The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, February 11, 1916, Image 5

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""j '"?*"'* -' - - ? ? " . THE BIG SURPRISE OF THE PICTURE WORLD ; . ' . i " " 1 1 ?' i '? , . ?? Mr. and Mrs. ? f' vV* - ? ... ? Vernon Castle IN A THRILLING NEW PHQT O-DR AM A ROMANCE IN SIX PARTS "THE WHIRL ;? ujv.w?. . ?* . ? ? ? ? OF LIFE" ? ilOT^'Jr'- , I Story by Vernon Castle, Adapted for Screen by Catherine Carr, Produced by Oliver D. Baily The picture that was shown at The Globe Theatre, New York City to capacity audiences, and unamimously acclaimed a triumph. What The Expert Critics Said: The Morning Sun: .."The picture was a great success. Out thrilled the biggest thrill in the Movies." The Tribune: -'Castles show great versatility." The Press: .."There isn't .anything slow about the action of the Photo-play." The Evening Sunt "The picture a highly pleasing one and the Castles subject for fresh congratulations." The Globes _"One of the most Interesting Film Stories told in many a 4ay." The Evening-Mail: "An unusually attractive picture; the pho tography excellent, the grouping artistic, the comedy sense of both t*utuv/i anu uiicCisOi tiuunx'ttuiy injected, and - >6ie romance interesting." See wKat is without a doubt the'best picture ever showii'at DAY ONLY T" - LOCAL NEWS MY VALENTINE. TWAS thirty years hko dear. when lhl? Olil world A' an Vnd lift. W'tV )usi it tfoldeu ilitaai. uitoiitiliiM. near. It) you I loot<?>il into your suti hrown eye* and you looked into initio Twu? then I whispered. "Curly - head. you n if my valentine ' Twiut thirty years ago, dear. ?nil now your hair it* may. Hut your brown wyes u<x* Ju?t the sumo na on that winter day When firm I looked into their depths and pledged my love with Uline? The duy J whispered, "Curly head, you a r^.niy valentine." ?Selected. CIVIC LEACJI'E Wll.L MKET MONDAY. At the Oraded School building Mon day. the 1 -I t li. the Civic League will lu-itl Its meeting. Supervisor M. <\ W est will ln> present and s|H'ak. This is an important meeting ami all mem Vrs will please la? at the schovl liuu&c. ?a*\t Monday at 1 tfttfocS. MAKES APPEAL FOK HOOKS TO HE HROL'GIIT IN. Tho books that belong to tho ohl li brary arc coming In every day, and we entreat all who have l>ooks to bring them In at opoe. The Library heed* them badly, as the readers are increas ing every day. Do not he ashamed to return them, even if you have had them out for months; no questions will he as^ed, no tines charged, only bring In 1 the hooks. If this Is not done the As sociation will appoint a committee to 'go around and ask for the hooks that ; belong to the Camden "Library. Hrlng tho old ones In, and net new ones, i: ; will not cost you a penny. I 1 THE MISSES WALLACE ENTERTAIN AT HR1DOIC. On Saturday moVnlng the Misses Elizabeth and Katherlne Wallace en tertained most delightfully at a bridge luncheon. The affair was a campll ment to i* bunch of visiting girls. The rooms were prettily decorated for the occasion and the tables attractively arranged for bridge. The score prize a box of candy went to Miss Lucrettn Baker, of Wlnthrop, and the consola tion, a lovely bunch of sweet peas, was cut by Miss Lucy Hampton of Columbia. At noon a tempting lunch eon was served. MRS. BURNETT HOSTESS TO EMBROIDERY CLUB Monday afternoon, Mrs. W. S. Bur nett entertained the Fair Street Em I broidery club, the hours passed pleas antly in social chat and sewing. Dain ty refreshments were served. RESOLUTIONS ON THE DEATH OF MRS. P. M. ZEMP. It Is with a keen pang of sorrow that we, the John I). Kennedy Chapter IT. ID. C., record the death of Mrs. Kath 'Mjrine DeLoache Zeinp, a loved member of this organization. Therefore, wo resolve, 1st. 'f'hnt while we deeply deplore the loss of our friend, we rejoice to know that she is through with pain and sorrow and is forever with her Lord. -2nd. That we extend to the family our heartfelt sympathy, and the com forting thought that she has exchang ed weakness for strength, and sickness for the glory of his j>eace. and the holy communion of Heaven. 3rd. That a copy , of these resolu tions he sent to her family and that a page In our minute hook he Inscribed to her memory. "A gentle life has passed Into the tomb, Tho weary feet have reached the des _ thicd gate; A loving heart has gone to meet Its A ransomed soul to live where angles wait. Her fragile barque has crossed the nar - row sea, And from the storms of life forever more is free." ^ PARISH AID SOCIETY PLANNING ENTERTAINMENT The ladles of the Parish Aid Society at Grace Church arc planning to have an entertainment in the near future whJch promises to be out of the ordi nary In Interest. They feel that they are most fortunate to offer to the pub lic a lecture by Dr. Kainsford, the former Rector of St.. Thomas' Church on Stuyvesant Square, N, Y? on his travels and adventures In Africa. He apttii. iwo years in The jungles and had ^many thrilling exi>eriencea in hunting the big game In which that country abounds. He Is a gifted speaker and will doubtless give one of the finest lectures ever heard 111 Camden. It will l>e delivered on the evening of Fri day the 2T> of February at Holly Hedge, J for which occasion Mr. Robinson has 8?*M?fOUsly offered the use . of his hand I Home hall room. A large crowd will ? ddubtless attend to hear this distin gulshed traveler and a delig&tful even- 1 "fry-far prrtmlned for all. Admission 50 cents. ^ ? i Tomorrow at th& Majestic, Mr. flmd Ht* Yemon Casffc in "The Whirl of Life" -sm^rx.:. -sllii&pg PREPARE FOR EVENTUALITIES Especially true in the world of business, and the best way of accomplishing this end is to es tablish a connection with a strong banking institution, there by establishing your credit. We will be glad to have you call, no matter how small your business may be, and let us ex plain our banking methods which are based on courtesy and conservatism THE BANK OF CAMDEN _.J ? ..---l.U PERSONAL. Miss Pearl Summer; of Jacksonville, Fla., is visiting Mrs. (?. F. Cooley. Mr. II. F. Halle, of Liberty Hill, was a visitor .In Camden yesterday. Mr. (Jeo. T. Littio Is <idiliug sev < ral days this week lti North Carolina. Mrs. M. A. NUes left Tuesday to sjhuuI some time In Jacksonville, Fir. Miss ( J race House, of Winder, (fa., Is the guest of Mrs. 10. W. Pond. Tomorrow at the Majestic, M \ aud Mrs. Vernon Castle In "The Whirl of Life" Mrs. Pierce, of New Bedford, Mass., is visiting at (he home of Mrs. T. J. Kirkland. , "Miss Gladys Latlwfm of Columbia is spending the week with relatives in Camden. Mr. A. L. <Jeisenhelmcr, of Charles ton, spent the week end at home with his parents. Misses Virginia Taylor /and Jean Lindsay attended a dance in Lancas ter Friday evening. Miss Nina Thomi>son, of Camden, Is visiting her niece, Miss Nina Hinson for several days. ? Coluoibia Record. Mrs. Foster Simpson, of Laurens, is visiting her son. Prof. It. F. Simpson, at the home of Mrs. IOmma Villepigue. Mrs. C. M. MeCurrie returned to her home in Florence last week after spend ing a pleasant week in Camden with relatives. Miss Mattie Gerald left last Satur day for the normaru and eastern mar kets to purchase her spring and summer millinery. Prof. It. J. Syfan attended the mar miage of hi.-? sister Miss ltuth Syfan and Mr. Hen (Cochran at Abbeville this week. Mr. J. P. Kllgo, of Hishopville, pass ed through Camden on Monday on his way to attend the Laymen's meeting lu Columbia. Mrs, H. T. Thompson, of Camden, is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. E. Hinson, on Hampton Ave ? Columbia Kecftrd. While out hunting .a few days ago, Mr. G. F. Cooley killed a carrier pigeon with .celluloid band around its leg, bearing the mark "41 41 41 41." Miss Alethla Myers, who is now mak ing her home In Bishopville, sp*nt n pari of lasT week in Camden. She was on her way to Columbia to spend some time there. Capt. Egmont C. von Tresckow this week appointed Corporal Herman Jiar uch to seargent, and Artificer Jas. D. Huekabee to the rank of corj>oral of the Kershaw Guards. Mr. H. L. Schlosburg Is now in New York purchasing his Spring and Sum mer stock of dry goods for his stores n f Camden and Kershaw. lie wa? an companied by Mr. Sam Karesb.-of Kershaw. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will serve oysters tomorrow and teach succeding Saturday at Mc Caskill Pros, shoe store on Main street. They will also sell cakes and other J good things for your ^unday dinner. Messrs: Moore, of Lancaster, '"Stlj Stevens and Jim Hagood, of ton, Nettles Lindsay, Kershaw and HrattoM <4?Loaehe,~att atudontA at the| University of South Caroliiy* spent thel week-end in C-amrtei!. Miss Ellen Dougla* Boyklii of Chl cora College for Women spent th? week end wiU* her pareM?, Mr. and lit*. I>. A. lioykln. She w mm accompanied hoiuo by her school mates Misses Uer trnde and Lucy Hampton and Mar Jorlo Goodwin. Misn Hoy kin enter tained Informally on Friday evening. The hours wore spent lndunelng. Cake and punch wor? -served. A&iK PATRIOTIC WOMEN TO JOIN TIIKM. The John D. Keuody Chapter U. D. C. feeling there are many patriotic wo men In Kershaw County who would like to join them In the great work of ear ing for our beloved veterans, in keep ing alive the truth of History, In rear ing the children of thts generation with. a Just appreciation of the splendid sacrifices their fathers and grandfath ers made, ask who among the women of the < taint y will Join their ranks? Cooperating with us in the work and Interest of the cause, jwrhajw forming branch Chapters In their respective neighborhoods ? attending our meetings' when convenient ? but drawing around them those In their community. Please If you decide to Join us, notify Mrs. H. II Clarke at once. WEDNESDAY BRIDGE CLIJB AT HOME OF MRS. CORBETT. The Wednesday morning bridge club was delightfully entertained this week by Mrs. J no. W. Corbett. Mrs. Tlck nor and Mrs. Pierce were the substi tutes. pleasant morning was spout, refreshments being served after tho ga mt's. v 1 .? CHAPTER MET WITH MRS. WITTKOWSKY. The Hobkirk II1I1 Chapter I). A. It., held Its February meeting with Mrs. Susan Wlttkowsky/on Thursday after noon. In the absence of Mrs. Klrklau 1. Miss Kate Lenoir presided with grace and dignity. The subject of the evo- ' ning was Patrick Henjry whose lmpas slotted pleas for freedom seemed to , accord with the spirit of universal., warfare, ami all organizations are 1m portuned to raise the cry of "Prepar edness!" t'. D. C.'? MET with mrs. ::ay. The John I). Kennedy Chapter, V. D: C., held its February meeting at the home of Mrs. W. O. Ilay, Mrs. Harwell Hoy kin and $frs, Hlalr DeLoache as sisting. The attendance was unusual ly large and many Interesting subjects - were Tinder discussion. In eloslug the program, Mrs. Ernest Zemp delighted the audience with her rendition of Parker's "Spirit of Spring." Miss Mil dred (Joodale, our accomplished young pianist accompanying her. Mrs. Alex Moseley Dead. Mrs. Alex Moseley, wife of Capt. Alex Moseley, of the.-Spring Hill sec tipn of Lee county, died rtt her home Sunday, and was burled at Antloch eljurch Muuday, the funeral services being conducted 4>y Rev. 8. I>. YHttC" Mrs. ?Moseley was in her ?eventy-flfth ? year and is survived by her husband.