The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, October 02, 1914, Image 6

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MANY WILL LIVE AT HOME Indication* That Farmers Art Heeding Advife of Experts. * * "Wmumhi College. ' tirpc ^.-- iuforiu ' a thai rw*lvwj fruiii mII |t?ru of Hie mUIi* Indh-ate that farmer* are iHithtl' *dM*tie?l|y putting into |?ra ? ? i? <- the thing* (lull l( Vinson College blttf h***n urging IJuMit to do for fid* autumn and ^d|iter Kroin many plaee* com*' let ter* wlitUtjrfo men wU" d?e| ar?f their In i imi ft' ?ii to put large tore* in out* him) ?rh??! More IttUimt than 0M t hftfcro is ln-hitf MbotrO III hog raising. Numer iiUk m)UMU Cor (poultry Information have heen revived. Many announce their Intention to plant home gardens large enough to enable tlicm i?*ully to 'I I v ?* at home" this w toitd! It append* likely that tin- lluro|>ean war, iin many have hojied it would, will teach tin* Southern farmer the fol ly of the one crop aysteuj so forcefully that hi- will adopt wlM-r way*. It ft?' gins now to look uh if Houth Carolina farmers will hot only manage to live ami keep their families, hands ami beast* through tin* winter, hut, by planting oats ami wheat ami mixing hogs. will have some money drojm to brhig tlmm <a*h next spring. Cjemson College is getting out Infor mation as fast mm inifhaniral facilities utl! allow. More than one hundred thoUHami circulars, plain In language and brief, have tn^on printed ami are l*elng sent out. for <|iM( rlhutlon through hanks ami *imlhw agencies. TJiere are several kinds of circulars, each Intend ed to give tin* essential details ahout ??m> thing, ami more are helng prepared. TO <?.\HOLINK I'HKKtt. We. the undersigned gasoline deal ers, hereby agr???? to charge gasoline v to no one except at; a price 'of 25c |s*r gallon. Cash price* r> gallons or more, llie. Ut Ma loneT'earce- Young Hardware Co. Zemp & I>el'u -s W. <>. Hay Hums & Barrett 4 Camden Motor (!o. Champion C'oiton Pickers. ^ Logoff, S. Oct. 1.? The three ehlh dren pf^lr.-It. L, linker, of this section, 4 probably holds the 'word for this coun ty In the number of jsmtids of cotton ph'ked in one day. On Wednesday of this week Miss Beulnh linker gathered '.'i07 pounds.; Master Hiag Maker, 'JJVI pounds; and Miss Iiora Haker. J4r? pounds. MIGHTY HA AG SHOWS Have Urge Number of Young Women Perf ormeri, t Whltfttfrr I|r?. mitthty Hhuk Shown have exhibited. pre*? and public ItHvu M**ii a unit lu pralaiujf Ike oiU^KtiUK' l> I ;? ? v.'. - ihiiiiUt of >< ?u I j If ami band ftm.f Mniiu'ii j?erformer#. Ilevle? of the fair art- r?iiri*iwuU*<l 'ttiiuiiiK Mm* rMerfc*uw?rl? I lata. cuuuulloiitoU) juKtfl'T*. ttlKik wire artists. gymnasta, idey?;ii>.i#, clowua, animal- trainer*, cha^ jprfot ilrivVF* aj?d hi fact even Ittuflf the riliK master*. Ah may natural!) Jx*^ rv|* i od. k.-.-n rivalry exl?t#* lady and gentlemen artist, a fact w hlcli greatly enhance* their | terf or ui a lice* , The lengthy program |-n i nti-l this )fur t ?> Ihtwt nhowx < -? <11 1 a I it only the Ik--n| and im?t A0d<|f]6 feature* tluttl molt ey uiul 1at>or ri?u procure, ami In such ijuuntity ami variety us to satiate every areiilc taste and fancy; lack of prevent* enumeration of all the different iicta, many of which must In* seen to Ik* appreciate*!. There in an extended list, the hist of wtlh'b <)<W not liv any means cud the pleasures wlib li flic Mighty Hang Show* provide patron* Thursday, tK*t. Mb, afternoon ami evening, in <'am dell. .There are *|MirtK of ancient Koine, and modern fete day ra<*?K and context*, then the hi# menagerie form a zoological display without n j?eer in all the world.. Thus it will la* nee 11 I luit there U a royal holiday feaat in store for all who attend. "The Siiia of The Father." In "The l^*o{?ard'K S|*?ts," published tell years ugo? and pronounced univer sally an ejHX'h'iiiakiiig Iwok on the race problem, Mr. Dixon presents the *ub Ject in Its hroad relations, and ooelety. 4 tt 'The Bin* -of- the Father." cui cl ing the same js'riod of Southern his tory. it Is treated in lta more Intimate relations to the home life of the |>eo ple. With the subtle jiower of Islieu the characters are develojied In a drama that ftweei* inevitably to lta terrible climax, while the primness of the story i* relieved J>i\ many scenes of spontaneous, delightful humor. It is not a tract on the race ques tion, hut, in a hig, gripping, ".eoiiipell liiK drama of human Interest the prob lem Ls .symbolized iu vivid picture* that haunt the Imagination. "The Sins of the Father" will lie produced at the Opera House, Wed nesday. Oct. 7th. I'rlcen ii5c to $1.00. Hold Your Cotton AND INSURE IT Let our agency protect you against loss by fire on this cotton you hold. We can Insure it either stored in Camden or held on your farm. For further information along this line see us or write us. Kennedy & Carrison Store Your Cotton AND PREVENT LOSS BY FIRE OR THEFT. BANK ABLE RECEIPTS ISSUED FOR EACH LOT OR BALE. WE CARRY THE INSURANCE. ~ OLD POWER HOUSE PROPERTY, ON DeKALB ST. NEAR SOUTHERN RAILWAY. RATES REASONA BLE. CONSULT US FOR SPACE. Security Warehouse Company (Bonded Cotton Warehouse.) A. J. DICKENSON, MANAGER. | Camden Udy Write* of the War Spirit in Germany. ? * ? r Tlu' l?*l letter rwjelvwl I >y Iter fair/ i I ly from Mi)?? Freddie Hindi. daughter . of flu* late i*. <*. Hu*h, of \<*? York. ' ilu- n<?r?*<l <ari)H>iilrt. hh? ? -i ? ? (np ( 'of ben III llif Httchy All hoi l, licruiuu), Mini wa h written Ju?t after war was ?U rlartil, Mtn? Itiixli h*ft last fall with her aunt. Mrx. Ilakcr, and ilaiiKlikr to visit Mr- Fttlh lili'tllu'liu, who was J so Wf|) known here MIm <ilail>n ll#-'i After a half *uiumer *f**ut in thv llartz iu< am tut ii* they rirturikMl to J "Villa Frl^llitlm" JuM (M?f?r? the tor rll?h* Furojiean upheaval look pl*<-c. Mis* Iiu*h narrate* that the euthu limn In Cfermauy ?a? extreme ami tlu* war spirit abroad In the land ; that <*\?Mi she. a stranger In a strange laml. wan impressed and thrilled an hundreds 1 u|mmi hundred* of maKjdtlceutly equip ped men mart- lied through singing hi loud tone* u* oiu' aiMM tlu* martial songs of their Fatherland. That It ' carried one out of tliemxelve* to the (ilteh of an Intense feeling of |*atn. Mr. Prledheim Iiuh Joined Ills regi ment ami 1* no douht at the frout and the friends of tlu ? voung wife and In fant mniii Lio{k* that the whole t>arty are homewartl Uaind and new > will nest come fr??m thetu In Xew York. ? Their communication ha* lnrn >?. cut off thai im hitter* have rt-a<-hed tbv families. v Did Pecple* Whip lilease? Will ha w ?uler|iriaet : tV 1 1 a veling nian in town last Saturday gave out some news very interesting here to l?eo|tle who actively fwrtldiwlp In South Carolina {silitic*. Tlu* sahl trav eling man told that Attorney General Poejile* w1iI[?|kmI Governor Please last w?*ek in the ojticc of the chief execu tive. The alleged scrilp came about in this ma liner. Teenies was l& the governor's otth-e hrairirlng In a irmithi manner a I tout being the only Hlepslte to land an otlice. The governor was not in u lit humor to 1** jostled on the , sut and he told the attorney gen eral some things. He accused Peoples of carrying water on l)oth shoulders. He said that ' Peeples l>artered ami traded with the enemy ajid "played the traitor to his friends. The governor alno cursed the attorney general. Pee ples could not take the iuslnuatlou*. so he Juiii|hm1 on the governor ami soundly wallop"! him. The paper** dl<l not publish nrr Q('counl of the lnter vlew owing to the prominence of the principals. The drummer said .It was certainly so. He told thia to Henry Collins. t'olliiiH said that since hear ing this lie no longer regrets the elec tion of Pee pies! K. H. Hhaiue. a young bank teller, ti ged 'Si. in the employ of the Bank of Sumter, has been found short in hi# ac counts to the amount of $31,759.01. Kxpresslons ? ?f regret were heard on all sides as Mr. Hhaiue was a capable and efficient young man and well liked. Ills trouble Is looked ii|>on as the re sult of bad business deals more than from any intent to defraud. TAX NOTICE. Office of Treasurer. Kershaw Co., Camden, ft< O., Sept. 15, 1014. Notice is hereby given that the books] will i?e oi*?u for collecting State, Coun ty and School taxes from October 15th, 11)14 to March 1st, 1915. A penalty of I per cent, will l>e added. to all taxes unpaid January 1st, 1015; 2 i*?r cent. February 1st, 1015; and 7 per cent. March 1st. 1015. The rateMpetr centum for Kershaw county is as' follow*-: Mills State taxes 6 County taxes 4% Special taxes Itoad taxes b 2% School taxes ...3 Special School taxes 1 Total ........19 The following school districts havej special levies:. Sptnlal school tax District No. 1 .5 Sjiectal school tax District No. 2... .....4 ?Special school tax District No. 4. ......5 Special school tax District No. t? 4 Sj>eclal school tax District No. 7.. 4 Special school tax District No. S........2 Sj?eotal school tax District No. 0 4 S|>eclal school tax District No. It* 5 Special school tax District No. 11 5 Si>eclal school tax District No.'12 4 Special school tax District No. 13 4 Special school tax District No. 14.v.\...:ft SjHH'lal sch?H?l tax Idsfrtct No. 1.1 .7 3 Special school tux District No. 17 .3 Special school tax District No. 18 4 SjKH'lal school taix District No. 10 4 S|?eclal school tax District No. 21. ...... .2 SiKH-lal school tax District No. 22 4 Special school tax District No. 24 4 Special school tax District No. 2~> 3 Special school tax District No. 2t? 2 SjHM-lal school tax District No. 2t? .2 S|H?clal Hchool tax District No. 27 6 Special school tax District No. 2s 2 Special school tax District No. 20.. .4 Sj>cclal school tax District No. 30......\.2 Sf>eclnl school tax District No. 31 0 Special school tax District No. 32 4 S\?eclal school tax District No. 33 4 S|ieclal school tax District No. 34 4 SlHH'ial school tax District No. 40. 11 S|?oclal school tax District No. 4d 8 sp?>cial school tax District No. 47...- 4 The | Mil I tax Is $1. All able l?odled male i?ersons from the age of twenty-one (21) to sixty (do? years, both Inclusive, except resi dents of the incorporated towns of the county shall pay two dollars ($'2. > as a road tax, except ministers of th<* gosiH'i actually lh charge of a congre gation. teachers employed In.. put>llc| schools. school trustees and j>ers^ns permanently disabled in the military service of this State, and persons who served in Htbe late war between the States, ami all |>ersons actually employ ed In the quarantine service of this State, and all students who may l>e at tending school or college at the time when said road tax shall become due. Persons claiming disabilities must pre sent certificates from two reputable physicians of this county. All information as to taxca will be I furnished upon application. D. M. McCASKILU County Treasurer. ? We Are in The Race (or Lead ' < ; ? , . . '<! ?'* -.V". ' f ' " ' v' - in Cotton Buying Movement There is news from Europe that heartens the cot ton crop. War may end soon. A decisive result seems probable. If peace comes quickly we will be playing on VELVET. It it does't ? and war is mighty uncertain, remem ber ? WE'RE SAFE ANYHOW. ; '' ? " ? ' ' ./? . ,r J. V. ? . " <?-. ' '/w ' ? TF,'. /;?' Nothing but a disaster to the South could stop this "Buy-a-Bale" movement now. LET'S HAMMER AWAY ON THIS "BUY-A BALE" PLAN AS IF WE KNEW THE WAR WAS GOING TO LAST FOR YEARS. THEN WE CAN'T LOOSE. This movement will not pause to watch develop ments in Europe, what it is doing does not depend on the outcome there. IT DEPENDS ON US=?_ - EVERYONE" OF US. ~ The "Buy-a-Bale" movement has spread to all parts of the cotton belt and other regions too. THE INTEREST THAT WANTS CHEAP COTTON ARE UP AGAINST THF. SOLID SELF CONFIDENCE OF THE SOUTH NOW? WE'RE MOBILIZED. Let us have a whirlwind campaign which will bring this county up to a mark that will compare favorably with others, in the Buy-a-Bale-of -Cotton movement. V ? ?????? ^y!;- :?*? -v ^t^-- '?'>?? '?? WE AGREE TO ACCEPT THE NUMBER OF BALES OF COTTON OPPOSITE OUR NAMES AT TEN CENTS PER POUND ON ACCOUNTS DUE " US OR FOR MERCHANDISE OR TRADE. LIMITED ONE ? BALE TO THE CUSTOMER: G. C. Bruce 50 Bale. : - v a *.? -JJji ..?. ? ? W- -y V + .-+T- ' r 'i 50 Bale* W. T. Smith 78 Bale* D. T. Lane ._ S Bale* Watkins Bros. 25 Bale* Camden Shoe Co 50 Bales Camden Furniture Co 25 Bales Lewis & Christmas 10 Bales Hirsch Bros. A. Co. 250 Bales Wolfe-Eichel Co. 50 Bales * * J. G. Cunningham 20 Bales Baruch- Nettles Co 200 Bales L. A. Wittlcowsky r 1 Bale McLeod & Kelly 10 Bales McCaskill Bros 30 Bales Levkoff Bros 100 Bales H, L. Schlosburg (No Limit >....300 Bales W. G. Wilson 10 Bales J. F. Bateman 6 Bales C. C. Whitaker 25 Bales G. T. Little 400 Bales M. L. Gilliam 1 Bale T. J. Arrants 10 Bales Enterprise Mercantile Co ...100 Bales W. R. Zemp 50 Bales E. H. Kerrison, D. D. S 1 Bala Burns & Barrett 50 Bales r. - W. Geisenheimer ..' 20 Bales Mklone-Pearce-Young Co 50 Bales L. J. Whitaker ? 2 Bales Max Mogulescu 50 Bales Rogers 5 and 10c Store 1 Bale A. J. Beattie 100 Bales J. W. Watkins 30 Bales Zemp & DePass .! 60 MORE TO