator, in l>e half of two prisoners confined in the Richmond county Jail iu Augusta, on charges of having railed to register under the selective draft law, w'ere denied at Mt. Airy, ear t'hcre nert Saturday and show cause why the writ should not be granted.., He also directed a copy if the pro ceeding be served on the federal at torney for the Southern District. The petitions are based on allegations that the selective draft act is "unconstitu tional! and therefore void." Fire, believed to have been of In cendiary origin, destroyed the half million dollar plant of the Aetna Ex plosive company near Gary, Jnd., Sat urday. Two employees named Holt and ('bossier were arrested. Their antecedents are being closely Investi gated. The plant wad working on government contracts. It had an out put of forty-six thousand pounds of gun cotton daily. It will take sixty days to replace-It. ? Former President William H. Taft who was attacked with Intestinal troubles at Clay Den>er, Kansas last week is now considered to 'be out of danger. TAX EXECUTIONS. Tinier and by virtue of various tax executions issued 1?v P. M. MeCasklll, County Treasurer and directed to SheritY Kershaw County for collection of delinquent taxes for State ami Coun ty f??r year 1915. I will offer for sale in front of the Court House door in Camden, S. C. on the tirst Monday in Sept. 1017 being the third day thereof, during the legal hours of sale the following described tracts of land which I have levied upon : I lot of land in city of Camden. County of Kershaw', hounded North by lands of Tom Johnson. East by lot of .left" Bnykin. South by lot of Putty JMiren and West by continuation of Campbell Street. Levied upon and to tie sold as property of Kill son Adam son. Also 1 acre and building thereon in Flat Hock Township. Kershaw County, bounded North by lands of Allen Nel son : East by lands of Patsy Jones, South by land of .Toe Belton and West by land of Allen Nelson. Levied upon and to he sold as projx?rty of Jim Collins. Also * 50 acres of land in Flat Rock town ship, Kershaw County, bounded North by lands of J. T. Horton and Maggie Horton and lands of W. T. Smith, South by lands of T. Z. Boone and West by lands of J. C. Hilton. Levied upon and to be sold as property of J. II. Johnson. Also 21(1 acres In Flat Rock township, Kershaw County, bounded North by lands of C. C. Whitaker, Erist by lands of Robt. Kennedy, Jr., South by lands of Jag. H. Burns. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Virginia Clarke. Also 100 acres at Liberty Hill, Flat Rock Township, Kershaw County, lwunded North by lands of Mackey-Jones and Co., lands of R. C. Jones, Liberty Hill parsonage land, Pea's P^erry Road, East by Camden and Liberty Hill public road. Sojtfh'by lands of H. F. Halle and Mrs. Laura Matthews. levied upon and to be sold pro]?crty of A. P. Brown, .\ Also 125 acres and building in Flat Rock township, bounded north by lands of Jalce Alexander, East by landsjof EHxa, Alexander, South Th / Yours respectfully, HKRBKKT A. CAMI'llElX. - Wants?For Sale FOB KKNT?Stor?r<^m No. Broad St. Has two* rdoms III re?r., Apjily t?> 1U00 Oth Ave. Broad. '*** ^ 'H* FOR SALE?^Oiie mule about 12 years old at a bargain for $100. u fX Shaw, Cauaden, 8. C. WANTED?Two experienced grocery clerks. Good salary to right party. Apply to H. I,. Sehloshurg, Cain-, den. 17tf. Baby Carriage! Baby Carriage! ? We retire baby carriage wlieelft. Can furnish any size wheel complete. Also do carriage repairing. H,- E, Heard's Bicycle Shop, one door south of Crosby's IceCream Parlor. 18-20pd LOST? Aug. 0. on street near my residence, one star and crescent brooch set with diamond and pearls. Reward if returned to Mrs. H, C. Smith, .'J15 DeKalb Street. WANTED?A number of hogs And pigs. Prefer Purops. I have pure bred Purees, all ages for sale;- R< M. Bryant, Matthews, N. C. 16-17-18?p, Way's (Jftraxf, ,TJ FOR S \ 1.1'.?(luo fc'oril touribj tiO Inch tread} one ll?rivy hJ twin cylinder motorcyele, two I Itoth In good condition n't u.i rage. Camden, s. r, HVANTBft?tidy of tefloMkH he|p keep house tn town fJJ] entering to winter tourUu "Responsible" care of etii FQR SALE?Chlcker Ing jjjj tieeu tuned and worked ove, Gughly into ttrnt clait ? U. Uood aw new. Will hcII ^ I-cash. Address piano care of !U*l?s .ov WANTED?Piano In good coiwHtj rent by the month, state Address "Keajgrnslble" rare of i IKOOMK TO RBNT?-Suitably foil I housekeeping. Apply to 1206 W enue, Broad Street, Camden. ?| [starting MOTOR and brushes?We have in stock,f? electrical repair department^ assortment of brufhes to fit J&iJr generator or starting roof, "O. Hay's Garage, South Broa 1 Camden, S. C. 15-10-1T IPtowerJ I'ower!?Lot us rebore U icylinders, fit over-size pistons I rings. Any make of atttoi | shops are equipped fqual toj ['""flip matter where located, for hauling and rebuilding, - nit the modern time saving that money can hny. An equipped shop for Ford wo which we make a specialty. Hay's Oarage & Machine Camden, .8. C. 15-16-ilJ WANTED?Fifty plumbers awl fitters, wages five dollars and i| (eight hours.) Ta*e receipt railroad for transportation i will be returned to you wbtij report, for work. Walker ~ and Plumbing Co., United Cantonment, Columbia, S. 0. FOR SALE^-No. 1 yellow pine 1 plastering cement, high grade Ing material. Kershaw Lub' Phone 340, ltt WANTED?Prices on 100 do cords 4 It. split pine wo?i ered at Camden.5 Address General Delivery, Camden, $] WE HAVE THOROUGHLY OVER-HAULEI GINNERY AND ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO YOUR GINNING WITH PROMPTNESS AND SATI& FACTION. WE ARE ALWAYS IN THE MARKET F< YOUR SEED, EITHER IN EXCHANGE OR WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. WM. KING, Manager Dtflot Worry This Fall About The Child ? ?? * ? Jj ren's School 4 Clothes j ' ??~? : l?. ;'*r K- ^ a*. McCAL PATTERN! H It Ui h H\ ti (I DEUGHTFDL IN DESIGN? [ economical in maww^ I EASY TO USB - - ? McCall Pi FOR SEPTEMBER ! #? ? . * Now On Sale* ?tut?r " CHICAGO NBWtTOBK ?joB( ATLANTA SAN 1TBANCISCO rm~Miwe* i>t?m 7906-Cai'. UiiitMT rw