0CAL NEWS Bi saving up. I I. .Hi* I" aii'nmer lime, in ESSm" tbey |2JreJ v?niwt n'n* for nuU. but Ei the nuts ?wuy in winter time the flaye are rj cold and da'* Ev! lb littl** treawure bo*; la happy r. h"* LM.n *ho ?av*? a little Ofuih, and Pu, ??*)' t'lO Stuff, IT raioy day*. y*u'll And. win *t |E b?v? enough. litthe squirrel, eurim the pralM he EI0 thoughtful meu. IiSb/ dsya ha" *at hl" |iv? Kf *?P W{aJn' I j?,v# hoarded caeh or nute you'll |C?f h,'K Ii??" are ' when 1 [gailet when skies are blue I roils whenever thlnga look blaek. ffoa know that U1I3 le true. |t?'i worth backing every time who Efh on his nerve 1^9 on every dismal day some eun I (fclrit* In reserve ?Grlf Alexander. r. J. K Cuik'IjiikI. of liethune .wan |bhIi;h yeuterday. fcslue.v Kvans of Latta, who has htf affrAftive uuest of Mrs. J. |lduibee, and Mr?. A. F. Waf^s, to her home this week. ' It. J. R. Helk niid family loft T^les jwrtiiiiie for a nooks tour to Ureen p^rfaiiRun,' and other points In Jowrin>r car. v -1 u. ROGR A M. Twiay Friday Aug. 17th. .Jan^tP Fine Arts Feature Day. A roguish, rollicking witch who tfrafes the schemers of sending same ilino at Sapphire, N. C. Mr. und Mi?. T. C. CJUdduu arc vis Iting in ami near Hlshopvllle. ,\Mr, M. H. Itcyuiau has returned from a trip to North Carolina. Horn?Wednesday Auk. 15. to Mr. ?iml Mrs. M, M/ Johnson, a HOll Ml** MhIh>|/ (?lfToiend 11 ik some 11 mi' hi oiuling three weeks with her cousin Mrs. Ed. Sty roji of Atlanta. She \yas accompanied home by Mrs. Styron and little daugh ter. Jaunita Mr. Max Sears, who has been hook. keeper for Scldosburg's Department Store, iur several years, left this week for Charleston to take charge of the office of the Palmetto Hag and Waste Co, of that city. Mr. G. A. BrashiKtou. of Dublin. Ga. came here on Monday to accompany his family who have been spending a while with relatives in Camden, hack to their home. The return trip will he made in their ear. Mr. Simmons Trantham. of Tallahas see, Fin.. Is on a visit to his mother in Camden. Mr. Trantliani Is' a well known lawyer of Florida and his friends here are glad to know he is making good. The friends of Dr. \V. C. McDowell,' of Kershaw were glad to- see him in Camden Tuesday. He was in a col lision with a motorcycle ami automo bile recently and was i right badly "hurt. He still walks with the aid of crutches. Mr. J. H. Stone, of Montrose, Pa., has assumed, his duties as jeweler at Mr. G. L. Rlackwell's. Mr. E. W. Drake having resigned this jwsltion and is endeavoring to get in the avia tion corps. For the present Mr. and Mrs. Stone are nt the Park View Ho* tel. Mr. ami Mrs. H. m. Carrison left Monday for Newport, R. I., where they will, visit their daughter Mrs. William Ancrnrn. Lieutenant Commander "Wil liam Ancrum Is now with the Ameri can fighting fleet in British waters. He has been assigned to the staff of Rear Admiral Sims of1 the American navy. ; Malcolm A. Ratoman who enlisted in the Aviation Coi*ps, and who has been stationed at Atlanta for some time, has been transferred from that i>olnt to Rantoiii, IH. He is now ma|[< in? two flights each' states that crops splendid around ,West villf. l>elog a little more advanced thaji [n Tork.?Yhrk News. Rev. C. Rowan will leave thnight for New'fork'and New Jersey,where he Will spend' several days. While away he will be the guest of dr. and Mrs. John R. Todd. Her. John H. Graves will occupy Mr. Rowan's pul pit at the Presbyterian Church gun day,. The following Sunday'Rev. Row an will preach at the Methodist church.' In Retard to the Sheriff's Shortage. We are told that a meeting of sev eral of the bondsmen of the late Sher iff Huckabee was held in Camden last Saturday and it was practically de cided that they would employ the very best counsel that could begotten and the shortage would be fully investi gated. It #as practically agreed among them that If it was shown conclusive ly that the dead Sheriff ivas alone responsible that th* shortage would l>e paid promptly but that they ex pected to leavJ^ nothing undone that would clarify the matter. ?? * ?? I. R. Del I. a white merchant. of Spartanburg, was shot and Milled Tues day night. Mystery surrounds the kill ing. The coroners jury ordered that four negro women be held In connect ion with his death. At <;i ST FASHIONS A Peep Into The Future l>i ?? i<>.? . Loiftf Tuilio. and Small l)ivys?s Now >\?rk, August 15,?in August, In spite of tlu' (ACt Iliat till* Is the month when the midsummer heat is at its height. women who are Inter ested i i fashions generally begin to turn tfhelr thoughts to the new season that In approaching. 1 should really say tl?*?ir thought* art1 forced in this dU roctlon, for the shops are already be ginning to show new autumn silks for dresses, ami other thlugs for the fall sea hoi i. A walk on Fifth Avenue will disclose tuan.v a shop window devoted to velvet luM*. others displaying fall dresso* and suits, and sprinkled here and there among them we even wee heavy coats with fur collars and fui? trimmings. In the face of all this, even those of us who have been sel against the hlea of rushing the sea sons cannot help showing some curi osity uh to what we shall wear when the cool weather come*. And, after all, there Is some method in this seem ing lUUdness, and something, to he said for the reason of it. For those who Have to get their wardrobes early It must l>i> considered a groat privi lege to have a pi'VP into the fashions for autniuu as early as tills, for cer tainly no one would relish toiig Tunic Prominent There Is not doitf?t that the Ion*: tunle will he popular for the coming season?everything goes to show this. In the very newest models the tunic is employed and In ever s?? many charmlug way#. In the smart dress illustrated above. the long tunle, press ed Into straight pleats and parted at the side, shows one of the favAred design*. Ihittons placed close together on the side one xlde and hound but tonholes?Just as many of them as there are buttons?on the other side, make the opening of the tunic much more interesting, for this is certainly! a novel treatment and one which will j attract lovers of the unusual. The droits, with its straight bodice _and straight stitched belt, is very Charac teristic of that smart simplicity which now marks a great many of the new modes. This dress in satin or serge Would undoubtedly prove very useful tor a between-seaBOH frock. . Brown and the Wine Shades Although there is a predominance of* navy blue at present, brown and the wine shades will be very smart for fall, according to the best authorities. Smart dresses of brown satin with white satin collar and cuffs are al ready seen, and this color is also no ticed iji the new Georgette dresses which ere worn over silk slips of a contrasting color. All-black satin frocks or black with white trimmings are very fashionable, too. i Strli?es and plaids are to be very ^strong in silks as -well as wool fab rics, and very Interesting are the new combinations. Oir a very dark blue, background there Is a stripe, not very, wide, formed from three narrow stripes with green in the center and orange on either .side. Another effective striped material' has a navy back ground with fairly wide green stripes and a, hairline ^lue stripe In the wai ter and on the sides of the green. Bolder stripes In various bright colors also widen the variety of the striped fabrics. For separate skirts these new stripes and plalos are particularly smart and may be worn effectively with coats of a plain color. Ye (He Time Danee.. ' ^ Mlsfles^an deLoach and Kll<>n Boy kin, and Messrs. Eugene Zemp, Net tles Lindsay* John der?ach, Harry Por ter, John Porter, Ed Miller and Ver non. McDowell motored over and at tended "ye ole ^tlrae dance" at Tlm jnonsville Friday night. The dance was'held In the Targe tobacco ware of Mr. Lee.? The' nattsto wwe furnished by Comstock's orchestra and the large flbor made the dance a com plete success. Refreshments were serv ed during the evening. *4 " - ? Miss Nelle McNIneh, who has been stenographer for Leroy S. Davidson and Co.. for some time, has resigned her position there and left this week to accept a position In Oolnmbta. SEND US YOUR WHEAT * ' ? * ? ' Our Roller Mill will be ready this week to grind your wheat. One-eighth toll or euhanKtf. Bring1 your wheat to our mill at Kershaw and get satisfaction. KERSHAW LUMBER CO. KERSHAW, S, C. UKI> CKOSS AI^'KAL Women Asked to Furnish Part of leal Iihh come t*? tlie* Amerl fan Red Cross from Major draya^ M. 1'. Murphey. Hod Cross Commission* or for Kurope, for 1,500,000 knitted sets comprising sweaters, mufflers, wristlets, and Books, and the Chapters throughout the United States will be railed on for the production of these a r tides. The Hed Cross Supply Huron u Is arranging for a large supply of yarn and knitting needles to meet the re quirements of Chapters.'* Within the next two weeks they expert to have the knitting circular ready for distri bution to the Chapters and large ship ments of yarn will he coming Into the various hmneh suppry houses. l>es imrate need will exist for those ar ticles among the soldier and civil pop ulation of France and our oHier al lies before we Can get these articles made. ^he local Chapter has heen reuuest ed to start at once to prepare for the tvork, with the following suggestions: t. Form a committee on knitting. 12. Mobilize all available knitters In our Chapter, branches and auxiliaries, so that when the knitting manuel Is received, every one who can knit will be prepared to start wOrk immediate ly. ,'t. The' Red Cross seeks the aid in this big undertaking of all knit ters. whether they are members of the Hed Cross or not. 4. A group -of persons onrilflpd to instruct in knitting would he a great help to the Committee. * Commenting on this new branch of Work. Mr. O.. K. HnaVely, Southern Director, says: "Please have all your members' understand that we .do not want the least cessation of effort In the production of surglcul dressings and hospital garments. It will be your, problem to organize so as to get more workers Interested and the more con-' ?stant effort of those who are now giv ing so much of their time to the work of the Hed Cross." j The . Supplies Cowplttep. of w.hlcU Miss ftlchey Is chairman, will l?e glad to hear from those who can knit and will give a part of their time to this work. A Tribute to I>r. Rurdell. From no community in the Union will these g? as ft volunteer unto the service of his country. out* thai will he moro sorijl.v missed than will l>r. W. .1, llurdcll. hy the people of West Watereo. x For twenty-two years lu? lias gone in ami out among llieiu ministering to their physical needs, cheering and com fort lug the discouraged In a skilled and loving ttittiilltr. To serve his fellow man will he no new vole to "The Doctor", iin we all loved to say. Fortunate the wouud ed and sick that shall fall to his devoted eare. \ May -ahne.v lad the Hinging and Misses Maud Gardner and Kthel Watson pre sided at the organ h.v turns. The meet lug closed Friday evening. .Many vis itors from off attended , among them Were Mrs. Kallle Ooodale of Camden. There were five additions who Were baptized Sunday afternoon after which the celebration of the Lord's supper took place. A nice purse was raised to defray the expenses of the meet ing. J.E.D. John I>. Wylle of Lancaster suf fered painful injuries to his right arm and hack last Tuesday when the atitov mobile he Avas driving in Charlotte was struck by another car. Mr. Wylle did not get the number of the other machine and Is unable to say who was diMng It. Accompanied hy two youfjfc* Indies, the Lancaster man was driving through Myers Park when the acci dent took place. Mr. Wylle's arm was badly . lacerated hut the young ladle* eseajped wlthoitt- Injury. ? Lancaster News. Jilnke ; Campbell, brother-in-law of Oovernoe Catts of. Florida who has been in the Federal jxmltentlary in Atluuta for-the past two and one-Jialf years, serving a sentence for embea hlement of the funds 'of an Alabama hank, has heen paroled hy President Wilson, at the Instance of Governor Catts. A Health Resort at Home ? , ? * Many people this year will have no time to devote to seaside, mountain or other resorts. Yet health must be conserved!, For this you can have recourse to * - YOUR DRUGGIST \ He has a remedy for almost every disorder that has heretofore carried you off to a resort. , * We can furpish yob almost any of the mineral waters so high ly esteemed, as well as many other valuable aids to health. Let' us aid you to carry on the good fight by taking rare of your health. Rasy to do and costs little. W. Robin Zemp's Drug? Store To lop bone 30* ?? ? Are Like Children?They Grow \ >4. / r '- . t ?v. ..." Open an account at this bank now?rwatch it grow ?make it your child?nurse it to maturity. You will need it in after years, when age ljas reduced your ca pacity for earning. One dollar will open an accolint and start you on the road to comfort in the decline of life. 0. .... j|| _t | . '/ - = s. Loan & Savings Bank , OF CAMDEN, S. C. 'J