The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, February 11, 1916, Image 6

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TAIJC OF TIIK TIMKK. lie i'W < Wh ?h<I Itw mul IxNieN For Ttw Old IIoiim*. Thu majority of tin' \outli in <*1! tfiuieratloii* would Ilia- t<? Ik* a ? It'rk III u rolifislluiian <>r n rnlli??a<l ('ulnlllt'tt'r <>ji m ! ratio '*r ;i ?* >i 1 1 >u ()? I il?<- ^lniikf) rlntf ii i ? lini*, I'n I Ik i Utah *la> ii? Ik-iih ui'l w in k mii l In- fn i in I'lilikc tin- | ?!"? ??f !?*????? I * ?? I'l I "II fai'lin'i ? htwr luiloi !-< in-vri >\i;ii ? ? illi I ?i i~ I ????-. ? < nn-N l?iM I* a I w a > - j#v jiihI hi I'fii'f with all I In' \\ ? >rl'l I lie ;iliil?il I<M|h \ ??111 ll wli?"M* -ii-llllhn I III >| >ll('< V I ?f full win** ylM'.ol illl'l I ? ' ? III In#; -i tji i unit'. i.'?'l 1 1' Ii ?-.i-> w 1 1 i t ? 1 1 { \\ ? ? I' K a! iui?M aii\ ullin |<l.i> ?? l?nl Ii* ? WOOD'S ~~ 1 Prosperity Seeds. With bright prospects a head for good prices on Veg etable and all larm products, ! our farmers should feel en couraged to plant improved i varieties of seeds, so as to in crease their crops. ; WOOD'S VEGETABLE SEEDS, long known for their supe , rior quality and productive ness, have greatly increased i i in demand and popularity WOOD'S CRASS, CLOVER and i FARM SEEDS are of tested ger I initiation and superior quali ties. Write for prices. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG I gives valuable Information alwxit all Seeds for the Farm and (harden. Mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD Cf SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. FLORIDA, CUBA PANAMA MARDI GRAS Personally Conducted Toura DURING JANUARY FEBRUARY AND MARCH Attractive Winter Trips Tours of 12. ir>, 2<>, :{u and :>r? Days All Expenses Included $1!J0 and Up. Writr fur ISooklrt ;c;attis tours I Tourist Aumts Seaboard Air l.inr Raleigh, N. C. . t RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. 1 hat's the surest way to stop them. I he best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. CjooJ for your own A ches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. mom:v to loan ox It I-: A I, KSTATK KASY TKR.MS K. < '. v<n?Tit'*rkiiH. City Meat Market On** i!nor north of Smith's (iara^c. Choice Fresh MEATS I Choice Cuts l()c, 1 2 and 15c per pound. i ' Cash Only. Nothing will bo charged. Your orders so licited . Telephone 31. City Meat Market H ' 1 1 i ? ? ? Ma ti,i ii >oungHter l??Hrun a lenaou of cx|*'ilein e ami share* llu1 fate of I ho T?rr?niu'fii M,ij. j;xjh-#4?-m m gntnd *?l't teacher thai I m s learned ma,\ of us a Iwoli i iiai we never could have learned hi ?.?<( rtf-tf f h "I When I was young .in.! i I* - r in ,\ea?s walking ln-tween III.- plow handles l??-li I in I II 111 U lo did I...I a | ? | M il I I ? ? nil- I n Mm* beautiful -piing nun- re*ti Hi.' on the plow stock under I (u* | <t 'it 1 Ii H its Inhaling tilt' fl u ?? / .in! 1 1 1 1 1 iv lii. ?-s. .m? and meditating at ill.- fiiM*f i out of in \ father* bee gulns lit.- ? ha denge 'HUM* fol HH' l?< ? | il 1 1 llii' ftii hi -ii. -I forsake a j ??-a < * - f ii 1 rural 1 1 fi- in. I i" tlw big < i? v \\ ith lu 1 1 1 1 I I > I J I 1 1 I I 1 1 Ig > I if | MM 1 1 ill' W I ItlM' . i .til * 1 1 It c i i 1 ig inliia rejs | m * i 1 1 1 Nkvu.iid. Stnli a challenge ha s u fan ii. .ill. .ii f..i 1 1 in I m i i.f (In- \ i >u t Ii 1 'hit U i - 1 > t in*' a \\ nk !? In night III Hi i'\il Ii ? ? 1 1 1 I a i i *i* | ' I i*d Mm* ? hollclige I'd aflii an j i,i 1 1 \ i ? i ??mill**!', lal I ! f? \ f..i ''.ii \iar- an alien In a strange land, like tin- ( Jacob of old J am glad l" ill hi n t>> in v native In IK to spend tin ri'ina IndiT "f ii i \ days Mit/hlv tin' magnet I-tn of the hi . 1 1 1 1 ? . when thi- In. ill hum! on tin- ilia I ? >f lif.' | ... 1 1 1 1 s with | m ? i fiM t precision I.. "Id age and tin* grave It Is lit) man nature In ail of us to cherish a filial alTit't Ion for our native home whether It !.?? a mansion set upon a hill or an huuihlc cottage Isolated h> alpine ranges. it matters not. Slav In \oiir native mini, cling to vour victuals and creenn was the re ligion and advice of old Jack Cotting ham in his day. Away hack ahout tin1 vear lSlo before the arrival of the railroad ??limine and tin* -team vvhUlU* at tin* gates of fnilltTeli Jack took a stage coach journey with Ills master and mistress through North 4'urollnu. Virginia and Maryland, which thoroughly convinced him South Caro lina was tin- tiiiest country in the world. Mild and pleasant winters, no malaria and chills, and plenty of gm?d tilings |o cat I " 1 1 in that country not les- than s|\ sweet potatoes would sat l>f\ his hunger, at home one was ahout enough never more than two. I cum ui w ith lin k in his opinion of our i ?? ? h i v ci I slate and I'ounly. While tin- old fellow pulsed to the great be yond 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 \ \?'iirs ago. none of our > oiiiil' men will ever go wrong in tak ing hi- advice and govern themselves n cording! v Henry I.. Fletcher., Flat Hoik. S. <\ .1 Monroe I'ollin-. a negro, was ar rested in A 1 1 . 1 e i"so| i on the charge of a t tempted criminal assault He was 1 taken to i oinmhia f.?r safe keeping. It is reported that I'usimaster I!, it ' 1 .ii.' will tight the a ppoi n t men t of V. , I*. M> Faddeu .' i s his sii.i^.ur at Uock ' 1 1 PI K. M. Ivdridge I). K. Ilinson Estridge & Hinson COAL AND WOOD We arc handling Coal and wood at the S. A. L. freight depot and Respectfully so licit your orders. Prompt and satisfactory service giv < n ;i 1 1 orders. Machine to Cut Wood We also have a machine t<> cut wood in your own yard. Rates reasonable. Call us up for anything you need. Phones : Yard 1 Residence 2105 W. O. HAY'S Automobile and Machine Shop Camden, South ^Carolina (equipped the Cqual to anj in the South. We make an\ kind ami size of spring, Iievi vanadium >tevl used, and guaranteed. Storage Batterie* 'harged \n i t li the very latent motor generating >>et at a X}| vine uf time and money. \\le and propellor shafts mad# ai.-l iruii ra 1 1 1 ? Mxi to equal the factory I r-"!u- t in every particular Casings and Tubes vulcanized ? all work guaranteed. Presto-Lite Exchange ? Styles B Mtid I", cylinders always on hand. Fisk Tires and tubes always In Mock We will jHTsonally see that you are satisfied with our service ?.r we do not want your money. Ovy- Acetylene Welding ? Castings ? ?f all kind.s of metals m Mjiecialtj. Thanking >ou all for the hand - >in? >{Uipport given lae sine* going i:i huntress for myself. I am \ Yours. rctip** tfutiy, W. O. HAY l SI'. MM AH V OK THE WAK, ! WaKtitntfton Krtiill to Think l.u?Ui|uUi Dispute Will !*?' Sellltd. j ? i| ?i iuiUiit prevails In Washington J (lull thf ?|| nat K*ii l?el\vi*en ih*' I'nlted States and CerniHii\ which arum* Over j ! i Im- ? i 1 1 k 1 1 1 v of the HtfiiiiM'r l.usltnnla i.; i tierinan submarine will l*< net- ' r <i :i in 1' a I ? L \ In official circle* It h - been xtatiNl that llu' u-e of the w i ii'ils "Illegal" n "dl*a v d\\ al" will, not be ui*Kii <l u|k?ii h> the Pulled j states. a i id 1 1 1 it t m? 4> ?- of \vor? In t | l?> < *4>r ma it \ in im-ftlng the, ! Auirrit'iin ? iovernmfllt >- <onteutl? IIH , In thf pifiolsfs will I >f ihtiu'IKhI ?o i ; thf success of tin* nc^ot l.itltMl*. j W III If S?*i iftn r\ l,an>in^'. w lit. Is io j | 1 1 it \ ?? a Una! conference witi I*re*l j < I ? - 1 1 1 Wilson t>ii the >ul>Jt-t t. stale I tluit li?> considered tin* "-it nation mi. changed. ('halrinan Stoiif <>f tll6 Hen j ate Foreign Relations Coin m ittee said! J lil? Impression was that thf ruao was} I n art h a 1 1 v oet t led." I Kxcept on thf front In France atid Heliriiun llttlf fighting has been re- 1 |M>rtf<l. Paris tells of thf bonilutrd nifiit of Cerman positions near Ilet Sas ami Steenst rat* tf in Belgium, till' dfst i- lit t Ion of a (oTiniin blockhouse hftwffii thf i >lsf anil thf Aisne and of effective work hy French batteries in the Artois ami Champaign regions. French shells on the former Hector caused |H?werfnl explosions north east of Arras and a great lire In the Champaigne tifar Chalterange. Thf <tormans have been husy with their artillery against thf British around J,oos, while the British In it turn havf bombarded (ieriuan treiifhes tifar the Vpres Houlers Rail way. The Vicuna War (Hllee reports the situation unchanged on all fronts where Austro-llungarian troops* are lighting. Nothing new has eume through conce riling the reported concentra tlon of troops of the Teutonic Allies In the region of the (Jreek border. A Copenhagen dispatch indicates that authorities at Kiel are fearful of an Allied air raid there. The popu lace has been notitled that a stear^ siren will give advance notice of n raid, and that in ease raiders come the people should not unduly e*ij ms-p t h"niof Ives. Thf seinl-otllf'.'tl i iVfisf.' . New AsnTtf"V of BerMn -ays there a n? now 1 . 1 7 1 prison rs of war {n f?er tnany. This cumber. It is 1 v:ar"d, docs not i i n ? i : i ? I ? - prisoners tin* Or mans left in A iiv'ria-Hungary. A l,<'inlon new -pa | hm" is authority fnr the statenifiit that Marl K.t< hen- j er. Itritish Secretary for War. probab ly will leave the War < iftice t" un dertake work of a more important character elsewhere. If Karl Kitchen ciifr -li' >n l< I leave. the newspaper add-. Sir \\ illiani Robertson, chief of -tall, will actively direct the war and a civilian become Secretary for War. For the -econd time during the war I'rince (iscar of Prussia, tiftli -on of Finperor William, ha- bi*en Columbia Collect* News. ? "iuiiiM.i. S. < IVI. s. ? < >n Friday ; .1 ;t 1 1. Until I !??? i >rparl lJU'ii t of I ?? >s:ifstlc S. i.-n.f fiitfl'tM IiiimI at luncheon in hoil : or. of iiu'IiiImts of tin* fa?-ult\. A most ? !??! i vrl 1 1 fill iiifini was served. 'I'll.- senior < ? 1 1 1 < Is busy get tin:; to tntluT I In * inatrrlal for flu* Cu) An ; tiiial. ami it will soon I ?? ? sent to press. I mlii at ion- are that it will b?? a j ?u bl i - ? at i ? ? r i to bp proud of. It will I >. ? ded . j.-ated to |?r..f .1 m. Arlail. Misses I'.ettie Woo. 1 bam ami faille Wawls of llartsville -p?'tit t li ? ? wt-?-k on<l ..nil tbf former's sister. Mi^- Lillian Wo. hIIim 111. ,\! i vs Kvn Wyatt went to ber l.--:ne in l'.a>ly Saturday wlier?? vl>?. ?v i ! ! r.r.isin , i ft u days to have her cyo m ated. Ib'\. I'. V. ltabb of Ncwb. rr\ - a me to -I.- Misses Kva ami Kthel W'yatt ?asf w <M-k. Mi-- .Mary Lou Crook spent last week with lu-r parents at Cameron. Mi- Annie Holman aeeompanb-d by i Miss \iblie Reinbert sjtent the ueek ? .-ml ;ir m-r home in St. Matthews i \h-> Bessie Hall >>f near <?amden - 1 ?*??? r a few days with Miss lt..-a Uad . > .if?- ia^r week. Mi-.- Alma Keller and Dr-m^tine j I- Iiif. :. -pent the week-end i: Man i : t i : . w Mi Mrs. D. It. Riser. , It luuiel and Iiev. Pattoii attend I ? I a tinff of the Ministerial union ? ?f Suiiit.-r 1 dstrlet in Sumter Thurs j Mrs .1 if. Kxum of Orai.iM.un?, ! -p?'i;t W ? ?duesday and Thur^.la.\ with j h? r i!.i ??! '?-r Miss Mary it. F.xurn. , M. ltuth Arlail and Margaret , I.ipv., represented the V \s A. I at ill.- Missionary Institute of ntu d?'iit? :unteer movement r--.-i> tly h.'.'i i : . ' i 1 1 ton . Mr iv ! Mrs, A. K. Mr La. if n and Ml-- '? . I W'thune of liethum- > i sited Mi? A ? i ? i j ? ? Mae Kelly <?n last Monday, i MNm- i arrie I>m> and ' 1 i \ orris j ? j m'ti f r ?.? week-end with tin ir , arer.ts I | mi .New |.? i r v. ? < i\ .-r 7 miO hojfs were VAit i i . a ted by demonstration agents In the -!ate last yea r. Conductors on tht* AHantle Coast .* l u.ilu u,v uiv LuUUutf **f - h if j tin* win puny inaugurates tlto White Auditing, System. eontempliite?t' oil that lino. Ttu' conductor* wrktUftly ohj*Ht I to I lit" system. Tla? plan! of the i iraiixeliurK fer tilizer ( 'oinpany was desf roy<*l by lire j entailing a loss of $75,000. I.afo.v Mlius was killed at tiroer by I Tlh'nilon' I ptoii. who wounded A. , B. Wmlih'll. of tiroor. Supervisor's Monthly Report. | The follow In* In a list of Hallux Itasned ii|mmi and ordered |ial?l by tlie Commissioners of Kershaw County In se*sl??ii. IVI?ruai> 7th. 1910: <?'. I. Htvoii. sainrv $20.85 M C West, -a la ry I20.U5 Cal\ln Beckham, salarx 25.00 A .M I>eal. salary .. *8.33 C W Blivhuiore, salarx ami a<l \ ertl*lug . .... 1 28.90 J I). Sinclair. saltuy 50.00 \V \V. lluckahce. salary and jail f??e? 235.(11) W. I.. Mclhmell. salary 2H.5Q W. F. Itussell. salary 3.H.50 D M M< ( 'askill. salary 77. (Hi ( i u I f \- Atlantic Insurance Co.. premium on homls 45.00 \V. J. I >iiim. .M l> , examining lunatic 0.00 J. 1'. I'll kctt. M i ?. . examining lunatic 10.00 I'rcdcrli k I Uninfecting Co.. sup plier . 1 r?.(Mi Springs Banking & Mercantile Co.. supplies *i-CM > J. Horace Thomas, M. 1>.. 11. lift Walker Evans & Cogswell Co.. supplies SI. Oft Commissioner of Public Works, water and lights 47.t>9 J. K. Creed, supplies 27.50 W. T. Smith, supplies 19.00 The Southern Cotton Oil Co., supplies ..... 7.HO It. TV Rollings, supplies 15.00 Bowls A Christmas, supplies ... 31.20 Wolf-Elehel Co.. supplies 3.00 <J. W. 1 ?ahney, supt. jw>or house.... 10.50 liel t < ?ii Branham, wood for jail .... 0.00 Ceo. T. Little, team 575.00 H. II. West, supplies 48.00 lthame Bros., supplies 114.07 A. 1>. Kennedy, supplies 10.70 Springs & Shannon, supplies 9.35 Hums & Barrett, supplies 113.05 <?. B. King & Sou. supplies 9.75 J. J j. King, supplies 6.95 Camden Brick Co.. supplies 20.00 < !ood Roads Machinery Co., sujh piles 5.00 H. L. Sohlosburg. supplies 170.42 Kershaw Mercantile & Banking ('??.. supplies .< 95.24 .1. I >. Adams & Co., supplies 37.00 Hlrsch Bros. & Co.. supplies .. 2.00 IV W. Brannon. supplies 12.00 \V. (tcisenheiiuer. supplies 14.25 J. M. Carson Co., supplies .... 10.30 I'earce* Young, supplies . ... 59.85 James Catoe. road work 1.50 K. W. Bahon. road work 7.75 M. A. Shaw, lumber 15.85 .1. B. Munn. work on bridge .... 37.50 J. L. Craddick. blacksmith work 3.50 W. I.. Casklns. blacksmith work 9.40 I,. S. Brown, supr. hired gang 90.89 I.. .1 l-'alkenberry. supt. hired caiikj 100.47 II. K. Munn. supt. chain gang 210.04 \V. T. Holly, lumber 50.58 \V. J. McManus. su|>plles 10. (Ml Total $2,960.73 M. C. WEST. Countv Supervisor CITATION. State of South Carolina. Count v <if Kershaw My \V. L. Mel >o\vell, Kssjuire. i'ridmtc J udw. Whereas. .1. M. Carson made suit to mi! to grant him Letters of Admlnis tratiou of th?' Kstate of ami effects of ?la lues Kohinsou. These art*, therefore, to cite ami ad monish all ami singular the kindred ami creditors of the said James Rob inson. deceased, that t he v !?- and n)? pear before me. in the Court of Pro bate, to be held at Camden. S. C.. on February lilst. next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show en mnp. if any they have, why tlu? said. Administration should not he granted. Given under my Hand, this 7th day of February. A. 1>.. 1910. W. I,. M< 1 >< >wi:i,l. Judge of Probate for Kershaw (Vjunt.v. Published on the 11th and l.Xth days of February, 1910. in the Camden Cflironiele and post***! at f Tie Court House door f:;r tlie time prescribed by law. FINAL DISCHARGE. Not lee is hereby given that, one month from this date, on Saturday. March 11th. 1910. I will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County my tinai return as Administrator of the es tate of Mrs. M. M. Mftthis, deceased, and on the same day I will ask the said Court for I .letters Dismissory as said Administrator. J. H. MYERS, Administrator. Camden. S. C.. Feb. 10, 1910. FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that J. A. Dunn has this day made application unto me for a tlnal discharge as Guard ian of tlie estate of Gilliam Dudd I>unn, minor, and that Saturday, March 4th, 11)10, has been set for the hearing of said petition. W. L. McDowell Judge of Probate Kershaw County. | Camden. S. C., February 1st, 11)10. FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice Is hereby given that ? lie | month from this date, on Saturday j March 4th, 1910, I will make to the | Probate Court of Kershaw County my rtnal return as Guardian of the estate of John McClester, and op 'he sam*? dny 1 will apply to the sabl Court for a f.nal discharge from my trust ns ! ? hmr'liftn. T. M McCLKSTER. Guardian. Camden, S. C., February 2nd., 1910. FiNAL DISCHARGE. Notice Is hereby given that one mouth from this date, on Friday, March 3rd, 1916, I will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw (bounty my final retnrn as Administrator of the e state of Wiley S. Marshall, deceased, "",l 1 1 1 1 11 ? WW j it ii< I oo the ha i no tiny I will apply to Uuj. *ttltl iUntri for ? tt*m4 mm km i? I Atliuiiiist rat or. All luti'tle* having olalm* aKiiluat the Ma 1<1 estate will present thorn ou or liefwre that date, duly attested, or he forever barred, (}. 8. OATOK. Administrator. ( 'a union, H. (*. February ."tril. 11)10. ESTATE NOTICE. All iiersoti* Indebted to the estate of .Mr*. Martha J. Kuah, deceased, are hereby notified to make jmymont to the undersigned, hihI all partly, If any, ha v lug claim* against the said estate will present theiu likewise, duly r.ttoeted. within the time prescribed by law. W. A HUSH, (Qualified Administrator with the Wfll Annexed of the Kstate of Mrs. Mar tha J. Hush. Camden, S. Jan. IS, 1016. finaiT discharge. Notice la hereh.v given that one moi:th from this tlate, ou Saturday, February 19, 1910, 1 will make i?? Probate CuurrnT Kerttftaw Oountyj filial return us Administratrix de Uw ?ion of the estate of Jefferxon iiHrt deceased, and on the saiue day ? a|?i>ly to the said Court for a finals charge an said Administratrix. V* LAl'KA -ilAKltlflL j Administratrix de bonU u0u ( 'a in dcu, 8. Ci Jan. 19, 1016. FINAL DISCHARGeTI Notice in hereby given that m month from thin date, on Haturdi February 19th. 191(1, 1 will make i the Probate of Kershaw County a Until return as Kxecutrix of the t tate of 11. 1a NVatklns, (Iwvaswl, u on the name day 1 will ask the Court for a final discharge from ? trust as such Kxecutrlx. All jwtrtlw, If any, having ci^ against the said lOstate will preset them duly attested on or before till date or be forever barred. MKS. JOSHPHINB WAT KINS, 1 Kxeoutrlx. (!amden, S. 0.. ?Ian. its, 191tt. f , J* We Make Your Drug Store Trading Both Easy and Profitable We Kt'll you the Hneat goods Uut any drug wtore ran offer, at the lowest prices consistent with the quality or high eharaeter of the goods. We give service that will plrtse you; treat you fairly whether yoo come in person or order by mail or phone. < We guarantee satisfactory service, and we guarantee not to misrep resent our goods. Thone us the very next order, aure, at phone KU. W. ROBIN ZEMP'S DRUG STOl DELIVERY MOST SATISFACTORY., - ? ?? YOU CAN IF YOU JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB Deposit $1.00 a week for 50 weeks and have $50 next Christmas. You can also deposit 25 or 50 cents or more each week. We also have 1 cent, 2 cent, 5 cent and 10 cent clubs. In 50 weeks: You can deposit 25 or 50 cts, or $1 or more each .week. 1-CENT CLUB PAYS $ 12.75 . 2-CENT CLUB PAYS 25.50 5-CENT CLUB PAYS 68.75 10-CENT CLUB PAYS 127.50 COME IN ? We will tell you all alnmt it. Come in and get a Christmas Banking Club Book Free. The First National Bank OF CAMDEN, S. C FOR SALE ? I Pure Bred HEREFORD Cattle "The Kind That Pay." We are offering for sale 50 head of big bone bulls of breeding- age of highest quality and breeding. Camden Beef Cattle Farms LUGOFF, SOUTH CAROLINA FRED E. PERKINS, Special Partner HENRY CUNNINGHAM* MfT WE CARRY AT ALL TIMES A NICE ASSORTMENT OK FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. TRY A BUNCfi OF OUR FRESH CELERY. YOU CAN FIND AT Ofi CANDY KITCHEN ALL OF THE NICEST FLAVORS -fl?: CANDIES. %ALYVAYS FRESH. COLD DRINKS SERVER FROM OUR FOUNTAIN ARE THE VERY BEST. WHEN IN NEED OF SOMETHING IN THE VEGBTA-| BLE LINE TO HELP OUT WITH YOUR DINNER IN TO SEE WHAT WE CAN OFFER YQU. ? - - - CAMDEN CANDY KIT< Pho?? 78. Sper? %???& Camden, S. Fruits and Vegetab'l