[^iiK Vngrtttf to ArcounJ, contact with the cIusn of usually brought before the ' IWl fhe mwyur of Houston. K |K.|if\?- that the system of w,|fl, minor offenders whs |,|s estimation, h sentence i" * tow I) Jail did not Inure t , ,Mt ,?r either the prisoner or H t(,vvi? jail did not lnur< fflh? ' \ s" hr ?h Prisoners r .....rniol'y *t?? learn the elements ^fi.l f:ii"iln? , Uiiu-t-'ii ??'(> farm embraces ill',) of ].-i>i ? >ii?I the outskirts ,.jn In to months' time the farm lias ? ? crops of cotton, imIjiI"*'*. "oruhum, and | tea nuts, |j' .i, )i|?|,'"-N'l,,alely $10, l>\ ftiV* prisoners. I'pon his l.il i!"? t'jirin the prisoner is jnfit the ofllee ?>f the hunk hoUHe. j.viil of ;i!I liK clothing, and Intro ! ^1 til a hath lit cold, chemically (ltst wiiii'i* Tin. clothing worn by j pri-joiiit i- taken to a building ( fin the hunk house, and L,,l,h ruin lira ted. 10 very vestige f,vriiii" is removed, (iannenls worn the prisoner during Ids sojourn on fnrui are furnished by the city, [j ,niinlnir factory, operated as an jjuiii't of fhi* city farm, provides em ^mciil f??r the female prisoners, jlitini ami sweet potatoes are mar ed as well as ureen jkmis. Separute uoriatlons k?H'p the men and men apart, and there Is no social (tact whatever. heL'ins at 5when the pri Hep; awake to the notes of a bogle. Ten minutes are set aside for tin- reg ulation "setting up" exerciser and then alt hands enjoy a breakfast which in variably Includes fresh milk, eggs, ami vugutuldoM ial*od <>u (lie farm Work i teases at ft.'lo p. in., and the prison ers spend the evening us thej sot? lit. Ample supplies of reading matter lire kept on hand, ami tin- morals of the men are always improved uftor a JU> or ?>o day visit to tlio farm Tin' buildings oil lllf < it> fill III of Houston have been ??leelw) at a cost, of $in,ir>H.r?o. ami are designed with .111 Idea of permanem \ Other equip inent. iim-1 n?11 m^ farm implements. live htoi'k. fernim.', I????n\?. ct? , Prints the total investincut, cx.-lu-lve ??f land, op to PI. 11 i* o.nI imatcd I Put lite average cost of prisoner per mouth Is $|N,||l), t his including groceries, meals, f?????I for live stock, salaries of HU|M?rliitoh?l?*i?t, assistants ami ma trons ami Incidentals. Its Louis .1 Hennessey, in April Popular Mechanics Magaxlue. Where lie <>ot Ills Nairn*. "There was an attorney down iu m.v state," says Representative I.ever of South Carolina, "who was rough on witnesses, never hesitating to give them severe raj?s whenever the> fall- , e?l" to testify just about as he wished them t?i. tine day he met Ids match in a testy young holy whom he was * examining. She hail answered his j questions In a way anything Put sat isfactory to liini, ami limillv, his wrath I being up he said : "Young woman, rhere's enough of { brass in your face to make a tive-gal Ion kettle. "And sap enough in \our head to till It," quickly snapiK-d the witness. "This experience almost cured Mr. Attorney of hard knocks at witnesses, hut he was always known after that as sap-head." Just Received Car LARRO WE SUCCEEDED IN BUYING A CAR OF LARRO. THE MILL WROTE US: "WE WERE ABLE TO BUY BACK A SMALL AMOUNT OF DRIED BEET PULP AND NOW HAVE OUR ORDERS FOR BEET PULP AND LARRO FEED PRETTY WELL SHIPPED OUT AND FIND THAT WE WILL BE IN POSITION TO LET THREE OR FOUR OF OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE A CAR OF LARRO FEED/' Larro Feed-"The Dairy mans Friend" SOLD IN THIS COUNTY ONLY BY Springs & Shannon The Store That Carries Th"? Stock. The Man with Money hides his Valuables in Our Safely Deposit Vaults where they are SAFE. He has no FEAR of Fire or Burglars. Kvery time you read in the papers alxnit a burglary, you II ?>???? tli<> burglar got something. That's their business. rtud nut the house where valuables are Wept th.il s thei and (hey will kill you, if they must, to get your When your valuable papers. jewelry and heirl?MHH-> ire m ???r safety Deposit VaultH they are safe. We will rent you l Um. ago to pack away valued po^esslons, in case the gay. beloved plnk-and Whlte houses were blown down, or oc cupied by "the enemy." Plight of the Working-Folk. Panic-stricken. the Italian working folk settled along the coast from Men tone to Marseilles started to scut n across the frontier. They feared in ternment and a hundred vague hor rors Under the blinding sun of Au gust. along the dazzling roads of Up ?er and Lower Corniclie, marched ana endless procession, and those who can imagine only processions of smart au tomobiles between Mentone a Cannes would have thought thcin.ei .s dreaming that long black line It was .t line of men and women, old and voung, tottering children and babies ?n onus?-it. arms because the pern.nhu jators were piled with the family bai, .rMge And there were donkey-enrt>. wheelbarrows, caravans, every s.-rt oi vehicle. Despite the tragedies of the inure 1 (children dying on the way) it had H-j humorous side, because, as it turned out. the whole business was urmeces sarv. The next phase through whirl, the Hlvlera passed, however, was in from funny. She doesn't really fa 1 as fast asleep In summer-time as thosi who know her only In winter seem ? think. There Is always the won*,!?? of I'alius, wHon tliclr small boat cap slzei! with tltom, Uoraiv Ulvoi'*, also an employe of tin* Carolina Cotnpan\, Mini a brother of Herbert lOverx, wu> saved only by n life preserver, which kept ttim afloat niuil In* \vn? renruotl 1 ?> :tpe,. Charleston ynnnt; men, who s\\ it in < i! ( from rth ore ?".l Manning Herbert spent hoi Kri K in tlie automobile show U M IVrry. Pros .1 Iv W illlllllis, See. I> llii/.H I l??lk I o? . i' Kershaw Lumber Co. "Everything in Lumber" OIJR STOCK OK HU1LDIN0 M AT Kill A ! ,S KM KRACES- EVERYTHING Vol' WILL NEED IN THK ERECTION OK YOUR IIOMK. WK 1IAVK JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OK SASH, DOORS AND COLUMNS. LET US QUOTE YOU PRICKS BE KO RIO YOU BUY KL^EW 11ERE. ALL ORDERS LA ROE OR SMALL GIVEN Kl'K C1AL ATTENTION. Telephone 340 Camden, S. C. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ford Service Station & \ Full line Ford Parts and Accessories also Good Year and Imperial Tires and Tire Accessories. All Parts and Accessories For Cash Only KERSHAW MOTOR CO. Country Merchants Needing Heavy Groceries, Flour, Sugar, Rice, Lard, Bacon, Meal, Grits, Hay, Grain and Crackers, will find it to their advantage to see us. Workman Grocery Co. Crocker Building A Store Full of Fruit That's just what we have and more too, for we carry at all times anything that you want in the candy line. Fresh vegetables of every description are always carried in season. It's impossible to enumerate the many tempting things that we have, but whatever you want, it's here for you and we want you to come here and get it. Camden Candy Kitchen Sperc/Beleos,|Prop. Telephone 78