mov t MtfJKO HKVOli l i K m InUeTHlly. " ? -j e , i-brontele carried Koon's reoort rijov mv^'H addresn before ? ilvrl-ltv. Mini wo ?UV lV|???HlUC ?.?'.?? a reiiort from lhp ^Hiuarltai* 4,f (??tuhor I Sill. wilted by a te,.i. utiiMislly ojiencd last Wed " ?V V JH? about IOC* f? \\' Milium. tllO ?'?V P*VHMl.??)t . l now Ills business, an though '"'Lro a whole turiu. Wo as _ v vVt.,.n hospitably enter ?""'T with what ll.o apimtlto Si iKur. W. I>- Chappolle, ' ,.v i.hhop, known ?Uh business, i Lrforins tils duty Ilk? a hero. Hoi ' <>NVIl dictator. Kx-Oovornor xv?h present, and was intreduc to speuk by l,1M bishop, who prefac* gg follows \ ?Mr President and board of trustees : ; l' t|,?t we are complimented to ilp onc of the strongest white men f South Carolina. In the i>orson of ex ,reruor Cole. I- Mease, to speak to Ls iieople. asking the protection i r our people, 1 watched carefully the .(>rd of ii II the governors, and deebj ,?x-(iovornor Mease. We want > friendship of our white 'people, I lll( money. I am going to ask him { It to lu'lp lift up onr people. I n't believe that Cole. L. Mease will .suit my wife, or no other colored dv. any more than he would like ,r any one to insult his wife, or any their white ladles." Tbe bishop now Introduced Colonel lease. who rose and said In part: ?Mr. President and Members of the acuity and niy Friends :"r want to ingrHtulate you for having suoh an Ele Christian gentleman as your pres-J 'nt, if Ills face Is hlack. 1 have lown him froiu bis boyhood, and Iways thought he would make a great an. I would trust my daughter 'in1 h Lands us well as you are trusting I ours. They said that I am against h? ne#ro. Nay. 1 am a friend of the (egro. You are robbed out of your Jgbtsbjr the unjust laws of this state, to* trill the judges and Jurors stand eforp God who will take advantage ft powerless race? What kind of a ,w has this state that will not allow _ negro representation on the jury, or prohibit him of his rights In any way? f this state would give you ull of the mneys from the tax paid by your peo ple. you would have better schools Km) longer terms. I am not against iedueatliig the . negro, but only wanted Ihe faxes of each race set aside for its Intermediate purpose. Yes, this state > lrotten. They're robbing you out of your rights, but there's a Godxttbove that will firing them into Judgment. I have never insulted a colored, wpman. The man that would insult a woman is worse than the darkest ? cloud that ever held over the Armament. Girls and boys, your character is what God save you, and can never be taken fi nny. Hut your reputation is what y?'ii make it. and what the world says "f you. If justice was given- me. 1 would have been your governor today. Hat it i* white people that is stealing i l.ine dropped out) solue y{>ar? ago. and political thieves, )>nt the negro is now out of it, and wh? it now doing the ' RtPattTTg? ~T Hlii ;t Meflioilisi. and will never leave my church, hut 1 do not atteiul be ? ' Wood's Seeds. Seed Wheat. The Seed Wlmnf g we offer are from the best and most productive crops grown in the finest wheat-growing sections of Virginia, and are carefully cleaned by us to remove all impur ities aud small and inferior grains, so as to supply our customers only with plump arid well developed seed wheat, which should yield considera bly more per aere -than ordinary wheats imperfectly cleaned. All of our Seed heats are selected from Lgflod yielding crops, which with our methods of cle.uiing, makes the Setd Wheat which we offer very much superior to ordinary seed wheat. Write for Wood's Crop Special giving fall information and price* 9/ B?H?y^Je^dedl?Sfefor BVilf ? I sowing. Prices and samples of any ?* sews desired, mailed on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. W. O. HAY'S * mini ' * Automobile and Machine Shop. . Camden, South Carolirtft pipped the Kqual to any In the South. j ~ . , ??. ' f* ' We make any kind and sise of *pring, best vanadium steel used, and guaranteed. 8toraje Batteries charged with very latest motor generating set at a saving of time and money. Axle and propeller shafts made an teatlOrM of t lie |K'Oplo WOIO light ? oil- . t Hort? wonhl not lie un v u?o for prUouH, for the iorfUcra of tiu? i*?o|ile haVd caused thorn to err" SIX VMKKK ANS IOST. Review of News From All Fronts in World War, Hlx American lives wore lost in the sinking of the British steamship Marl na. tho American consul at Queens town In informed, according to an tin ottteiwl dispatch. of tho fifty-one A morion us rojKiftod rescued, at least two woro injured. !t is rejHir&d that tho Marina was attacked by two submarines and that she sank within ten minutes. A heavy sea was running and tho number of liveliest is in doubt. 'Ashore has booh little concentrated Infantry fighting on tho European bat tlefields. Along tho border between Trunsyl* vaula and Hninanla. the opposlug armies continue tlio fray, hut with lit tle change. In the region north and east of Onmpulong, Rumania, the tight liiK Koch on and Bucharest claims the capture of Mount Rosea, at Bratocea, and the repulse of onoiuy attacks north of Gampulung, Buchurest also says the advance In the Jiul valley, in the re gion of Vulcan Pass, Is making prog ress. The Rumanians have gained a vic tory in tho region of Kzurduk Pass, on the Rumanian-Transylvania frontier, a wireless message from ltucharest re IKirts. The Rumanians drove the Aus tro-Germans hack from tho frontier, capturing prisoners and artillery. West of Lutsk, in Volhynla, the Rus sians have taken Austro-German trenches south of Svlniusky, anil re pulsed counter attacks. On tho S liar a river, Berlin records, Uusslau attacks were rejlulsed. In Galacla tho Austria Germans have checked attacks below Stanlslau and occupied Russian posi tions in the Narayuvka region, near Halle-/. On the Anglo-French front in France and Belgium there has been little ex cept artillery work. Tho Germans shelled the British front around Ypres, and south of the Ancre, tho |>osltlons at Stuff and Schwabon redoubts. Bad weather is hampering operations in Macedonia, but tho Serbians, Paris announces, have made progress in the Coma, bend 'and tho French have oc cupied a monastery west of Presba lake. Artillery combats have occupied tho soldiers on the Austro-Itallan front. The Gorman submarine U-58, which after paying a brief visit to Newport, R. I. sank live British and neutral ships off the coast, is officially an nounced to have reached a German port in safety. . Charlotte Man Aboard. The information that .1. (J. liaiitl. Ar.. ouly son of MaJ. and .Mrs. .1. (i. "Balrd of Charlotte. was listed among those aboard the Marina of the Don aldson line when sunk without warn inn b.v guntlre from a German sub lnarine off the coast of Ireland Mon day. occasioned much comment in this ^Pty' last night. Major Haird had no information last jiWht save that car ried in the Associated Press dis patches and although he had wired every suggested source of possiirie in forniation in Newport News, Washing ton and elsewhere, he had heard notli ing up to a late hour. He was much at loss about the matter by reason of the fact that his son had wired hiiu on September 22 last that he was sailing on the Kelvinbrae of the Donaldson line for Alexandria Egypt direct. He had left Charlotte several days previous with his chum. .Young Hurst of tbJy city, and they had arranged to sail on this boat for a passage that would consume approximately a month. Maj or Buird added that he had heard noth ing since and he had assunled all along that he was on the Kelvinbrae. Hence be could not understand the Associated Press dispatch, nor the absence of his churn among those reported aboard.. It Is regarded as probable that at the last moment young Balrd changed his plans and sailed aboard the Marl na for Glascow, which left on Sep tember 21 and that he was on the ro turn trip. i J>\ O. Davis of Wake Forest aud George F. 8edl>erry of FnyettevlHe were the only other North Carolinians on board. ? Tuesday's Observer. \ ' # ? ? ' 1 ? ? - ? ? Jestse T. Weusinger, flagman on the Southern railway fell beneath a train at Santuc and had both legs mangled from which lieetit Jurors to serve at the Fall term of Court of General Sessions and Common Pleas for Kershaw County which opens at 10 o'eloek in the forenoon, on Monday, the 1.1th day of November, 1016, with Judge 8. W. G.Shipp presiding: H. (1 jtfcLendon, Camden, Hte 2. J. B. McDonald, Cassatt J. E. Rabon, Westvtlle, Rte 2 i G. E. Taylor, Camden J. W. Owens', Westvllle B. R. Team, Camden - ? ? J. E. Creed, Cantey . I*. J. Braisell. Blaney ^ K. M. Huckabee, Beth one John Whl faker, Camden ; W. II. Gladden, Lugoff ^ W. T. Truesdell, Camden . W. F. Paschal, Bethuno W. C. Horton, Camden r* W. H. Owens, Westvllle 8. B. Hall, Bethune L; B. If. Jones, Kershaw F. B. Campbell, Camden J. H. Sinclair, Camden G. O. Bhice, Camden T. J. DnBruhl, Camden J. R. West, Cassatt I v J. R. Dlnklns, Logoff O. E. Williams, Kershaw W. M. Lollis, Camden W. M. Butler, Bethune J. A Marshall, Camden /> W. J. Denton, Camden ?^-CJOaeaady*. Bethune N. B. Taylor, Kershaw J. W. Rheorn, Cassatt W. R. Watkins, Camden it H. Morton, Bethune . N. B. .Workman, Westvllle W. ML Qajr, Kershaw I W. M. Brannon, Bethune I'rtwher is Dismissed. l'ouuhkeepsle, N. Y, f the North river prtV'hy tery. Me was found guilty of hl^amy, Dwind ling, fraud and blasphemy. * Tin evldone# secured after two yearn Investigation showed t lint Worthing* ton had nine wives and war. known 1 under eleveu aliases. Ills right name j Ih Samuel Oakley Ctyvwford. Records show he served two prlfeon terms for fraud. one In Alhntiy and one in Mel honrne, Australia. Ills oiH'ratlons eov ered the I 'lilted States, Knrojie and the Antipodes. hi Ids activities he secured l?y fal?e pretense. more than ooo. it Is alleged. The de|s>*eenver, Col., where he had gone for his health. He was fur a long whlltv (ravelin# passenger agent for the At lantic Coast Itlne. NOTICE OF ELECTION. State of South Carol lun County of lyersliaw Notice is hereby given tliut the Gen iTul election for Presidential und Vice- i I icsidentlal Elwlors and Represcnta- j tlves In Congress will he held at the toting preciheU fixed thy law In the j County of Kershaw, on Tuesday, Nov- ; ymber 7, 1U1U, said day being Tuesday! following; the tlrst Monday, as preserlb- i lid by the State Constitution. J he qualifications for Mulfrugo are as ! follows : Residence in State for two years, in the County one year, In the polling pre cinct in which the elector offers to vote, four months, and the payment six moiitlLH before any election of any poll tax then due and payable. Provided, I I wit ministers in chnrge of on orguii- 1 ixed church and teacners of public I schools shall he entitled to vote after six months' residence in the State, oth erwise qualified. j Regist ration. ? Payment of all taxes, Including poll tax, assessed and collec tible during the previous year. The ! production of a certificate or the re ceipt of the oliicer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe to the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Hoard of Managers can administer the oath to the other Managers and to the Clerk ; a Notary Public must administer the oath to Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m., and closed at \ o'clock p. m.. except In the City of ( ha rl es ton, wiicrc they shiill l>(> open ed at 7 a. in. and closed at 0 p. m. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy; and if none of the Alana-l gers attend, the citizens can appoint, from among the qualified voters, the Managers, who, after being sworn, can conduct' the election. At the close of tlio election, the Man agers and Clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot box and count flic ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is com pleted, and make a statement of the result for each office, and sign the same. Within thread days thereafter, the ( halrmau of it he Hoard, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commissioners -of Election the poll list, the box containing the ballots and written statements of the result of the election. Managers of Election. The following Managers of Election have been appointed to hold the elec tion at the various precincts in the ^tfr] County : Camden ? H. Truesdel, W. C. Brown and J. B. Arrants. Kershaw? I. It. Hayes, James S. K1 der and F. L. Truesdel. Haley's Mill ? Luther Ralev, W. P. Rodgers and Minor Haley, * j Bethuue ? 8. T. Gardner, B. W. Bnn non and h- j sible enjoyment from these tlowerH, says the New York Nuu, it Is wise to put them in the lee box night, or to open the windows ami give tlnun c?h?| air, seeing to It that they are not ejk|Mtseoclally the remark - ahle discovery that many varieties continue to create odor after they are cut and will give it forth for days, even weeks, If the flowers lire cared for properly. Clipping the stems dally Is also recommended because the pores of tin- end of the stem are apt to clou, and when a little bit 1s clipped oft' the pores are cleared again and the blos som Is refreshed by the water In the vase. Auto Kills policeman. Salisbury, N. Oct. U7.? W. Mur ray Mnker. extra policeman, regulating trullic on West Iiiuis street, the tho roughfare leading to the fair grounds, was killed at 7 o'clock this evening by an automobile and OJile Toibert, of Sinaicer, driver of the machine, Is held 'in Jail charged with causing his death, The otllcer was caught between th? regular roadway lor vehicles and a street car that \vas standing on the traek at a meeting switch. lie wua niAhod to a hospital but. upon reach inu It. Tolhert is said t > have been running very fast. Special < ttle??V Thoniasou. stationed at Fulton street, after vainly trying to check his sjieed, had taken ids number to prosecute him for spelling. This was three block* before he hit Mr. Linker. AGAIN IN SEED MARKET. To the People of Kershaw and Adjoin* 1 wish to state that I am again as* | sociated with the Buckeye Cotton Oil j Co. tor the coming season as their agent for Kershaw, and a part of Sum ter and Ix?e Counties, and take this method of thanking those people who have soon tit In the past to give us the liberal patronage Chat they htlve, and trust that we merit a continuance of their eon II deuce,. and promise to be ever alert to your interest as well as our own. ! And to those who have not seen fit I to have any cotton seed business with i us iu the past, we ask you to Rive us i an opportunity and we assure you that | we shall do everything in our power i.t Solid Comfort Any time, anywhere, the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater means comfort insurance. No matter if the bed room's so cold you can see your breath ? just touch a match to the Perfection and it thaws out the chills before you are ready to dress. For a warm bathroom, a cozy break fast room, or a comfortable living room at the end of the day's work get the Perfection. Clean, handsome, durable. Inexpensive to buy, inexpensive to use. Ask any good department store, hardware or furniture dealer Uae Aladdin Security Oil ? for beat reaulta STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jtt?y) BALTIMORE Waihinrton, D. C. Charlotte, N. C Norfolk, Va. Charleston, W. Vn. Richmond, Va. - Charleaton, 8. C.