The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, March 23, 1917, Image 3

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NEW HOME OF SOUTHERN BELL AT ?^MI>EN (Kimui Southern Telephone News.) While distributing hundreds ol* thou of dollars in tlit* way of lion I lie company was not. unmlnd ftil tin* obligations it. owes to others and presented tiu? people of Camden, S. with a Christmas present that fa- U'r.v much appreciated by its pa trons and the public generally, when un Wednesday before Christinas the u?>w oihce was put in operation in that hisi'?rir town. ,^o carefully had all th>' details of the cut-over been plan ted and executed that when the change made, about LI :i]0 a. iu., none of Mir subscribers were aware ef the fact, <?x<r|?t su?;h as had remembered the nn iniii'tM-incnt previously -made; Tin' new quarters are located on the sccmid tloor of the. Cnftker-Savagc Building, iwniiy erected at rhu north west corner of DeKaih and ISroad Mir.c:-, It is an ideal location, being hi (l.c 1 t^irt of the business district., ami Mie otiices and operating rooms ?i:i\!nir been constructed in accordance *it!> plans prepared by the eojnpany's CQgiueura. it would be extremely dilii till i" suggest any improvement. Ti.e equipment i-< of liie latest type .iii! ilie capacity is sullicicnt to pro vide f.,i iiiii.-s neei's-.jij-\ for handling tho I :isiaes< of tlnif nourishing city ^<?r years t.? come. There Is amide t rei hi for installing addl:louil unllai i whenever demanded, -il?;st uo city in i the .Carolina* has boen It fa vot ed 'from telephone standpoint 'lian Cam den. j Not only has an Ideal central otUoe . been installed, ltiit tin* outside plant has been inipr<)\4'?l and made in keep ing with it. rndergroand caMc litis been pimcod and interior block work ln.-ta!)od throughout tho ont'ro busi ness section, which has made possible Llio removal of unsightly j?oles. to 'i'Mk r v. ith aerial cables and wires, 'this has not only improved tho abear ance of tljo streets, hut insures for the ??uhlic the host class of service pos sible under present conditions prevail# I?f.ur in tho Held of telephone engineer ing. The work of installing the new plant was under the supervision of 1'. (\ Yarhrough and H Martin, the former handling the outside work and the latter the equipment work. lh>tii gen tlemen did excellent work, a.; was dem onstrated by the fait that when, the! cliunuo wax ma do ; he jo .vn* al?n.?h;}*dv | no friction or trouble, the operating ! fore in the new oJlice taking up the 1 work and handling calls immediately after the word was given. Net ai single station was lost and the work at | the switchboard was handled just as j though there had never Mocn any ehanre. As a local pup or. tito Ouiuden ( lirontel*, states, flu- lidorruptijm <l!d hot exceed three seconds. Tin* exchange now ^ i vim 40t> lo ? :i! suhserll<cr>, in ailtllll. a to faraier 11 ti?f stations ?w e 'ed ii.v rtulxirtlMTs. ?Hid tlit* Im-'inv-M is rapidly firow int.'. The plant and commercial work Is iri tier tl'.i'^'eirirni of ). A. Iton^rti. iiiic of nu?st etlit lent etnployoa in ti o service of tin* coin pan .. while Mr-s Hettte liammond. as opera . r. render* 'en* and satisfactory *>*? r vice. 'I lie Mi\iccs of thirteen j ?**? .j: e an* required In handling lit** work i f flic exchange.'.and notwithstanding tie* fa<'t that local "i nditfens arc such a> require the he^t possible scr\ ico, f li? r * is prohahly not another e.\i hange of it* slzo in :1m- Sourf- :n I', i' i -rrltorv fi >n: whic h there :ir ? iv.eiwd ftwcY <? mi plaints. A f--\ word ivi.-ti. ? til? hi. : <:'y of the eity may I ? >>:' .int-T.v.t to i!.:? reader. t'j'.indt'n i< situated on rf ? ? j \\ ate roe lth or. ahoul t hirt v nii'es Ji n; 1 < '-oluorl+ia-.?in ???n<*~of t h*?- {?oimlfM'- | ^???tions ot lie > t; ? 11 . A>. stat!' i ? i: j a previous pji'iairraph. it i nae of i It** { historic poii.ts of tlie st.'.to. as well as' o;;e ef its oldest t'?\'j.-.. I: was created hy a resolution < ?' !I" ? J? ?y:* 1 (Vnm<il 1 ? ?!i Dcccinl or '5. 17'";. h firovUhrdi I jc i f<?|' (111' establishment of eljjllt tOW'U Jul - jointed <>ii South Carolina rivers., ?> lew ii ? !(<? Id he llUd OUt III Ill f~U>t M I'lfCllll eoUI't WU* eslUhH died : l A'iiUUti'ii. wlik'U Is tlu* thvst uieutluu ?mull' Ilf till' luNYll U tiller its present ? mine. \i tlic Im'hImimi'jv of I?*<? Auterl (. u iv\t.luilou it was a f.ilrl,\ la rye ? i/.i'.t low n, .*???4 t o greater uuuihcr I it.-, i Iti/e'l* \*( IV . 'I'llVO JSIliifl|?llllts. ?' lllle (,\>n V T(' foiltfllt Ileal It hi ,9? ??*, 17-Mi, l.iU'tl t NiruwIM >. invti tin* ! n\ ? i il 11?I established ;l to I ' I lied |?t?*>i whleli lie It'ft iii eharyo of I ? 11" I K iwd i.'. In Jid> of that yea I lit? battle of t'nuideli was foiu'llt Ik* Iweett i.oii! Haw don and t.eperal ihlte* tt i point about olulit milt's distant i'i'oiii tin'town. In tl.ts-eiij/.a^enient tlio \;iierh'A|is iviM'o dei'iited and tlii' lal I; 1111 HjIIOII lll'Klllli, il f(?'?' \\ Ml olir of I he I'l'iln'll >41 sTl'eets of 4 'aiutlcn hii* been named, was slain. The itt'M >??ar tioneial iirt'tMi fought nnoihei hn 11 h' with ihr MritIsh at Mohkirk Mill, * short distance from the elt,\. Southwest of thr,tlt.v l* an i?hl eeiu eter\ in which ai'i* grave* of former residents who departed this life more than a century ami a ha!f ?ku. anil in some luMamvs >ri^antlc trmvs hnvo grow ii up ovi'l' tho yravo. Ihtt the eit l/.ens cf this republle of thf dead have nut been allowed (?? it\s|. in and nrui\ marks of the p>d < f war aiv noticeable, numerous headstones hi'ln>r I -1: lU t -scarred. In smnc Instances thort' lire marks of as many us ten or twelve hall on a single headstone. In ;i secluded eorner of this oh) Coin I'ti'i1 is m >nmll stone marking I tic ivstiu.; pla?v of a young woman. Tin.' <?nl.\ itiM'i i|.ti?>n Is the words, "Here Lies Agues of (Jlusgow, Who Dfimrt t.l This Life Feb. 1'J, 17N0. Ag*sl i!0." 'Mlier than these simple Wonts, nothing <s positively known relative to her history, although there Is a tradition fhat she was a young Scoteh lass who followed her soldier lover from far off Scotland. arriving here the da> lie hud heeu hurled. I,%indin>r. hej* lover doad. she herauie ill and lu a few days died of a broken heart. Camden now has a population of ap proxlinutely live thousand people and Is one of the most popular winter re sorts of the South. being frequented h.v millionaires of the North, lieenusc of its pleasant elimate and other nat ural advantages. It tins three splen did and commodious tourist hotels for the aieoiu idatlon of those wtio do not eare to occupy eotta'ges; also two of the hest golf links and polo grounds | to he found in the South, and affords an ideal loeation for one wearied hy the "?ures of business. COLOICK1) FIELD DAY Nejjro Schools of County Held Exer cises .March Dili. I'ridax .Mareh Pth 11M7 was a ureal and glorious day for our eounty field day and as a result everybody was made happy. At 1 a. m. flip children (iu<I frtiMHlrt were RiJISVKtWl fo Ilie .Tifefciiou xPfRiSIT building while iiuiii.v hud to remain <?u th*? imlside. ' Tile |>t* 1111 x; of the Jackson -sehopl v.i'ic |'','n ed 11? their re.->peelivo class if, ui> while tlu- visitor# I't'vliuvi'i! theiu ! j|m llie\ pa^od In!.i (he auditorium Thl? .llloWe.l I lie pllfdls Ulld 11-? t *?? H: .?*' : h? .1 ;<v : -hooK to -ec how the .1 I I * - i llii 'I \\ its \\ I'll eh t I < .1 II! ? i in! < ?? i .t(?> <I for (In* occasion Til*' I ' i 1 i .iitnU \ >'*e hindered with l<>\ *l\ | j r hes! salted (?? the advatd ii/o it ; 11 ? : i lie ? ' ? \ hi 'e t e I ??I . |s lot ? ii t iii in ?I i.' xs i n > tail hi'il 11t' I'll' n? M i l PI lOIIM. \ ; ?'! .4" the hllivic .cacUei' of the m ? i !>o<?l jlixe.' il dim it'll h> win i tile I Ii;hiren enlei'eil I lie t !;. I",??? I 'I ' .? ! in ?? . s i\\ ! t|u>ll oliltf M after whteh ttev I' .t .Mel'ante' venl the M'iiplur? le?si ii add Ue\. A IJ I'.1 h e. i made 'lie prayer, alld another -eii?, was rendered I lie utilloU'iccliielit |?f the t i: l \ weii made h> I' I' l.ow | cry. then the decla m.ltlon tltid orate i ei: I c Ute?<-. were llil 1'odU' i <1 Tlie |'r t ??m |'i"' >{r<lmi wAs a dialogue 11\ niedihel ? i't the til's I i?f?|i|(' I'I oi.I the l'resht\ let la It *-o> ? \\ i' :ie\i had ;iw do* - 1 rout I lie ??eeoijil. third t fir.rth 41'lUles follewed h\ a motion -"it: !?> %iu|ill i^irls of tin- prUn;ir\ uvju; t'l men t of ttie .1 uek-t n school. 'riii* lie\t was the dcolaliUeis of tlie liftli, sixth and seventh made ? fol h.wod h.v it solo hy Joseph lliu '.e t f tin Preshx lefhm >.\'we. At (Ills time wo were \ei> hh_d'l\ /avorcd with an excellent addles-: h\ Mr. iW. iUreliinoie. fount* Supl . i of lalmatioii. We \vK!i (o lielvhy iituiU him for the si roiuj. and n link' .some advieo tendered us and for the tfood w lite lips fihen our wiifli In his ttlhla'ih1 paper ] The next ii? i.nlt'r was a .selection h,\ i lie Ih'iie.lh t hand lifter which the deeh-.iiui i?t' the judges. was a. follows: I >Oeht ma I loll contest. Sec<i|ld j^rade. 1st j^i'i/.e.Theimlore Tliuhers, ode ; 2nd Hosu Adauison. 'Joe; .'trd Finnic Ali'X andrr 5?\ J ? Tliird ^rado. Ni Kosa Jones oU*'; 2nd Minnie t'orhnt 'J.*?e: It'rd John" Kaw - . li(?rn loe. I Fourth ^rade. !*( Willieliiiiua lMh-j hie ,%t?e; L'nd <'liarles Law horn 'j.7e; ! .'Jnl Henrietta Helton loe. Fifth ^rade. 1st Patsy Jones ode ; j lind Fratiees Alerandes 'Joe; .'?rd Mamie | Adams 15c. Sixth Krade. 1st Louise Wright ode : i LMul Leander Show Joe: ,'lnl Willie; Melton 15. Seventh ?. 1st 1 ,o 11>"*.?*? ode Jnd l.o llveo Joe. Total to divluilltfi'S j $5.1*5. (>ratioli^. Seventh Lrrade. 1st Isaae ' I). Frnsier ode: 2nd Fannie 10. Hoykln J Joe. Total to all speakers The next was the report of the judges who inspeeted the class rooms of the J Jackson sehool. They highly comiiiend | ed the teachers fur tin- work and j appearance of their rooms and report ' <?<1 the prize winners as follows: 1 (rawing. 1st jrrath' H Mary hawsoti J5c : 1st A. < lert le Jones J5e ; Jnd ite hccca Unity ; Hrd Fddie Aaron; 4th .lame* Aaron; 5(h Otis Aaron; (itli PatM.V Hoykln f 7tli Steady Iteynolds: '?Wrpnrs to rni'Ti -fnr drawtnjr Willing Isl Alvln J? j^,V< m* ; u?lv 1st saiumte Dow; i!ml Ksteltn' Mrown: Hid .Mitt ion Wallace; 11 li ?WtfilJlc Adams; Mil Mllva Helton; <iih Palsy Iloykiti :? *i"I>j Steady |<t*ytn!'??< in ea? U. To *.il ^llMl. I l.i I?;11 ! ? ainc i'i I C Willi ?'? >'e 1 ^ ' >0;i ,1 (\ , |' y, ti 'i! !t ?? I I ;? 1 lulit'll I'h.- )?.*?r.t?1<? i ?<? is jit-He .it I ni I ?? 11 i I r I! i) if t \ I ? * 11 t > I it till.' I t l': ; 111 < t c''l ' '"'H ' ;< Ipatetl. i'rimlj t! I mw Ij in.I l.i fiilluT Mr I I'll;.', V ; I MO lull.! it .'It' | >?*l Ttl (t? w i! h till' I ii hit follow in ' T; r ' I' ir< 11 vv a ?; < <. 11?*' I ? , t 11 tl, Ii I 'O K.i lh i ? Market i1.? 11 (<? I' ul icdirc .iml tin!) I < < l 11 Ulphcll jl IK I Ii |J i I, ? t lie .- lieel *11*111)?!? - The .i l liloi i. ?..i.i?--.t - i t.l \\ ?'t I Kun nice. 1 ; M.aii' Cooper; 'Jin I Clam l>re\ a i >1 ; ord lleitn Anderson: Itli Annie Hollo Wilson. r.lh Freddie Aiken;' Ul Ii Saaiitoc Hon . 7th Hesslo Siiliiioinl ; sili W illiam \\ai|r; !Mli l<"l la Willi il ker 'JCi to e;u h Total Jfl.SO Potato ra?v. 1st .lohitiiic Nrlts ; "Jiitl .lor Vealt> : Mnl I'Vc' (ViiIom.; *}111 I ?an Nil >n ; oil i .lohnii' I <.n 'JOc to each 'JJS yard race. 1st Kaiuiie Impose, Jnd I'fil^y .lonen; itil ,la?i??-v Wrhin ni'.v ; Ifh I!t'rin-?>? fltllmrn. "Hi* t'> each I l lil i'i'Ii ! ;??'?>. 1st 1I.IIUI..I L.tll .Miii ami I *.iii \i'l'>on ,'iPt ; Jml 'I'hooiloiv Ale\:i iiilt-r ami .11 'Ii 11 I'alios ;uh I lUrli jumps. i^t Ilctumu ?'IjHI'orn L'Ut. ; :_'m1 Isaac Frailer IN: ."id < ;???>. ?Jar* l*?r. \ ?-! 1.? \ la'l Tin1 j.'riK tin1 hoys. I'! to 1> In favor of girls. prl'/.e. Tlio follow Im; schools took part .hit K.miii, lM'i? J?\ terlan, Fmuianucl. An tioili. Parker, ll.yi'o, Ml. ZWhi. Kphe s i is. W -sllcy Chapel, Westvllh', Kirk l-iml. Parker of lleKnlh, Canley lllll. Swi'i'i Home aiul Hong It much. At .n j' :.i. an i dti'-atlon maaj meet ing w as ci tnlueled hi Ml. Morlah Hap list rhtuvii.' Tin* church was packed witli mi millusslastlc aiHllotioi'. (Jooil music was rriiilrmt l?y till* Mcnoillct baml ami the iluvral iloh of Jackson school. Slrotiif spccchcH were math' h.\ I'rof. 'I'. I,. DuckcH of KoTM'ili?at ami IV I'lfkctl ami I'ruf. .1. A. ilatoo. l>urliii? these exert-ines Fl?>rl?* Hishop was prcsenletl tho first prize for col lectin^ I he hirp'st anionnt. from the public on expenses while Uhtli t'artor reii'i\ c?< I he second prize. The Jackson school rnl'icil $.TJ on ex penses and the i>nhlie colloftlou was $10 while all the }<choo4n that took part paid sonietliln^ on expeiiaes. 1. .1. Johnson of Autioch acted as assistant manager of the athletic fi'ti t ii res. \\'P thank Pastor .1. W. Itoykln, liev. .1. II. Toatly, the merchantR and all who so ahly snpfiorted our efforts and made liehl day a success. KoNpect ful ly reported. . O, <\ lyowory. Pres. Colored Teachers AwKociatlon The ('arnci^e Corporation of New York has 'donated .$1S0,(X)0 to the CieorKeh Pea body college at Nashville. Tenn.. for a library. H. L. SCHLOSBURG'S & W 16?DAYS to EASTER-16 1G days to Easter and only 1G more days left to our sale, which is realized by the public as a true advertised and real money savin# event. Why? Our complete Spring line, our incomparable low prices, and "our done as promised" way of doing business brought us more new and pleased custom ers en?h_day. As the time is getting nearer to Easter and to the end of our sale, it is to your advantage to supply yourself and your family with your summer rea dy-towear or materials before it is picked over, and while this sale is in its full bloom which enables you to purchase just about twice as much mer chandise for the same amount as it will later on. Only 16 More Days of Sale A Visit to Our Store Will Convince You No doubt you have the same desire as thousands of others have for something new and stylish to wear for Easter. It is true there is a great deal of worry to think of what to get for yourself and children and in the meantime you'll think- of how to save on your Easter trading. Therefore a visit to our sale, a glance through our stock will be of great suggestion and saving to you on your Easter buying. HARRY L. THE UNDERSELLING MERCHANT 944 MAIN CAMDEN, SO. CAR.