AN ORDINANCE An nrdlinuitv. rt*iulrtwr nil ??|K?ji wtdj*. In Om* City ?f t'iuiuU'11, to t>t' tilled in u HH'lftml tiimv 1It rnactfHl by I lit' Muyor mim|. A '? <>*?!alt of the OtV of OjM'ldt'tl, ^ ft 4X? il* 4*.v ??! thority of tli?? ?auic. 1 Thai lht? iwiiitk of | In ttic f?rjH>rHtf lhnlt*'of thr t-'fv r.f ('jimdon, ' tipt n ulil'.li there I <*'! ;i 'i* ;? *???'', which !> li t UM*d f' i i'i i. or h-.'Ujw'liwii! |>i/i; 'j ' i :????! (ui 11??* dale Inn- -f ! ! ! t ii| "it f.i llr i ?? ' f , I | f ' < i ???? rs in 'ill ->ii"'1 w > ., j ? h ? ? v J,i. ? f V .|n .! i i ? ? -.?! ? . : : or t \. M a r " r tli <\.\ ..f ,d.i . L1? i M 1 v \ffr-f I'Ici li .1 In) Ti .1 t.r ? ; .1 .1 <. < u?I ?a i ?; FINAL D'S'U V \"t I' i' im lunl?v . i ; m ; inoi l!i ft i >n I lii < t. !',ilT, I will initr i > 11jI?r..l?!it (' .'it' ??{ Kcr-dwtw < "unt v in \ liiui n*turii .i?? I? tinrdlan of tin* o^t.iii- ?>' m\ uipI, Cora MHI I'lll*, (now stn? having attained her ina |"ii'\. and on (he xjiiii?> day 1 will i k for ii titin I discharge from in* Iim^i ax Cuardtan. W. .1 i 1111d? ?:i, S May l>l. 1!?1 7. ney to ? n On improved farm lands in Richland, Lexington, Ker !?aw and Fairfield Countie. '.on" terms, r.o annual pay nents, low interest. J as- B- Murp he v, Attorney at Law, DOS Palm Bui.Jmg. rolum1 ia, S T. K. Trot tor, Attorney at Law Camtlor, S. C. \ R r." I. O .A N s . .. * 1 ' 1 ? ? ? * ? 11 f ! \ i . .. \ ? ? . i : 'A' il)i f'l : ? . ' .< >. ' for live ye:t .1 '' },, I. r. : ' ( I ' ? RUB OUT PAIN vvilh good oi! liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. _l I its hest ruhbing liniment is TANG LINIMENT Good for the A ilmcnls of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Cjood for your own A chcs. Pains, Rheumatism. Sprains, r Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. MONttV '!*<) nms Un Improved fnrm.? h Apply to H It CIh) K?- < > O. IIONKI TO IX)AN BHTATK - HASY TKKM8 K. < tonTrfurkiiw. n I. H. KERRISON Dentist ? ? jf?i i < T?r? i< ( '?? ii... \ >? K i)!? Sl> I "li??lu I s" COLUMBIA LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. MILL WORK S ASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND LUMBER PLAIN A. HUGER STS. Phone 7 1 COLUMBIA. S.C DR. R. E. STEVENSON DKNTIST Crodier Building Cftmdr>n. 8. r. UT7 LL . A" FISH FUN. M > I tear lluck : There's n C'-iti i ;g army of 11 tli< ll*ll thill ?I - >1X t . i.l III gel Hit' propel >r nit ic- inn ami pleasure lltl.V hllXe li*.i?I'lllell. Of (MMirNC old mi.ii, ii /:> ! chunk of llus I'm happened w.iy t>jr!{ In the Knee puuts siof mo-t f?*i'?pw's fishing days I.til hi, w 11?? fi ih" real game felloe; are <'II the fee-!' i.! prospects appeal good fur no > ii stringer, ami i^| looks like hat 'ill ;il: I flapjacks for (Ih event nsr meal, just '.>>>?.< out a line ami u'i\c the 111 11?? I* ili v >a nibble at your hail. These Utile oM nibblers include iti their ranks the i nipple, ruck bass, him* gill, huiiIInIi anil yellow or striped perch. As n pun fish you can't beat 'cm. lirowfied to a turn in plenty of bacon grease or broiled ovel* the open camp lire they are a vforget his stomach, and after, an hour on the trail or a particularly hard portage. y? seeming ly shock?'i| when yt of that ? in * ruff i< t'i"p !y bull on ;he pari of t lie fellow ih '1 llop - up in the clouds when you nien.uiii little panT.ies. L'-ht Fly Rod Best, ?lb !"e the I :.e;. ,e ih.i! pUl pep ill i !i u.;?.ie V:. t ? lightest, > t ? ? . ! 1 y roiik ci.sting line an ?t i ? ' ? '? ? , '?r ' m I "ok. ami do a ..i .. . \? h '.. s ri.-^in? ? -i .?! lb ? ? , a I .'-(I n:ier. ? i v. .... ?? a sb? * v. y l \ i; I'V' ! 'J X ?! ? ' ill- .> . re - i ? a w , ? rod. :.t; I nmd '!i n. <-! p Mid > ?:>. ; 1 la '..??s. a> w e!. a> tin mo.-. sluggish streams, and they like the ij:,et w r.t??:?>. Tliey bile best In the early spnau. l:i .June and the fall, although you u'et them most any tiin<\ a still-i:^hiag bait they like urass iio\ pers. worms or live minnows, and .Mm can catch them trolling with min now or very small spoAnhook. while at times they will rise to the trout fly. The rock bass prefers the clear, cool water, und Is not only found in nearly every lake, pond and river, but also in the little creeks and streams. In the lakes you will find him where the reeds und underwater grasses grow and In the streams he dotes on the deep holes among the rocks and bowl ders or around stumps, brush or xvlnd falls. Most any k|nd of bnit sults-him. bui small minnows, angleworms anil white wciod-grubs make him swim around and take notice. They put up quite a stagger at lighting when first hooked, and make a final effort when brought up to the boat. A small red Ibis <>r white miller fly often tempts .hem. and very, small frogs or craw fish Interest the larger ones. Striped Perch Good Biter. The yellow or striped perch Is prob ably the best Utile biter in the whole outfit, and although he does not as a rule tight like a heavyweight. If you u'e| a two-pounder on light fly tackle you know there Is a fixh on the far end < i the line, (jo after hlin in about thirty to forty f*t>t of water and you set the big ones. "With any sort of bait v on can land lum In good numbers most uny time, and even through the ice In winter he is an accommodating . el low. The perch is a great little fa- ' I .orito with the women and children ; u ho don't go after the gamer fellow.-, and many pleasant days cap be spent ? for this popular little panner. A bait that looks good to a blueglll tickle* the fancy of the perch, and any old kind of u hook and line Is tackle enough to get him. although the real sport Is to be had with the long, light steel fly rod. 'taken ns a w hiiie. the pan fish ari a gentlemanly little b'JUctl of good fe' 1 lows, always eager to take a nibbi? and save a fisherman from ringing up i a "goose egg" for the day's fishing, and to his good, i lean method of fixing xxe , can thank him fur his fine flavor, und , crown b!.n Ling of fresh water fish iood. DIXIE. NOT CROWDED YET Plenty of Room in Heaven, Say "" the Statisticians. Mathematician* Compile ? Interesting Figures Bnecd on the Dimensions as Stated in Bible. The dimensions of heaven are plain ly stilted iu the I Utile. hut tliey are so great that no owe yvl has bven ahle tu reduce them to figures that can be grasped by most people. Iiowt'Tvr. this i room there Is in heaven for each Individual soul. A single calculation in ghen to prove ju-i how easy the proc ess really is. This statistician thinks that the meeting place of the angels probably Is the most spacious and requires at least hair the total space, lie deducts another fourth tor streets and open places, which leaves lii-i,198,272.000. cubic feet for the actual dwelling place of the angels. A room 20 fo"t square coijtalrts 8.000 cubic feet. Assuming, that ttoe dwell ings of heaven aro divided Into rooms 20 feet s?piar?\ there would be exact ly 13.024./hM.oOO.OOO.OOO rooms. The piOsent number of Inhabitants In the world is estimated at approximately 1.000,000,000. Assuming for tin* mo ment that this number has always ex isted in the world each day and that there lire three generations In a cen tury, the number of Inhabitants for each century would be 8,000,000,000. Assuming also that the world has existed for 1.000 centuries (scientists have not been able to agree as to the age of the earth), then the total num ber of lnhMblfant? In the world amounts to!'? nor). Many scientists are of the opinion that other woilds besides the earth, especially Mars, .- -v inhabited. Not to b ave out of ace .Tint the possible in habitants of other worlds, it is e^ti ed that of them could be added, irjving a total of 100 Worlds like tin i ith with 'S00.00o.000.000.000 inhab it at.! s. 1>!> id'ug th - t"tI nur.iber of' rooms, i'1 i.i" ?>/??')(?? i). i,y ;ioo,o0o.oi>i i.. t" ??.'("> 'h ? i'it. ] tni- t'-er of iidiabi t;'il'.<. t In !'e v. on! : be :i- ?>t cell ing t ???" e;n li a :i *??!. Houro W Ootsb'a Hccf. by a-.!? >>?: m tropical b Tis of hou>e build a l*e rida 1 'telowner h.,.s c ?:'f going to (ho north -h ajhl have the following i*mi11 to h< in. Iri'in the Ahheviile Medium: Sum lliirmoti, formerly a lhtiwan i m the Seahoard for (Jeo. I?\ Vlyiin, j left hi* j.?h aiul went north some ? m?e ago. heing t??l?i hlg tales of , ;o could make up there. lie has! >i:otigh i f It already, and wrote Mr. \ tin ib follows last week. The let ' t r Is dated Philadelphia, Ma.v Oth : I "Mr. (ieorge L. Flynn: j "1 am up here and I want you to i get me a i*i*s for uie and my wife j to come home. If you can get them Ideiist* send me two ticket** ami I will work with you until 1 pay for them. "1 am tire-1 of this place. Ne ; fooled me up here, hut it Is not | near like the/ say. 1 made a great | mistake l.y coming. (Jo to Mr. 13 il ' 1 iain and tell him ul/oui it. I want to come hack South and tell all the ! negroes something. i i "Write and let me know at once i what you are going to do. When I j come I will bring something good ? for you. You know what I am talk ing about. Please write and let me 1 know if you can do It <>r not. "1 am up hero hroke; please hur | "y and send fur me. Will look to j hear from you soon. i '"I an?> not going to let the negroes | fool me olY from home any more. : Tell nil the negroes dow n Phere tln-y had better *tav because I know what j 1 arn talking ahout. "Sam Harmon." The S"Uth ("aro'lua Naf' rml tJuard \i!l lo called into the Federal srr ? ? n .! v l'.> it wa .in io ?ii 1 ? m \- h':ii.'ioa. I 'i 'il.i; . Arrange | - f.-r formally inoeryorat ii:g th" I ???:,rd lit ? the :?r:?-;???< of the I"?? *' ';!tes, terminating for the war period heir -talus n< militia of state troops, understood to be ha-ed n t e ?"I.iI? t of supplying full war e HieJi t t ? t lie t n An unidentified deaf and duoih man , i - killed l>y a -entry on guard nt the I "?-.!rie-toii waterworks last Sunday ? iftcrnoon. Tho sfn?rsger burin r paid I 'in attention To repeated challenge*. : the sentry shot him through the leg. j The man afterward died fn nj shook. Wateree Mill Village Notes. Mr. Clayton Maker spent, laat week end with his parent*. Mr. and Mrs. |j. T. 1 taker. Judge M. 1*. Smith came up from Co lumbia to be wlthv ns at thft tlau mis ton last Saturday. Hev. J. B. Shiver, of Charleston, spout several duys with lie v. ami Mrs, l\ A. Lyliw. Mr. A. H. Cor ley, of Columbia, eame up for the ting raining and tisli fry last Saturday. There will Ik* a "JatMiigHe Fair" iriven hy the girls of ' the village next Tuesday night beginning trt H o'clock "j in the park by the eburchfor the l?*n eflt uf Waterqe liali Team. Admission free. - , A few more game* like the one Sat urday evening between our -team with Columbia and Iiermitnge and we will be ready to play. . > *v Our Sunday School Is steadily grow ing. having increased in attendance , 1"7 up to last Sunday. Preaching next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject "Some essentials in developing a church to the greatest activity for .Christ." Evening service at eight o'clock. Subject "the Aliswtou of Jesus." Sundav School at ten" a. in.* Honor Koll LukoIT sdioci. (Ira do 1 Col emu u Uuhou, j. f, oron. Luolle Ward, Alio I .John Nettle?; and Carrlo Itm^ (.51'ade 'JL - Jeiuel Unlmn,"^ Wnrrt, Nick ttabfu, nmhner Jack Wilson. (initio ft.?panics AlcOna, July Grade I.? Victor Warfl^sl ties. ? Grade R.:?TIkhiuit Koshoro,' Lee, IxmlsG llabon. t!iado 6.?Iselii'Pe \Vhlt|j?M Gride S. Antoria llmmuood, r6?n KitfWm, Tliomn* White/ iJradett.?Illrani Nettlis. Honor Roll fo* the Year, Grade 1.-?Coleman Rftboti, Cnirieron. (}rade 2.?Jomol Knlum. Ward, RftWi. Chalmers Jack' Wilson. Giade ft.-?John Lee. Jaraw Grade t.?-Sern Nettle* ami Grade 5.?-Thomas Hosbord. Grade S.?Alheila Hammond, I> IIh1k)U. Grade 9.?Hiram Nettles. DO YOU V- i M ' fi'i' THAT WET MAKE THE ? * ? ? Best Ice ^rcam fe'farJen *. LSj&SrL We know that we c'^?T hi*t W vani -?r-T, tn IMicv: it. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINC F. YCU ... . f - > v r.^t '' V ? Camden Candy Kite;' en Spero Beleos, Prop. Telephone 78 ^isAll YoulW TWENTY FIVE CENTS ? ; i L Insures Immediate Delivery of a "WHITE" Rotary Sewing Machine / ? ^ '1 *v ? Although there is still a chance member of this wonderful new Wflft CIvl'B, we cannot definitely assure-' your less you ACT Q U I G K L V. Moat everyone UjWJ city Is now familiar with thfe big ben?0ta ' to' be na? joining our club,' ahd many will be spre to regrei delay in uot coming to the atore before its merooerww reaches its limit of fifty. Come in today and assure l self. Even this wonderfully liberal offer of small weekly payments, we have chosen to put into fifty of this city's homes the finest sewing ma chine obtainable. A machine that is guaranteed and that has every feature of comfort and iast ing satisfaction. Constructed on the new prin ciple with individual features of Lockstitch, and Hemstitch. DIFFERENT MODELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE You tan take advantage of our premium refund plan and Have lOe on eaeh payment. You ean Have an mueb or as little as you see fit. But a few more days before this flub will be closed. 10c KA8Y PROGRESSIVE SCIIEDllU OF PAYMENTS FlK^T |2wl Paym't Payment 25c 25c 8th Paymt - 60c - 12th Paymt 76c 10th Paymt $1.00 ; 20th Paymt $1.10 24th Paymt JhB 28th Paymt $1.30 5th Paym't 60^ 9th Paymt 13th Paymt $1.00 17 th Paymt $1.10 8rd Paym t 28c 6th Paym't 60c 10th Paymt 78ct 14th Paymt fl.00 18th Paymt $1.10 21st Paymt|22nd Paymt 23 32ml Paymt $1.40 ^hWat|2?U.P?yn.t $li0 I, $1-3? ? MirpTJStlsoth Pjjmt 3MJSr $1.40 ( SI-** 33pd paymCj34th Paymt 3ft 11.60 jtM 37th Paymtl g^gY TER#5 $1.60 THE CAMDEN FURNITURE Broad Street 'Phone 156 7 Kxpcrt l>ady Demonstrator Will be at Our Store Friday and Saturday Only. . . . ? ? v.m*- f