SOTIvHI li?K. K ^L. /'ffj'ir.Ml Mini Cuffwl Mild Ir/rvLtrti ?t if"* imiowi. ;u|y 7. This Ik " season wL 0,vrtM+ 11 s,,<* ? K^detMll'^"1^ '1 if ,f ,s ""'.v ,aj?rl?v of ? Ntyle ^ ^ 4 |?n. I < 1 ''Volution, IJL >?'t another, E^raUiM.v i",( Mure Do P >u,,j ***.)!* for i Iiiuium otj Eg# eutlrel) disregarded umi, mjiUuuJuitM-, we find mch C M% (junker vollnrn, uttuiitleij < "iii|ilc(?'ly ii|, L niiillll'iiii hi of established m Lfv/i, *>" ?""" v> (,<'W0 tin a hon |gi/i. r (In- vii'to tho rum *toekn. Kfaft reverm* of the style from Lftrriuf tv the ?dher '* more than LhLIui <>f Fashion, Women, l>,v fpwUtw hoiuwf to tlio It lull co J j^, i'kt, (lie wi'ilRo that t'ore p nuio. Indeed, tin* American fatesinvi i so humored by pact! JPBJ, it Is I, ill suri>rl?lt)K Hint *he 1 L]o he wuHyred to the stock, tatd Wuakt-r and deep -|joini,^i mta( Hwlnti, and (lie lesser <<>l dtft Kklrt* mark the divergence of the modi*. defy all known rules of Fashion, ami dip and hike; in fact, \l*t everything, except what Ih expected of them. Open front ^oversklrts are long er than th<| foundations they are worn with, and fly hack In the wind to show bright 1 1 wide facing*. Full dress skirts have hound, cavalU?r slashes around the lower edges, ami even tailored skirt* allow deep points front and luick. These do not need even the excuse of a Flatlrog" or a Times Square at??\ out Willi n and I ill Ht tUti Wlllxt, is ll)U Is i ?a U)' a! < rtixil!ii^,^hut uo oiiu would wi?r no J ?||K?? I lit' -.Ilk roijU't* Mini ? ??ltoll Kklrt I Iif Im'Iii^ II ?a I I \ OVW 1 1 "III I :i I . .1 111) ilu? iirt'M'iti po|nilartiy ??f( |.litl?i, tlmk l.liu- ami bl|0k I a It ??! a . J then* i# u K??'win? ti'ii towartl I ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .silks ? lM'<'k?'i l>nai?l i?atl?'in,-v 1 hjirlnkiiMl with row**, wtgtfty f v." ?? ? ; ; c. ? M fl ( ? ) McC'AU. / The Crinoline -Influence Again \pp??r ent in a New Mode! with Taffeta Coatee and Organdy Skirt. and broad bars, prominent in blacV on v\ hlte or nobi background*. Tiie newest hat#, for eccentricity's sake purely, are made of silk or even velvet. These come hi sailor shapes, With crowns* }ower an$ brims wider than in the early season. The blue taffeta Is combined effectively with v. hlte kid and the black velvet fvith white stra\V or white flowers. How ever, the fad of winter hats In sum mer-timo is not taking to the extent thai It did last summer, when black velvet in July was unanimous. The yutdoor girl sticks to the leghorn and open-work 4,rlksha" hat, although, af-* ter one coat of "tatooed" tan, she has learned to face the brim of : the latter. In direct contrast ^'ith the domestic silks and velvets, Pa rtfi tTtJroauces mid summer hats of white crdpe <}e chine, made In large sailor shapes, to wear with" -the light summer dresses. Londdn's Shortest Street. The shortest street in Great Britain Is Mansion House street, E. O., which has but one address in It and whose length IS but a very few .yards. ?hort as it Is, however. It bus woo world* wide fame aa being the very busiest street in these Islands? nay, one may truthfully say, In all the world? fox vehicles pass through it at the rate oi ?some 2.0Q0 an hour for twelve hours at a stretch day after day.? Lohdon Express. < Easy. Reason and Experience had a dis pute as to which of them Is the more necessary. Jo matter what situation arises, it is only necessary to bring me to beat upon it," said Reason, "and the solu tion is bound to come." "After which." said Experience* smil ing gently, "it remains for me to dem onstrate that your solution is wrong." ?Life. You Might Like to Tryv It. To multiply fifteen by Itself and the result (22o> by Itself," and so on until fifteen products have been multlpled by themselves in turn, would take a person writing three figures a minute, and. working ten hours a day for 300 days In each year, twenty-eight years to accomplish.? London Globe. Speed an Essential. Rankin ? Beanbrough has bought himself a $5,000 racing car. Phyle? But he couldn't afford one worth hall that Rankin? Thafs why he bought it. Bo wants something that can go fast enough to keep away from the collectors.? Puck. An Example. "People of this quiet, cold blooded disposition don't get Into rows." . "1 don't know about that Nothing could be more phlegmatic than the pyster. and he's continually getting into broils and stews."? Baltimore Ameri can. ? - Imitation. . ?7"v/ "Why, Gladys, you are spoiling your dolly." ^ v "No, mamma; 1 am painting Its cheeks with the same color that yoo use."? Exchange. Common sense Is the knack of seeing things as they axe and. doing things as they ought to be dope. ? Btowe. The 'corporation fees payed annual ly by the corporations of the state treasurer, amount to $04,822.06 this [#** ? His Salutatory Oration ?' j ^ ?' ? .m ?**> > liy EMNK 6 IU.AKK lo the COllegtAI) |||(. fjiuy ,,f |||h fciad uatiou 1? critical, i,'N i tec iii iiy if iu? iui.n boon prominent in college and much is expected of lit in. The *|tii'Htluii lias beOIJ UmUimI. WllUt heroines of till tilt' VUljWllCtoi iiiiis .' Xhto 1m H Mory of what becumo of u young nmn.who stood next to head in tiia class. hut wbo bade fair to take m wore Iniitoriuut staud in lltr than an.\ difference lo Mr. Ayreg. He was slowly wal king away from the train when be f?l t a pair of arm* with extremely light covering thrown around bis nock, an uplifted fare was thrust Aguinst his, ami he was kissed by a very pretty girl be had never seen before. Discovering tbut she bad made a mistake, she shrank from the man she had kissed, covering her fuce With her hands. The til's t Impression made upon Ay res by this sudden clasping was that It was done for the purpose of robbing him. Involuntarily he put bis hand on the inside pocket of his coat, where he kept bis pocketbook, and it was not there. "Give me my pockotbook," he snld In n no very deferential tone. Theglrl uncovered her face and look ed at htm, the hot blood mounting to her cheeks. "What do yon mean?" she asked In dlgnantly. There was a refinement about her that seemed to preclude the possibility of her being a thief. Resides, her lu dlgnution bore the stamp of being gen uine. Ayres felt again In bis pocket and on looking down on the sleeve of his coat remembered that be had .changed it before leaving his room. Then it occurred to him that he had not changed his pocketbook as well. "I beg your pardon," he said quite meekly. "I have made a mistake as well as you. I Jeft my pocketbook at home." Now,- why in the name of Justice was not this a fair standoff between the two? Each had been mistaken; there fore there was nothing further to do I but for the girl to say, "You are quite excusable," and for the man to say, "Good morning," and, lifting his hat, deferentially pass on. But what must the girl do but shoot fire from her eyes and say: .. . "Q.jVe me your name and address. My brother will qall upon Jpoj?;i to avenge this Insult!" l . "But I have explained. I beg a thou sand pardons!" . "You may beg a million If you like!" "But" "Never mind.- Since yon refuse me your name and address, I shall have to locate you. I can point yon put." And, turning on her, heel, she swept out of the stattpn. " The next day about 10 in the morn ing a military band gathered on the college campus. Positions fq#>the va rious^ classes and alumni were marked. Young men Id caps and gowns began to pour ont of the dormitories, the com mencement procession was formed and marched to the chapel, for the graduate lng exercises. The salutatory oration was delivered by Ayres. His place was second In rank, but the valedic torian was a grind, while Ayres was considered a genius, of whom great things were expected when be got into the battle of life. ? Ayres. being the first man to speak, stepped on the rostrum and made his bow to the audience, most of whom, knowing his caliber, awaited expect antly the power of his eloquence. Mr, Ayres, looking, down on the benches before him, saw sitting In the front fow the girl whom ho had the day ftefore accused of robbing blm and whose brother was to settle with him for the insult. No such .revenge was necessary. The young lady looked up at the salutatorlan at tho critical mo ment of bis life and slew him. The first sentence of Ayres' ofatlOn had been written to arrest the atten tion or the audience. It was a vigorous sentence of two .words. As Ayres spoke it It was like bringing down a feather Instead of a sledgehammer. And tills would apply to Ills whole ora tion. The girl in tho audience sat look ing up at him with a pair of beautiful liquid eyes filled with contempt The most telling utterances she received with a curl of the lip; at those parts which were Intended to express greut feeling she gave him a look of levity. The oration was a failure. When Ayres stepped down from the rostrum he knew that his audience bad been greatly disappointed in him. Ills moth er and sister joined him nnd asked him what in the world had been the matter with him. He put them off. 'if he had told them the trufh he would have sold that a career had been ruined. Ayres never recovered from that fail ure. ? He had Intended to study laW, nnd his classmates bad averred that he would turn out a statesman. He went back to the farm from which he had gone to college and sever left it ?He is now an old man, who has never done any more important work than raising corn and potakw*. ? ?- - , And the girl who slew him? She Is now prominent socially and a leader among women. I. Don't Forget Your Fall Garden You should plant this month. Late Potatpes, Ruta Bagas, Snap Beans, Sugar Corn, Cab bage, Celery, Collards, Cucumbers, Lettuce and Rape. * FRESH SEED ALWAYS IN STOCK, W. ROBIN ZEMP'S DRUG STORE Phone 30. Cw??Un S. C. For Quick Sale 'V; ;? ? ; ' V ?? . ? ? . . . ;> V. '/ ? i ? - - ' We have for sale 46 acres in the town of Lugoff, S. C. Can be bought at a bargain. For Full Information Apply to SHAW & PERRY SEAL ESTATE, RENTS AND INSURANCE WE INSURE ? TtyE NEW MAJESTIC THEATRE How About You? WE WRITE INSURANCE OF EVERY KIND? FIRE OUR SPECIALTY ?! ? ? f 1 1 ? COOPER GRIFFIN COMPANY Real Estate and Insurance CAMDEN, S. C. Camden Undertaking Co. ,C. W. EVANS, Manager FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS City and Country Call* Attended Promptly DAY OR NIGHT ?* It-t? "v. '? - ~1. Office and Show Rooms at 535 DeKalb Street Office Phone 91 Residence Phone 283-L B. R. McCREIGHT _ 1 __ _? - ' Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer ? . ? ; CITY AND COUNTRY CALLS ATTENDED PROMPTLY" " 1 iii 11 TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS Night Phone 114 ~t, Day Phone 86 or 39 C. E. SULLIVAN, Ami. 'fe.j i 8 ?' \ . ' ? ? Ambulance Service